path: root/2022/organizers-notebook/
blob: 30747a6841318af12336a6cb9bc8dc353769e28a (plain) (tree)























































































































































































































































































































































































































































#+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil num:nil ':t
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#+begin_export md
<!-- is exported from organizers-notebook/, please modify that instead. -->
[[!sidebar content=""]]

This file is automatically exported from [/2022/organizers-notebook/](/2022/organizers-notebook/ You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](

#+TOC: headlines 1

Projects and tasks:

#+TOC: headlines 1 :target #projects

Schedule by status: (gray: waiting, light yellow: processing, yellow: to assign, light green: captioning, green: captioned and ready) - Updated by and the wiki repository


* Working with this file                                           :noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: this
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- [[elisp:(org-babel-ref-resolve "general-setup()")][General setup]] / [[elisp:(prog1 (org-babel-ref-resolve "general-setup()") (org-babel-ref-resolve "i-like-danger()"))][Risky general setup]]
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- [[elisp:(org-babel-execute-buffer)][Execute buffer]] (Risky and unreliable for now)
- [[elisp:(emacsconf-show-my-agenda)][Show my agenda]] - customize emacsconf-org-tag

Importing changes:
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- [[elisp:(magit-pull-from-pushremote nil)][Pull from origin]]

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You can use ~C-c /~ (~org-sparse-tree~) to filter this for TODOs,
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~org-agenda~ with ~<~ for the file restriction may also be handy.

* Cadence
:CUSTOM_ID: cadence
:OWNER:    sachac

| Week ending      | Work                          | Speakers                                        | Volunteers         | Public             |
| [2022-09-30 Fri] |                               | [[#acceptance][acceptance, reply to confirm]]                    |                    |                    |
| [2022-10-09 Sun] |                               | [[#check-sched][schedule, reply if not okay]]                     | [[#volunteer-2022-10-09][overall priorities]] |                    |
| [2022-10-16 Sun] | [[#etherpad][Etherpad]], [[#upload][stream]]              |                                                 | infra update       |                    |
| [2022-10-23 Sun] | [[#upload][file upload]], [[#write-viewing][watch pages]]      | [[#mail-upload][file upload instructions]], backstage             | [[#volunteer-2022-10-23][training]]           |                    |
| [2022-10-30 Sun] | [[#streaming][OBS in the cloud]]              |                                                 | caption kickoff    | [[#announce-program][schedule]], posters? |
| [2022-11-06 Sun] | [[#intro][intro, exit]], [[#dry-run][dry run]], prerecs | [[#ack-prerec][prerec confirmation]]/reminder, [[#approve-captions][caption progress]]  |                    |                    |
| [2022-11-13 Sun] | captions                      | tech check, bio, support links (ex: Liberapay)? | [[#shifts][shifts]]             |                    |
| [2022-11-20 Sun] | captions                      | checkin instructions and schedule updates       |                    |                    |
| [2022-11-27 Sun] | captions                      | last weekend before EmacsConf                   |                    | watching           |

* Overall priorities
:CUSTOM_ID: overall

This table makes it easier to move the slider depending on who wants
to volunteer and how much we can get done. At some point, we'll figure
out how to track our current status so we know what we need to
scramble to do in order to get the conference off the ground. *bold*
is our current goal. Feel free to volunteer for anything that
interests you!

|                        | Good                                | Better                               | Best                                                         |
| [[#intro][intro and exit]]         | *text on screen*                    | per-talk video, recorded voiceover   | Emacs thing so we can display info, countdowns, IRC          |
| [[#conforg][ management]]    | on sachac's laptop                  | S: on              | *DONE S/Z: other people know how to work with it*            |
| [[#prepare-prerec-process][prerec]]                 | convert to webm                     | normalize audio                      | *[[#mastering][DONE Z: reduce noise]]*                       |
| [[#publish-live][talk pages]]             | DONE S: link to stream, pad, IRC    | *S: link to prerec when live*        | embed stream, pad, IRC, prerec                               |
| [[#sched-decision][schedule]]               | one track                           | *DONE S: two tracks*                 | aligned times, full roster                                   |
| [[#upload][upload]]                 | FTP                                 | *DONE S: web-based*                  | auto-encoded, preview (SReview?)                             |
| [[#streaming][streaming]]              | ffmpeg from computer                | OBS                                  | *DONE: OBS in cloud, switchable hosts*                       |
| [[#other-streams][other streams]]          | 480p                                | + Toobnix                            | *S: + YouTube*                                               |
| [[#coordinate-volunteers][volunteer coordination]] | ad-hoc                              | *DONE playbook*                      | training meetings + recordings                               |
| BBB rooms              | about 5 rooms that we cycle through |                                      | *DONE S: one room per speaker*                               |
| host                   | no host, speaker reads pad          | *host reads pad*                     | host monitors IRC and helps with BBB as well                 |
| BBB Q&A                | none                                | *DONE open to community*             | moderated by speaker and host                                |
| [[#write-viewing][watch page]]             | tracks                              | + IRC                                | *DONE S: + talk info*, maybe even current/recent/next        |
| [[#etherpad][pad]]                    | one pad for conf                    | one pad per talk, wikimedia          | *DONE S: one pad per talk, self-hosted* so we can access API |
| [[#irc][IRC]]                    | #emacsconf, -org                    | *DONE #emacsconf, -gen, -dev, -org*  | IRC volunteer copying to pads; maybe even IRC bots           |
| [[#irc-announce][IRC announcements]]      | ERC commands                        | *DONE S: hook-based*                 | timer-based                                                  |
| [[#publishing-sched][sched update]]           | *DONE S: publish at start*          | update main sched                    | update talk pages                                            |
| [[#video-platforms][other platforms]]        | *S: Toobnix & YT after event*       |                                      | S: Toobnix + YT when live                                    |
| schedule view          | text table                          | imagemap fallback                    | *DONE S: interactive SVG*                                    |
| [[#caption-workflow][caption workflow]]       | YT autosubs                         | Whisper autosubs                     | *DONE: Whisper + more granular timestamps*                   |
| [[#wiki-design][wiki]]                   | plain text, markdown                | *DONE S: some JS and CSS enrichment* | more JS and CSS, embeds, videoplayer                         |
| [[#ansible][ansible]]                | none                                | *DONE S: some automation*            | comprehensive, can also work against containers              |

* Projects and other long-running tasks
:CUSTOM_ID: projects

#+TOC: headlines 1 local

Roughly ordered by importance.
** TODO Record intro/outro for day-1 and day-2                       :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: rec-intro

- Opening remarks
  - Schedule overview
  - How to participate
- Closing remarks Sat
  - Thanks
  - Come back tomorrow
- Closing remarks Sun
  - Thanks
** TODO Write speaker update
:CUSTOM_ID: speaker-2022-11-14

To: speakers who have already submitted their talks (so that we don't distract people who are still working on their talks)

- if live
  tech check: ec22-test
- if chapter markers are available, review those
- one-sentence intro to talk
- bio
*** Template
:CUSTOM_ID: speaker-after-video

Hi, ${speakers-short}!

Thank you for uploading your video early! Now that you've gotten that out of the way,
let's get a few more things sorted out for a smooth EmacsConf 2022.

*Tech check*

Since you're planning to do a live Q&A session, you may want to
connect to the test BBB room at ${test-url} to make sure you can share
your audio, your window or screen, and your webcam (optional). Sharing
system audio or multi-monitor setups can sometimes be tricky, so
please let us know if you need help figuring things out. You can
double-check by connecting with a separate device, or you can arrange
to meet with one of the tech-check volunteers


*Chapter markers*

I've added chapter markers to your video in the backstage area
to help with navigation. Please feel free to send me updated chapter
markers if you want.

*Bio, community support links*

People often want to learn more about speakers and show their
appreciation. If you'd like to include an author bio and any social or
support links to your talk page${plural}, please e-mail us the text
that you'd like to include. You can also follow the instructions at
<> to edit your talk page${plural} directly


** TODO Prepare intros for the hosts to read  :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: host-intros
*** TODO Set up Etherpad with the talks and see if we can involve the speakers and captioning volunteers  :sachac:
** TODO Write check-in email  :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: check-in-email
** TODO Plan in-case-of-emergency schedule for dropping back to one track after Saturday morning  :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: one-track
** Satellite events
:CUSTOM_ID: satellite
*** Zurich
**** TODO Link to them on the wiki  :zaeph:
**** TODO announce on the emacsconf-discuss mailing list  :zaeph:
** TODO Draft e-mail to send speakers who may need to do it live
:CUSTOM_ID: live-speakers

** DONE Prepare for prerecs                                          :zaeph: 
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:58] DEADLINE: <2022-11-04 Fri>
:CUSTOM_ID: prepare-prerec-process
*** DONE Optimize ffmpeg incantation
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:58]
Remember to update [[file:../]] with the new incantation.

**** Incantation from last year
#+begin_src sh :eval no
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -aq-mode 2 -an -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 240 -pass 1 -f webm -threads 8 /dev/null &&
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -c:a copy -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -threads 8 "$2"


**** New candidate
- Disable adaptive quantization by setting aq-mode to 0 (TODO: compare samples)
- Add ~-row-mt 1~ needed to support ~tile-rows~ (2×2 is enough for 720p)
- Also use tiles for first pass
- Remove ~-frame-parallel 0~ because it’s disabled by default (see [[][Notes on encoding settings · Kagami/ Wiki]])
- Put number of CPU in variable and use it for ~cpu-used~ and ~threads~
- Stick to default for ~auto-alt-ref~
- Stick to default for ~lag-in-frames~
#+begin_src sh :eval no
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -an -row-mt 1 -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -cpu-used $CPU -g 240 -pass 1 -f webm -threads $CPU /dev/null &&
    ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -c:a copy -row-mt 1 -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -cpu-used $CPU -pass 2 -g 240 -threads $CPU "$2"

Other considerations:
- We might want to tweak the time before keyframes (~-g~).
*** DONE Figure out workflow for handling submitted prerecs
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:54]
We need time after the prerecs get submitted to:
- convert the videos and check that they've been reencoded properly by watching the re-encoded ones all the way to the end
- caption videos
- capture any extra info
- follow up with missing prerecs

Make changes in [[#prerec-process]]
** INPROGRESS Work on the OBS scenes                   :zaeph:corwin:sachac:
DEADLINE: <2022-11-11 Fri>
:CUSTOM_ID: obs-scenes
- [ ] corwin is out from Nov 11-20, and we should start working on them before then.
** DONE Make something to display between talks                  :akshay196:
CLOSED: [2022-11-07 Mon 14:46]
:CREATED:  [2022-10-03 Mon 07:50]
:CUSTOM_ID: intro

- Reassure people that they're in the right stream for the talk that they're looking for
- Direct them to the pad and Q&A for the talk

What to show in between talks:
- Previous talk: title, speaker, pronouns, talk page, Q&A information (if still live)
- Next talk: title, speaker, pronouns, talk page, Q&A information, countdown

- Good: Static image, maybe created with LaTeX
- Better: Video with unobtrusive sound so people can doublecheck that their audio works
- Best: Emacs thing so that we can have a dynamic timer and last-minute announcements, and so that it's Emacs =)
- Even better than that: A compact view that can be overlaid on the Q&A session using OBS
See break commercials

OBS scenes (maybe?):

- splash-screen when we’re on break
- scene when broadcasting a talk (where we might want a logo and a bar or surrounding to broadcast messages like time left in
   recording); and
- Q&A scene with host-webcam, optional speaker-webcam, and pad with questions.
- Q&A scene focusing on shared screen from speaker
- Q&A scene with IRC and pad
Nothing is urgent, blocking it, or being blocked by it, so you can
play around with ideas.

We're experimenting with two tracks this year, so we expect that some
people will join midway through a talk or Q&A session and
would like to reorient themselves. Some Q&A sessions may end
early, so we would like to reassure people that they're in
the right spot for the next talk. Most Q&As will be done
live, but some Q&As will be done over IRC, so we need to
point people to the right place.

and if there's room for a little extra info like public e-mail
addresses or pronouns, that can help people when they discuss
things. That info will be in the pad and IRC, though, so it's
also okay to omit it

We can programmatically replace strings in
SVG from Emacs, so we can easily use that as an overlay.

<zaeph> …Or, if you just want to focus on the look of
things, we can think of the content on our own. 

<sachac> oh yeah, totally, you can just focus on the design and use
placeholder text

Overlay considerations:
- talk videos will likely have subtitles; no subtitles for Q&A
- zaeph doesn't like vertical text
*** DONE Generate talk banners                                     :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-07 Mon 14:46]

** TODO Create protocol for live Q&A                                 :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: live-protocol
- Move smoothly from the talk to live-questions, and have adaptations based on how many questions the talk receives.

- It would be nice to have a protocol with speakers to tell us that they’re uncomfortable with a question, just so that we can find a smooth way to skip it.
** INPROGRESS Find volunteers for tech-checks                        :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: tech-checks
*** DONE Add entry in 2022/
*** INPROGRESS Write protocol for adding tech-checker volunteer
- Invite volunteer to BBB (ask core organizers)
- Update [[]] with new tech-checker info
- Coach tech-checker on the protocol
*** INPROGRESS Write the tech-checking protocol (formerly referred to as “tech-checklist”)
From previous years:
- Can you speak and be heard? Is there echo?
- Can you hear the organizer?
- Can you share your screen? Is the screen readable?
- If you plan to show your keystrokes, is that display visible?
- If you want to share your webcam (optional), can you enable it? Is it visible? Will there likely be distractions in the background?
- Can you view the collaborative pad? Will you be comfortable reviewing questions on your own (perhaps by keeping it open beside your shared window), or will you need a volunteer to relay questions to you?
- Can you share contact information (ex: phone number) so that we can get in touch with you in case of technical issues or scheduling changes?
- Do you need help finding your way around IRC so that you can check into `#emacsconf-org`? What is your IRC nickname?
** DONE Update viewing instructions and watch pages                  :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-10-14 Fri 15:02]
:CUSTOM_ID: write-viewing
Extra stuff to consider adding:
- Suggestions for mpv-filter to invert colourscape.
Also add to watch page

*** DONE Add Q&A distinction to SVG schedule
CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 00:39]
*** TODO Make it easy to get to recent/current/next talk information while watching
Maybe links to the current shift's pads
*** TODO Add pad to sched directive so that it will be linked when the pads are live
*** TODO Update as well
** TODO Prepare to handle talk state changes                        :sachac:publish:
:CUSTOM_ID: publish-live
*** Talk states

- WAITING_FOR_PREREC(p) :: waiting for the speaker to upload. Use this
  to nudge people weekly after the deadline, keeping PREREC_INFO in
  mind for speakers who have told us they'll need extra time.
- TO_PROCESS(a) :: talk has been uploaded. zaeph will rename it,
  process it using ffmpeg/audacity, and then put it in along with any related files.
- TO_AUTOCAP(y) :: sachac will prepare automated captions for easier editing
- TO_ASSIGN(a) :: captioning volunteers can call dibs on this talk by
  e-mailing talk will be listed on
- TO_CAPTION(c) :: captioning is in progress.
  - CAPTIONER property is set to the volunteer.
- TO_STREAM(s) :: talk is captioned and ready to play. Transcript directives are prepared so that the talk can be published with the transcript when it streams.
- PLAYING(m) :: talk is being streamed live; announce in IRC and publish prerec and other resources on talk page
- CLOSED_Q(q) :: host is doing closed Q&A session with speaker; announce Q&A in IRC, friendly BBB page should refresh with waiting message
- OPEN_Q(o) :: host is doing open Q&A session with speaker, friendly BBB page should redirect to BBB; update IRC and Etherpad
- UNSTREAMED_Q(u) :: Q&A session with speaker continues off the stream because another talk has started playing; list on current page
- TO_ARCHIVE :: Q&A session has ended; update talk page and current page. At some point, archive the pad and IRC onto the talk page.
- TO_EXTRACT :: Extract the recording from the Q&A room
- TO_FOLLOW_UP :: Send questions to the speaker for follow-up
- DONE(x) :: all done, yay!
- CANCELLED(!) :: maybe next time

Other things that aren't tracked by todo status:
- CHECK_IN: t :: once the speaker has been checked into the BBB room or IRC

***** TODO Prerec publishing
:CREATED:  [2022-10-20 Thu 08:08]

Move to public directory and create a link from the backstage directory
Update the wiki page
*** TODO Check process for posting prerecs to the talk page and media directory as soon as the talk is live :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: post-prerec
*** DONE Prepare to announce talks on IRC
CLOSED: [2022-10-20 Thu 10:59]
:CUSTOM_ID: irc-announce

emacsconf-erc.el in the emacsconf-el repo

- talks should be announced in their relevant track channel and in the main channel
  - video starting now
  - Q&A starting now & where
- a small announcement might go into the hallway and emacsconf-org
- announcement can include talk page, pad, IRC nick, pronouns
** DONE Move management to          :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 15:27]
:CUSTOM_ID: conforg
so that more people can work with it during the conference
See the publish role in the ansible playbook
** TODO Set up stream events on Toobnix and YouTube                 :sachac:stream:
:CUSTOM_ID: other-streams

so that people on other platforms can come across EmacsConf

  #+begin_src sh :eval no :exports code
     while true; do ffmpeg -loglevel 24 -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -b:v 1M -crf 30 -g 125 -deadline good -threads 4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libmp3lame -f flv $MOUNT; done
** BLOCKED Set up talks on Toobnix and YouTube                      :sachac:yt:toobnix:
:CUSTOM_ID: video-platforms
so that people can find the videos on other video platforms
waiting for prerecs
** TODO Ask speakers for bios or support nudges to include on their talk pages  :wiki:
:CUSTOM_ID: speaker-bio
maybe after we get the prerecs
ex: liberapay, patreon, anyone looking for a job, etc.
** DONE Do a dry run
CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 15:21] SCHEDULED: <2022-11-06 Sun 13:00>
:CUSTOM_ID: dry-run

- bandali will stream from his computer; confirmed can stream to dev
- corwin will probably connect to gen by VNC; confirmed can connect to VNC and click around, need to become more familiar with setup after trip
- sachac will be backup streamer if bandali or corwin are unavailable

- Good: Streamers are set up to broadcast from their own OBS if needed (could be a backup plan, could be the main plan)
- Better: Streamers can connect to the VNC session for their track, manage OBS, start videos (with overlays), and browse the Q&A links
- Best: Streamers can connect via emacsclient in, manage the task status, and have everything working

- Get familiar with the setup
- Consider whether we want to prioritize local OBS (more screen real estate) or stream OBS (easier swapping, can be controlled remotely)
- Consider whether we want mumble to be able to quickly add audio; how do we want to set it up scene-wise?
*** Checklist for later dry run

  1. Streams
     - [ ] General stream
     - [ ] Development stream
     - [ ] 480p streams
  2. Scenes
     - [ ] Intro
     - [ ] Prerec
     - [ ] Q&A: live
     - [ ] Q&A: IRC
     - [ ] Q&A: pad
  3. [ ] IRC channels
     - [ ] Announce
     - [ ] Question handling
     - [ ] Timers
  4. [ ] Watching pages
     - [ ] Before launch
     - [ ] Streaming
     - [ ] Emergency announcement
  5. [ ] Pads
  6. [ ] Wiki
     - [ ] Schedule update
     - [ ] Message on the schedule
     - [ ] Prerec live
  7. [ ] Wind everything down

Later on
- [ ] Toobnix stream
- [ ] YouTube stream
*** Create test

gst-launch-1.0 compositor name=mix sink_1::xpos=1180 sink_1::ypos=470 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink filesrc location=community-title.svg ! rsvgdec ! imagefreeze num_buffers=100 ! mix. videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=400,height=300 ! mix. audiotestsrc freq ! autoaudiosink

gst-launch-1.0 compositor name=mix sink_1::xpos=1200 sink_1::ypos=600 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink \
filesrc location=community-title.svg ! rsvgdec ! imagefreeze num_buffers=100 ! mix. \
filesrc location=background.opus ! oggdemux ! opusdec ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! mix.
videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=400,height=300,framerate=25/1 num_buffers=(25 * (4 * 60 + 5)) ! mix.

gst-launch-1.0 webmmux name=mux ! filesink location=community.webm \
compositor name=mix sink_1::xpos=1200 sink_1::ypos=600 ! videoconvert ! vp8enc ! queue ! mux.video_0 \
filesrc location=community-title.svg ! rsvgdec ! imagefreeze num_buffers=2450 ! mix. \
filesrc location=background.opus ! oggdemux ! opusdec ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! vorbisenc ! queue ! mux.audio_0 \
videotestsrc num_buffers=2450 ! video/x-raw,width=400,height=300,framerate=10/1 ! mix.

1251,/home/sacha/proj/emacsconf/private/assets/titles% find -name community-title.svg -exec inkscape --export-type=png --export-width=1280 --export-height=720 --export-background-opacity=0 {} \;

** TODO [#C] Smoothen captioning workflow                           :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: caption-workflow
It looks like OpenAPI needs a little less editing in terms of
capitalization and punctuation, but it produces longer captions
(likely a 30-second sliding window). I'll try to upload both YT and
OpenAPI captions so that people can decide what they like.
*** DONE Figure out why it's choking on SRV2
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 00:13]
Can I use aeneas for alignment instead?

