<!-- organizers-notebook.md is exported from organizers-notebook/index.org, please modify that instead. -->
[[!sidebar content=""]]
This file is automatically exported from [/organizers-notebook/index.org](/organizers-notebook/index.org). You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](https://emacsconf.org/edit/).
This document is the general organizers' notebook that can be used as a starting point each year. For specific years, see:
- [2024](/2024/organizers-notebook)
- [2023](/2023/organizers-notebook)
- [2022](/2022/organizers-notebook)
- [2021](/2021/organizers-notebook)
- [2020](/2020/organizers-notebook)
- [2019](/2019/organizers-notebook)
# Table of Contents
- [Starting up the conference planning process](#starting-up-the-conference-planning-process)
- [Create the private repository](#starting-up-the-conference-planning-process-create-the-private-repository)
- [Create the public organizers’ notebook in the wiki](#starting-up-the-conference-planning-process-create-the-public-organizers-notebook-in-the-wiki)
- [Phases and lessons learned](#phases-and-lessons-learned)
- [Draft CFP](#phases-and-lessons-learned-draft-cfp)
- [Announce](#phases-and-lessons-learned-announce)
- [Process proposals](#phases-and-lessons-learned-process-proposals)
- [Accept proposals](#phases-and-lessons-learned-accept-proposals)
- [Draft schedule](#draft-schedule)
- [Set up backstage and upload](#phases-and-lessons-learned-set-up-backstage-and-upload)
- [Post the schedule](#phases-and-lessons-learned-post-the-schedule)
- [Process uploaded files](#phases-and-lessons-learned-process-uploaded-files)
- [Generate assets](#phases-and-lessons-learned-generate-assets)
- [Prepare the infrastructure](#phases-and-lessons-learned-prepare-the-infrastructure)
- [Getting ready for captions](#phases-and-lessons-learned-getting-ready-for-captions)
- [Getting ready for the conference](#pre-conf)
- [During the conference](#conf)
- [After the conference](#phases-and-lessons-learned-after-the-conference)
- [General infrastructure](#general-infrastructure)
- [Linode instance sizes](#general-infrastructure-linode-instance-sizes)
- [File uploads](#upload)
- [Icecast](#icecast)
- [Watching pages](#watch)
- [VNC](#vnc)
- [Streaming with OBS](#obs)
- [Shell scripts](#general-infrastructure-shell-scripts)
- [Backstage](#backstage)
- [IRC web client](#general-infrastructure-irc-web-client)
- [Etherpad](#general-infrastructure-etherpad)
- [Publishing media to the server and to the wiki](#media)
- [Automated IRC announcements](#general-infrastructure-automated-irc-announcements)
- [BigBlueButton](#bbb)
- [Manual IRC announcements](#general-infrastructure-manual-irc-announcements)
- [Low-res stream](#general-infrastructure-low-res-stream)
- [Upload talks to YouTube](#general-infrastructure-upload-talks-to-youtube)
- [Restream to YouTube](#general-infrastructure-restream-to-youtube)
- [Other process notes](#other)
- [Adding another user to BBB](#bbb-user)
- [When a talk is added after the schedule has already been drafted](#other-process-notes-when-a-talk-is-added-after-the-schedule-has-already-been-drafted)
- [When a talk is cancelled](#cancel-talk)
- [When a talk changes title](#other-process-notes-when-a-talk-changes-title)
- [When a talk Q&A changes method](#change-talk-qa)
- [To play the other stream](#other-process-notes-to-play-the-other-stream)
- [When a system is down](#other-process-notes-when-a-system-is-down)
- [When we need to bring on a last-minute volunteer](#other-process-notes-when-we-need-to-bring-on-a-last-minute-volunteer)
- [Checking people in](#other-process-notes-checking-people-in)
- [Ansible](#other-process-notes-ansible)
<a id="starting-up-the-conference-planning-process"></a>
# Starting up the conference planning process
Check in with core organizers from the previous year to see who’s in.
<a id="starting-up-the-conference-planning-process-create-the-private-repository"></a>
## Create the private repository
This repository will store submissions, contact information, etc.
