path: root/2022/organizers-notebook/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2022/organizers-notebook/')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/2022/organizers-notebook/ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
index 608318eb..bf68afc2 100644
--- a/2022/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
@@ -12,11 +12,7 @@ This file is automatically exported from [/2022/organizers-notebook/](/
#+TOC: headlines 1
-Time-sensitive tasks:
-#+TOC: headlines 1 :target #time-sensitive
-Other projects:
+Projects and tasks:
#+TOC: headlines 1 :target #projects
@@ -109,129 +105,6 @@ interests you!
| [[#wiki-design][wiki]] | plain text, markdown | *DONE S: some JS and CSS enrichment* | more JS and CSS, embeds, videoplayer |
| [[#ansible][ansible]] | none | *DONE S: some automation* | comprehensive, can also work against containers |
-* Time-sensitive
-:CUSTOM_ID: time-sensitive
-Ordered chronologically (and therefore by importance).
-#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** TODO Send prerec reminder
-SCHEDULED: <2022-11-11 Fri>
-:CUSTOM_ID: prerec-reminder
-*** TODO Update logbook with notes from e-mails :zaeph:
-*** TODO Follow up with speakers based on their availability
-** TODO Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage
-:CUSTOM_ID: mumble
-*** TODO Make sure volunteers can access Mumble :sachac:
-- [ ] FlowyCoder
-- [ ] jman
-- [ ] vetrivln
-*** DONE Generate certificates, add them to, and register the users :sachac:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 11:33]
-*** TODO Let sachac know how to manage the Mumble server, or update the config :bandali:
-- [ ] Add emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev channels
-- [ ] Give the emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev users access to them
-- [ ] Give the other organizers access to emacsconf-gen, emacsconf-dev, and org-private
-** DONE Make a linear hyperlist for managing EmacsConf :sachac:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-09 Wed 07:38]
-:CUSTOM_ID: hyperlist
-- Volunteers should be able to coordinate everything by stepping through a linear list of things to do
-- The hyperlist will primarily live on and be accessed through emacsclient. (Maybe and
-- Volunteers should be able to take breaks as needed
-- 9:05 Journalism
- - [ ] Check ${name} into _BBB room_
- - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
- - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]
-- 9:40 Handwritten
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
- - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]
-See and in the conf private repo
-** DONE Send schedule-published email for emacsconf-discuss :needsowner:timesensitive:email:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-31 Mon> DEADLINE: <2022-10-31 Mon>
-:CUSTOM_ID: announce-program
-Schedule is now available; post to emacsconf-discuss, emacs-tangents
-*** DONE Post it to r/emacs as well :reddit:zaeph:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50]
-Please let zaeph know when it’s live so that the post can be distinguished.
-*** Template
-:SUBJECT: [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 schedule
-Greetings, fellow Emacsians!
-On behalf of the EmacsConf 2022 organizers team, I'm very excited to
-announce the schedule for EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 and 4), available at:
-All of the times listed on the schedule are in EST (UTC-5). You can
-click on each talk's title to open its page for more information,
-including its scheduled time in your local time. (Displaying local time
-requires running a tiny bit of AGPLv3+-licensed free/libre JavaScript
-code, included on the talk pages.)
-For prerecorded talks, this time is also when the talk's video will be
-made available on the same page. Please note that the times are
-approximations, and that the schedule may change leading up to the
-As the conference approaches, we'll post more details on how to watch
-and participate.
-You can subscribe to the emacsconf-discuss mailing list at
- to
-be sure you'll get updates.
-Want to help make EmacsConf even awesomer? Volunteer!
-We hope to see you all around on Dec 3-4 for EmacsConf 2022!
-P.S. please direct all replies to this post either to myself or to the
-emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
-chatter in the other lists cc'd in this message; thank you.