Reflow the .txt file and reupload to res if needed
call ../ from the directory with the opus or ogg and the txt file

sachac@res-emacsconf:~/current/meetups$ python3 -m emacsconf-2022-meetups--attending-and-organizing-emacs-meetups--bhavin-gandhi--main.opus "task_language=eng|os_task_file_format=json|is_text_type=subtitles" output.json

I might try out lhotse and torchaudio someday, but it's low priority. aeneas seems to do a reasonable job of 
*** TODO [#C] Move publishing the backstage index to res so that we can trigger it after the files are uploaded
:CREATED:  [2022-10-21 Fri 16:45]

*** DONE Compare large, medium, and small models
CLOSED: [2022-10-23 Sun 08:32]
12 threads

Original file: 21:16  21 minutes
|        | Hours | Mult | Notes                 |
| [[][Large]]  |  2:49 |    8 |                       |
| [[][Medium]] |  2:03 |  5.9 |                       |
| [[][Small]]  |  0:40 |    2 | More run-on sentences |

Large and medium might do better on a system with a GPU. I'll default to the small model for now.

*** DONE Commit subed-tsv so that people can try a cleaner output
CLOSED: [2022-10-23 Sun 09:59]
:Effort:   1:00
CLOCK: [2022-10-23 Sun 08:32]--[2022-10-23 Sun 09:59] =>  1:27
*** DONE Investigate more granular timestamps for the output from OpenAPI Whisper
CLOSED: [2022-10-25 Tue 11:14]

*** DONE Upload srv2 from YouTube for word-level
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 23:16]
:CREATED:  [2022-10-22 Sat 14:38]
*** CANCELLED [#C] Compare with Google Cloud Speech API
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:58]

*** DONE E-mail for bringing new captioning volunteers onboard
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:58]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-backstage-intro (volunteer &optional template)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-volunteer)))
   (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "backstage-intro"))
   (assoc-default "EMAIL" volunteer 'string=)
    :backstage ""
    :backstage-user "emacsconf"
    :backstage-password emacsconf-backstage-password
    :conf-name emacsconf-name
    :year emacsconf-year
    :name (assoc-default "NAME_SHORT" volunteer 'string=)
    :email (assoc-default "EMAIL" volunteer 'string=))))
**** Template
:TO:       ${email}
:FUNCTION:  emacsconf-mail-backstage-intro
:EMAIL_ID: backstage-intro
:SUBJECT:  ${conf-name} ${year}: Thanks for volunteering!

Hi ${name}!

Thank you for volunteering for ${conf-name} ${year}!

We've set up ${backstage} as the backstage area where you can view the
videos and resources uploaded so far. You can access it with the
username "${backstage-user}" and the password "${backstage-password}".
Please keep the backstage password and other speakers' talk resources

For some ideas on ways to help, you can check out . You can also suggest other
things you might be interested in.

To ask questions or chat with other volunteers, please e-mail the
mailing list at or drop by #emacsconf on the IRC network.

Sacha Chua

*** DONE E-mail for bringing new captioning volunteers onboard
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:58]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-captioning-intro (volunteer &optional template)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-volunteer)
                     (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "captioning-intro")))
   (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "captioning-intro"))
   (assoc-default "EMAIL" volunteer 'string=)
    :backstage ""
    :backstage-user "emacsconf"
    :backstage-password emacsconf-backstage-password
    :conf-name emacsconf-name
    :year emacsconf-year
    :name (assoc-default "NAME_SHORT" volunteer 'string=)
    :email (assoc-default "EMAIL" volunteer 'string=))))
**** Template
:TO:       ${email}
:FUNCTION:  emacsconf-mail-captioning-intro
:EMAIL_ID: captioning-intro
:SUBJECT:  ${conf-name} ${year}: Thanks for volunteering to help with captions!

Hi ${name}!

Thank you for volunteering to help with the captions for ${conf-name}
${year}! Last year, we were able to get almost all the talks captioned
in time for streaming. Participants found them very useful for
understanding different technical terms, names, accents, and so on.
We'd love to be able to pull that off again this year, and it would be
great to have you on board.${wrap}

We've set up ${backstage} as the backstage area where you can view the
videos and resources uploaded so far. You can access it with the
username "${backstage-user}" and the password "${backstage-password}".
Please keep the backstage password and resources secret. If you see a
talk that you'd like to caption, you can e-mail me at and I can reserve it for you. Then you can correct
any misrecognized words, fix capitalizations, remove filler words as
needed, and so on.${wrap}

You'll probably want to work with either the VTT or the TXT versions
(VTT is WebVTT format and has timestamps), but you can check the other
talk resources in case the speaker has posted scripts or other useful
things. Both VTT and TXT are plain text, so feel free to use your
favourite text or subtitle editor. I've posted a brief demo of how I
edit captions at , and
you can find more captioning tips at
. You can convert it to whatever format you like. If you prefer to
work with plain text, we can figure out the timestamps afterwards.

Let me know if you want to reserve a talk for captioning or if you have
any questions or suggestions. We're also in the #emacsconf-org channel
on the IRC network, which you can connect to with your
favourite IRC client or through the web-based interface at .

Sacha Chua
*** DONE [#C] Support cue IDs in subed-vtt.el
CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 08:58]
*** TODO [#C] jiwer · PyPI - measure error rate
:CREATED:  [2022-10-22 Sat 20:59]

** TODO [#C] Add category tags and possibly links between talks across 2022 and all previous years :quiliro:wiki:
:CUSTOM_ID: link-pages

- Prerequisite: Can edit wiki pages (
- Goal: Make it easier for people to discover interesting related talks

- List of talks for EmacsConf 2022:
- List of talks:
- List of categories:
- To add something to a category, add =\[[!taglink CategoryName]]= to the bottom of its talk page (ex: 2022/talks/ is in CategoryCommunity)
- You can create new categories by making up new CategoryNames.
- You can also link to a talk with a link like this: =\[[/2022/talks/maint|Maintaining the Maintainers: Attribution as an Economic Model for Open Source]]=
  You can make a new heading called =# Related talks=
** TODO Turn off file upload service on  :sachac:infra:
SCHEDULED: <2022-12-14 Wed>
:CUSTOM_ID: upload-off
** TODO [#C] JS/CSS enhancement                                  :emacsconf:
:CREATED:  [2022-10-22 Sat 15:15]
:CUSTOM_ID: watch-css

*** TODO Add start and end attributes to the brief stuff for possible JS/CSS
:CREATED:  [2022-10-20 Thu 22:26]

** TODO [#C] Build up the ansible playbook                     :sachac:opal:
:CUSTOM_ID: ansible


Playbook will be able to reproduce:
- [[#etherpad][Etherpad]]: probably okay to deploy on VPS
- web-based file upload: probably in a docker
- publishing environment for schedule etc.

in prod or docker container

*** TODO restreamers on live0
*** DONE icecast on live0
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:56]
:Effort:   1:00
[2022-10-20 Thu 12:36]

(find-file "/ssh:live|sudo::/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml")
**** DONE Set up watch/gen-480p
CLOSED: [2022-10-29 Sat 09:56]

*** TODO publishing environment
*** DONE Get ansible to run against a clean docker
CLOSED: [2022-10-11 Tue 12:20]
*** DONE Set up Etherpad with MySQL

** INPROGRESS [#C] Plan Etherpad use and hosting            :sachac:ansible:
:CUSTOM_ID: etherpad

- Relevant links:
  - Per-pad, nicely structured info with abstract, watching information, etc. CarpentryCon 2022 Schedule • CarpentryCon 2022
  - One pad per session:,_June_25th
  - [[][Etherpad integration in Jitsi ]]

- Good: One pad per session
- Better: Some kind of monitoring so that we can link to the pads or embed
  the pads even before the conference starts while not risking too
  much vandalism
- Best:
  - Pad can be easily regenerated from Emacs Lisp with a check to see if people have been adding to it
  - Pad links to next talks

Where should we host this?
- live0: gets scaled up the most, lots of people connect to it for the conference, didn't hit performance constraints last time
- front0: lower risk of interfering with stream
- bbb: will already be put on strain with the concurrent streams (test showed it was stable with up to 10 concurrent video streams and 40 total participants)
- opal’s: no news from owner, but beefy server that we used for reencode last  year
- new Linode (probably 4GB or 8GB shared CPU): can easily be spun up, yay Ansible
[[#ansible][Ansible notes]]

Consider if we need extra scaling beyond being on a beefy live0?
- Scale calculator:
  - assuming 3 concurrent authors, 100 lurkers per pad, 3 concurrent pads
  - 1 core, 4GB RAM, bandwidth Mb/s: 7.488

Will need to try this again when we resize nodes. Probably just the extra memory will be enough and the CPU use from node won't step on the streaming, but not sure

*** DONE Use the API to create pages based on all the slugs
CLOSED: [2022-10-11 Tue 20:41]
*** CANCELLED Figure out monitoring; maybe get everything daily and commit to git repo?
CLOSED: [2022-10-12 Wed 20:31]
History or regeneration will be fine. We'll probably link to it shortly before the event, and we can also turn off the service until we're ready.
*** DONE Generate talk-specific pad content
CLOSED: [2022-10-12 Wed 20:31]
*** DONE Set up nginx reverse proxy
CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 12:19]
*** DONE Load-test
CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 12:32]

tl;dr: Either a separate 4GB Linode or being on live0 will probably be
okay, but I'm not 100% sure due to the limitations of my load-testing
setup. I don't know if we need to shard by pad.

It looks like etherpad-load-test tends to max out at ~40 connections
on a specific node. I used GNU Parallel to run the loadtesting tool
against a 4GB Linode instance (shared CPU) from five nodes at the same
time (my X220, my 2GB Linode instance, front0, and the node with the
pad), and they all reached about 35-45 clients before failure (not
updating within 100ms).

#+begin_src sh :eval no
echo 'node node_modules/etherpad-load-test/app.js -d 120 > ~/output.txt' | parallel -J loadtest -j 1 --onall --verbose --tag

#+begin_src sh :eval no :results output replace
echo 'grep Local ~/output.txt | tail -1' | parallel -J loadtest -j 1 --onall --tag

:	Local Clients Connected: 43
front	Local Clients Connected: 43
live	Local Clients Connected: 44
root@	Local Clients Connected: 38
web	Local Clients Connected: 42

Files were created at roughly the same time, so the max loads probably
overlapped. It would be good to have finer control over the
etherpad-load-test tool. Haven't figured out how to properly use ~-l~
and ~-a~ yet.

#+begin_src sh :eval no :results output replace
echo 'stat -c %y ~/output.txt' | parallel -J loadtest -j 1 --onall --tag

:	2022-10-13 12:42:32.212744774 -0400
front	2022-10-13 16:42:34.466605650 +0000
live	2022-10-13 16:38:46.818016379 +0000
root@	2022-10-13 16:39:01.738965567 +0000
web	2022-10-13 12:39:14.417086960 -0400

CPU graph went only up to 5%. Network max was 2.36 Mb/s in, 1.25 Mb/s out.
looking at top, CPU seems to go only up to about 12% or so.
*** DONE Set up to point to :bandali:
CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 00:31] DEADLINE: <2022-11-12 Sat>
*** DONE Set up letsencrypt
CLOSED: [2022-10-16 Sun 14:42]
Waiting for DNS
add to /etc/dehydrated/domains.txt
sudo sh -x /etc/cron.daily/renew-https-cert-local
*** TODO Link to pad from talk page
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-15 Tue>
*** DONE Add links to general conference pad
CLOSED: [2022-10-19 Wed 09:22]
for collecting feedback
*** TODO Prototype shift pads for easier scrolling
if we can get the anchor plugin
*** DONE Be able to fall back to wikimedia if necessary, maybe with nginx redirects
CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 13:55]
*** DONE Export pad initial content HTML to make it easier to reimport into wikimedia or elsewhere
CLOSED: [2022-10-13 Thu 13:46]
** TODO Set up BBB rooms and update                        :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: create-bbb

1. Log on to as an admin.
2. Create a room. Enable *Mute users when they join*.

   The code below doesn't quite work, but might be a good starting point for future automation.
   #+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
(setq list (seq-drop (emacsconf-bbb-room-title-list) 3)) ; skip some if needed
  (setq name (pop list))
  (kill-new (format "name=\"%s\";$('#create-room-block').click();$('#create-room-name').val(name);$('#room_mute_on_join').click();$('.create-room-button').click();\n"
  (sleep-for 1)
  (shell-command "xdotool key alt+Tab sleep 3 key ctrl+v sleep 1 key Return"))

console.log(JSON.stringify([...document.querySelectorAll('.delete-room')].map((o) => { return { name: o.getAttribute('data-name'), path: o.getAttribute('data-path') }}).filter((o) =>^ec22/))))

see for the rest of the process
*** DONE Add volunteers to the BBB rooms
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 09:48] DEADLINE: <2022-11-18 Fri>

- vetrivln: sat-am-dev, sun-am-dev
- FlowyCoder: sat-pm-gen, sun-pm-gen
- jman: sun-pm-gen

** INPROGRESS Coordinate and help volunteers                        :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: coordinate-volunteers

- [[../volunteer]]
- Figure out what information volunteers need in order to feel
  comfortable signing up for tasks. ex:
- Encourage people to sign up for [[#shifts]]

*** TODO Plan training session(s), Q&A availability, recordings
*** BLOCKED Hold Q&A session with volunteers
:CUSTOM_ID: schedule-volunteer-qna
** DONE Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud       :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 18:16] DEADLINE: <2022-11-20 Sun>
:CUSTOM_ID: streaming

Current status:

- seems to be able to handle 2x (OBS + TigerVNC + MPV, should test with Firefox as well)
- corwin and jman will stream gen from OBS on res
- bandali will stream dev from his laptop
- let sachac know if you want manual control or more autopilot for the gen stream

- [X] Be able to start a VNC server with OBS, MPV, and Firefox, connect to it, and stream
- [X] Have another session with the sound isolated
- [-] Split the audio so that we can join the Q&A room before the MPV ends - handled by automatic scene switcher detecting mpv, but we can't share just a window, so we might as well just wait
- [X] Control MPV from the commandline: track-mpv appears in the correct display, and it can also be controlled via the socket like this: echo '{ "command": ["loadfile", "test2.webm"] }' | socat - ~/mpv-socket-emacsconf-dev 
- [ ] Share the window instead of the desktop?


- You need to be able to SSH out to on port 46668
  and forward ports, so one of the main organizers needs to add your
  SSH public key to the authorized_keys file. Please e-mail your SSH
  public key to and test that port 46668 is not
- For streaming from OBS in VNC, you will need a VNC viewer like
- For streaming from your local computer, you will need OBS and FFmpeg.

During the conference, you will:

- play the talk video (unless it's automatically managed by the agenda) and update the overlays
- display intro/intermission information as needed
- open the Q&A windows, like the pad and the BBB room/IRC (unless it's automatically managed by the agenda)
- adjust the volume if needed
- arrange windows and focus the BBB room on the speaker's webcam if needed
- if you like, you can be responsible for managing the track from on

Dry run checklist:

- [ ] Connect to the server
      ssh -p 46668
      emacsconf   # runs emacsclient -c -a emacs
- [ ] Forward ports and connect via VNC
- [ ] Find the OBS or start it if it is not running
- [ ] Start recording
- [ ] Play a video 
- [ ] Open two Firefox windows and arrange them
- [ ] Manage windows on the workspace
- [ ] Adjust the volume in OBS
- [ ] SSH to the server and play a video off-screen
- [ ] SSH to the server with X forwarding and adjust the volume off-screen

  add kitty-terminfo
*** Broadcasting from local OBS (option A)
  - You can copy the profile from your track or look inside it for the icecast mount point details:
    - Gen: rsync -avze 'ssh -p 46668' ~/.config/obs-studio/basic/profiles/
    - Dev: rsync -avze 'ssh -p 46668' ~/.config/obs-studio/basic/profiles/
  - Sacha will turn off the OBS recordings on res so that you can test streaming from your computer
    - If you're doing this independently, you can jump ahead to "Connecting to VNC" in order to stop the recording yourself

  - Verify with MPV:
  - With luck, the 480p streams will be up automatically as well
*** Connecting to VNC (option B)
  1. Stop broadcasting locally if you were testing local OBS.
  2. Install a VNC viewer on your system (ex: tigervnc-viewer).
  3. Set up your local environment:
     - gen: export TRACK=gen; export TRACK_PORT=5905; export SSH_PORT=46668
     - dev: export TRACK=dev; export TRACK_PORT=5906; export SSH_PORT=46668
  4. Copy the password:

     scp emacsconf-$ vnc-passwd-$TRACK -p $SSH_PORT
  5. Forward your local ports and connect via VNC viewer to the
     appropriate forwarded port from your laptop:

     ssh emacsconf-$ -N -L $TRACK_PORT:$TRACK_PORT -p $SSH_PORT &
     sleep 5   # Give it time to establish the tunnels
     xvncviewer$TRACK_PORT -shared -geometry 1280x720 -passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK &
     (If this doesn't find a VNC server to connect to, you can start it with ~ssh emacsconf-$ -p $SSH_PORT /home/emacsconf-$TRACK/bin/track-vnc~)

  6. Start *recording* (not streaming). If you don't see OBS when you connect, it's probably on workspace 2, so you can switch with Alt-2. If you still don't see it there, you can open a terminal with Alt-Enter and then run ~track-obs~. After you start recording, confirm that it is now broadcasting to the stream.

  7. Verify with MPV on your local system:
     mpv$TRACK.webm &
  8. With luck, the 480p streams will be up automatically as well. On your local system:
     mpv$TRACK-480p.webm &

  9. Play a video. It should display the video and update the overlays. If you need to update the overlays manually, you can copy files from ~/data/emacsconf/overlays~ onto ~$HOME/other.png~ and ~$HOME/video.png~.

     You can play a video with ~play video-id~ (ex: ~play meetups~), or you can specify the filename (ex: ~play ~/stream/emacsconf-2022-meetups*.webm).

     termit: Ctrl-Shift-t makes a new tab
     i3 cheat sheet:
      - Alt-Enter creates a terminal
      - Alt-d runs a command
      - Alt-e toggles horizontal/vertical split
      - Alt-f toggles full-screen
      - Alt-w switches to tabbed view
      - Alt-1 switches to workspace 1, Alt-2 switches to workspace 2
      - Alt-Shift-2 moves things to workspace 2
      - Alt-Shift-Left moves the current window to the left
      - Alt-Shift-Right moves the current window to the right

  10. Test Q&A. You can either wait for the video to finish or quit it with "q".
      You can paste in the URLs or use
      ~firefox /data/emacsconf/2022/index-$TRACK.html~

  11. Test adjusting the audio

      - ~ssh emacsconf-$ -p 46668~
      - Then use ~qa-louder~, ~qa-quieter~, or ~qa-vol vol%~ (ex: ~qa-vol 90%~)
  Other notes and tips:
  - You can use Emacs for emergency or ad-hoc announcements.
  - Use OBS or ~pavucontrol~ to adjust the volume of BBB as needed. You might be able to manage ~pavucontrol~ off-screen with ~ssh emacsconf-$ -X -p $SSH_PORT pavucontrol~.
  - You can also ~ssh emacsconf-$ -p 46668~ and start new processes from the command-line, such as using ~track-mpv~. If you specify commands when you call SSH instead of using an interactive shell, you may need to also specify DISPLAY=:5 (for the gen track) or DISPLAY=:6 (for the dev track), since ssh won't pick up the variables from  ~.bashrc~.
*** Managing the stream from the agenda (option B2)

ssh -p $SSH_PORT
emacsconf     # runs emacsclient -c -a emacs

You can then use

- emacsconf-stream-play-video
- emacsconf-stream-open-qa-windows-on-change
- emacsconf-agenda-by-track
- emacsconf-agenda

If things are going well, you can use C-c C-t on the agenda view to change a talk to PLAYING, CLOSED_Q, or OPEN_Q, and various things should happen in the background. If they don't happen in the background, use emacsconf-add-org-after-todo-state-change-hook to add the todo state change hook, then try again.

Task state shortcuts for C-c C-t:

- m (mpv) :: PLAYING - -stream-play-video, emacsconf-stream-set-talk-info, publish the files to the media directory
- q (Q&A) :: CLOSED_Q
- o (open) :: update the BBB redirect URLs to let people into the room
- u (unstreamed)
- r (to archive)

You can leave the emacsclient with ~C-x 5 0~

**** Do Q&A

From the emacsclient on, you can open various talk-related things:
- emacsconf-stream-open-pad 
- emacsconf-stream-join-qa 
- emacsconf-stream-join-chat

Alternatively, you can switch to the VNC viewer and use the links in
file:///data/emacsconf/2022/index-gen.html or
file:///data/emacsconf/2022/index-dev.html .

For Q&A, you may want to have the Etherpad on the left, the BBB Q&A or
IRC chat on the right, and the terminal and OBS windows on
workspace 2.

*** Other tasks as needed

**** Display emergency news / announcements

M-x emacsconf-stream-broadcast  to send a message to both streams
or M-x emacsconf-stream-set-news to send a message to one stream.

If that doesn't work, edit the news file directly with:
~ssh emacsconf-$ > ~/news.txt~

If that doesn't work, use the VNC session to switch to an Emacs window
and type your message in.