1. Create the repository on `front0`. Ex:
sudo su - git
cd repositories
mkdir emacsconf-2024-private.git
cd emacsconf-2024-private.git
git init --bare
2. Edit `gitolite-admin/config/gitolite-conf`. Add lines for the group and the repo. Commit and push. Ex:
@emacsconf-2024-org = bandali sachac ...
repo emacsconf-2024-private
RW+ = @admins @emacsconf-2024-org orga
3. Clone the private repository into the appropriate location. `git clone git@git.emacsconf.org:emacsconf-2024-private private`
<a id="starting-up-the-conference-planning-process-create-the-public-organizers-notebook-in-the-wiki"></a>
## Create the public organizers’ notebook in the wiki
Ex: 2024/organizers-notebook/index.org
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned"></a>
# Phases and lessons learned
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-draft-cfp"></a>
## Draft CFP
Create linked pages
- [ ] year index
- [ ] volunteer page
- [ ] submit page
### How to mark pages as drafts
Put inside double square brackets: `!template id=pagedraft`
### Previous years
### Lessons learned
- Maybe incentivize proper timezone specification by saying we can translate times to their local time?
- Make sure to include cfp.org as an attachment instead of inline
- bandali likes having the commitment to freedom section in the CFP as a form of activism.
- Ask for public e-mail or contact information, IRC handle in CFP.
- Nudge everyone towards 5/10 or 20 minutes, and consider < or > on a case-by-case basis.
- In previous years, we offered 40 minutes as a
regular choice, but that was difficult because
we had to figure out how to squeeze lots of
talks into the schedule and we didn’t know
what could be shortened. In 2022, we asked
people to provide quick outlines for 10-, 20-,
and 40-minute formats if they wanted a long
talk slot, which was helpful in prioritizing.
In 2023, we just suggested 5/10 and 20-minute
slots knowing that there would probably be
plenty of time for Q&A, with some longer talks
approved on a case-by-case basis. Because
talks are (ideally) prerecorded, 20 minutes
seems to be a good length to get into
something interesting while leaving time for
Q&A so that people could dive deeper into
particular things that interested them.
- Rolling acceptances were very nice. We gave
people a week to respond, which felt a little
quick sometimes, but gave people enough time to
speak up to see if they had any red flags or
- We didn’t extend the CFP period in 2023, great!
- Two streams worked out well. Sunday morning had network congestion issues, so keep an eye out for those.
- It’s easier for us to extend beyond 5pm than to go before 9am
(especially for Pacific time). Extending beyond 5pm puts strain on
European organizers and volunteers, though.
- Put the speaker introduction right after the talk description for easier web page copying.
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-announce"></a>
## Announce
- Post CFP to emacsconf-discuss, reddit.com/r/emacs, and in Emacs News
- Submit to <https://foss.events/>
### Promote the conference
Submit to <https://foss.events/>
Maybe it would be good to get in touch with podcasts like
- [System Crafters](https://systemcrafters.net/)
- [This Week in Linux](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbFVcOQ-YH_LRP687N0YeN78YZmBp5wqF)
- [Linux Unplugged](https://linuxunplugged.com/)
- [Ask Noah](http://asknoahshow.com/)
- [Linux After Dark](https://linuxafterdark.net/)
- [Lispy Gopher Show](https://anonradio.net/)
etc to give a heads up on EmacsConf before it
happens and also mention to them when videos are
available to spark more interest.
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-process-proposals"></a>
## Process proposals
1. In the private repository, create a conf.org.
2. Set `emacsconf-org-file` to its location.
3. Create a heading for Submissions and set `CUSTOM_ID` to `submissions`.
4. Prepare the `prepare` and `submit` pages on the wiki.
When proposals come in:
1. Acknowledge with an e-mail along the lines of:
Hello, ....!
<feedback> We'll wait another week in case anyone else wants to
chime in before I add it to the wiki and send further notes. :) Thanks for
submitting this!
2. Use `emacsconf-mail-add-submission` if it works, or create the entry and paste it in.
`org-toggle-item` can help convert Org-style headings into a nested list.
3. Set the following fields (`my/org-set-property`
can be helpful): EMERGENCY, Q\_AND\_A,
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-accept-proposals"></a>
## Accept proposals
1. Create YYYY/talks.md.
For each talk:
1. Set up “Talk abstract” and “Talk details” sections in the conf.org talk subtree.
2. Change status to `TO_CONFIRM`.
3. Create wiki page with `emacsconf-publish-add-talk`.
4. Use `emacsconf-publish-info-pages` and `emacsconf-publish-schedule` as needed.
5. Send acceptance e-mail with `emacsconf-mail-accept-talk`
<a id="draft-schedule"></a>
## Draft schedule
- Create entries for opening and closing remarks
- FIXED: t
- TIME: 10
- Q\_AND\_A: pad
- Create draft-schedule section in the public organizers notebook for the year
- Add missing items to plan
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-set-up-backstage-and-upload"></a>
## Set up backstage and upload
See <a href="https://git.emacsconf.org/emacsconf-ansible/tree/README.org">README.org</a>.