-** DONE Flesh out for audio-recording tips before the prerec-deadline :zaeph:
-CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 15:26]
-:CUSTOM_ID: prepare-audio
-** Volunteer update
-:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-11-14
-- talk banners, akshay
* Projects and other long-running tasks
:CUSTOM_ID: projects
@@ -733,22 +606,29 @@ great to have you on board.${wrap}
We've set up ${backstage} as the backstage area where you can view the
videos and resources uploaded so far. You can access it with the
username "${backstage-user}" and the password "${backstage-password}".
-Please keep the backstage password and other speakers' talk resources
-secret. If you see a talk that you'd like to caption, you can e-mail
-me at and I can reserve it for you. Then you can
-correct any misrecognized words, fix capitalizations, remove filler
-words as needed, and so on.${wrap}
-You can find captioning tips at .
-Feel free to use your favourite subtitle editor, and you can convert
-it to whatever format you like. If you prefer to work with plain text,
-we can probably even figure out the timestamps afterwards.
+Please keep the backstage password and resources secret. If you see a
+talk that you'd like to caption, you can e-mail me at and I can reserve it for you. Then you can correct
+any misrecognized words, fix capitalizations, remove filler words as
+needed, and so on.${wrap}
+You'll probably want to work with either the VTT or the TXT versions
+(VTT is WebVTT format and has timestamps), but you can check the other
+talk resources in case the speaker has posted scripts or other useful
+things. Both VTT and TXT are plain text, so feel free to use your
+favourite text or subtitle editor. I've posted a brief demo of how I
+edit captions at
+ , and
+you can find more captioning tips at
+. You can convert it to whatever format you like. If you prefer to
+work with plain text, we can figure out the timestamps afterwards.
Let me know if you want to reserve a talk for captioning or if you
have any questions or suggestions. Thank you!
Sacha Chua
-*** TODO [#C] Support cue IDs in subed-vtt.el
+*** DONE [#C] Support cue IDs in subed-vtt.el
+CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 08:58]
*** TODO [#C] jiwer · PyPI - measure error rate
:CREATED: [2022-10-22 Sat 20:59]
@@ -1288,6 +1168,62 @@ so that the streamer can adjust volume offscreen?
*** TODO recruit at least one more person to help operate the "video bouncer"
+** TODO Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage
+DEADLINE: <2022-11-18 Fri>
+:CUSTOM_ID: mumble
+*** TODO E-mail volunteers and help them get on Mumble :bandali:
+- [ ] FlowyCoder
+- [ ] jman
+- [ ] vetrivln
+*** TODO Update the Mumble setup :bandali:
+- [ ] Add emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev channels
+- [ ] Give the emacsconf-gen and emacsconf-dev users access to them
+- [ ] Give the other organizers access to emacsconf-gen, emacsconf-dev, and org-private
+*** DONE Generate certificates, add them to, and register the users :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-08 Tue 11:33]
+** Volunteer update
+:CUSTOM_ID: volunteer-2022-11-14
+- talk banners, akshay
+** TODO Make a linear hyperlist for managing EmacsConf :sachac:
+:CUSTOM_ID: hyperlist
+- Volunteers should be able to coordinate everything by stepping through a linear list of things to do
+- The hyperlist will primarily live on and be accessed through emacsclient. (Maybe and
+- Volunteers should be able to take breaks as needed
+- 9:05 Journalism
+ - [ ] Check ${name} into _BBB room_
+ - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
+ - [X] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "journalism" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]
+- 9:40 Handwritten
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "PLAYING")][Start talk]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "CLOSED_Q")][Start closed Q&A]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "OPEN_Q")][Open Q&A]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "UNSTREAMED_Q")][Mark Q&A as unstreamed]]
+ - [ ] [[elisp:(emacsconf-update-talk-status "handwritten" "." "TO_ARCHIVE")][Finish talk]]
+See and in the conf private repo
+Try them in an Etherpad
+[[#coordination][How do we want to coordinate during the conference itself?]]