**** Kill the VNC server:

ssh emacsconf-$ "vncserver -kill"

| ~/bin/track-obs | start OBS with the track's profile and scene collection |
| ~/bin/track-mpv file.webm | play the file using the track's sink                    |

**** Making OBS scenes

Making OBS scenes is pretty straightforward as you can move the
different blocks on your scene in the preview window.  However, it’s
important to make sure that your video-captures and your overlays are
snapping properly to the edges of the view-port.  To do this, make sure
to right-click on the block inside the preview window, and try the
different fitting options (fit by width, height, etc.) until you find
one that works best.

We’ll probably be streaming at 720p, but since we’re also considering
a 1080p update, try to create your overlays in a format or a resolution
that would support resizing.

*** Other notes
There are sockets in the home directory for MPV control if you want to keep that process.
echo '{ "command": ["loadfile", "test2.webm"] }' | socat - ~/mpv-socket-emacsconf-dev 
*** TODO Test and document command-line way of managing audio  :sachac:
DEADLINE: <2022-11-20 Sun>

*** DONE Move my setup to res so that we can control everything from there
CLOSED: [2022-11-03 Thu 14:10]
*** DONE Set timers for changing todo state
CLOSED: [2022-11-13 Sun 11:13]

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
  (defun emacsconf-schedule-test-buffer (info)
    (mapcar (lambda (o) (plist-put o :buffer "1") o) info))
  (let ((emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-test-buffer)))
  (emacsconf-stream-schedule-timers (emacsconf-schedule-prepare
    `(("Test gen" :start ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
					  (time-add (current-time) (seconds-to-time 60))))
      (journalism :time "1")
      (school :time "2")
      (handwritten :time "1")
      ("Test dev" :start ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
					  (time-add (current-time) (seconds-to-time 60))))
      (treesitter :time "2")
      (lspbridge :time "1")
      (asmblox :time "1"))))))

the dev one worked, but the gen one gets
Couldn’t find local shell prompt for /bin/sh
Tramp: Opening connection *Async Shell Command* for using ssh...failed

Maybe I need to stagger them, or maybe I need to use a shell command.
Changed to call ssh directly instead of using tramp.

*** DONE Figure out how to work with the layout
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 12:32]
*** DONE Allow per-track configuration of todo hooks               :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 12:49]
*** CANCELLED [#C] Use xdotool to automate joining BBB in Firefox (signing in, clicking on listen only)
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 12:32]
*** CANCELLED [#C] Experiment with sharing part of the screen so that there's space for us to work a little off-screen
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 12:32]

We might just have to rely on xdotool to move windows the way we want them
Window fixes that didn't work
*** DONE Set up scenes and try them
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 21:54]
*** DONE Set up text source for URL
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 21:54]
*** DONE Create Ansible tasks for setting up sinks for MPV and Firefox for the streams, and adding the scenes appropriately
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 21:54]
*** DONE See if I can even Ansible-up the rest of the tasks
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 21:54]
like starting up Firefox and mpv and everything
*** TODO obs-websocket control of OBS on the server
so that the streamer can adjust volume offscreen?
*** TODO document such that someone else could use/fix it         
*** Other notes
- bandali doesn't have much cognitive bandwidth at the moment, so we can keep things simple with OBS on laptops

- Issue: zaeph was dropping frames and couldn’t pay attention to as many things as he wanted
- Issue: corwin needs assistance to not be locked in his chair for the whole conf.  Premptively, zaeph can do it by broadcasting OBS scenes via the rtmp (instead of just his webcam).
- With a long day, we may want to be able to schedule hosts/streamers/publishers in shifts
- Ideal: Easy reproducible setup to spin up an OBS VM with scenes set up, allowing multiple users to connect to it at the same time. Maybe x2go or vnc? VMs with 8 vCPUs and a vGPU cost more, so it would be good to figure out what's needed, spin it down, and then spin it up maybe the day before or something like that.
- Plus points if we can control the OBS via password-protected websocket so we can tell it to switch scenes (and even more points if we do so from Emacs, maybe via that obs-websocket.el ;) ). MPV is also controllable via IPC, so we can use the same MPV player and then switch videos around. Maybe mpvc?
- Probably Linode's Dedicated 32 GB + RTX6000 GPU x1 at $1.50 an hour for 2-3 days + dev time, since is in Linode as well
- We should also look into normalization across the board, especially if we have BBB participants.  pipewire + easyeffects on the box might be the easiest way to do it.

- Live Streaming using low configuration vps
- [[][OBS Studio 26.0 | Hacker News]]
*** TODO recruit at least one more person to help operate the "video bouncer"
** TODO Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage
DEADLINE: <2022-11-18 Fri>
:CUSTOM_ID: mumble

*** TODO E-mail volunteers and help them get on Mumble            :bandali:
- [ ] FlowyCoder
- [ ] jman
- [ ] vetrivln
*** TODO Update the Mumble setup                                  :bandali:
- [ ] Add emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev channels
- [ ] Give the emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev users access to them
- [ ] Give the other organizers access to emacsconf-gen, emacsconf-dev, and org-private

*** DONE Generate certificates, add them to, and register the users  :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 11:33]
** Volunteer update
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-11-14

- talk banners, akshay
** TODO Make a linear hyperlist for managing EmacsConf              :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: hyperlist

- Volunteers should be able to coordinate everything by stepping through a linear list of things to do
- The hyperlist will primarily live on and be accessed through emacsclient. (Maybe and
- Volunteers should be able to take breaks as needed

- 9:05 Journalism
  - [ ] Check ${name} into _BBB room_
  - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
  - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]
- 9:40 Handwritten
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
  - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]

See and in the conf private repo

Try them in an Etherpad

[[#coordination][How do we want to coordinate during the conference itself?]]
*** TODO Try writing it to an Etherpad
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-19 Sat>

* Projects to bear in mind but which are not actual
:CUSTOM_ID: maybe-projects

** STANDBY Find a way to accommodate a specific return-speaker
We’re not sure if we’re going to get a presentation or a prerec for them
this year, but we need to keep this at the back of our minds.

Note on how DebConf handled incidents:

* Things to figure out / decisions to make
:CUSTOM_ID: decisions

#+TOC: headlines 1 local
** How do we want to coordinate during the conference itself?
:CUSTOM_ID: coordination

- Considerations:
  - Good to have something that the hosts and streamers can walk through step by step
  - Do we want the check-in volunteer to also keep something
  - Announcing and publishing are easier if the task states are updated

- Mumble for walkie-talkie communications?
  - Can we keep it off the stream more reliably, but still be able to choose to put it on the stream?
    - We can keep it in the combined sink and then manually go to that
      channel in our clients when we want to talk on stream
  - Should we have a Gen channel and a Dev channel so that we can choose to speak into ?
- Checklist
  - Etherpad
    - All the volunteers can access it easily
    - Tasks can be updated through SSH commands
    - Run Emacs commands directly from it
    - A little trickier in terms of access      
** How do we want to make the full schedule more manageable?
:CUSTOM_ID: sched-decision

Host role:
- Give the speaker a heads-up before their Q&A session begins
- If needed, read the questions from the pad to the speaker (Many speakers are comfortable reading the pad on their own.)
- Give the speaker time warnings before the end of their Q&A session on the stream. Interested participants can continue
Streamer role:
- Switch between playing the prerec and joining the Q&A session
- Adjust audio volume at the beginning of the Q&A session
- (optional) Switch scene layouts to focus on different things

Shifts will be Sat AM, Sat PM, Sun AM, or Sun PM per track. People can take multiple shifts.

- Figure out how hosting can be done in shifts
  - Add notes in one place
- Figure out how streaming can be done in shifts: OBS in the cloud?
  - [[*Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud][Investigate streaming options, maybe OBS in the cloud]]
- Figure out how publishing can be done in shifts
  - Console Emacs in a VM with everything set up for publishing to the wiki

[2022-10-04 Tue]
- Added option H: general starts with general Org use cases and moves on to more niche things on day 2.
  - compared to A, general audience will be more interested in Org use
    cases than in Hyperbole, and then we can look at specific
    techniques on day 2
[2022-10-04 Tue]
- Discussed option G with zaeph on #emacsconf-org. zaeph prefers
  option A over option G because it gives people more choices -
  they can hop from talk to talk.
[2022-10-03 Mon]
- Discussed with bandali and zaeph on #emacsconf-org
- Decided on Option A with B, C, or F as fallbacks depending on volunteer roster
- Better for the viewers and the volunteers

** How much do we want to enrich the wiki with JS?
:CUSTOM_ID: wiki-design
Ideas to consider:
- Toggling local time display on the schedule
- Making organizers-notebook nicer to browse through (or maybe use organice?)
- Improve the video player (resolution switching? chapter markers?) - for video?

*** BLOCKED ?: Figure out JS and CSS niceties that will make organizers-notebook more enjoyable to browse through :css:js:

- TODO/DONE/etc. keyword highlighting?
- Collapsible sections?
*** BLOCKED ?: Find a way to add JS libraries to the wiki but shield them from anon editing :js:
gitolite should have some options to do this
*** BLOCKED ?: Beautify video players                              :js:css:
Might not be necessary.
** What ideas do we want to borrow from other conferences?
:CUSTOM_ID: other-confs

- FOSDEM had a conference track
- DebConf
  - Thorough documentation at
  - Ansible: ,
  - SReview for cutting videos?
  - Pentabarf
  - Schedule shows local time and DebConf time:    
- LibrePlanet
  - libreadventure, minetest?

 - : 4-person team, post-prod, break commercials
** [#C] Do we want to make the ikiwiki web-editable?
Pain points:
- Speakers usually ended up going through us

- Web-editable:
  - Speakers and general public will be able to edit it more easily
- Git: (current)
  - Haven't had a problem with spam
  - Reduces merge conflict potential

** How do we want to make better use of Etherpad?
:CUSTOM_ID: pad-decision
Pain points:
- Lots of scrolling for speakers
- Takes some effort to move questions from IRC to the pad
*** How many pads do we want?
- One pad for everything
  - Scroll down, down, down
  - Easy to set up at the beginning
  - Inertia
- One pad per set of talks (Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Sunday AM, Sunday PM)
  - Less scrolling
- One pad per talk, plus one meta pad
  - Very little scrolling
  - Can send people directly to the pad
*** Do we want to host our own?
- Use
  - Worked fine last year
- Host our own
  - Might be able to use API to append questions to it, if we want to get super fancy
*** Do we want to embed the pad as an iframe on the watch page? on talk pages?
This guides people to use the pad for discussion/questions instead of IRC


- Current: None, just a link
- Big pad on the watch page:
- Individual pads:
  - Watch page needs to be updated with current pad and link to previous pad
  - Individual talk page can embed the iframe
- Embed the IRC channel instead
** Can we nudge people to ask IRC questions in a way that will make it easier for us to follow them?
:CUSTOM_ID: irc-markers

Two tracks mean two IRC channels with lots of space for Q&A, so this may become less of an issue

Pain points:

- Q&A/discussions often overlap with the next talks
- Sometimes questions don't get copied to the pad
- Fast discussions can get overwhelming

- Announce pad link at the beginning of the talk and at the start of
  live Q&A, encourage most people to ask questions there
- Encourage people to start questions with Q:
  - A little extra work, but not as much as including the slug
  - Easier to pick out when people search
  - Volunteers can restate questions easily if people forget the Q:
- Encourage people to start questions with Q-slug: (ex: Q-news: question about Emacs News Highlights, Q-journalism: ...)
  - Easier to pick out questions even with overlapping Q&A/talks
- Use two or three IRC channels so that talks can rotate among channels
  - Easier to pick out questions even with overlapping Q&A/talks
  - Needs logging and more organizer attention
- Maybe a volunteer can have an ERC command that copies a question into a buffer, or even into the Etherpad
** How many BBB rooms do we want to set up?
:CUSTOM_ID: bbb-rooms

- One per talk
  - We can send speakers a direct link to their room and they can check into it themselves
  - Needs a little more work when setting up rooms and when extracting videos
  - Easier for the host to join
  - Check-in person can just keep an ear open in that room
- Five or so, rotating among them
  - Check-in person directs the speaker to the next available room
  - Worked fine last time
** How easy do we want to make it to join the BBB session?
:CUSTOM_ID: bbb-join
- It's easier for the checkin person to deal with only the speaker
- We may not want people to join the Q&A session at the beginning
- We want to make it easy for people to join the Q&A session eventually


- PROBABLY EASIEST: Set it to anyone can join, but the meeting needs to be started by a
  moderator. Start the meeting on the day of the talk. Announce the
  BBB URL in the pad, IRC channel, and on the talk page when the host
  is ready. Maybe add a rewrite rule when the host is ready.
- Set an access code. Announce the access code when the host is ready.
  - Access codes are annoying to copy and paste.
  - Access codes might get accidentally unset or regenerated.
- Set room so that moderators have to approve waiting users.
  - Check-in has to watch out for waiting speaker.
  - Host sets it to accept everyone who's waiting when the host is ready.
  - Changing it to turn the option off doesn't seem to affect an
    ongoing meeting, even though the web interface says you should be
    able to change the setting any time.
  - Waiting users don't make the user notification go ding.

Change talk status to OPEN_Q or UNSTREAMED_Q, and change to TO_ARCHIVE when done.
M-x emacsconf-publish-bbb-redirect to update the redirect for a single talk
M-x emacsconf-publish-bbb-redirect-all updates all the redirects
*** TODO Add nginx redirect from
** DONE How do we want to name the BBB rooms?
CLOSED: [2022-10-19 Wed 11:08]
:CUSTOM_ID: bbb-name

Needs to be easy to:
- share all the BBB rooms for a particular shift with the check-in volunteer
- start the BBB rooms for the morning
- match up the recordings with the talks afterwards
- find the BBB room for a talk or speaker
- remove all the BBB rooms for the year
ec22-sat-am-dev Speaker Name (slugs)

** Do we want people to advertise any openings with their companies or any work that they're looking for?
:CUSTOM_ID: advertising

- Speakers on their page?
- General audience on a wiki page somewhere?
** Decision archive
:CUSTOM_ID: decision-archive
*** Where should volunteers e-mail?
- Note taken on [2022-09-23 Fri 11:26] \\
  Discussed in #emacsconf-org

- *Default to emacsconf-org and offer emacsconf-org-private as an option*
- emacsconf-org-private
  - less public, e.g. if for whatever reason we might have to decline an offer of help
  - Also, some people want to volunteer but do not want to be in the public’s eye.
- emacsconf-org
  - If you’re thinking about the enticement factor of having people
    volunteer publicly, we’ll still have a well-furnished list of people
    helping us run the conf somewhere on the wiki.  [11:22]
  - i would think if someone doesn't want to do it publicly, they could
    opt to write to -org-private instead, but otherwise the defacto
    should be public (-org)
  - i just think most folks would want to do this publicly unless for
    specific reasons, rather than the other way around
*** CANCELLED Do we want to do alt-stream the same way again this year?

Superseded by decision to have multiple tracks

- Alt stream joins the current session and then continues with it until the Q&A finishes; people join the BBB room if they want to ask questions
  - Nice and convivial, Q&A still gets captured
  - Inertia means most people get the main message
- Multiple streams with more space between talks, people choose which stream they want to watch
  - How other conferences do it
  - Speakers can attend related talks more easily
*** DONE Shall we put a generic e-mail address for sending feedback, maybe with different mailtos?
CLOSED: [2022-10-07 Fri 14:45]
Pain points:
- Many talk pages don't have public e-mail addresses, so it takes a
  little extra work (or is sometimes impossible) for people to follow
  up if they have questions

- Do nothing (current)
- Add a mailto link to emacsconf-discuss that prepopulates the subject
- Add a mailto link to emacsconf-org
  - Wider discussion
- *Add a mailto to emacsconf-org-private*
  - Private feedback that can be forwarded to the speaker  

* Roles needed
:CUSTOM_ID: roles
Each role comprises different responsibilities.  A person may have multiple roles.  An organizer might take the lead for a role, but if you want to volunteer, speak up and they'll probably be glad to share the load.

Some roles are also described on the page. If you want to encourage people to volunteer to help, add a role description there.
** During the proposal stage

The roles below are related to the proposals in the early stages of the preparation.

- Scheduler (SCHED: sachac)
  - Process talks as they come and find the best place for them in the timeline
  - Keep track of availability and thematic constraints and find solutions that accommodate most
- Reviewer
  - Review the proposals sent to emacsconf-submit before the speaker-notification deadline
  - Raise flags if there are problems with a proposal (e.g. too much content for the short format)
- Listener
  - Receive emails from emacsconf-submit
  - Ensure that candidates are sticking to the prescribed format (esp. the 10/20/40 duration rule)
  - Respond to people's requests and suggestions, pulling in other people to help as needed
- Publisher (PUB: sachac)
  - Set up the wiki page
- Infrastructure
  - Figure out streaming options
  - Set up file upload system that speakers will use
  - Plan other systems that people will use
** When speakers have submitted their pre-recorded videos

- Copy to backstage as --original.webm and --main.webm using M-x emacsconf-upload-copy-from-json
- Copy to res /data/emacsconf/2022
- Start /data/emacsconf/2022/ if it's not already running
- Use ~zaeph/scripts/ on the file as well

- Video processor (zaeph)
  - Standardize and compress uploaded videos
- Caption lead (sachac)
  - Prepare videos and starting captions for captioning volunteers
- Captioner
  - Edit automatically-generated captions to correct misrecognized words
  - Nice to have: Break up the captions in better places so that subtitles are neither too long nor too short
  - Perk: Get access to prerecorded videos
- Quality checker
  - Doublecheck videos for potential encoding issues or compression artifacts that get in the way of viewing
  - Doublecheck captions
- Tech checker
  - Help speakers check that their system works well with BBB for live Q&A

** During the conference
- Streamer (STREAM)
  - Download prerecorded videos
  - Send the combined stream to Icecast for broadcasting
- Director (DIR: corwin) - possibly same as streamer
  - Switch scenes, manage audio volumes as needed
  - Provide timekeeping information to host (especially go-live countdowns)
- Host (HOST: zaeph)
  - Introduce talks and speakers
  - Read questions
  - Give time warnings
  - Thank speakers and transition to next talk
- Timekeeper - possibly same as host
  - Manage time based on all available information (prerecs durations, speakers not showing up, etc.)
- Check in (CHECK)
  - Notice speakers checking into IRC
  - Get them into the correct room and help them doublecheck their audio and video quality
  - Troubleshoot as needed
  - Notify host about next room to join
  - Follow up with speakers who haven't checked in yet
  - Check on speakers periodically so that they're not waiting alone
- Questions
  - Copy questions from IRC and the pad to wherever the host and speaker are looking
- Pad scribe
  - Organize and format people's contributions
  - Add notes about links, key points, questions, answers
- Accessibility (ACCESS: dto)
  - Describe visuals in #emacsconf-accessible
  - Nice to have: echo the captions into #emacsconf-accessible
- Quality checker
  - Doublecheck stream quality and audio volume
- Publisher (PUB: sachac)
  - Announce talks in the IRC channels
  - Nice to have: Update the wiki page with resources (video)
  - Nice to have: Set resources to public as each talk is played (Toobnix, YouTube)
  - Nice to have: Update the schedule to reflect changes throughout the day
*** Shifts
:CUSTOM_ID: shifts

<a name="shifts"></a>

AM: 9-12 PM EST, PM: 1-5 PM EST (plus a little extra for setup/transition)

Saturday Dec 3
#+NAME: saturday-shifts
|        | Host     | Streamer | Checkin    | IRC      | Pad        |
| Gen AM | zaeph    | corwin   | sachac     | sachac   | publicvoit |
| Gen PM | zaeph    | corwin   | FlowyCoder | dto      | publicvoit |
| Dev AM | bandali  | bandali  | sachac     | dto      |            |
| Dev PM | vetrivln | bandali  | FlowyCoder | vetrivln |            |

publicvoit - pad until 4pm on Sat, until 2pm on Sun

Sunday Dec 4
#+NAME: sunday-shifts
|        | Host     | Streamer | Checkin    | IRC      | Pad        |
| Gen AM | zaeph    | corwin   | sachac     | sachac   | publicvoit |
| Gen PM | zaeph    | jman     | FlowyCoder | dto      | publicvoit |
| Dev AM | bandali  | bandali  | sachac     | dto      |            |
| Dev PM | vetrivln | bandali  | FlowyCoder | vetrivln |            |

- dev host/streamer: bandali, sachac
- gen host/streamer: zaeph, sachac
- checkin, IRC, pad: sachac

Interested in a shift? Please e-mail [[]] and we'll help you figure out what you need to learn.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var sat=saturday-shifts :var sun=sunday-shifts :rownames no :colnames no :results verbatim replace
`(setq emacsconf-shifts
       ,@(apply #'append
                (lambda (day)
                  (let ((headers (mapcar (lambda (field) (intern (concat ":" (downcase field))))
                                         (cdr (car (cadr day))))))
                     (lambda (row)
                          (apply #'append
                                 (list 'list :id
                                       (when (string-match "^\\([^ ]+\\) \\(AM\\|PM\\)" (car row))
                                         (format "%s-%s-%s"
                                                 (car day)
                                                 (downcase (match-string 2 (car row)))
                                                 (downcase (match-string 1 (car row)))))
                                       (if (string-match "^Gen" (car row)) "General" "Development")
                                       (format "%sT%s:00:00%s"
                                               (elt day 2)
                                               (if (string-match "AM" (car row)) "08" "13")
                                       (format "%sT%s:00:00%s"
                                               (elt day 2)
                                               (if (string-match "AM" (car row)) "12" "18")
                                  (lambda (value index)
                                    (unless (string= value "")
                                      (list (elt headers index) value)))
                                  (cdr row))))
                        (cdr (cadr day)))
                 (list "sat" sat "2022-12-03")
                 (list "sun" sun "2022-12-04"))))))