Lessons learned:
- Next year, let’s get upload.emacsconf.org in place as the domain name so that people don’t try to FTP files to it.
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-post-the-schedule"></a>
## Post the schedule
- <elisp:(setq emacsconf-publishing-phase 'schedule)>
- <elisp:emacsconf-publish-info-pages>
- <elisp:emacsconf-publish-schedule-org-files>
- <elisp:emacsconf-ical-generate-all>
- Update talks.md to refer to watch.md as well
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-process-uploaded-files"></a>
## Process uploaded files
Basic setup:
1. Set up the media server and symlinks: <a href="https://git.emacsconf.org/emacsconf-ansible/tree/README.org">README.org</a> (Media).
2. Set up the prerec processing areas on res: <a href="https://git.emacsconf.org/emacsconf-ansible/tree/README.org">README.org</a> (Processing prerecs).
3. Set up the caption processor on res: <a href="https://git.emacsconf.org/emacsconf-ansible/tree/README.org">README.org</a> (Captioning).
1. Review uploaded files with <elisp:emacsconf-upload-dired>
2. Open the JSON for the file you want to process and use <elisp:emacsconf-upload-copy-from-json> .
If more than one file uses the same extension, provide a suffix to disambiguate them.
3. On res:
1. Create a directory ~/current/files/$slug.
2. Copy the uploaded file from ~/cache as `$video_slug--original.$extension`, or use `rename-original.sh $slug $file`.
3. Call `process-prerec.sh $file`.
4. When the screens are finished, do locally:
1. update-cache on my computer.
2. <elisp:emacsconf-publish-cache-video-data> or <elisp:emacsconf-cache-all-video-data>
3. <elisp:emacsconf-publish-backstage-index>
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-generate-assets"></a>
## Generate assets
### In-between pages
- Make the $year/assets/in-between directory and copy the template.svg from the previous year.
- <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-in-between-pages>
### Intros
- In an empty VTT file, <elisp:emacsconf-subed-intro-subtitles>
- Record the audio and get captions
- Splice together into a file that will be processed with subed-record-compile-video.
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-prepare-the-infrastructure"></a>
## Prepare the infrastructure
- [ ] IRC
- [ ] Manual announcements
- [ ] Automated announcements
- [ ] Web conference
- [ ] Streaming assets
- [ ] Overlays
- [ ] Intros
- [ ] OBS
- [ ] VNC
- [ ] Publishing to the wiki
- [ ] Publishing to the media server
- [ ] Etherpad
- [ ] Mumble
- [ ] Icecast
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-getting-ready-for-captions"></a>
## Getting ready for captions
- Add captioner to conf.org with the `:caption:` tag, under a Volunteers heading with the `volunteer` tag. Make sure the `EMAIL` property is set.
- Add captioner to emacsconf-org mailing list.
- Send backstage information <elisp:emacsconf-mail-backstage-info-to-volunteer> . (Can be sent to all captioning volunteers with <elisp:emacsconf-mail-backstage-info-to-captioning-volunteers>)
<a id="pre-conf"></a>
## Getting ready for the conference
### TODO Send check-in details, schedule update, etc.
### Two days before the conference
Go through the :tminustwo: tags.
### One day before the conference
Go through the :tminusone: tags.
- Set `emacsconf-publishing-phase` to `conference`.
- Set emacsconf-publish-include-pads to t and republish the info pages.
<a id="conf"></a>
## During the conference
<a id="phases-and-lessons-learned-after-the-conference"></a>
## After the conference
### Capture stats
2024 stats
gen: 177 peak + 14 peak lowres
dev: 226 peak + 79 peak lowres
gen: 89 peak + 10 peak lowres
meet peak 409% CPU (100% is 1 CPU), average 69.4%
front peak 70.66% CPU (100% is 1 CPU)
live peak 552% CPU (100% is 1 CPU) average 144%
res peak 81.54% total CPU (each OBS ~250%), mem 7GB used
so far we have used 1.2TB of transfer this month
### Back up the data
#### Icecast
rsync -avze ssh live:’/data/emacsconf-2024-\*’ media:~/2024
rsync -avze ssh live:’/data/emacsconf-2024-\*’ .