+*** TODO Try writing it to an Etherpad
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-19 Sat>
* Projects to bear in mind but which are not actual
:CUSTOM_ID: maybe-projects
@@ -1306,15 +1242,29 @@
#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** How do we want to handle organizer audio?
+** How do we want to coordinate during the conference itself?
+:CUSTOM_ID: coordination
+- Considerations:
+ - Good to have something that the hosts and streamers can walk through step by step
+ - Do we want the check-in volunteer to also keep something
+ - Announcing and publishing are easier if the task states are updated
- Mumble for walkie-talkie communications?
- Can we keep it off the stream more reliably, but still be able to choose to put it on the stream?
- We can keep it in the combined sink and then manually go to that
channel in our clients when we want to talk on stream
- Should we have a Gen channel and a Dev channel so that we can choose to speak into ?
+- Checklist
+ - Etherpad
+ - All the volunteers can access it easily
+ - Tasks can be updated through SSH commands
+ -
+ - Run Emacs commands directly from it
+ - A little trickier in terms of access
** How do we want to make the full schedule more manageable?
:CUSTOM_ID: sched-decision
@@ -1686,20 +1636,24 @@ The roles below are related to the proposals in the early stages of the preparat
AM: 9-12 PM EST, PM: 1-5 PM EST (plus a little extra for setup/transition)
Saturday Dec 3
-| | Gen AM | Gen PM | Dev AM | Dev PM |
-| Host | zaeph | zaeph | bandali | vetrivln |
-| Streamer | corwin | corwin | bandali | bandali |
-| Check-in | sachac | FlowyCoder | | |
-| IRC | sachac | dto | dto | vetrivln |
-| Pad | publicvoit | publicvoit (until 4pm) | | |
+#+NAME: saturday-shifts
+| | Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad |
+| Gen AM | zaeph | corwin | sachac | sachac | publicvoit |
+| Gen PM | zaeph | corwin | FlowyCoder | dto | publicvoit |
+| Dev AM | bandali | bandali | sachac | dto | |
+| Dev PM | vetrivln | bandali | FlowyCoder | vetrivln | |
+publicvoit - pad until 4pm on Sat, until 2pm on Sun
Sunday Dec 4
-| | Gen AM | Gen PM | Dev AM | Dev PM |
-| Host | zaeph | zaeph | bandali | vetrivln |
-| Streamer | corwin | jman | bandali | |
-| Check-in | sachac | FlowyCoder | | |
-| IRC | sachac | dto | dto | vetrivln |
-| Pad | publicvoit | publicvoit (until 2pm) | | |
+#+NAME: sunday-shifts
+| | Host | Streamer | Checkin | IRC | Pad |
+| Gen AM | zaeph | corwin | sachac | sachac | publicvoit |
+| Gen PM | zaeph | jman | FlowyCoder | dto | publicvoit |
+| Dev AM | bandali | bandali | sachac | dto | |
+| Dev PM | vetrivln | bandali | FlowyCoder | vetrivln | |
- dev host/streamer: bandali, sachac
@@ -1708,6 +1662,53 @@ Backups:
Interested in a shift? Please e-mail [[]] and we'll help you figure out what you need to learn.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var sat=saturday-shifts :var sun=sunday-shifts :rownames no :colnames no :results verbatim replace
+`(setq emacsconf-shifts
+ (list
+ ,@(apply #'append
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (day)
+ (let ((headers (mapcar (lambda (field) (intern (concat ":" (downcase field))))
+ (cdr (car (cadr day))))))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (row)
+ (apply #'append
+ (list 'list :id
+ (when (string-match "^\\([^ ]+\\) \\(AM\\|PM\\)" (car row))
+ (format "%s-%s-%s"
+ (car day)
+ (downcase (match-string 2 (car row)))
+ (downcase (match-string 1 (car row)))))
+ :track
+ (if (string-match "^Gen" (car row)) "General" "Development")
+ :start
+ (format "%sT%s:00:00%s"
+ (elt day 2)
+ (if (string-match "AM" (car row)) "08" "13")
+ emacsconf-timezone-offset)
+ :end
+ (format "%sT%s:00:00%s"
+ (elt day 2)
+ (if (string-match "AM" (car row)) "12" "18")
+ emacsconf-timezone-offset))
+ (seq-map-indexed
+ (lambda (value index)
+ (unless (string= value "")
+ (list (elt headers index) value)))
+ (cdr row))))
+ (cdr (cadr day)))
+ ))
+ (list
+ (list "sat" sat "2022-12-03")
+ (list "sun" sun "2022-12-04"))))))