(setq emacsconf-shifts (list (list :id "sat-am-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-03T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T12:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "sachac" :irc "sachac" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sat-pm-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-03T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T18:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "dto" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sat-am-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-03T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T12:00:00-0500" :host "bandali" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "sachac" :irc "dto") (list :id "sat-pm-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-03T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T18:00:00-0500" :host "vetrivln" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "vetrivln") (list :id "sun-am-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-04T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T12:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "sachac" :irc "sachac" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sun-pm-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-04T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T18:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "jman" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "dto" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sun-am-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-04T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T12:00:00-0500" :host "bandali" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "sachac" :irc "dto") (list :id "sun-pm-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-04T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T18:00:00-0500" :host "vetrivln" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "vetrivln")))

** After the conference
- Video processor
  - Extract live segments into videos
- Captioner
  - Add more captions
  - Summarize Q&A
- Publisher
  - Post more information
* Infrastructure notes
:CUSTOM_ID: infra

** Uh... how should ikiwiki be set up?
:CUSTOM_ID: ikiwiki

- remove the ikiwiki_src clone from the ansible config
bare repo has a post-update hook that updates the src repo
src repo is ~ikiwiki/emacsconf
~git/repositories/pub/emacsconf-wiki.git/hooks/post-update runs ~git/repositories/pub/emacsconf-wiki.git/hooks/post-update.h00-ikiwiki-wrapper
there is an anon mirror that's updated with sudo -u anon /home/anon/fetch-wiki
the git wrapper is

~anon/emacsconf-wiki.git has origin (fetch)
but git log does not have the new stuff
Where is the new stuff?
... hah, maybe I forgot to push

** Backstage
:CUSTOM_ID: infra-backstage
*** File suffixes, and what they correspond to
Per categories, earlier suffixes come earlier in the process.
| Suffix                     | Description                                                            |
| VIDEO                      |                                                                        |
| --original.EXT             | File as submitted by speaker                                           |
| --reencoded.webm           | Reencode via ffmpeg incantation                                        |
| --final.webm               | Broadcast-ready reencode with normalized audio                         |
| AUDIO                      |                                                                        |
| --original.EXT             | Extracted audio track from speaker upload; used for speech-recognition |
| --normalized.opus          | Normalized audio track                                                 |
| SUBTITLES                  |                                                                        |
| --?(incomplete-)transcript | Transcript provided by speaker                                         |
| --main.EXT                 | Broadcast-ready reencode; different formats for different uses         |

* Other tasks and processes
:CUSTOM_ID: other

#+TOC: headlines 1 local
** Giving access to a new volunteer or fake user
:CUSTOM_ID: private-access
This can only be done by the admins of the gitolite instance (zaeph,
or bandali as a backup). This is because the changes need to be made
in the gitolite-admin repo that can only be accessed by admins. In a
pinch, people with access to the `orga` user on front0 can manually
add themselves to the list of admins and manually rebuild the

Regular process:
- Get public key from volunteer,
- Add key under ~./key/dir/~,
- Update permissions on ~./conf/gitolite.conf~,
- Push to origin.

** As prerecorded talks come in
:CUSTOM_ID: prerec-process

- Sacha: Parcel out captioning work to volunteers, help them get set up
- Volunteers: Caption pre-recorded videos (usually starting from autogenerated ones for easier work)
- Make sure all the links/resources mentioned are written down somewhere (web page and enriched captions for pasting into #emacsconf-accessible)
*** Compress the video
Usage: original-file output-file=:

(zaeph might tinker with this)

#+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -aq-mode 2 -an -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 240 -pass 1 -f webm -threads 8 /dev/null &&
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -c:a copy -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -threads 8 "$2"

We tried using q56 before, but it was a little too aggressive. Q=32 is the default and is probably a reasonable space vs. quality compromise.

2020 version used with parallel

#+begin_src sh :tangle :eval no
if [ ! -f $FILE ]; then
ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE"  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -aq-mode 2 -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 240 -pass 1 -f webm -an -threads 8 /dev/null &&
if [[ $FILE =~ "webm" ]]; then
    ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" $*  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -ac 2 -threads 8 -c:a copy "${FILE%.*}--compressed$SUFFIX.webm"
    ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" $*  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -ac 2 -threads 8 -c:a libvorbis "${FILE%.*}--compressed$SUFFIX.webm"
rm $FILE

2022 version used with parallel to compress low version

#+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle ""
ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE"  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -aq-mode 2 -tile-columns 0 -tile-rows 0 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 240 -pass 1 -f webm -an -threads 8 /dev/null &&
if [[ $FILE =~ "webm" ]]; then
    ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" $*  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -ac 2 -threads 8 -c:a copy "${FILE%.*}--compressed$SUFFIX.webm"
    ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" $*  -pixel_format yuv420p -vf $VIDEO_FILTER -colorspace 1 -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf $Q -tile-columns 2 -tile-rows 2 -frame-parallel 0 -cpu-used -5 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pass 2 -g 240 -ac 2 -threads 8 -c:a libvorbis "${FILE%.*}--compressed$SUFFIX.webm"

*** sachac

- download to local cache
- upload to YouTube in case we can get autogenerated subtitles from there
- upload to res:~/2022/captions
- sync-cache to copy the vtt
- emacsconf-make-backstage-index
- send confirmation e-mail
*** Confirmation e-mail
:CUSTOM_ID: confirm-prerec
**** TODO Make sure all submissions have been acknowledged
- [X] sibi
- [X] vidianos
- [X] bhavin
- [X] gopar
- [X] bala
- [X] andrea
- [X] andrew
- [X] zachary for asmblox (reception confirmed by zaeph, and no problem
  with video)
- [ ] ramin (ack’d by zaeph)
- [ ] abin (meain, ack’d by zaeph)
**** Acknowledge pre-rec submission
:CUSTOM_ID: ack-prerec

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-acknowledge-submission (talk &optional template)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)))
    (emacsconf-with-talk-heading (plist-get talk :slug)
      (emacsconf-cache-video-data talk)
      (when (string= (plist-get talk :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC")
        (org-todo "TO_PROCESS"))))
   (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "ack-prerec"))
   (plist-get talk :email)
   :backstage ""
   :backstage-user "emacsconf"
   :backstage-password emacsconf-backstage-password
   :time (plist-get talk :time)
   :title (plist-get talk :title)
   :email (plist-get talk :email)
   :minutes (plist-get talk :video-time)
   :speakers-short (plist-get talk :speakers-short)
   :url (concat emacsconf-base-url (plist-get talk :url))
   :year emacsconf-year)))
**** Template
:EMAIL_ID: ack-prerec
:TO: ${email}
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
:SUBJECT:  EmacsConf ${year}: Thank you for uploading your video!

Hi, ${speakers-short}!

Just a quick note to let you know that I've downloaded your
submission for "${title}". We've added your submission to the backstage
area at ${backstage} (username: ${backstage-user}, password:
${backstage-password}), and we'll post the files on your talk page
when the talk is public. A quick check shows that your video is about
${minutes} minutes long (${time} minutes budgeted).${wrap}

We'll be working on captioning it over the next few weeks. We'll
e-mail again a little closer to the conference with schedule updates
and other useful information. If you want to upload a new version, you
can upload it the same way you did the previous one.

Please feel free to e-mail us at if you need
help updating the talk wiki page at ${url} or if you have other

Thank you so much for all the work you put into preparing a talk for
EmacsConf ${year}, and thank you for submitting the prerecorded video
before the conference!

Sacha Chua
*** Mastering the prerec’s audio-track
:CUSTOM_ID: mastering

Mastering is the process of preparing an audio-track for a purpose.  For
us, the purpose is quite simple: maximize the intelligibility of the
speaker and minimize the noise.

We can get great results with Audacity for the vast majority of
audio-tracks.  Sometimes, however, some audio-tracks have intractable
noise-profile that require the use of model-based denoising filters that
can applied with ffmpeg.

We’ll start with the average Audacity workflow, and we’ll move on to the
model-based filters after.

**** Audacity workflow
When we process a prerec, we extract the audio of the original upload
and add it to the backstage. You should be able to find it under the
name --original.$audio_format or --main.$audio_format. If it’s not
there, it’s easy to extract the audio from the original video, but
we’d prefer if you warned core-organizers about it because it’s not

We’ve simplified the process down to these steps:

1. Open the audio file in Audacity.

   You might want to increase the size of the waveform by pulling on the
   bottom of the bottom of the track.


2. Find a moment of quiet in the video, and select it.

   We ask our speakers to include 5 seconds of quiet at the beginning or
   end of their prerecs, but even if they don’t, it’s relatively.

3. Effects → Noise Reduction → Get Noise Profile

4. Select → All

5. Effects → Noise Reduction → OK

   You can select a spoken portion of the track before applying the
   effect and preview it to test your settings.  The default are usually
   enough (Noise reduction (dB): 12, Sensitivity: 6.00, Frequency smoothing
   (bands): 3).


6. Tools → Apply Macro → Alpha

   Before you can apply the Alpha macro, you need to save its content to
   disk and import it via Tools → Macro Manager → Import.

#+begin_src txt :eval no :tangle audacity-macro-alpha.txt
Reverb:Delay="20" DryGain="5" HfDamping="99" Reverberance="15" RoomSize="70" StereoWidth="25" ToneHigh="0" ToneLow="100" WetGain="-13" WetOnly="0"
FilterCurve:f0="79.621641" f1="101.02321" FilterLength="8191" InterpolateLin="0" InterpolationMethod="B-spline" v0="5.9148936" v1="0.042552948"
Normalize:ApplyGain="1" PeakLevel="-3" RemoveDcOffset="1" StereoIndependent="1"
Compressor:AttackTime="0.1" NoiseFloor="-50" Normalize="1" Ratio="2" ReleaseTime="1" Threshold="-30" UsePeak="0"

7. Export → Export Audio… → Opus Files (.opus format)
   Use the following settings:


   Bit Rate: 64 kbps
   VBR Mode: On
   Compression: 10
   Application: Audio
   Frame Duration: 20 ms
   Cutoff: Disabled

**** Model-based denoising filter
If you can’t manage to get a good result with Audacity, chances are it’s
because there’s too much noise in the video, even after profile-based
denoising.  This usually happens when the noise-pattern of an
audio-track evolves over the video, or if has an aperiodic quality.  For
those, we’re going to need a bigger boat.

Model-based denoising means using an AI-generated model to remove the
audio frequencies that are usually associated to noise and preserve
those that aren’t.  A different context (e.g. noisy room with statics,
noisy room with people chatting, etc.) means a different model; for us,
this means a model that minimizes background noise and maximizes clear
voices (the speakers’).

This is the model we’ve been using:

[[][audio-denoiser-model-mp.rnnn]] (download link)

Source: [[][rnnoise-models]], Model: [[][marathon-prescription]]

You should always apply the filter on the original’s audio, as opposed
to an Audacity-processed audio.  This is to ensure that we have the most
information about the signal, which means we can have gather the most
information about the noise-profile.

Following is the ffmpeg incantation to use to apply the filter-model.
Make sure to modify the ~DENOISER~ variable and adapt input/output.

#+begin_src sh :tangle :eval no
ffmpeg -i "$input" -af "arnndn=m=$DENOISER" "$output"

There’s no need to customize the libopus export information; the default
is more than enough for human-speech.

When you’re done with this step, you can then process the outputted
audio-track with Audacity, skipping the denoising steps (1 to 5).

**** Questions?
If you’ve got any question on the process, you canget in touch with me (zaeph)!

** When a talk is captioned
:CUSTOM_ID: when-captioned
- Combine captions with talk
- Upload captions to YT and Toobnix
- Prepare captions for wiki inclusion
** Other tasks before the conference
:CUSTOM_ID: before
- Coordinate volunteer schedules so all the roles are covered
*** TODO Update ansible configuration                              :sachac:
in prod-vars.yml

media_protect_root: true
icecast_save_dump: false

Clean up the media root


ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media,stream

*** Test stream setup
:CUSTOM_ID: test-stream
*** Set up MPV for captions
:CUSTOM_ID: mpv-captions

**** mpv profile
Add the following profile to ~~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf~:

#+begin_src conf :eval no
# Uncomment this line to load the profile by default
# Otherwise, use `--profile=emacsconf-talks`
# profile=emacsconf-talks

# Positioning
# Style
sub-font="Clear Sans Bold"

(Thanks, zaeph)
**** Font: Clear Sans
- tar.gz with all fonts: [[][from zaeph's server]] (more convenient)
- WOFF from GitHub repo: [[][clear-sans/WOFF at main · intel/clear-sans]]
*** Download prerecorded videos from ${protected}
:CUSTOM_ID: download-videos

- STREAM: Download prerecorded videos from ${protected}
  #+begin_src sh :eval no
  rsync -avzue ssh front:/var/www/*--main.webm .

** During the conference  
:CUSTOM_ID: during-conference

*** Set up
:CUSTOM_ID: setup
**** Arrange screens
:CUSTOM_ID: screens

  - Share ${upcoming}, ${playbook}, and ${conf} via CRDT: =conf-crdt-connect-and-share=
    - Current schedule, filenames/commands for playing, Q&A preference, IRC nick, pronunciation, intro notes, prerec duration, emergency contact information
    - =conf-upcoming-add-subtree=
  - Have #emacsconf-org, #emacsconf, #emacsconf-accessible, and #emacsconf-questions open
  - Use =/opall= to get op privileges in all the channels
  - Start backup process for pad
    #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
    while true; do
        curl > emacsconf-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").html
      sleep 15m
  - Computer for alternate streaming:
    - Open browser for joining BBB
    - Open MPV for playing
  - rsync the newest --main.webm from front: rsync -avze ssh front:/var/www/*--main.webm .
  - Check OBS scenes for sharing windows/tabs as a virtual camera:
    - with #emacsconf
    - Etherpad
    - Schedule
    - next talk page
    - Clock with current time on screen: =watch TZ=America/Toronto date=
  - Set up backchannel for easy viewing
    - ${upcoming}
    - #emacsconf-org and #emacsconf channels
  - (?) Join organizer room S
**** Start streaming                                              :stream:
:CUSTOM_ID: start-streaming

- HOST: Display getting-ready message and start streaming to main.webm
- HOST: Confirm that the stream is live at
- B: Update ${status} to say that the stream is live
- CHECK: Start low-resolution stream, confirm at
  Call this on live0 with $CONF480PASS as the first parameter. The Icecast configuration is on =live0= at [[file:/ssh:live|sudo:/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml]]=.
  #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle ""
     while true; do ffmpeg -loglevel 24 -f webm -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1  -re -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -vf scale=854:480 -f webm -c:a copy -b:v 500k -maxrate 1M -bufsize 1M  -content_type video/webm -c:v libvpx icecast://ec2020main480pmu:$PASS@localhost:8000/main-480p.webm; done
- CHECK: Start Youtube and Toobnix streams. Call this with $YOUTUBE1PASS, $YOUTUBE2PASS, or $TOOBNIX as the parameter
  #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle ""
     while true; do ffmpeg -loglevel 24 -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -b:v 1M -crf 30 -g 125 -deadline good -threads 4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libmp3lame -f flv $MOUNT; done
- CHECK: Verify YouTube and Toobnix streams and the CPU load on live0.
- CHECK: Set the YouTube and Toobnix streams to public.
- B: Verify with #emacsconf that the stream is active.
- CHECK: Play main stream on alternate laptop. Start alternate stream and verify. Update ${status}.
- CHECK: Announce on Twitter (@emacs, @emacsconf, @sachac) and in #emacs
  EmacsConf 2021 starting now:
***** Stream
:CUSTOM_ID: other-streams
****** Low-res stream

  Needs the =$main480p= environment variable set to something of the form =icecast://username:password@site:port/mount-point.webm=. Icecast configuration can be found on =live0= at =/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml=. It was okay to run this command directly on =live0= in 2020, since that kept the speed at roughly 1x.

  #+begin_src sh :eval no
   while true; do ffmpeg -f webm -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1  -re -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -vf scale=854:480 -f webm -c:a copy -b:v 500k -maxrate 1M -bufsize 1M  -content_type video/webm -c:v libvpx  $main480p done

****** Youtube

*** Check in a speaker
:CUSTOM_ID: check-in

Exception: [[*CHECK is unavailable][CHECK is unavailable]]

- Speaker checks in on #emacsconf-org via IRC or via e-mail ~30m before
- CHECK notes IRC nick for speaker.
- CHECK confirms Q&A preference: live/IRC/Etherpad, preferred way of getting questions
- [? unknown] Thanks for checking in! How would you like to handle Q&A
          today - live video, the collaborative Etherpad at
 , or IRC (like
- [? IRC] Thanks for checking in! Feel free to keep an eye on
          #emacsconf for questions and discussion, and we'll copy things from
          the pad to there. If the volume gets overwhelming, let us know and
          we can forward questions to #emacsconf-questions for you. If you'd
          like to try Q&A over live video or the collaborative pad instead, or
          if you need help, please let us know.
- [? Etherpad] Thanks for checking in! The collaborative pad we'll be
          using for questions is at
 . We'll collect
          questions from #emacsconf and put them there. If you'd like to jump
          to your part of the document, you might be able to keep an eye on
          questions. Please let us know if you need help, or if you want to
          switch to live Q&A.
- [? live] Thanks for checking in! I'll send you some private messages
          with instructions, so please check there. Let me know if you don't
          get them.
  - Private messages:
    - (erc-message "PRIVMSG" (format "%s You can use this BBB room: %s . I'll join you there shortly to set up the room and do the last-minute tech check." nick room-url))
    - (erc-message "PRIVMSG" (format "%s The collaborative pad we'll be using for questions is at %s . We'll collect questions from #emacsconf and put them there. If you'd like to jump to your part of the document, you might be able to keep an eye on questions. Alternatively, we can read questions to you." nick conf-collaborative-pad))
    - (erc-message "PRIVMSG" (format "%s Leo Vivier will join when it's time, and he will give you the go-ahead when it's time to present. See you in the BBB room!" nick))
  - CHECK directs speaker to available room with =/checkin <room> <nick>=
  - Speaker joins talk room
  - CHECK makes speaker presenter and moderator, does last-minute tech check
    - Hello, thanks
    - Speaker tries screen sharing and webcam (optional)
    - check screen readability
    - CHECK briefs speaker on process, including:
      - live Q&A: reading questions themselves (can do in any order,
        can skip; coach possible responses for awkward things) or asking HOST to read questions to them
        - HOST can share the pad or IRC; speaker shares screen only if doing demo
      - encouragement of webcam, although it's optional
      - how HOST will join shortly before the prerec ends and then
        give them the go-ahead
      - closing any tabs watching the stream as their talk starts
        (otherwise the audio is confusing)
    - If the speaker will be giving a live presentation, CHECK
      collects emergency contact information (in case of technical
      issues) and shares it with HOST in the CRDT buffer
    - Okay to do other things until the prerec ends
  - CHECK updates ${upcoming} with link to the talk room and
    preferences for Q&A-. CHECK will also /msg the relevant

**** bandali's check-in steps

- please leave webcam quality on 'medium'
- please read each audience question out loud before responding
- please mute stream on your machine if you're watching
- would you like to stay around for a longer q&a?
- would you like to share your webcam or screen? (quickly mention how)

*** Present talk
:CUSTOM_ID: present

- CHECK announces the next talk on IRC and marks the previous talk as done. (=conf-announce=)
- PAD clears pad colours.
- [? prerec]
  - HOST switches to MPV scene in OBS and plays the video (with captions if available).
    - Exception: [[*Last-minute prerecording submission][Last-minute prerecording submission]]
    - Exception: [[*Last-minute caption update][Last-minute caption update]]
  - [[*Publish information][CHECK publishes information]]
  - [[*Handle Q&A][HOST gets a head start on handling Q&A]]
  - When prerec finishes, HOST switches the OBS scene to show BBB.
- [? live]
  - Exception: [[*Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in][Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in]]
  - HOST joins the BBB room and double-checks that recording is on.
  - CHECK-alternate joins the BBB room and pauses main MPV.
  - HOST switches to OBS scene for BBB.
  - Speaker presents.
    - Exception: [[*Technical issues during a live presentation][Technical issues during a live presentation]]
  - [? talk needs to be wrapped up]
    - HOST nudges speaker verbally.

*** Publish information
:CUSTOM_ID: publish

  - CHECK updates the schedule in:
    - ${conf}
    - ${upcoming}
    - wiki
  - CHECK publishes the video to using =conf-publish-files=
  - CHECK commits the wiki page and the captions for the talk.
  - CHECK publishes the video on YouTube and ToobNix using =conf-video-share=.
    - Update description:
This video is available under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC
BY-SA 4.0) license.