#### BigBlueButton
rsync -avze ssh root@bbb:/var/bigbluebutton/ bigbluebutton/
ssh root@ ’dd if=/dev/sda bs=5M ’ | dd of=bbb-img-2024-12-08.img status=progress
The img can be loaded with
sudo losetup –find –show bbb-img-2024-12-08.img
sudo mount /dev/loop10 test
cd test
##### Reviewing all the Q&A durations and chat messages
(let ((default-directory "/home/sacha/proj/emacsconf/2024/backups/bigbluebutton/published/video"))
(lambda (dir)
(let ((chat (xml-parse-file
(expand-file-name "video.xml" dir)))
(metadata (xml-parse-file
(expand-file-name "metadata.xml" dir))))
"- "
(dom-text (car (dom-by-tag metadata 'meetingName))) " ("
(format-seconds "%.2h:%z%.2m:%.2s"
(/ (string-to-number (dom-text (dom-by-tag metadata 'duration)))
(if (dom-by-tag chat 'chattimeline)
(mapconcat (lambda (node)
(concat " - " (dom-attr node 'name) ": "
(dom-attr node 'message) "\n"))
(dom-by-tag chat 'chattimeline)
(directory-files "." nil "-"))
- Copy IRC logs to cache and therefore to backstage: (ex: 2024-12-07-emacsconf-gen.txt)
### Combine the IRC logs and the pads, and add them to the wiki
(did we e-mail the speakers before or after?)
### Process the Q&A recordings and live presentations
- Save answers videos as –answers.webm.
- From the pad file: emacsconf-extract-copy-pad-to-wiki
- update cache
- Set `QA_PUBLIC` property to t as each Q&A gets processed.
- change status to `TO_INDEX_QA`
- emacsconf-publish-media-files-on-change
- emacsconf-publish-info-pages-for-talk
- emacsconf-extract-insert-note-with-question-heading
- emacsconf-subed-make-chapter-file-based-on-comments
- change status to `TO_CAPTION_QA`
Also copy the YouTube comments and IRC comments
### Send thank-you emails to the speakers
### Notify emacs-discuss that the Q&A is up
Hello, everyone!
https://emacsconf.org/2024/talks and https://media.emacsconf.org/2024
should have the talks and Q&A sessions now, hooray, including chapter
indices for the Q&A. I've also copied over notes from Etherpad and IRC
on the talk pages, and I've e-mailed them to the speakers so they can
update the wiki directly or send in additional answers.
BigBlueButton audio mixing is kinda iffy, so I'm holding off on
uploading the Q&A videos (and the live talk for secrets) to
YouTube/Toobnix until Leo and other volunteers have a listen to see
whether the audio needs to be tweaked, and maybe even to do some kind of
normalization. Unfortunately, recordings with separate audio tracks per
participant aren't available--it would be cool to figure that out next
year--so some talks might need some manual processing. (Please feel free
to volunteer if that's up your alley!) In the meantime, you can check
out the Q&A videos from the talk pages on the wiki. Please let us know
if there's anything that needs tweaking.
### Write a report
Sample: <https://emacsconf.org/2023/report/>
### Send thank-you emails to the volunteers
### Process the lessons learned
<a id="general-infrastructure"></a>
# General infrastructure
<a id="general-infrastructure-linode-instance-sizes"></a>
## Linode instance sizes
### Production
- front0 shared Linode 32GB
- live0 shared Linode 64GB
- meet Dedicated CPU 16GB
### Dormant
Resize disk to 25GB, copying large files to media if needed
- nanode front0
- nanode live0
- delete meet after downloading all the recordings, or resize down to nanode
<a id="upload"></a>
## File uploads
[psi-4ward/psitransfer: Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution](https://github.com/psi-4ward/psitransfer)
Before the conference:
1. Set `upload_enabled` to `true` in `prod-vars.yml` and run `ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags upload`.
2. Confirm that <https://upload.emacsconf.org> has the upload interface and works with the password.
3. Use `emacsconf-mail-template-to-all-groups` and `emacsconf-mail-upload-and-backstage-info` to e-mail the upload information to all speakers.
After the conference:
1. Set `upload_enabled` to `false` in `prod-vars.yml` and run `ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags upload`.
2. Confirm that <https://upload.emacsconf.org> shows the in-between page.
<a id="icecast"></a>
## Icecast
Success: You can use [OBS+VNC to record](#obs-instructions), and the results can be viewed by mpv.
- [X] Gen
- [X] Dev
Also, recordings are available in /data.
New year:
1. Reprovision with
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags stream
so that the year is updated in the configuration.
2. SSH to live0.emacsconf.org and run `/etc/init.d/emacsconf stop`. Confirm that icecast has stopped with `ps | grep emacsconf`; if not, kill the process.