+(setq emacsconf-shifts (list (list :id "sat-am-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-03T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T12:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "sachac" :irc "sachac" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sat-pm-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-03T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T18:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "dto" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sat-am-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-03T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T12:00:00-0500" :host "bandali" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "sachac" :irc "dto") (list :id "sat-pm-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-03T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-03T18:00:00-0500" :host "vetrivln" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "vetrivln") (list :id "sun-am-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-04T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T12:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "corwin" :checkin "sachac" :irc "sachac" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sun-pm-gen" :track "General" :start "2022-12-04T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T18:00:00-0500" :host "zaeph" :streamer "jman" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "dto" :pad "publicvoit") (list :id "sun-am-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-04T08:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T12:00:00-0500" :host "bandali" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "sachac" :irc "dto") (list :id "sun-pm-dev" :track "Development" :start "2022-12-04T13:00:00-0500" :end "2022-12-04T18:00:00-0500" :host "vetrivln" :streamer "bandali" :checkin "FlowyCoder" :irc "vetrivln")))
** After the conference
- Video processor
- Extract live segments into videos
@@ -3838,6 +3839,72 @@ EmacsConf is a little less than four weeks away. Stuff is happening!
+** DONE Send prerec reminder :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27] SCHEDULED: <2022-11-11 Fri>
+:CUSTOM_ID: prerec-reminder
+*** DONE Update logbook with notes from e-mails :sachac:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27]
+*** DONE Follow up with speakers based on their availability
+CLOSED: [2022-11-11 Fri 19:27]
+** DONE Send schedule-published email for emacsconf-discuss :needsowner:timesensitive:email:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50] SCHEDULED: <2022-10-31 Mon> DEADLINE: <2022-10-31 Mon>
+:CUSTOM_ID: announce-program
+Schedule is now available; post to emacsconf-discuss, emacs-tangents
+*** DONE Post it to r/emacs as well :reddit:zaeph:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-01 Tue 08:50]
+Please let zaeph know when it’s live so that the post can be distinguished.
+*** Template
+:SUBJECT: [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 schedule
+Greetings, fellow Emacsians!
+On behalf of the EmacsConf 2022 organizers team, I'm very excited to
+announce the schedule for EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 and 4), available at:
+All of the times listed on the schedule are in EST (UTC-5). You can
+click on each talk's title to open its page for more information,
+including its scheduled time in your local time. (Displaying local time
+requires running a tiny bit of AGPLv3+-licensed free/libre JavaScript
+code, included on the talk pages.)
+For prerecorded talks, this time is also when the talk's video will be
+made available on the same page. Please note that the times are
+approximations, and that the schedule may change leading up to the
+As the conference approaches, we'll post more details on how to watch
+and participate.
+You can subscribe to the emacsconf-discuss mailing list at
+ to
+be sure you'll get updates.
+Want to help make EmacsConf even awesomer? Volunteer!
+We hope to see you all around on Dec 3-4 for EmacsConf 2022!
+P.S. please direct all replies to this post either to myself or to the
+emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
+chatter in the other lists cc'd in this message; thank you.
+** DONE Flesh out for audio-recording tips before the prerec-deadline :zaeph:
+CLOSED: [2022-11-06 Sun 15:26]
+:CUSTOM_ID: prepare-audio
* Communications
:CUSTOM_ID: comms