You can view it using free and open source software at

    - Mark it as public.
    - Add it to EmacsConf 2021 playlist.
    - Update title and description.
    - Mark it as public.
    - Doublecheck subtitles
    - Add it to the EmacsConf 2021 playlist.
  - [? live sections]
    - CHECK does a rough-cut of the recording from ${dump} to get the last X minutes or by time range. There's about a 1-2 minute delay.
      Ex: =(kill-new (conf-dump-get "alt" "10:24" "10:30" "qa_"))=
    - When there's an opportunity to do so:
      - CHECK finetunes the rough-cut recording (trim start and end) and posts it to:
        - wiki page for talk
*** Handle Q&A
:CUSTOM_ID: questions

- [[*Speaker has not checked in][Speaker has not checked in]]

- [? live]
  - CHECK-alternate joins the BBB room and pauses MPV.
  - HOST joins the BBB room
  - HOST starts recording in BBB or confirms that it's already recording
  - HOST switches to the BBB scene in OBS.
  - HOST describes how to ask questions.
  - [? No questions yet]
    - HOST thanks speaker, says nice things about talk, and asks a couple of prepared questions
  - [? Awkward question]
    - HOST can try rephrasing the question.
    - HOST adds note to IRC/Etherpad that speakers can answer in any order, skip questions, answer afterwards, etc.
  - [? Q&A needs to be wrapped up]
    - HOST writes in Etherpad/IRC or nudges speaker verbally.
  - CHECK notes the time that the live Q&A finished and switches back to the main stream on CHECK-alternate.
- [? IRC/pad]
  - HOST switches to pad/chat OBS scene.
  - HOST describes Q&A method and shows it on the screen.
  - While there's buffer time before the next talk, HOST can read out
    questions and answers, or transition to the next talk early
  - HOST: It's time for the next talk, but if you want to keep
    discussing the previous talk, please feel free to continue doing
    so on IRC or the pad.
- [? speaker will answer after the conference]
  - HOST switches to pad/chat OBS scene.
  - HOST says the speaker is not available right now, but we'll
    forward the questions to the speaker and we'll post the speaker's
    answers on the wiki page. Leave your contact information if you
    want to be notified, or subscribe to the emacsconf-discuss mailing
    list to get the announcement. Please feel free to continue
    discussing the talk on IRC or the pad.
- [[*Present talk][Present next talk]]
*** During each talk
:CUSTOM_ID: each-talk
- Volunteers: post links/resources/descriptions/captions (depending on your level of energy) to #emacsconf-accessible
- Volunteers: making sure questions get posted somewhere the speaker can see them
*** Break time
:CUSTOM_ID: break

- CHECK marks the last talk as done. =conf-end-current-talk=
- CHECK stops and restarts the Toobnix restreaming process, and re-checks the stream
- CHECK uses =conf-upcoming-add-subtree= to add the afternoon talks to
- HOST doublechecks network transfer limit and server health

*** End of stream

- CHECK removes live Q&A links
- CHECK stops ffmpeg process for Youtube
- CHECK stops ffmpeg process for Toobnix
- CHECK stops ffmpeg process for main-480p
- STREAM stops streaming
- B updates the status pages
- bandali figures out the downstream
** After the conference
:CUSTOM_ID: after-conference
*** Send thanks
[[*Thank you, next steps][Thank you, next steps]]
*** Extract the opening and closing remarks
*** Extract the Q&A recordings, trimming as needed
#+begin_src js2 :eval no :tangle no
console.log([...document.querySelectorAll('.email-link')].map((o) => '| ' + o.closest('tr').querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime') + ' | ' + o.closest('tr').querySelector('#recording-text').innerHTML.trim() + ' | ' + o.getAttribute('data-pres-link').trim() + ' |').join('\n'))

Make an ~ids.txt~ with the IDs extracted from BBB.

In the same directory:
#+begin_src bash :eval no
while read p; do
    mkdir -p "$p";
    cd "$p";
    wget "${p}/slides_new.xml"			\
         "${p}/video/webcams.webm"		\
         "${p}/deskshare.xml"			\
         "${p}/deskshare/deskshare.webm"	\
    cd ..;
done <ids.txt

Resource explanation:

- slides_new.xml :: Text chat
- webcams.webm :: Webcam as video stream, also has audio
- deskshare.xml :: start and stop time of desktop sharing, if any
- deskshare.webm :: Shared desktop as video
- metadata.xml

Probably focus on grabbing the audio first and seeing what's worth keeping

#+begin_src emacs-lisp 
(defun emacsconf-extract-chat (slug speaker)
  (interactive (list
                (completing-read "Speaker: "
                                  (mapcar (lambda (node) (dom-attr node 'name))
                                          (dom-by-tag (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)) 'chattimeline)))
  (let ((text
         (mapconcat (lambda (node)
                      (when (string= (dom-attr node 'target) "chat")
                        (let ((message
                                "\\(^[^ +]?\\): " ""
                                (replace-regexp-in-string "<a href=\"\\(.+?\\)\" rel=\"nofollow\"><u>\\(.+?\\)</u></a>"
                                                          "<\\1>" (dom-attr node 'message)))))
                          (if (string-match speaker (dom-attr node 'name))
                              (format "- %s: %s\n" speaker message)
                            (format "- %s\n" message)))))
                    (dom-by-tag (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)) 'chattimeline)
    (emacsconf-edit-wiki-page slug)
    (if (re-search-forward "# Discussion" nil t)
          (goto-char (match-end 0))
          (insert "\n\n"))
      (goto-char (point-max)))
    (kill-new text)))
;; TODO: Combine lines from same nick, or identify speakers with anon1/2/etc.
(defun emacsconf-extract-chat-from-dired ()
  (find-file (expand-file-name "slides_new.xml" (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
  (call-interactively 'emacsconf-extract-chat))

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
(defun emacsconf-make-webcams-deskshare-spans (deskshare start-ms stop-ms strategy source-dir)
  (let ((secs (/ start-ms 1000.0))
        (webcam-video (expand-file-name "webcams.webm" source-dir))
        (deskshare-video (expand-file-name "deskshare.webm" source-dir))
    (mapc (lambda (o)
            (unless (or (= secs (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp)))
                        (= (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp)) 0)
                        (> secs (/ stop-ms 1000.0)))
              (setq spans (cons (list :source webcam-video
                                      :start-ms (* secs 1000)
                                      (* 1000
                                         (if (eq strategy 'test)
                                             (+ secs 3)
                                           (max secs (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp))))))
            (when (and (<= (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp))
                           (/ stop-ms 1000.0))
                       (>= (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'stop_timestamp))
                           (/ start-ms 1000.0)))
              (setq spans (cons (list :source deskshare-video
                                      :start-ms (max (* 1000 (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp)))
                                      (if (eq strategy 'test)
                                          (* 1000 (+ (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'start_timestamp)) 3))
                                        (min (* 1000 (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'stop_timestamp)))
              (setq secs (string-to-number (dom-attr o 'stop_timestamp)))))
          (dom-by-tag deskshare 'event))
    (unless (>= (floor (* secs 1000)) stop-ms)
      (setq spans (cons (list :source webcam-video
                              :start-ms (* 1000 secs)
                              :stop-ms (if (eq strategy 'test)
                                           (* 1000 (+ secs 3))
    (if (eq strategy 'test)
        `((video ,@(reverse spans))
          (audio ,@(mapcar (lambda (o)
                             (list :source webcam-video
                                   :start-ms (plist-get o :start-ms)
                                   :stop-ms (plist-get o :stop-ms)))
                           (reverse spans))))
      `((video ,@(nreverse spans))
        (audio (:source ,webcam-video :start-ms ,start-ms :stop-ms ,stop-ms))))))

(defun emacsconf-get-ffmpeg-to-splice-webcam-and-recording (slug start-ms stop-ms info &optional strategy)
  "Return FFMPEG command for slicing.
- 'fast-cut-start-keyframe - find the keyframe before the start ms and cut from there, doing a fast copy.
- 'start-keyframe-and-reencode - find the keyframe before the start ms and cut from there, reencoding.
- 'cut-and-concat - seek to the keyframe before, slowly find the start-ms, reencode the snippet, and then do a fast copy of the remaining. May have encoding errors.
- default: copy from start-ms to stop-ms, reencoding.
  (let* ((source-dir (expand-file-name (concat "../questions/by-slug/" slug) emacsconf-captions-directory))
         (video-slug (plist-get (seq-find (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :slug) slug)) info) :video-slug))
         (output (expand-file-name (concat video-slug "--answers.webm") emacsconf-captions-directory))
         (webcam-video (expand-file-name "webcams.webm" source-dir)))
    (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "deskshare.webm" source-dir))
        ;; Has deskshare
        (let* ((deskshare (xml-parse-file (expand-file-name "deskshare.xml" source-dir)))
               (final-size (compile-media-max-dimensions
                            (expand-file-name "deskshare.webm" source-dir)
                            (expand-file-name "webcams.webm" source-dir)))
               (duration (compile-media-get-file-duration-ms (expand-file-name "webcams.webm" source-dir)))
               (spans (emacsconf-make-webcams-deskshare-spans deskshare start-ms stop-ms strategy source-dir))
               (compile-media-output-video-width (car final-size))
               (compile-media-output-video-height (cdr final-size)))
          (compile-media-get-command spans output))
      ;; Just webcams
        (list (list :source webcam-video :start-ms start-ms :stop-ms stop-ms)))

Make a table of the form

| Start | End | Slug | Notes | URL | Timestamp |

#+begin_src emacs-lisp  :var qa=QA_RECORDINGS  :eval no :dir="videos/"
(defun emacsconf-process-qa-recordings (qa dir)
;; (setq conf-qa-recordings qa)
;; (memoize 'conf-ffmpeg-get-closest-keyframe-in-msecs)
;; (memoize 'conf-ffmpeg-get-keyframes-between)
;; (memoize 'conf-video-dimensions)
;; (memoize 'compile-media-get-file-duration-ms)
;; (memoize-restore 'conf-ffmpeg-get-keyframes-around)

(let ((info (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
   "captions/" "answers-slow/"
   dir ""
      (delq nil
       (lambda (o)
         (when (> (length (car o)) 0)
            (elt o 2)
            (compile-media-timestamp-to-msecs (elt o 0))
            (compile-media-timestamp-to-msecs (elt o 1))
;       (seq-take qa 2)                                 
      (lambda (a b) (string-match "trim" a))))   

*** Update the wiki
*** Update captions

- Merge them into the video with
  #+begin_src sh :eval no
  ffmpeg -y -i "$1" ${BASE}--main.vtt
  if [ -f "${BASE}--normalized.webm" ]; then
     ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -i "${BASE}--normalized.webm" -c:a copy -c:v copy "${BASE}--captioned.webm"
     ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -i "${BASE}--compressed.webm" -c:a copy -c:v copy "${BASE}--captioned.webm"
  cp ${BASE}--main.vtt ${BASE}--chapters.vtt ~/vendor/emacsconf-wiki/2021/captions
  scp "${BASE}--captioned.webm" "${BASE}--main.webm"
  scp "${BASE}--main.webm" front:~/protected
  scp "${BASE}--main.vtt" front:~/protected
  scp "${BASE}--chapters.vtt" front:~/protected
  ssh front 'cd protected; chmod ugo+r *'
- Update Toobnix and Youtube captions with =conf-video-share=.
- Update Toobnix and Youtube descriptions with chapters.
- Update ${conf-year}/${captions}/${slug}.md in the wiki. To make this from scratch, use =M-x conf-prepare-transcript-directives= from the talk heading in the conference Org file.
*** BLOCKED Downsize the server                                   :bandali:
** In case of
:CUSTOM_ID: exceptions
*** Stuck wiki

 sudo -iu ikiwiki -- ikiwiki --setup ~ikiwiki/emacsconf.setup

*** Last-minute prerecording submission
:CUSTOM_ID: last-minute-prerec

- CHECK will copy it from the FTP upload server to ${protected} and name it appropriately.
- CHECK will notify STREAM with the scp command and the mpv command so that STREAM can choose.
*** Last-minute caption update
:CUSTOM_ID: last-minute-captions

- CHECK uploads the --main.vtt file to ${protected}
- CHECK notifies STREAM via ${upcoming}
- STREAM uses the provided commands to download the VTT file and load it into MPV with =--sub-file=
*** Speaker has not checked in
:CUSTOM_ID: missing
- Let the previous talk run a little longer for Q&A; end at least in time for the prerec
- After the previous Q&A wraps up, play the prerec
- [? still not around after prerec finishes]
  - HOST: Speaker might be having some difficulty connecting, but we'll collect your questions on the pad and send them afterwards.
  - Can play next prerec a few minutes early
*** Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in
:CUSTOM_ID: really-missing
- Let the previous talk do live Q&A/demo if ready
- Close to the time of the missing talk:
  - See if any of the previous speakers want to be set up for an impromptu talk/extension in a BBB room, just in case
  - HOST: The next speaker might be having some difficulty connecting. In the meantime, let's...
    - OR:
      - highlight ongoing discussions
      - invite another speaker for an impromptu extension; mplsCorwin will keep a list of possible speakers who are still active
      - replay a short prerec
      - let mplsCorwin or zaeph fill in
*** Speaker whose talk was reallocated shows up and has a prerec
:CUSTOM_ID: reallocated-prerec
- CHECK copies it to ${protected}
- Plan to play prerec at the end of the day, or in any gaps if a live talk falls through
*** Speaker whose talk was reallocated shows up and wants to do it live
:CUSTOM_ID: reallocated-live
- See if there's enough time if buffers are shuffled back; if so, set up for a live presentation
- Check for alternate stream volunteers
- [? not enough time] Offer to set up a BBB room for recording or to
  accept a prerecording afterwards, then include it on the site and in
  post-conference communication
*** Alternate stream volunteer wants to stream  (nice to have, at risk)
:CUSTOM_ID: alternate
- CHECK gives ALTERNATE the BBB room URL for the talk they are interested in
- ALTERNATE starts streaming to assigned end point
- CHECK confirms stream
- CHECK updates ${stream-status}
- CHECK notifies STREAM and HOST
  - After prerec plays:
    - HOST: This talk has an extended demo/Q&A. You can go to ${alternate-url} to watch it, and we'll post a recording afterwards.
    - HOST sends ${alternate-url} to IRC: Alternate stream for ${title}: ${alternate-url}
- ALTERNATE notifies #emacsconf-org when the stream is done.
- CHECK updates ${stream-status} to note that the alternate stream is finished.

  FFMPEG process for sending the desktop and audio to the $CONFALT mountpoint on Linux with X11 and Alsa:

  1. Set the CONFALT environment variable to icecast://
  2. Install pavucontrol if you don't have it already.
  3. Start the following command ([[]]:
     #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
     while true; do ffmpeg -loglevel 0 -ar 48000 -f alsa -channels 2 -sample_rate 48000 -i default -re -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0  -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -content_type video/webm -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -crf 30 -g 125 -deadline good -threads 4  -f webm $CONFALT; done
  4. Use pavucontrol to set the recording source for the ffmpeg
     command to be the audio monitor, so you get system output as
     - OR:
       - [? splitting audio] (look for “Set up sinks for sound” under 2021/)
       - [? same audio]
     - Set up audio monitor as the input for FFMPEG
     - MPV goes to MPV sink, browser goes to recording sink, FFMPEG takes in recording monitor

*** Pad malfunction or mess-up
:CUSTOM_ID: pad-broken

- PAD resets the pad using
- [? still not recovered]
  - PAD reimports the pad from backup
*** CRDT malfunctions
:CUSTOM_ID: crdt-broken

- HOST notifies CHECK and tries reconnecting
- [? still doesn't work]
  - Switch to backup Etherpad
*** Conduct guidelines issue
:CUSTOM_ID: conduct

- HOST addresses it (on-camera if needed) with a reminder and/or a kick or a ban
*** CHECK is unavailable
:CUSTOM_ID: check-gone

- HOST does check-ins
- HOST refers to for Q&A preference etc.
- STREAM checks for prerec filenames etc.
- Dropped goals:
  - Publishing recordings ASAP
  - Updating schedule/wiki on the fly
*** HOST is unavailable
:CUSTOM_ID: host-gone

- STREAM joins the BBB room and streams directly from there (or streams the prerecs).
- STREAM will do the hosting.
*** Technical issues during a live presentation
:CUSTOM_ID: live-issues

- HOST tries to contact the speaker
- [? back on track]
  - [? can be squeezed into remaining time]: Continue
  - [? need extra time]: CHECK fiddles with buffer of following talks in and updates schedule
  - [? need too much extra time (ex: 10min)]: HOST acknowledges
    technical issues and says we may be able to follow up after the
- [? can't resume]: HOST acknowledges technical issues and says we may
  be able to follow up after the conference
*** Big technical issues with streaming
:CUSTOM_ID: stream-issues

- HOST notifies #emacsconf and #emacsconf-org and adds a note at the top of the ${pad}.
- HOST updates the wiki page
- CHECK publishes prerecordings
  - wiki
  - Toobnix
  - Peertube
- STREAM e-mails the mailing list
*** live0 can't handle the load or is close to network transfer limit
:CUSTOM_ID: network

- OR:
  - Redirect some viewers via asking in #emacsconf:
    - watch via main-480p
    - watch via Toobnix (if we can get that working)
  - Consider dropping the restream to Toobnix (lower audience?) or to Youtube
  - Add additional node to Linode account for shared transfer pool (TODO: doublecheck)
*** People have a hard time seeing dark-mode presentations (or light-mode)

mpv --vf=negate $url
*** Schedule update

- Test it using the blocks near the beginning of
- emacsconf-publish-update-schedule
- E-mail affected speakers - see emacsconf-mail-schedule-update function
*** New talk
- Create entry in
- Fit it into the schedule using the emacsconf-schedule-plan variable
- When happy, execute the draft-schedule block to update the SCHEDULED properties
- emacsconf-generate-talk-page
- emacsconf-update-schedule
- emacsconf
- emacsconf-stream-generate-assets-for-talk
* Task archive
:CUSTOM_ID: archive

** DONE Write preparation instructions                                :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-09-29 Thu 20:45] DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon>
:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2022-10-01 Sat 00:33
2021/ can be reused.

Extra stuff to consider adding:
- DONE Suggestions for themes (especially wrt colourscape)
- DONE “Please don’t squeeze your talk by fast-forwarding your speech. Trimming silences and filler words can help, though. Sometimes it's easier to write, record, and edit your voiceover, and then record the video to go along with it."
- DONE Allowing speakers to plant questions, esp. to cover tangential stuff that couldn’t fit in the prerec
** CANCELLED Allocate extra time if possible; send e-mail          :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-30 Fri 18:13] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-02 Sun>
:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2022-10-01 Sat 00:38

** DONE Review metadata for speakers in                    :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-01 Sat 00:37] SCHEDULED: <2022-09-23 Fri>
:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2022-10-01 Sat 00:38

See the bottom of for some automated validation
** DONE Review the submissions in the pad (see emacsconf-org-private or for the link) and add any objections or comments by Sept 26 for possible [[#acceptance][early speaker notification]], Oct 7 for everything :organizers:
CLOSED: [2022-09-29 Thu 20:29] DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon>
- zaeph: will start reviewing on Sep 21
** DONE Write preparation instructions                                :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-09-29 Thu 20:45] DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon>
2021/ can be reused.

Extra stuff to consider adding:
- DONE Suggestions for themes (especially wrt colourscape)
- DONE “Please don’t squeeze your talk by fast-forwarding your speech. Trimming silences and filler words can help, though. Sometimes it's easier to write, record, and edit your voiceover, and then record the video to go along with it."
- DONE Allowing speakers to plant questions, esp. to cover tangential stuff that couldn’t fit in the prerec
** DONE Add more submissions (CFP deadline Sept 30)                  :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-30 Fri 18:13] DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
- Sacha: Add submissions to emacsconf-2022-private, draft 2-day schedule by Oct 10
** DONE Publish talk pages                                           :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-30 Fri 18:13]
** DONE Send early acceptances                                       :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-30 Fri 18:13] DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>

Ideal sequence:
1. publish /2022/prepare (zaeph)
2. publish wiki pages
3. send acceptance e-mails
   - Allocate at most 20 minutes, say we'll try to add more time depending on the schedule (probably know by Sept 30 or Oct 1)
   - Include review comments     
4. Send an additional e-mail introducing speakers who may want to coordinate

** DONE Prepare to export talk information to wiki                   :sachac:
DEADLINE: <2022-10-15 Sat>

Tested code in a fork, can publish talk information once talks are approved.

** DONE Give access to emacsconf-2022-private to dto                  :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-09-21 Wed 01:17]
** DONE Write better subtitle documentation                          :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-22 Thu 15:12]
That will help more people subtitle things
** DONE Write volunteer page                                         :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-22 Thu 15:02]

** DONE Review the submissions in the pad (see emacsconf-org-private or for the link) and add any objections or comments by Sept 26 for possible [[#acceptance][early speaker notification]], Oct 7 for everything :organizers:
CLOSED: [2022-09-27 Tue 16:14] DEADLINE: <2022-09-26 Mon>
- zaeph: will start reviewing on Sep 21
** DONE Double-check sachac’s timezone conversions for availability   :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-09-27 Tue 16:14]

zaeph helped with this, even catching some based on e-mail timestamps
** DONE Copy things over from previous notebooks                     :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-21 Wed 14:12]
** DONE Prepare to publish schedule                            :sachac:wiki:
CLOSED: [2022-10-07 Fri 13:56]
:CUSTOM_ID: schedule-publish-old

- Should be understandable as plain text
- Ideally responsive to take advantage of more screen space on monitors while still being understandable on mobile
- Organize by tracks and then days
- Links to jump to a track and day
- Graphics to make it easier for people to see nearby talk options
- Optionally, graphical view on talk pages as well (might need to publish a JSON somewhere to front)

  Schedule inspiration:
  - [[][DebConf 2022]] converted times to your local timezone
  - [[][LibrePlanet 2022]] used table columns for the different tracks
  - [[][SFSCON 2022]] lists sessions chronologically, indicating tracks with labels and dots on a diagram. Dropdowns act as filters.