Start it again with `/etc/init.d/emacsconf start`
3. To test, you can use FFmpeg like this for the gen stream:
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=1280x720:rate=10 -i background-music.opus \
-c:v libvpx -b:v 500K -crf 25 -b:a 128k \
-content_type video/webm "icecast://emacsconf:$EMACSCONF_ICECAST_SOURCE_PASSWORD@live0.emacsconf.org:8001/gen.webm"
For dev:
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=1280x720:rate=10 -i background-music.opus \
-c:v libvpx -b:v 500K -crf 25 -b:a 128k \
-content_type video/webm "icecast://emacsconf:$EMACSCONF_ICECAST_SOURCE_PASSWORD@live0.emacsconf.org:8001/dev.webm"
and then view it with
mpv https://live0.emacsconf.org/gen.webm
<a id="watch"></a>
## Watching pages
Success: You can watch at <https://live.emacsconf.org>.
- [X] <https://live.emacsconf.org> goes to the current year’s page.
- [X] gen stream works in the browser
- [X] dev stream works in the browser
- [X] Schedule is correct
New year:
1. ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml –tags live
2. Republish with <elisp:emacsconf-publish-watch-pages>.
3. Update front:/var/www/live.emacsconf.org.
Set up test streams (see ffmpeg instructions from [Icecast](#icecast)) and then:
<a id="vnc"></a>
## VNC
We use VNC to connect to the X servers on res.emacsconf.org so that we can stream from it.
- [X] Confirm that you can connect to emacsconf-gen via VNC
- [X] Confirm that you can connect to emacsconf-dev via VNC
Setting up
- <elisp:emacsconf-publish-res-index>
<a id="vnc-instructions"></a>
### Instructions
NOTE: VNC+OBS doesn’t work well if you have a window manager that
automatically resizes windows, like i3. Please configure your window
manager so that the VNC window is not resized.
1. Install a VNC viewer on your system (ex: tigervnc-viewer).
2. Set up your local environment:
- gen: `export TRACK=gen; export TRACK_PORT=5905; export SSH_PORT=46668`
- dev: `export TRACK=dev; export TRACK_PORT=5906; export SSH_PORT=46668`
3. Copy the password:
scp emacsconf-$TRACK@res.emacsconf.org:~/.vnc/passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK -p $SSH\_PORT
4. Forward your local ports and connect via VNC viewer to the
appropriate forwarded port from your laptop:
ssh emacsconf-$TRACK@res.emacsconf.org -N -L $TRACK_PORT:$TRACK_PORT -p $SSH_PORT &
sleep 5 # Give it time to establish the tunnels
xvncviewer$TRACK_PORT -shared -geometry 1280x720 -passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK &
If you get the following error:
channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
CConn: End of stream
CConn: The connection was dropped by the server before the session could
be established.
then the VNC server hasn’t started yet. You can start it with
ssh emacsconf-$TRACK@res.emacsconf.org -p $SSH_PORT /home/emacsconf-$TRACK/bin/track-vnc
and then connect with:
xvncviewer$TRACK_PORT -shared -geometry 1280x720 -passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK &
<a id="obs"></a>
## Streaming with OBS
Success: Confirm that you can stream
- [X] gen
- [X] dev
New year: reprovision with
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags obs
so that the year is updated in the shell scripts.
<a id="obs-instructions"></a>
### Instructions
1. [Connect to the VNC session for the track.](#vnc-instructions)
2. Start **recording** (not streaming). If you don’t see OBS when you connect, it’s probably on workspace 2, so you can switch with Alt-2. If you still don’t see it there, you can open a terminal with Alt-Enter and then run `track-obs`. After you start recording, confirm that it is now broadcasting to the stream.
3. Verify with MPV on your local system:
mpv https://live0.emacsconf.org/$TRACK.webm &
### Icecast
Success: You can use [OBS+VNC to record](#obs-instructions), and the results can be viewed by mpv.
- [ ] gen
- [ ] dev
New year: reprovision with
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags stream
so that the year is updated in the configuration.
This is on live.emacsconf.org and can be restarted with `/etc/init.d/emacsconf restart`.
<a id="general-infrastructure-shell-scripts"></a>
## Shell scripts
Success: From the commandline, hosts can:
- [X] play just the intro: intro $SLUG
- [X] play a file without an intro: play $SLUG
- [X] play a file with an intro: play-with-intro $SLUG (hmm, this didn’t show the subtitles)
ah, it’s because the intros need to be in the cache dir?
- [X] open the Q&A for a talk: handle-qa $SLUG
- [X] open the pad: pad $SLUG
- [X] open BBB: bbb $SLUG
- [ ] do the whole thing: handle-session $SLUG
- [ ] rebroadcast the other stream:
- rebroadcast gen
- rebroadcast dev
- [ ] control background music: music, stop-music
- OBS must be streaming from the stream you’re testing. [Streaming with OBS](#obs)
- You may want to generate test assets and copy them over to the assets/stream directory.
- Generate all the overlays and copy them to assets/overlays
- Set up the assets/music directory
<a id="backstage"></a>
## Backstage
Update this with <elisp:emacsconf-publish-backstage-index>
Explanation of files:
<col class="org-left">
<col class="org-left">
<td class="org-left">–original.mp4/mov/webm</td>
<td class="org-left">original file as uploaded by the speaker</td>
<td class="org-left">–silence.mp4/mov/webm</td>
<td class="org-left">silence sample if uploaded by speaker</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.webm</td>
<td class="org-left">converted to .webm format and compressed</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.opus</td>
<td class="org-left">audio only</td>
<td class="org-left">–normalized.opus</td>
<td class="org-left">normalized audio</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.vtt</td>
<td class="org-left">WhisperX captions, WebVTT format</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.json</td>
<td class="org-left">WhisperX word data</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.srt</td>
<td class="org-left">WhisperX captions, SRT format</td>
<td class="org-left">–reencoded.txt</td>
<td class="org-left">WhisperX captions, plain text</td>
<td class="org-left">–main.vtt</td>
<td class="org-left">edited captions</td>
<td class="org-left">–main–chapters.vtt</td>
<td class="org-left">chapter markers</td>
<td class="org-left">–main.txt</td>
<td class="org-left">captions as text (optional)</td>
<td class="org-left">–main.webm</td>
<td class="org-left">version for streaming based on the most recent resources</td>
Other files might also have been uploaded by the speaker, such as slides or notes.
<a id="general-infrastructure-irc-web-client"></a>
## IRC web client
- [X] You can join from <https://chat.emacsconf.org>
- [X] You can join from <https://live.emacsconf.org> and the channels end up as the latest ones
Remember to schedule a task to ask libera.chat to increase the number of users it will accept from chat.emacsconf.org to avoid connection exhaustion errors.
Message I’ve posted to support@libera.chat:
Thank you for running libera.chat. We’re looking forward to using IRC
(#emacsconf-gen, #emacsconf-dev) for the discussions for the upcoming
EmacsConf (Dec 7-8, <https://emacsconf.org>). In the past, we’ve needed to
coordinate with Libera staff to increase the number of connections
allowed from chat.emacsconf.org during conference days in order to avoid
connection exhaustion errors. Is that something we can plan now or would
you like me to bring it up a few days before the conference?
<a id="general-infrastructure-etherpad"></a>
## Etherpad
- [X] pad.emacsconf.org redirects to this year’s entry
- [X] Each talk has its own Etherpad
Lessons learned:
- After 2024: Added pronouns and pronunciation to the pad template since that’s what the hosts will be looking at
<a id="media"></a>
## Publishing media to the server and to the wiki
Start of year:
1. Set `media_protect_root` to true in Ansible `group_vars/all.yml`.
2. `ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media`
3. Generate the index with `emacsconf-publish-update-media`
Confirm by setting a submitted talk to `PLAYING` and testing with
<elisp:emacsconf-publish-media-files-on-change> . The public media
directory should have the files and the entry should be in the index.
Switching it back to `TO_STREAM` and calling
<elisp:emacsconf-publish-media-files-on-change> should remove it.
### TODO Switch public media to unprotected root before the conference :tminustwo:
1. Clear public media directory.
2. Set `media_protect_root` to false in Ansible `group_vars/all.yml`.
3. `ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media`
You can generate the index with `emacsconf-publish-update-media`.
<a id="general-infrastructure-automated-irc-announcements"></a>
## Automated IRC announcements
- [ ] When a talk starts playing, it is announced in the relevant channel
<a id="bbb"></a>
## BigBlueButton
ssh orga@media.emacsconf.org “~/bin/bbb-before sat-open”
ssh orga@media.emacsconf.org “~/bin/bbb-open sat-open”
After restarting, and in case of “Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://bbb.emacsverse.org/graphql.”
ssh root@bbb
cd greenlight-v3
docker compose restart
- dormant: 1 GB nanode
- testing: 4 core 8 GB shared CPU
- production: 8 core 16 GB dedicated CPU (roughly half CPU load for 107 simultaneous users, 2024)
### Installing BigBlueButton
1. Create the instance.
- Linode 4core 8GB shared CPU
- Image: Ubuntu 22.04
2. Update the DNS for bbb.emacsverse.org with its IP address.
3. Download the BBB installer and make it executable.
4. ufw allow 16384:32768/udp
5. Run the BBB installer: `./bbb-install.sh -v jammy-300 -s bbb.emacsverse.org -e emacsconf@sachachua.com -g`
6. `sudo apt install bbb-playback-video` and then follow the instructions at [Server Customization | BigBlueButton](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/3.0/administration/customize/#install-additional-recording-processing-formats) .