    - With JS and grid CSS:
    - Fallback 

*** DONE Set up main schedule as plain text
CLOSED: [2022-10-06 Thu 21:25]

general track
day 1 and day 2

dev track
day 1 and day 2

by day
all talks

*** DONE Set up talk page navigation
CLOSED: [2022-10-06 Thu 21:25]
- program phase: by track
- schedule phase: chronological
*** CANCELLED See if I can get the schedule to split into a nice grid on larger devices that support it
CLOSED: [2022-10-07 Fri 13:55]
Slightly annoying to do with JS/CSS because I want it to fall back to an interleaved schedule on small screens, so we would probably need to duplicate the elements and then use media queries.

** DONE Process confirmations as we receive them              :sachac:zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-07 Fri 14:18]
:CUSTOM_ID: confirm-post-process

- Reply to the speaker and Cc -submit to confirm the confirmation. Something like "Confirming your confirmation, no reply needed to this one. Thank you!"
- Update talk to WAITING_FOR_PREREC in
- Add a note in the logbook (C-c C-z - org-add-note) for the talk entry
- Add :PUBLIC_EMAIL: t if given permission to use the e-mail on the
  talk page, or set it to an alternative e-mail if provided.
- Update the public wiki's ${year}/talks/{$slug}.md page to add the
  e-mail address as <> on the speaker
  information line.
- At some point, use =M-x emacsconf-generate-talk-pages= to update the e-mail address used in the footer.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results replace table :eval never-export 
(let (waiting)
   (with-current-buffer (find-file emacsconf-org-file)
     (org-map-entries (lambda () (add-to-list 'waiting
                                              (list (org-entry-get (point) "SLUG")
                                                    (org-entry-get (point) "ITEM")))) "TODO=\"TO_CONFIRM\"")))


** CANCELLED Create Org heading for scheduling caption team's live IRC duty shifts :dto:
CLOSED: [2022-10-07 Fri 14:24] DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
See [[#shifts]]

** DONE Sacha: Organize volunteer information                       :sachac:
** DONE Once talks are approved
- sacha: Publish initial talk information pages
- Double-check talk pages, format them nicely
- Publish draft schedule
- Confirm e-mail communication with all of the speakers

Process for accepting a talk:

- Create subtree for talk and populate it with properties.
  - Can be validated with ~emacsconf-validate-talk-subtree~
  - Add a talk abstract subtree
- Add it to emacsconf-schedule-plan and fiddle with it until the flow looks good
- Execute the draft-schedule block to update the schedule in the Org file
- Add the talk page to the wiki with ~emacsconf-add-talk-page~.
- Stage, commit, and push the wiki files. Make sure to add the talk page and the info pages.
- Doublecheck the wiki page on the web, since the e-mail refers to it.
- E-mail the speaker the acceptance by using ~emacsconf-draft-acceptance-for-email-group~ from ~organizers-notebook/~.
- Log the acceptance using ~C-c C-z~ in the talk subtree in, noting the number of minutes.
- Change the status to TO_CONFIRM.
** DONE Remind people about confirming e-mail communications :sachac:email:speakers:
CLOSED: [2022-10-08 Sat 18:55] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-08 Sat>
:CUSTOM_ID: confirm-email

Look for the TO_CONFIRM status in, probably include in schedule e-mail
** DONE Send people schedule information and doublecheck their availability/Q&A preference :sachac:email:speakers:sched:
CLOSED: [2022-10-09 Sun 09:38] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-08 Sat>
:CUSTOM_ID: check-sched

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-schedule (group &optional template)
  "Send draft schedule.
GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
  (require 'emacsconf-ical)
  (let ((reply-by-date (date-to-time "2022-10-14"))
        (draft-schedule (concat emacsconf-base-url emacsconf-year "/draft-schedule/")))
     (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "check-sched"))
     (car group)
      (mapconcat (lambda (o) (format "%s: %s"
                                     (plist-get o :slug)
                                      "%b %-e %-I:%M %#p %Z"
                                      (plist-get o :start-time)
                 (cdr group) "; ")
      (plist-get (cadr group) :speakers-short)
      (if (= (length (cdr group)) 1) "" "s")
      (plist-get (cadr group) :email)
      (or (plist-get (cadr group) :year) emacsconf-year)
      (if (seq-find (lambda (o) (member (plist-get o :slug) '("journalism" "rolodex" "orgsuperlinks" "buttons" "hyperorg" "science")))
                    (cdr group))
          "I've changed the order slightly from the coordination e-mail I sent you. The sequence is now journalism - science - rolodex - orgsuperlinks - buttons - hyperorg. science is now second instead of last, and the first two talks are on Sat while the last four are on Sun. That probably means you don't have to coordinate as much, but you can still do so if you would like to build on other people's talks."
       (lambda (o) (format "* TODO Check time for \"%s\" (%s)  :emacsconf:\nDEADLINE: %s\n(Not a hard deadline, just encouragement to e-mail us before that date if you can)\nPlease e-mail [[]] if you need it changed\n%s track\n%s\nIn context: %s"
                           (plist-get o :title)
                           (plist-get o :slug)
                           (format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats) reply-by-date emacsconf-timezone)
                           (plist-get o :track)
                            (let ((emacsconf-timezones
                                   (if (plist-get o :timezone)
                                       (seq-uniq (append (list emacsconf-timezone)
                                                         (split-string (plist-get o :timezone) " ")
                                                         (list "UTC")))
                              (emacsconf-timezone-strings o))
       (cdr group)
      (format-time-string "%b %-e (%a)" reply-by-date emacsconf-timezone)
      (if (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone)
          (format "I've included timezone conversion to %s. Let me know if you'd like me to use a different timezone in future e-mails."
                  (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone) " ")
        "I can translate times into your local timezone. Let me know what timezone you'd like me to use.")
       ((seq-find (lambda (o) (string-match "yes" (or (plist-get o :availability) ""))) (cdr group))
        (format "I think you've indicated that you're available during the conference."))
       ((seq-find (lambda (o) (string-match "not indicated" (or (plist-get o :availability) ""))) (cdr group))
        (format "I think you didn't indicate any particular availability constraints in your submission."))
       (t (format "I think it respects your indicated availability, which we've noted as %s."
                     (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\"" (plist-get o :availability)))
                     (cdr group)))
                   " and "))))))))

(defun emacsconf-mail-schedule-update (group &optional template)
  "Send draft schedule update.
GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
  (require 'emacsconf-ical)
  (let ((reply-by-date (date-to-time "2022-10-14"))
        (draft-schedule (concat emacsconf-base-url emacsconf-year "/draft-schedule/")))
     (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "check-sched"))
     (car group)
      (mapconcat (lambda (o) (format "%s: %s"
                                     (plist-get o :slug)
                                      "%b %-e %-I:%M %#p %Z"
                                      (plist-get o :start-time)
                 (cdr group) "; ")
      (plist-get (cadr group) :speakers-short)
      (if (= (length (cdr group)) 1) "" "s")
      (plist-get (cadr group) :email)
      (or (plist-get (cadr group) :year) emacsconf-year)
      (if (seq-find (lambda (o) (member (plist-get o :slug) '("journalism" "rolodex" "orgsuperlinks" "buttons" "hyperorg" "science")))
                    (cdr group))
          "I've changed the order slightly from the coordination e-mail I sent you. The sequence is now journalism - science - rolodex - orgsuperlinks - buttons - hyperorg. science is now second instead of last, and the first two talks are on Sat while the last four are on Sun. That probably means you don't have to coordinate as much, but you can still do so if you would like to build on other people's talks."
       (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\" (%s)\n%s track\n%s\nIn context: %s"
                           (plist-get o :title)
                           (plist-get o :slug)
                           (plist-get o :track)
                            "\\1\nIn other timezones:\n\\2"
                             (let ((emacsconf-timezones
                                    (if (plist-get o :timezone)
                                        (seq-uniq (append (list emacsconf-timezone)
                                                          (split-string (plist-get o :timezone) " ")
                                                          (list "UTC")))
                               (emacsconf-timezone-strings o))
       (cdr group)
      (format-time-string "%b %-e (%a)" reply-by-date emacsconf-timezone)
      (if (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone)
          (format "I've included timezone conversion to %s. Let me know if you'd like me to use a different timezone in future e-mails."
                  (plist-get (cadr group) :timezone))
        "I can translate times into your local timezone. Let me know what timezone you'd like me to use.")
       ((seq-find (lambda (o) (string-match "yes" (or (plist-get o :availability) ""))) (cdr group))
        (format "I think you've indicated that you're available during the conference."))
       ((seq-find (lambda (o) (string-match "not indicated" (or (plist-get o :availability) ""))) (cdr group))
        (format "I think you didn't indicate any particular availability constraints in your submission."))
       (t (format "I think it respects your indicated availability, which we've noted as %s."
                     (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\"" (plist-get o :availability)))
                     (cdr group)))
                   " and "))))))))

*** Template
:EMAIL_ID: check-sched
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf draft schedule: ${titles}
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-schedule
Hi, ${speakers-short}!

Here's the tentative schedule for when your EmacsConf talk${plural}
will be streamed. Your talk${plural} will be streamed once, but I've
included a few timezone conversions for convenience.


${availability-note} You'll also have time for Q&A afterwards, which
can be as short or as long as you like. We'll send you more
information about how the Q&A will work as the conference gets closer.${wrap}

If you'd like to see the other talks for context, you can check out
the draft schedule at${year}/draft-schedule/ .
The times may move around a bit as we update the schedule, so I'll
check in with you if things change a lot. ${coordination-note} ${wrap}

We'd like to publish the schedule this month, so we'd love to hear
from you by *${reply-by}* if the times don't work for you. (We can shuffle
things around even after that date if something comes up.) Also, if
you think your talk${plural} would go better next to a different talk, please
let us know. ${timezone-note} Please keep in
To or Cc when replying. Thanks!${wrap}

*** Schedule change affecting dev
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf draft schedule update 2 this time with the updated times: ${titles}
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-schedule-update
:SLUGS:    treesitter lspbridge asmblox wayland
:EMAIL_ID: sched-change

(Please ignore the previous update, I included the wrong times in the
e-mail. The web version's been fine, though! Sorry about the extra

I tweaked the schedule to put treesitter and lspbridge earlier, so
asmblox and wayland are a little later on Saturday morning. If you'd
like to see the latest schedule for your talk, you can go to${year}/draft-schedule/ . Thanks for your


(no need to reply to this to confirm, unless I broke the schedule for
you and you want me to fix it)

*** Schedule change for buddy/meetup
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf draft schedule update 3: ${titles}
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-schedule-update
:SLUGS:    buddy meetups
:EMAIL_ID: sched-change-meetups

Hi ${speakers-short}!

I tweaked the schedule to allocate a little more time for the meetups
talk, and I moved the buddy talk earlier to make space. I think this
might improve the flow as well, since the meetups will refer to how
meeting up with a buddy is a good way to get a public Emacs meetup off
the ground. If you'd like to see the latest schedule for your talk,
you can go to${year}/talks/ . Thanks for your


(no need to reply to this to confirm, unless I broke the schedule for
you and you want me to fix it)


** DONE Volunteer communications: E-mail update for Oct 9, 2022 :email:volunteers:
CLOSED: [2022-10-09 Sun 21:16] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-09 Sun>
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-09

Add your news and requests to this.

*** Template so far
:SUBJECT:  Getting things ready for EmacsConf 2022

Hello, EmacsConf volunteers!

We're starting to gear up for EmacsConf 2022, and we would love to
figure out how to work with your skills, interests, and availability.
<> has some specific task ideas and
general roles.

<> has an
overall prioritization matrix. If any of those options look like
something you want to learn or help with, or if you want to make
things even better than what's in the table, let me know.
Given the number of talks this year, we're going to try to see if we
can pull off two tracks. I've posted a draft schedule at
<> and have e-mailed speakers
to confirm their availability. This schedule staggers live Q&A
sessions so that the person managing the streams can jump back and
forth as needed. We'll figure out shifts once we've sorted out the
processes and training info, but if you want to call dibs on
something, feel free.

Please let me know what kinds of things you'd like to learn more about
or help out with!

Sacha Chua

(You're receiving this e-mail because you're on the emacsconf-org
mailing list. Thanks for wanting to help out!)

** DONE Delete all the EmacsConf BBB rooms from last year  :chore:bbb:zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-11 Tue 19:32]
:CUSTOM_ID: bbb-cleanup
For the admins on BBB.  The list is accessible here: [[][Organization Settings]].
Should take no more than ~20′.
** DONE Write volunteer update
CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 08:24] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-17 Mon>
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-16

Hello, folks! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
out with. =)

- All the speakers have confirmed that they've gotten the acceptance
  e-mails. Many speakers have confirmed that the schedule works for
  them after I reshuffled a few talks for better availability. I've
  posted the schedule at . We'll
  announce the schedule on the emacsconf-discuss mailing, Reddit, and
  various places this week.
- zaeph has been working on the ffmpeg incantations for preprocessing
  the videos that will be submitted soon. bandali is working on
  getting the FTP and web-based uploads sorted out so that speakers
  can submit their videos.
- I created some watch pages to support viewing different tracks: . The livestreams won't work yet
  and it would be nice to figure out something that can dynamically
  display info for recent/current/upcoming talks, but it's a start.

- We set up a self-hosted Etherpad (ex: with an easy way to
  redirect to using Wikimedia in case we run into scaling issues. I've
  added it to our Ansible playbook
  ( and I'm looking
  forward to incorporating Ry P.'s improvements. Karl Voit gave
  feedback on the first draft of the template.

- vetrivln volunteered for some of the dev hosting shifts, Karl Voit
  volunteered for some of the gen pad shifts, and FlowyCoder
  volunteered for some of the gen check-in shifts. Thanks!

Next week, we hope to:

- Announce the EmacsConf 2022 schedule in the usual places (got any wording/JS/CSS suggestions?)
- Finalize the upload instructions so that speakers can start submitting their files
- Put together volunteer training materials
- Set up per-speaker BBB rooms and friendly URLs


** DONE Publish icals                                               :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-10-19 Wed 18:46]
:CUSTOM_ID: ical
:Effort:   1:00

It would be nice to have track-specific icals as well.

** DONE [#A] Figure out web-based file upload    :needsowner:sachac:ansible:
CLOSED: [2022-10-19 Wed 09:20] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-18 Tue>
:CUSTOM_ID: upload
zaeph: I can work on it, but I’m not experienced in this domain, so I’d prefer to be a back-up.
task is currently with bandali

Lesson learned from last year: "Since people kept running into ftp
problems, we might want to set up a web-frontend next year to minimise

Maybe we could ask some of the volunteers who wanted to help us with
the infra? It shouldn’t be complicated to deploy a ready-made

"file drop" is a common keyword for looking for information.
- Probably run it on
- Bonus features:
  - password-protected or hidden behind some kind of authentication or hidden behind some kind of URL, so we don't have to worry too much about spam
  - extra points for sending speakers links to upload to specific folders so that we can separate resources by talk
  - Resumable uploads would be good, since some speakers had a hard time with unreliable connections
- What other conferences do:
  - LibrePlanet uses plain FTP and recommends FileZilla
  - FOSSDEM uses Pentabarf to receive uploads
  - DebConf uses SReview(?)
  - FOSSGIS uses Seafile
- Some options:

  | Project                                      | Docker   | Buster | Base      | Notes                              |
  |                 |          |        | php+mysql |                                    |
  |                 |          |        | php+mysql |                                    |
  |     | official |        | node      | can set upload password, resumable; data volume needs uid 1000 |
  |       | official | ppa    | C++       |                                    |
  | | official |        |           | general FTP client                 |
  |          | official |        | php       |                                    |
  |   | official |        | node      | looking for maint                  |
  |  |          |        |           |                                    |
  |              |          |        |           |                                    |
  - NextCloud

  anon FTP upload currently goes to /srv/ftp/anon/ on


  Maybe I'll do psitransfer as a direct install
*** DONE Create 2022/ with the same workflow as last year for a start
CLOSED: [2022-10-18 Tue 14:37]
*** DONE Implement new workflow
CLOSED: [2022-10-18 Tue 14:37]
** DONE Update IRC instructions because of multiple tracks 
CLOSED: [2022-10-16 Sun 17:39]

Added to watch pages
** DONE Move scheduling and publishing code to Emacs on a VPS so that other people can help out :sachac:
:CUSTOM_ID: publishing-sched
- Update pages with watching information, additional resources, etc. as talks go live
- Update the schedule as needed (cancelled or reordered talks, etc.)

- front? my own VPS?

  Nice if there's an Ansible playbook
  sachac's notes:
- probably good to set it up on front

It's now on front. 

** DONE Prepare email for nudging speakers to send prerec, and inform on upload workflow :timesensitive:needsowner:
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 08:42]
:CUSTOM_ID: mail-upload

*** Code

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-upload (group &optional template)
  "Send upload instructions and reminder.
GROUP is (email . (talk talk))"
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
  (let ((action-date (date-to-time "2022-11-04")))
     (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "upload"))
     (car group)
      :slugs (mapconcat (lambda (o) (plist-get o :slug)) (cdr group) " or ")
      :speakers-short (plist-get (cadr group) :speakers-short)
      :plural (if (= (length (cdr group)) 1) "" "s")
      :email (plist-get (cadr group) :email)
      :year (or (plist-get (cadr group) :year) emacsconf-year)
      :prerec-note (emacsconf-surround
                    (make-string 64 ?-)
                    (string-join (seq-uniq (mapcar
                                            (lambda (o)
                                              (plist-get o :prerec-info))
                                            (cdr group)))
                    (make-string 64 ?-)

*** Template
:EMAIL_ID: upload
:FUNCTION: emacsconf-mail-upload
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf upload instructions
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}

Hi, ${speakers-short}!

${prerec-note}Here are the instructions for uploading the video${plural} for your talk${plural}.
You can find the latest version of the instructions at .
There are two ways to upload your talk${plural} this year, so you can pick the one that works best for you:${wrap}

- Web-based: , password emacsconf
- FTP: host:, port: 21, username: anonymous
  folder: upload-here

If you upload slides and other resources, we can include them on the
talk page when your talk goes live. If you happen to have a script or
a transcript, please include them as well (it’ll speed up the
captioning for us).

Please add a comment or start your filenames with the ID for the talk
that it's for: ${slugs}.

If you're still working on your talk, you might find the tips at useful. In brief:

- at least 1280x720 resolution
- we recommend dark text on a light background, with enough contrast
  to make it easy to read
- if possible, use a headset or external microphone to record audio
  in order to minimize computer noise
- upload a separate 5 second recording of quiet or leave 5 seconds
  of quiet at the end of your talk video so that we can process your
  video for noise reduction

Please plan to upload your talk by November 4 (next Friday) so that we
can get started preparing it for streaming. If you can't make it by
then, we can accept later submissions, although it's a bit more of a
scramble and our stress levels go up as the conference approaches. =)
We'd really appreciate the extra time for captioning and
double-checking. Thank you for your help in getting ready for a smooth
EmacsConf 2022!

Sacha Chua
** DONE Send backstage email
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 09:23]

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-backstage-info (group &optional template)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)))
   (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "backstage"))
   (plist-get group :email)
   (append group
            :backstage ""
            :backstage-user "emacsconf"
            :backstage-password emacsconf-backstage-password
            :conf-name emacsconf-name
            :year emacsconf-year))))
(defun emacsconf-mail-backstage-info-to-speakers-and-captioners ()
  (let ((template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "backstage"))
           (lambda (talk)
              :name (plist-get talk :speakers-short)
              :email (plist-get talk :email)
              :role "speaker"
              "As we add more talks, you can skim through any relevant ones to
see if there are any points you'd like to build on in your talk.
Also, you can get a sense of what we do behind the scenes to try
to get as many talks captioned for broadcast, and what you can do
to make it easier. (A text file with names and technical terms
can be helpful. No need to type out a manual transcript if you
don't start from a script.) After you upload your talk and we
process the files, you can use the backstage area to check the
quality of the reencoded video."))
           (seq-filter (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC"))
                       (emacsconf-filter-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))))
         (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect emacsconf-org-file)
           (org-map-entries (lambda ()
                              (list :name (org-entry-get (point) "NAME_SHORT")
                                    :email (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL")
                                    :role "captioning volunteer"
                                    :backstage-use "If you see a talk that you'd like to caption, you can e-mail me at and I can reserve it for you."))
    (mapcar (lambda (g) (emacsconf-mail-backstage-info g template))
             (seq-remove (lambda (v) (seq-find (lambda (s) (string= (plist-get s :email)
                                                                    (plist-get v :email)))


*** Template
:SUBJECT:  EmacsConf backstage area with videos and other resources
:EMAIL_ID: backstage
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}

Hi ${name}!