- /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/bigbluebutton.yml:
archive: 'sanity'
sanity: 'captions'
- 'process:presentation'
- 'process:video'
'process:presentation': 'publish:presentation'
'process:video': 'publish:video'
- systemctl restart bbb-rap-resque-worker.service
7. docker exec -it greenlight-v3 bundle exec rake admin:create[’name’,’email’,’password’]
### System audio limitations
Sharing system audio by changing the audio device to “Built-in Audio Analog Stereo” is very choppy, only gets captured in the recording if I’m using Firefox (not Chrome) AND there’s at least one listener, and doesn’t allow simultaneous narration from the speaker.
Using pulseaudio to change the app’s recording device to the audio monitor results in smoother audio (because it’s pretending to be the microphone), but still doesn’t allow simultaneous narration from the speaker.
Combining microphone + system audio into a new virtual microphone source is probably more complicated than we want to walk speakers through.
BBB says sharing system audio works only if you use Chrome on Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows (<https://support.bigbluebutton.org/hc/en-us/articles/1500005315642-Can-I-play-a-video-using-screen-sharing>). I tested it on Linux and sharing system audio is not an option. If you happen to know of any more elegant way to do this, I’d love to hear it.
Related: <https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton/issues/8632>
### Creating talk BBB rooms
- `docker exec -it greenlight-v3 /bin/bash`
- `bundle exec rails console`
- `user_id = User.find_by_email("sacha@sachachua.com").id`
(mapconcat (lambda (group)
"Room.create(user_id: user_id, name: \"%s - %s\")\n"
(plist-get (cadr group) :speakers)
(string-join (mapcar (lambda (talk) (plist-get talk :slug))
(cdr group)))))
(emacsconf-mail-groups (emacsconf-active-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
- <elisp:emacsconf-publish-bbb-static-redirects>
Print out the room IDs with
Room.all.each { |x| puts x.friendly_id + " " + x.name }; nil
It’s possible to change the friendly\_id and then use `x.save!`.
### Setting up moderator access codes
### Backing up BBB :backup:
rsync -avze ssh root@bbb:/var/bigbluebutton/ bigbluebutton/
ssh root@bbb ’tar zcvf - /var/bigbluebutton /etc/bigbluebutton /root/greenlight-v3 /usr/local/bigbluebutton /usr/share/bbb-web’ > bbb-backup-$(date “+%Y-%m-%d”).tar.gz
ssh root@bbb ’dd if=/dev/sda bs=5M ’ | dd of=bbb-img-$(date “+%Y-%m-%d”).img status=progress
### Spinning BBB up again
<span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2025-01-22 Wed] </span></span> … actually, this ran into some issues with the certificate, so I’m just going to do a reinstall.
Previous notes
1. Create a Nanode.
2. Update the DNS for bbb.emacsverse.org with its IP address. (dns.he.net)
3. Reboot into Rescue mode. In Lish:
passwd # set interactively
sed -i -e 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service ssh start
4. From the backup directory:
gunzip -c bbb-img-2024-12-08.img.gz | ssh root@bbb.emacsconf.org “dd of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress oflag=direct iflag=fullblock”
5. After I resized to 4core 8GB RAM, I couldn’t log in with SSH, so I used the Linode shell. `sshd -t` said no host keys available. Fix:
ssh-keygen -A
service ssh --full-restart
6. ./bbb-install.sh -v jammy-300 -s bbb.emacsverse.org -e emacsconf@sachachua.com
- <https://overto.eu/posts/gunzip-into-dd/>
- <https://www.linode.com/community/questions/20386/how-do-i-ssh-to-linode-from-the-finnix-boot-in-order-to-copy-my-local-vm-over-to>
- <https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton/issues/9485>
<a id="general-infrastructure-manual-irc-announcements"></a>
## Manual IRC announcements
- [X] You can /opall, /conftopic, and /broadcast
<a id="general-infrastructure-low-res-stream"></a>
## Low-res stream
Should be automatic, handled by Icecast
backup on live:
- /usr/local/bin/emacsconf-lowres-gen-on-connect
- /usr/local/bin/emacsconf-lowres-dev-on-connect
<a id="general-infrastructure-upload-talks-to-youtube"></a>
## Upload talks to YouTube
[Channel videos](https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCwuyodzTl_KdEKNuJmeo99A/videos/upload?filter=%5B%5D&sort=%7B%22columnType%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D)
(lambda (o)
(when (and (string= (plist-get o :status) "TO_STREAM")
(not (plist-get o :youtube)))
(plist-get o :slug)
(concat "copy:"
"video file")
(format "elisp:(emacsconf-publish-video-description \"%s\" t)"
(plist-get o :slug))
(if (emacsconf-talk-file o "--main.vtt")
(concat "copy:"
(emacsconf-talk-file o "--main.vtt"))
"sub file")
(concat "elisp:(emacsconf-set-property-from-slug \""
(plist-get o :slug)
"\" \"YOUTUBE\" (read-string \"YouTube URL: \"))"
(plist-get o :scheduled))))
(emacsconf-publish-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
<a id="general-infrastructure-restream-to-youtube"></a>
## Restream to YouTube
<a id="other"></a>
# Other process notes
<a id="bbb-user"></a>
## Adding another user to BBB
ssh bbb.emacsverse.org
docker exec -it greenlight-v2 bundle exec rake user:create["USERNAME","EMAIL","PASSWORD","user"]
<a id="other-process-notes-when-a-talk-is-added-after-the-schedule-has-already-been-drafted"></a>
## When a talk is added after the schedule has already been drafted
- [X] Add the talk to conf.org
- [X] Add the talk ID to the draft schedule
- [X] Run the draft schedule block
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-schedule-update-from-info>
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-publish-talks-json-to-files>
- [X] Generate pads with `ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags pad`
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-set-file-prefixes>
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-update-schedule>
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-overlays>
- [X] <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-test-videos>
- [X] `rsync -avze ssh ~/proj/emacsconf/2024/assets/ res:/data/emacsconf/shared/2024/assets/`
- [X] Send the upload instructions
- [X] Generate the intro text
- [ ] Record the intro
<a id="cancel-talk"></a>
## When a talk is cancelled
1. Update the status to CANCELLED. Update that specific talk with <elisp:emacsconf-publish-info-pages-for-talk>.
2. Rejig the schedule if needed, and update with <elisp:emacsconf-schedule-update-from-info>
3. Update the published schedule with <elisp:emacsconf-update-schedule> and push the wiki.
4. Regenerate the intros (before, after). <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-in-between-pages>, then use <elisp:subed-record-compile-video> in the intros file.
5. Resync the cache directory.
6. Consider updating the screenshots for sat-open and sun-open.
<a id="other-process-notes-when-a-talk-changes-title"></a>
## When a talk changes title
1. Update the title in conf.org.
2. Delete the FILE\_PREFIX property.
3. Call <elisp:emacsconf-set-file-prefix-if-needed>.
4. Rename existing files with <elisp:emacsconf-update-file-prefixes>.
5. Update the intro VTT file with the new title.
6. Update the wiki page for the talk.
7. Regenerate the in-between images with <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-in-between-pages>
8. Rerecord and recompile the intro, and recompile the intro for the talk after it.
9. <elisp:emacsconf-update-schedule>
10. <elisp:emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-hyperlists>
<a id="change-talk-qa"></a>
## When a talk Q&A changes method
1. Update the talk property.
2. Update the schedule with <elisp:emacsconf-update-schedule>
3. Regenerate the intros (before, after). <elisp:emacsconf-stream-generate-in-between-pages>, then use <elisp:subed-record-compile-video> in the intros file.
4. Sync the new intros to the /data/emacsconf/shared/$YEAR/assets/intros directory.
5. Regenerate the pads: <elisp:emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-all-talks>
6. Regenerate talks.json: <elisp:emacsconf-publish-talks-json-to-files>
<a id="other-process-notes-to-play-the-other-stream"></a>
## To play the other stream
- mpv –profile=full <https://live0.emacsconf.org/gen.webm>
- Change the channel topic to note that discussion can be in the other channel
<a id="other-process-notes-when-a-system-is-down"></a>
## When a system is down
Let people know in #emacsconf and #emacsconf-org
Update the status page:
/broadcast <message> may also be helpful
<a id="other-process-notes-when-we-need-to-bring-on-a-last-minute-volunteer"></a>
## When we need to bring on a last-minute volunteer
/backstage nick
will give them the backstage credentials and links to the index
<a id="other-process-notes-checking-people-in"></a>
## Checking people in
/checkin nick
/room nick (should be automatic if live, but there just in case)
<a id="other-process-notes-ansible"></a>
## Ansible
git clone git@git.emacsconf.org:pub/emacsconf-ansible