You're getting this e-mail because you are a ${role} for ${conf-name}
${year}. (Thanks!)${wrap}

I'm so excited! =) A number of speakers have uploaded their videos,
and OpenAI Whisper looks like a promising way to get automatically
generated captions that we can use as a starting point.

We've set up ${backstage} as the backstage area where you can view the
videos and resources uploaded so far. You can access it with the
username "${backstage-user}" and the password "${backstage-password}".
Please keep the backstage password and other speakers' talk resources
secret. ${backstage-use}${wrap}

Thank you!

Sacha Chua

** DONE Write playbooks
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 09:25]
*** DONE Host                                                         :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-20 Thu 11:30]

*** CANCELLED Streamer                                                :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 09:24]
:CUSTOM_ID: inform-streamer-volunteers
Blocked by [[#streaming]]

bandali and corwin/zaeph will do the streaming, so writing the streaming playbook is a little lower priority for now
*** DONE Check-in
CLOSED: [2022-10-16 Sun 21:26]
CLOSED: [2022-10-16 Sun 21:38]
*** DONE Pad
CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 00:25]
:CUSTOM_ID: inform-pad-volunteers
*** DONE Captions
CLOSED: [2022-10-17 Mon 00:25]
:CUSTOM_ID: inform-pad-volunteers
** CANCELLED [#C] Figure out why ikiwiki is slow                :infra:wiki:
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 09:26]
:CUSTOM_ID: ikiwiki-regex
complex regular expression issues?
should the captions be outside the wiki?
** CANCELLED Add nice-to-have stuff to                    :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-10-22 Sat 09:27]
:CUSTOM_ID: extra-prepare
- org-reveal config
- SIL fonts choice

** DONE Write volunteer update 2022-10-23                           :update:
CLOSED: [2022-10-23 Sun 10:22]
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-23

Hello, folks! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
out with. =)

- We've e-mailed the speakers instructions for uploading their files through either a web browser or an FTP client, and three speakers have already done so! Those talks are now available in the backstage area (, along with the first set of edited captions (thanks Jai Vetrivelan!). If you don't have the username and password for the backstage area and you would like to access it, please e-mail me and I'll send you the details.
- We've created a BBB room for each speaker's live Q&A session. The URLs are in in the private repository if you need them.
- We've drafted some documentation for different volunteer roles. If you'd like to volunteer as a captioner, check-in person (hmm, reception?), Etherpad scribe, IRC monitor, or host, please check out the appropriate link and let me know if I need to add anything to the docs:
- Thanks to David O'Toole for signing up for some IRC shifts! If you would like to volunteer for a shift, check out .
- We've updated our streaming configuration for the General and Development tracks, and have started testing them using mpv and the watch pages. Videos aren't currently streaming, but you can check out the layout of the watch pages at:
  These pages could probably be a lot prettier and easier to use. If you have some ideas for improving them or if you'd like to work on the HTML/CSS/JS, we'd love your help!
- There are now Q&A waiting rooms with friendly URLs so that it's easier for people to join the live Q&A when the host decides it's okay to let everyone in. They're linked on the watch pages (along with the pads) and they'll be linked from the talk pages once we're ready to share them.
- zaeph has been busy tweaking the ffmpeg workflow for reencoding and normalizing videos. Thanks to Ry P. for sharing the server with us - we've been using it for all the processing that our laptops can't handle.
- We experimented with using the OpenAI Whisper speech-to-text toolkit to create the auto-generated captions that captioning volunteers can edit. Looks promising! If you'd like to compare the performance between small, medium, and large models, you can look at the VTT files for the sqlite talk in the backstage area. I've also added support for tab-separated values (like Audacity label exports) and a subed-convert command to subed.el, which might give us a more concise format to work with. I'll work on getting word-level timing data so that our captioning workflow can be even easier.

Next week, we hope to:

- improve the prerec and captioning workflows
- get more captions underway

Lots of good stuff happening!

Sacha Chua  
** DONE 2022-10-30 volunteer update
CLOSED: [2022-10-30 Sun 19:46]
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-10-30

Hello, everyone! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
out with. =)

- Help wanted - Captioning: There are three talks open for captioning
  in <> , so feel free to
  e-mail me if you'd like to reserve one. I've tweaked the captioning
  process a little bit so that I can reflow the transcripts into
  shorter subtitles before people edit the captions, so editing is
  easier to do because you don't have to split along the way. (If
  you're curious about the technical stuff, I switched to manually
  splitting the text using emacsconf-reflow from emacsconf-el and then
  the using aeneas for forced alignment, because I couldn't figure out
  how to get torchaudio unstuck sometimes.)

  If you don't have the username and password for the backstage area
  and you would like to access it, please e-mail me and I'll send you
  the details.

- Help wanted - tech checks: For sessions with live Q&A, we'd like to
  set up tech-checks with speakers to make sure that their setup works
  well with BigBlueButton. A rough outline of the process is in the
  tech-checking protocol heading at
  <> . If you
  would like to help with tech-checks, please e-mail us with your
  general availability (including timezones) and preferred public
  contact information so that we can include you on the list at
  <> and in the e-mail to

- Help wanted - intro/intermission slides, OBS overlay, ??: It might
  be interesting to design something to show right before and right
  after a talk so that people can see the title, speaker name, talk
  page URL, Q&A info, pad URL, pronouns, etc. Ideally we'd be able to
  generate a whole bunch of these from the talk data, so maybe SVG or
  a TikZ picture? If this is your jam, let us know.
- OBS in the cloud: We've been able to figure out how to stream both
  streams using OBS, VNC, and PulseAudio on Ry P.'s virtual server, so
  it's even more likely that we're going to pull off two tracks this
  year. Yay!

- Tom Purl has joined as a captioning volunteer. Hi Tom!

This week we hope to get lots of talks submitted, processed, and on
the way to being captioned. We're also planning to make the captioning
workflow even better, and to improve the OBS streaming workflow. Whee!

Sacha <>

** Volunteer update 2022-11-07
:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-11-07

Hi everyone!

Here's what's been happening backstage.

- Speakers have been submitting their videos, hooray! I added a
  schedule to the backstage page at
  <> so that people can see
  how the schedule's coming along. We expect more talks to come in the
  next two weeks. Not panicking yet. =)

- Thanks to all the people who've been working on captions so far!
  Bhavin, Andrea, and Ramin did the captions for their talks, and Jai
  captioned Bala's talk. Tom, Bhavin, and Hannah are currently working
  on captions. There are three more talks backstage if anyone wants to
  work on them.
- I just posted some notes on how I reflow and edit subtitles in case
  they're helpful:
  It's also linked from the backstage page under More info: editing

- We added the Emacs development updates talk from John Wiegley and
  updated the times of other talks based on messages from the
- We did a dry run of the OBS streaming setup with Leo, Amin, and
  Corwin. I think we're on track to being able to broadcast two
  streams this year.

- IRC announcements, BBB redirection, and media file publishing can
  now all automatically happen when the talk status changes,
  simplifying our work during the conference. Video playback and Q&A
  browser windows can happen automatically if streaming from I want to get the publishing workflow all
  smoothed out too, so that talks and transcripts can be more easily
  published to the wiki pages during the conference.

Plans for this week:

- More videos and captions!
- I plan to work on talk page publishing so that it happens smoothly during the conference
- Leo's going to review the videos submitted so far and prepare intros for them
- Might be a good idea to reach out to speakers for tech checks and bios

EmacsConf is a little less than four weeks away. Stuff is happening!


** DONE Send prerec reminder                                        :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27] SCHEDULED: <2022-11-11 Fri>
:CUSTOM_ID: prerec-reminder
*** DONE Update logbook with notes from e-mails                     :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27]
*** DONE Follow up with speakers based on their availability
CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27]
** DONE Send schedule-published email for emacsconf-discuss :needsowner:timesensitive:email:
CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-31 Mon> DEADLINE: <2022-10-31 Mon>
:CUSTOM_ID: announce-program

Schedule is now available; post to emacsconf-discuss, emacs-tangents

*** DONE Post it to r/emacs as well                          :reddit:zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50]
Please let zaeph know when it’s live so that the post can be distinguished.

*** Template
:SUBJECT:  [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 schedule

Greetings, fellow Emacsians!

On behalf of the EmacsConf 2022 organizers team, I'm very excited to
announce the schedule for EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 and 4), available at:


All of the times listed on the schedule are in EST (UTC-5). You can
click on each talk's title to open its page for more information,
including its scheduled time in your local time. (Displaying local time
requires running a tiny bit of AGPLv3+-licensed free/libre JavaScript
code, included on the talk pages.)

For prerecorded talks, this time is also when the talk's video will be
made available on the same page. Please note that the times are
approximations, and that the schedule may change leading up to the

As the conference approaches, we'll post more details on how to watch
and participate.

You can subscribe to the emacsconf-discuss mailing list at to
be sure you'll get updates.

Want to help make EmacsConf even awesomer? Volunteer!

We hope to see you all around on Dec 3-4 for EmacsConf 2022!

P.S. please direct all replies to this post either to myself or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists cc'd in this message; thank you.
** DONE Flesh out for audio-recording tips before the prerec-deadline :zaeph:
CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 15:26]
:CUSTOM_ID: prepare-audio
* Communications
:CUSTOM_ID: comms
** DONE Ask emacsconf-org-private for feedback on early submissions

The EmacsConf 2022 CFP was extended to Sept 30 with notifications to
go out on Oct 15. We've got plenty of submissions and with any luck,
you've been reviewing them as they come in (assuming you have access to

As a courtesy to people who got their stuff together in a timely manner
and to give them extra time to prepare a prerecorded talk (which might
also translate into extra time for us to process and caption the talks),
I'd like to send acceptances and tentative time allotments by Sept 30.
I plan to offer a max of 20 minutes with a note that additional time may
be available for Q&A depending on how many additional submissions we get.

Could everyone who wants a say in the program please add comments to
$url by **Sept 26** so that we can send out early acceptances? In
general, we try to say yes to everything, so here's your chance to
raise any red flags or suggest ways to make things even better.


** DONE Acceptance                                                  :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-09-30 Fri 18:13] DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
:CUSTOM_ID: acceptance

We can accept early or send people a note saying notification of acceptance will be on Oct 15, because of the extended CFP.
Right before this e-mail:

- Publish the wiki pages

Objectives for this e-mail:

- Notify people of acceptance
- Tell them the number of minutes to plan for* (might get more)
- Tell them about the target date
- Get them to reply
- Ask for public contact information or any changes to the wiki page
#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(defun emacsconf-draft-acceptance-for-email-group (group &optional template)
  "GROUP is (email . (talk talk))."
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-mail-complete-email-group)))
  (let* ((template (or template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "acceptance")))
         (talks (cdr group))
         (first (car talks))
         (reply-by-date (date-to-time "2022-10-08"))
         (prerec-target (date-to-time "2022-11-04"))
         (attrs `(:speakers-short
                  ,(plist-get first :speakers-short)
                  ,(if (= (length talks) 1) "" "s")
                  ,(plist-get first :email)
                  ,(or (plist-get first :year) emacsconf-year)
                  ,(format-time-string "%b %-e (%a)" reply-by-date)
                  ,(mapconcat (lambda (o) (format "\"%s\" (%s)"
                                                  (plist-get o :title)
                                                  (plist-get o :slug)))
                              talks " and ")
                  ,(format-time-string "%b %-e (%a)" prerec-target)
                  ,(mapconcat (lambda (o) (concat "- " (plist-get o :url)))
                              talks "\n")
                  ,(if (plist-get first :irc) (concat (plist-get first :irc) "? ") "")
                   "* TODO Reply to acceptance e-mail in order to confirm e-mail communication  :emacsconf:
  DEADLINE: " (format-time-string "<%Y-%m-%d %a>" reply-by-date) "\n  Please include any extra information you want (ex: public e-mail, IRC nick) on\n"
(mapconcat (lambda (o) (concat "  " (plist-get o :url)))
           talks "\n") "\n"
(mapconcat (lambda (o) (format "* TODO Record %s-minute talk for \"%s\" (%s)  :emacsconf:
  DEADLINE: %s\n"
                               (plist-get o :time)
                               (plist-get o :title)
                               (plist-get o :slug)
                               (format-time-string "<%Y-%m-%d %a>" prerec-target)
                               (plist-get o :year)))
           talks "\n"))
                    (lambda (o)
                      (format "%s minutes: %s\n%s\n\n%s"
                              (plist-get o :time)
                              (plist-get o :title)
                              (plist-get o :url)
                              (string-fill (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string
                                            (append o
                                                     :prerec-target (format-time-string "%b %-e" prerec-target)))
                                            (plist-get o :acceptance-comment)) 72)))
                    talks "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"))))
    (emacsconf-mail-prepare template (car group) attrs)))

(defun emacsconf-draft-all-acceptances ()
  (let* ((emacsconf-talk-info-functions (append emacsconf-talk-info-functions '(emacsconf-get-talk-comments-from-subtree)))
         (info (seq-filter (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "TO_ACCEPT"))
                           (emacsconf-filter-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
         (grouped (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email)) info))
         (template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "acceptance")))
    (mapc (lambda (group)
            (emacsconf-draft-acceptance-for-email-group group template))

*** Speaker acceptance
:SUBJECT:  EmacsConf ${year} acceptance${plural}: ${titles}
:EMAIL_ID: acceptance
:MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO:, ${email}
:REPLY_TO:, ${email}
Hi, ${speakers-short}!


We've accepted your EmacsConf proposal${plural} for ${titles}! Thanks
for volunteering to share what you're learning about. I know it takes
a fair bit of work to prepare a presentation, so I appreciate that
you're taking the time to show what's possible with Emacs and
encourage people to learn more.${wrap}


You'll have some time after your talk${plural} for Q&A, so the allocated time
can be just for your pre-recorded talk${plural}. Of course, if you like, you
can make it shorter.

We've posted preparation tips at${year}/prepare/ .
We'll send you instructions on how to upload files once we get that
set up.

Could you please plan to **put your pre-rec${plural} together by
${prerec-target}** (or even earlier if you want)? We're going to try
to caption as many talks as possible again this year, and extra time
helps a lot. People found the captions really helpful while watching
the stream, and sending your talk in early will make it more likely
that we'll be able to get your captions edited and reviewed before the

**Please reply to this e-mail by ${reply-date}** (doublechecking that is in the To: or Cc:) so that we can confirm
that we've got the right email address for you and that messages can
get properly delivered. Also, would you like us to put ${email} as the
public contact information for you, or would you like us to add
something else to the talk page${plural}?${wrap}


If you have any questions, please e-mail us at or pass by the #emacsconf-org IRC channel on (Web-based:

Thank you so much!

Sacha Chua

** Future
*** Captions for approval
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-mail-captions-for-approval (talk)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)))
  (let ((captions (expand-file-name (concat (plist-get talk :video-slug) "--main.vtt") emacsconf-cache-dir))
         (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect emacsconf-org-file)
                   (org-entry-properties (org-find-property "CUSTOM_ID" (plist-get talk :captioner))))))
     (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template "captions")
     (plist-get talk :email)
      :speakers-short (plist-get talk :speakers-short)
      :year emacsconf-year
      :email (plist-get talk :email)
      :title (plist-get talk :title)
      :captioner (assoc-default "NAME_SHORT" captioner-info)
      :url (format "" emacsconf-year)
      :password emacsconf-backstage-password
      :captioner-email (assoc-default "EMAIL" captioner-info)
      (if (string= (plist-get talk :captioner) "sachac")
        (format "%s volunteered to edit the captions for your video. " (assoc-default "NAME_SHORT" captioner-info)))
      (if (string= (plist-get talk :captioner) "sachac")
          "It was fun working on your captions. Thanks!"
        (format "%s: Thank you for editing the captions!" (assoc-default "NAME_SHORT" captioner-info)))
      :captions (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents captions) (buffer-string))))
    (mml-attach-file captions "text/vtt" "Subtitles" "attachment")))

**** Template
:SUBJECT:  EmacsConf ${year}: Captions for ${title}
:TO: ${email}
:CC: ${captioner-email},
:REPLY_TO: ${email}, ${captioner-email},
:EMAIL_ID: captions
:CUSTOM_ID: approve-captions

Hi ${speakers-short}!

Because you sent in your video before the conference, we were able to
caption it so that more people can find and enjoy your talk.
${captioner-volunteered} I've attached the caption text file in case
you want to review it, suggest any corrections, or use the text in a
blog post or elsewhere. You can look at the attached file or watch
your video with closed captions at ${url} (username: emacsconf,
password: ${password}). I've also included the captions at the end of
this e-mail for your convenience. Thanks again for your




*** Speakers we haven't confirmed e-mail communications with
Hi, ${name}!

I think we haven't heard from you since we accepted your EmacsConf
${year} proposal for "${title}". EmacsConf coming up soon, so I wanted
to check in with you to see how you're doing.

Could you please e-mail us to let us know if you're still working on
your prerecorded video, if you're planning to present live, or if you
can't make it this year? No worries if other priorities have come up
and you don't have the time for a presentation.

If you've been working on a presentation, fantastic! When you're
ready, you can upload it following the instructions at${year}/prepare/ (ideally before ${prerec-date} so
that we have time to download it, doublecheck, etc.). 

If you plan to present live, please go through the self-check at . Some speakers have encountered
technical issues with BigBlueButton that they didn't have with Zoom or
Google Meet, so this is something we definitely want to look into
earlier rather than later. If that works for you, please e-mail us
back so that I can keep your timeslot. The tentative schedule for your
talk is on the talk page at ${url} .

*Please e-mail us your plans before ${date}.* I'm
planning to shift the schedule around to give more time to confirmed
speakers for Q&A and possibly live demos. If I don't hear from you by
then (maybe an over-enthusiastic spam filter has been swallowing up
all our mail?), I'll probably reallocate the ${time} minutes that had
been set aside for your talk. We might be able to squeeze it back in
afterwards or play a video from you at the end of the conference day,
but it would be nice to get the schedule sorted out instead of
scrambling to fill gaps on the day of the conference.

Hope to hear from you by ${date}!

Sacha Chua

(Please use Reply to All to keep in the loop. Thanks!)

*** Speakers who are missing prerecs
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :tangle no
(let ((template (conf-mail-merge-get-template "missing")))
   (lambda (info)
     (compose-mail (plist-get info :email)
                   (conf-replace-plist-in-string info (plist-get template :subject))
                   `(("Reply-To" . ,(plist-get template :reply-to))
                     ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(plist-get template :mail-followup-to))
                     ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc))))
     (insert (conf-replace-plist-in-string info (plist-get template :body)))
     (plist-get info :email))
   (mapcar 'cadr
           (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email))
                         (seq-filter (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :status) "WAITING_FOR_PREREC"))

**** Template
:SUBJECT:  [need answer by Friday noon EST] EmacsConf ${year}: Don't have a prerec from you yet, aaah!
:EMAIL_ID: missing

Hi ${speakers},

EmacsConf is in a few days and I don't think we have your prerecorded
video yet, so I'm getting miiiildly stressed about the schedule. And
you're probably stressing out about it too, so let's go figure out how
we can make this work.

Option A: If you happen to have the prerecording or can get it done by
tomorrow, we can probably squeeze it in. Please upload it to by following the instructions in${year}/prepare#ftp-upload , or send us a link using
your favourite file-sharing service (especially if FTP is giving you

Option B: If you want to present live, it might be an option. I'm a little
worried about the potential for technical issues, since we've had
problems with that in previous EmacsConfs. The tight schedule means
there's not a lot of time to figure things out, and it can be hard to
make something as focused as a prerecorded video when you're doing it
live. We will definitely want to make sure that:
  - your self-serve tech check works:
    at your convenience;
  - you check in as early as possible (at least 1 hour before, so we
    know if the speaker before you needs to extend) and let us know
    that you want to do it live${year}/speakers .
    We keep adapting the schedule as things come up, so please check${year}/schedule/ on the day of the conference.

If there are technical issues or your talk runs a little over time, we
might have to stop streaming it on the main stream when it's time for
the next talk. We may be able to continue streaming it on the
alternate stream. If so, people can continue watching it there if they
wish to.

Option C: If you can't make it, that's okay. Life gets crazy
sometimes. Please let us know and we can update the wiki. If you
happen to be able to make a prerecorded video afterwards, we can add
that to the wiki, playlists, and announcements. We hope you can join
us next year.

Since EmacsConf is *this weekend* (aaaaaaah), please let us know by
tomorrow noon EST (Friday; 9AM PST, 5PM GMT, 6PM CET) so that we can
keep the time allocated for you in the schedule. If we don't hear from
you, we'll probably reallocate the ${time} minutes reserved for you so
that other talks can have longer Q&A. If you can still make it, check
in early and let us know so that we can try to work out an alternate
stream for you. Hope to hear from you soon!


*** Check-in instructions
:SUBJECT:  Getting ready for EmacsConf ${year}

- Ask speaker verify their scheduled time
  It has already been confirmed with them, but it might have changed slightly (give-or-take 30'
  - HOW: They should check the time at the top of their talk page on the day of the conference
- Double-check Q&A preference, encourage tech checks for live talks/Q&A
  - If they are available:
    - Direct to tech-checks via${year}/prepare/
    - Inform them of the check-in process
      - They come say hi to us 30' before their session in #emacsconf-org or #emacsconf (they can use )
      - We get them set up in a room where they can wait until the end of the broadcast of their pretention
      - They’re joined by the streamer and host.
**** Code

Slightly more complex because of the conditionals

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t
(defun emacsconf-mail-checkin-instructions ()
   (lambda (list)
     (let ((template (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect emacsconf-org-file)
                       (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template (car list)))))
        (lambda (email-list)
          (let* ((email (car email-list))
                 (talks (cdr email-list))
                 (combined-info (emacsconf-combine-plist talks " , "))
                   :name (or (car (plist-get combined-info :speakers)) "???")
                   :url (or (string-join (plist-get combined-info :url) " , ") "???")
                   :email (car (plist-get combined-info :email))))
                 (body (when (plist-get for-mail :email) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string for-mail (plist-get template :body))))
                 (subject (when (plist-get for-mail :email) (emacsconf-replace-plist-in-string for-mail (plist-get template :subject)))))
            (when (plist-get for-mail :email)
               (plist-get for-mail :email)
               `(("Reply-To" . ,(plist-get template :reply-to))
                 ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(plist-get template :mail-followup-to))
                 ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc))))
                (insert body)))))
        (cdr list))))
   ;; Group by e-mail
    (lambda (list)
      (cons (car list) (seq-group-by (lambda (o) (plist-get o :email)) (cdr list))))
    ;; Group by q-and-a pref
     (lambda (o)
       (pcase (plist-get o :q-and-a)
         ('nil "checkin-unknown")
         ((pred (string-match "after")) "checkin-after")
         ((pred (string-match "live\\|irc\\|pad")) "checkin-at-conf")
         (_ "checkin-unknown")))
     (emacsconf-filter-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))))

(defun emacsconf-cancel-mail-merge ()
  (mapc (lambda (buffer)
          (when (string-match "unsent" (buffer-name buffer))
            (let ((buffer-modified-p nil)) (kill-buffer buffer))))


**** E-mail for speakers who are planning to be at the conference
:EMAIL_ID: checkin-at-conf
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions

Hello, ${name}!

We're looking forward to having you join us at EmacsConf!

We'll probably keep updating the schedule even on the day of the
conference. You can get a rough idea of when your talk is scheduled at
${url}. You might want to check it some time next week to get a rough
sense of where it is, and then check it again on the day of your talk.

Please check in at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of your
prerecorded talk so that we can deal with small scheduling changes or
technical issues. You can find the check-in process at${year}/speakers/ .

If something comes up, please let us know as soon as you can. Here's
our emergency contact information:


Looking forward to seeing you soon!


**** E-mail for speakers who are not planning to be around, but who have sent us their prerecs
:EMAIL_ID: checkin-after
:SUBJECT: EmacsConf ${year}: Check-in instructions

Hello, ${name}!

Thank you so much for contributing a talk for EmacsConf ${year}! We're
looking forward to collecting questions and forwarding them to you by
e-mail after the conference. We'll also post the prerecording at the
time that it gets streamed, so people will be able to access it at
${url} once it has gone live.

If it turns out that you can make it to the conference after all, feel
free to drop us a line at #emacsconf-org and we'll let people know
you're around. You can find the check-in process at${year}/speakers/ .

Thank you again for being part of EmacsConf ${year}!


*** Last email before the conference
Friends, emacsians, hackers, lend me your ears!

This is it, the final stretch until the next EmacsConf.  A couple of weeks
ago, we’ve shared our program with you; now, it is time for us to share our
schedule, i.e. when the talks will happen!

You can find it on our wiki:$year/schedule/

All the times on the program are listed in EST (UTC-5).  If a talk catches
your eye, we invite you to click on its title to find out at what time it will
be broadcast in your local time.  Also, if the talk is pre-recorded, it will
also be the time at which the talk will be made available on the same page.

*** Thank you, next steps
:CUSTOM_ID: thanks
**** Code

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun conf-mail-thanks-after-conference ()
  (let* ((template (conf-mail-merge-get-template "speaker-thanks"))
         (info (conf-get-talk-info-for-subtree)))
    (compose-mail (plist-get info :email)
                   info (plist-get template :subject)))
          (list :subtitle-note
                (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (format "%s/captions/%s--main.vtt"
                                                             (plist-get info :year)
                                                             (plist-get info :video-slug)) conf-directory))
                    "You can add the subtitles by downloading them from the talk page and uploading them to your video. "
                  "We didn't quite manage to squeeze in captions for your talk during the conference, but we'll work on those soon.")
                (if (plist-get info :qa-public)
                    "The recording of your Q&A session is also on the talk page. "
         (plist-get template :body)))))))


**** Text
:EMAIL_ID: speaker-thanks
:SUBJECT: Thanks for speaking at EmacsConf ${year}! Prerec for ${title} up on page, YouTube, Toobnix

Hi ${speakers-short}!

Thank you so much for being part of EmacsConf ${year}! Hundreds of people
enjoyed it, and I'm sure even more will come across the videos in the
days to follow.

Your prerecorded video is available on the talk page at ${url} , and
we've added the questions and comments that we've collected from
IRC/BBB/Etherpad. ${qa-note}

We've also uploaded your talk video to ToobNix (a PeerTube
instance) at ${toobnix-url} and YouTube at ${youtube-url} . If you
want to reupload the video to your own channel, feel free to do so.
${subtitle-note} If you let me know where you've uploaded
it, I can switch our playlist to include your version of the video
instead. That way, it might be easier for you to respond to comments
on videos.

If you would like to share more resources, you can add them to the
talk page or e-mail them to us and we can add them for you.

Thanks again for speaking at EmacsConf!

** Archive
*** DONE Second announcement: CFP
:SUBJECT:  [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
- Note taken on [2022-09-18 Sun 13:29] \\
  Sent by bandali to,,,

Dear fellow Emacsians,

This is the second and final Call for Participation for EmacsConf 2022
now extended until September 30, and the conference itself planned for
December 3 and 4 (Sat-Sun).  Please see the CFP below for details on
how to send in your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about
other ways of participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our
main IRC channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network.

If you're considering submitting a proposal but think the remaining
time may not be enough, please reach out to me off-list as soon as
possible so we could work something out.

I'll close this portion of the email with a thank you to all of the
folks who have submitted session proposals or expressed interest in
volunteering with EmacsConf.  We look forward to reading and reviewing
all of your messages and proposals, and getting back to you about them
and about the next steps soon. :-)


P.S. please direct any replies to this post either to myself or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists cc'd on this message.  Thank you.
*** DONE First announcement: CFP
:SUBJECT:  [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
- Note taken on [2022-07-17 Sun 22:00] \\
  Sent by bandali to,,,

Dear fellow Emacsians,

We are excitedly calling for your participation for EmacsConf 2022,
planned for December 3 and 4, 2022 (Sat-Sun)!  The CFP will be open
until September 18.  Please see below for details on how to send in
your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about other ways of
participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our main IRC
channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network.

As an entirely volunteer-run conference we are always looking for more
volunteers and organizers to help with various aspects of organizing
and running the conference, including reviewing session proposals and
streaming parallel tracks.  To get involved, please come by our IRC
channel or one of our public mailing lists (see below) and introduce
yourself and tell us about your interests, or contact myself or one of
the other organizers directly if you're feeling a bit shy; we hope to
hear from you! :)


P.S. please direct any replies for this message either to me or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists Cc'd on this message.  Thank you.

* Supporting code
:CUSTOM_ID: code
** General
#+name: general-setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar emacsconf-danger-allow-dangerous-stuff nil
  "When non-nil, trade safety for convenience.")

(defvar emacsconf-danger-asked nil
  "When non-nil, user has already been asked for security trade-off.")

(defun emacsconf-danger--ask (forms)
  "Ask to run dangerous FORMS.
Return t if the answer is “yes”."
  (when (y-or-n-p (format "FORMS:\n%s\n\nThis is dangerous.  Run anyway? "
                          (prin1-to-string forms)))
    (unless emacsconf-danger-asked
      (if (y-or-n-p "Would you like to trade security for convenience for the rest of the session? ")
          (setq-local emacsconf-danger-allow-dangerous-stuff t)
        (setq-local emacsconf-danger-asked t)))

(defmacro emacsconf-danger--shield (error &rest forms)
  "Protect user from dangerous FORMS.
Throw an error if ERROR is non-nil, skip otherwise."
  `(let ((shield (not (or emacsconf-danger-allow-dangerous-stuff
                          (emacsconf-danger--ask ',@forms)))))
     (if shield
         ,(when error
            '(user-error "Dangerous action cancelled by user"))

(defmacro emacsconf-danger-shield (&rest forms)
  "Protect user from dangerous FORMS by throwing an ERROR."
  `(emacsconf-danger--shield t ,@forms))

(defmacro emacsconf-danger-skip (&rest forms)
  "Protect user from dangerous FORMS by skipping them."
  `(emacsconf-danger--shield nil ,@forms))

;; Make it easy to jump and refile
(setq-local org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 5))))

(message "General setup has been loaded")

#+name: elisp-no-confirmation
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq-local org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
             org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil))
(message "No longer asking for confirmation in this buffer")

#+name: i-like-danger
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq-local emacsconf-danger-allow-dangerous-stuff t)
(org-babel-ref-resolve "elisp-no-confirmation()")

(message "Now allowing dangerous stuff.  Buckle up, buckaroo!")

#+name: back-to-safety
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(kill-local-variable 'emacsconf-danger-allow-dangerous-stuff)
(kill-local-variable 'emacsconf-danger-asked)
(kill-local-variable 'org-confirm-babel-evaluate)
(kill-local-variable 'org-confirm-elisp-link-function)
(kill-local-variable 'org-refile-targets)

(message "Back to safety.  Phew!")
** Prerecs
*** Receive notification when new prerecs are available
#+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -eu


data="$(basename "$0" ".sh").data"

plural () {
    if [ "$2" = 1 ] || [ "$2" = -1 ]; then
        echo "${1}"
        case $1 in
            "is" )
                echo "are"
            * )
                echo "${1}s"

current_time() {
    date +"[%T]"

log() {
    printf "%s $1\n" "$(current_time)"


log2() {
    log "${color_green}$1${color_white}"

notify() {
    log2 "$1"
    notify-send -t 0 "EmacsConf" "$(log "$1")"

_sleep() {
    log "Checking again in ${sleep_duration}s"
    sleep "$sleep_duration"

fetch() {
    TERM=xterm ssh -- ls -1 /srv/upload | wc -l

clean() {
    rm -f "$data"
    log "Data file has been cleaned"

if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
    if [ "$command" = "clean" ]; then
        exit 0

    if [ "$command" = "clean-start" ]; then

touch "$data"

log2 "Currently waiting for prerec"

while true; do
    prerecs_number_past=$(cat "$data")

    while true; do
        log "Checking..."
        diff=$((prerecs_number_current - prerecs_number_past))
        if [ $diff -gt 0 ]; then
        log "No new prerec"

    notify "$diff new $(plural "prerec" $diff) $(plural "is" $diff) available!"

    echo "$prerecs_number_current" > "$data"

*** Fetch upload data
#+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -eu

current_time() {
    date +"[%T]"

log() {
    printf "%s $1\n" "$(current_time)"

if [ -t 0 ]; then
    log "Fetching data..."

TERM=xterm ssh -- cat /srv/upload/*/*json
*** Fetch new talk data formatted
#+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle
#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -eu

echo "Fetching data..."


echo "$data_raw" | awk "$(cat << EOF
func dewrap(a) {gsub(/^ *".*": "|",$/, "", a); return a};
BEGIN {i=0};
/^    "sid"/ { a[0] = dewrap(\$0); };
/^    "name"/ { a[2] = sprintf("%s\t", dewrap(\$0)) };
/^    "comment"/ { a[3] = sprintf("%s\t", dewrap(\$0)); if (a[3] == "\t"){a[3] = "No comment"} };
/^    "key"/ { a[1] = dewrap(\$0); };
/^\}/ { printf "[%d]\t%s\t%s\t%s\n\t%s\n\n", i, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]; i=i+1};
** Publish this page
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-org-publish-this-page ()
  (magit-commit-create (list "-m" (read-string "Commit message: ")))
  (call-interactively #'magit-push-current-to-pushremote))

*** Export to markdown

#+name: md-export-on-save-setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun emacsconf-export-md-on-save ()
  "Export markdown on save.
Meant to be used with `after-save-hook'."

(defvar emacsconf-export-md-on-save-configured t
  "Non-nil when the setup code-block has been executed.")

#+name: md-export-on-save-toggle-on
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(unless (bound-and-true-p emacsconf-export-md-on-save-configured)
   (org-babel-ref-resolve "md-export-on-save-setup()"))

(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save nil t)

(when (memq #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save after-save-hook)
  (message "Hook is active"))

#+name: md-export-on-save-toggle-off
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save t)

(unless (memq #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save after-save-hook)
  (message "Hook is no longer active"))

** Tangle and publish on save
#+name: md-export-on-save-setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval query
(defun emacsconf-export-md-on-save ()
  "Export markdown on save.
Meant to be used with `after-save-hook'."

(defvar emacsconf-export-md-on-save-configured t
  "Non-nil when the setup code-block has been executed.")

#+name: md-export-on-save-toggle-on
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :eval query
(unless (bound-and-true-p emacsconf-export-md-on-save-configured)
   (org-babel-ref-resolve "md-export-on-save-setup()"))

(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save nil t)

(when (memq #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save after-save-hook)
  (message "Hook is active"))

#+name: md-export-on-save-toggle-off
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval query :outputs none
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save t)

(unless (memq #'emacsconf-export-md-on-save after-save-hook)
  (message "Hook is no longer active"))
** Review agenda
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(defcustom emacsconf-org-tag nil "Tag for your nick, for easier agenda filtering"
  :group 'emacsconf
  :type 'string)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(defun emacsconf-show-my-agenda ()
  (let* ((org-agenda-files (list (buffer-file-name)))
         (tag-filter (if emacsconf-org-tag (concat "+" emacsconf-org-tag) ""))
         (org-agenda-tag-filter-preset (list (when emacsconf-org-tag (concat "+" emacsconf-org-tag))))
         (org-agenda-custom-commands `(("a" "Agenda"
                                        ((agenda ,tag-filter)
                                         (tags-todo ,(concat tag-filter "-SCHEDULED={.+}-DEADLINE={.+}")))
                                         ((org-agenda-span 14))))))
    (org-agenda nil "a")))

** Process review comments from pad
see emacsconf-import-comments-from-etherpad-text

* Lessons learned
:CUSTOM_ID: lessons
** From previous years
- [ ] Shorter CFP, longer recording time
- [ ] Ask for talk title to be subject in submission
- [X] Fresh eyes can doublecheck that all the talks are included and that availability properties have been set/followed
- [X] Putting ‘availability’ towards the top of the submission template would make it harder for us to miss it during reviews, and it shouldn’t change anything for speakers.
- [X] All the personalised messages we’ve sent during the scheduling campaign should probably be kept in a repo so that it’s less work for those who will be in charge of it next.
- [ ] Since people kept running into ftp problems, we might want to set up a web-frontend next year to minimise problems.
- [X] Might be a good idea to avoid Thanksgiving weekend, as lots of people travel then
- [ ] Tech-checks haven’t been really popular this year, but there are so many ways we could make them more useful.  On the [2021-11-16 Tue], 10 days prior the conf, we thought that it could be nice to use them as recording sessions for late-prerecs, and that’s only one example.
- [X] Having the NO_NEWS / WAITING_FOR_PREREC contrast from the start of might have made it easier for us to ping speakers who were late to the party this year.  Rather than sending the personalised 10 days prior to the conference, we might have sent it a week after the submission of the anticipated scheduled (where we ask speakers if their allocated time is okay, based on their availability).
- [ ] Move first dry run earlier (maybe one month before?) to give us more time for process tweaks
- [ ] Dropping talks one week before the conf might allow us to have a near-fixed schedule to announce early.
- [ ] CRM
  - [ ]zaeph: Implementing a variable for ~automatic-emails~ would make it easier to suppress user-hooks for message-mode
  - [ ]zaeph: Even though we’re sending emails automatically, we might want to keep trace of them in our ~Sent~ IMAP folder.  notmuch does it with ~Fcc:~ in the header, so we might need a user-customisable var here as well.
- [ ] less tiring lighting
- [ ] split host and streamer?
- [ ] Cram less with different tracks
- [ ] Review pre-recs, even late submissions in their entirety to ensure no syncing issue
- [ ] Tight opening-remarks, possible pre-rec.
- [X] Asking pronunciation of name as soon as application with SA-cha CHEW-ah pattern would be good.  Not a lot of diligence with it this year.
- [ ] People need to specify their IRC handle on application (potentially forcing nick and/or first-name/last-name.
- [ ] We might want to figure out an ffmpeg workflow for noise-suppressing on top of normalisation.  Take inspiration from Audacity macros.
- [ ] Having a more relaxed Saturday might give us time to adjust to tech-stack.
- [ ] Creating BBB rooms in anticipation and/or automatically, before or during, might make for smoother check-in; right now, people keep wanting to check in via email even though we told them to use chat
- [ ] Pre-recs were a little blocky wrt encoding; we might want to bump the bitrate next year
- [ ] we can see if bot + pads + merging will help next year, and we can also experiment with multiple streams if there are enough people to pull it off so that speakers don't feel like they've just been dropped in a room and left to their own devices :)

** Lessons learned for next year

*** CFP & Review period

- Ask for public e-mail or contact information, IRC handle in CFP
- Be even more stringent about the 10/20/40-min splits. A lot of
  speakers still default to the 20- or 40-min formats without
  providing us shorter formats, and that puts strain on our schedule
  and requires us to use a different template for the notification
  (which can be confusing). We need to stress that not respecting the
  format makes it harder not only for the organizers, but also for the
  speakers themselves (since they will have to rethink their
  presentation). Maybe we can have an e-mail template for a quick
  reply that says something like "Just in case we need to squeeze
  talks into shorter times, could you please also propose an outline
  for a possible 10-minute talk that could get people interested in
  your topic and point them to where they can find out more?"
- Two people is the sweet number of reviewers to have for the
  proposals before sending the notifications, and there’d be
  diminishing returns with more. Two is enough to release the pressure
  on SCHED, verify the metadata (esp. speaker availability), and
  suggest a different ordering where appropriate. It can take a long
  time to comb through the proposals (roughly 10 proposals per hour),
  and whilst it’d be difficult to justify more in-depth reviewers,
  other orgas can do a shallow-pass to catch red-flags or discuss the
  submissions as they come in. Other organizers can always chime in on
  topics they particularly care about so that their encouraging
  comments or suggestions can be included in the acceptance e-mail.
- We extended CFP-end by two weeks this year, but that made it coincide
  with speaker-notifs, and that’s awkward.  Next time, we should only
  extend the CFP by one week to avoid having to scramble with the
  schedule until the very last day.
- Some people assume that they have to suggest longer formats even if
  they intend their talks to be 10′ or 20′.  We should change the
  wording on the CFP to ask them to only provide alternatives for
  shorter formats, not longer.
- It was hard to squeeze all the org/hyperbole talk on day-1.
  Generally, the people who submit these kinds of talk come from all
  over the world, and US mornings are more accommodating than US
  evenings when it comes to timezones.  We might consider having two org
  *mornings* rather than an org *day*; it would give us more flexibility
  with those talks.
- We’re starting to reach critical mass on the org-talks.  We might want
  to consider splitting the org-talks and the dev-talks into two
  distinct events to allow them to grow independently.
- We should associate time-of-day with CFP-deadline; otherwise, the
  scheduler has to be on edge until the very end of the day.  It’s worse
  this year because we made CFP-end coincide with speaker-notif, so this
  might not be as much of a problem next year.
- It’s easier for us to extend beyond 5pm than to go before 9am
  (especially for the West coast).  Extending beyond 5pm puts strain on
  European organizers and volunteers, though.
- Sometimes, ikiwiki on front0 took a lot of time to process the new
  commits.  sachac assumed this is due to a faulty regex parsing.  We
  should be able to find out more by looking at the logs from ikiwiki
  after a slow commit.
- Ask for preferred timezone in CFP
- Check with John Wiegley re: schedule - we always happen to coincide with his work trips
*** When processing prerecs
- We should flesh out the section on audio-recording because
  some speakers have annoying coil-whines when recording from their
  laptop’s microphone which are particularly hard to remove.  We should
  ask speaker to record some silence, listen to it in isolation, and
  gauge how silent it actually is.  It’s not a biggie though, since we
  can usually degrade the audio quality for the sake of removing the
- We can ask for silence in a separate recording so that we don't have to worry about cutting it out.
** Possible big projects for next year

*** Prolog’ing the schedule

*** Designing the EmacsConf suite (to make it easier for people other us to run their own versions)
* COMMENT Copyright & License

 Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Sacha Chua, Amin Bandali, Leo Vivier

 The EmacsConf 2022 organizers' notebook is part of the EmacsConf
 wiki, and is dual-licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons
 Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License; and the GNU
 General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
 either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

 A copy of these two licenses is available on the EmacsConf wiki, in
 the [[][COPYING.CC-BY-SA]] and [[][COPYING.GPL]] files.

* COMMENT Local variables