WEBVTT chapters by sachac
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Hopefully the internet goes well. It's a nice Monday
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morning here in Tokyo.
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Are we connected all right?
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Okay, I seem to be struggling still with my audio. 1 2nd
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calling. Yeah, you were muted for a moment there. Okay,
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there we are. Okay. All right. Sorry about that. I got a mute
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out my, my back office chatter. That's kind of distracting
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me a little bit. All right. Sorry. I may have lost the plot a
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little bit. I think I did. However, find the 1st question.
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I got pretty distracted by conversation backstage. Yeah,
NOTE Q: When I tried comparing transducers.el to cl-lib and dash (benchmark-compiled), I got the following results
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no problem. So the first question here, someone's asking,
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when they first tried comparing transducers.el, the cl-lib
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and Dash bookmark compiled, and they give some detailed
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results we're sharing on the stream. Um, they expected
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transducers to be slower than CL loop, but faster than CL lib
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or dash. However, this isn't the case, any idea why. And so
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I'll, I'll come back into their data to show there's they're
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showing, um, you know, there's not a lot of detail on the, on
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the, on the use case here. We could certainly click through
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it, do it.
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Oh, I should've waited to zoom until I find my spot here.
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There we are.
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All right, so there's our example.
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Looks like we are doing a simple map and a sum.
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Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, question about
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performance. So a case like this, a simple, I just want to rip
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through a collection of numbers and sum them all. That's a
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case where basically loop is always going to win because
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loop is optimized. This is true in both Emacs Lisp and in
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Common Lisp. For a case like this where you're not really
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doing two nested of chained calls, like you don't have many
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sort of what I was compositional steps. If you're just
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ripping through a collection of numbers, loop is always
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going to win. Transducers kind of shines when you have to do
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things that loop can't in terms of expressing yourself. So
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there are lots of different transducers that you can chain
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together. And in that case, you're kind of prioritizing
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developer time and developer happiness because you're
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able to yourself more clearly, whereas sometimes those
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kind of algorithms can get very hairy if you're just using
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loop. Now that sounds like I'm moving the goalposts, and
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there's really no excuse for these things not being as
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performant as possible. In this specific case, my guess is
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that the transducers is slower because it has to do a whole
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bunch of like inner function calls in order to actually do
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the adding and the collecting. So there's a lot of stuff that
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just the raw loop doesn't have to do, which transducers
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does. And so in this case, that's why it would be slower.
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All right, makes sense.
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Um... I cannot comment against Dash. And also a reminder
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that transducers both in CL and in Emacs Lisp here doesn't
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attempt to do any, you know, fun, you know, inner rewriting
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or, you know, what's called an Haskell fusion. Like if you
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have two different map steps, like in a row, it's not gonna
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see that and somehow fuse them internally. It's a fairly, in
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that sense, the implementation is just as is.
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to make it you know as raw fast as possible. The idea being
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that ergonomics is more important up front. Yeah, that's
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kind of a whole fascinating sub-panel, right? My theme this
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conference has been, oh, all these different things we
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should try to get sub-panels going for and use that. Maybe
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fill in the dev track or even have a third track or whatever.
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I'm not that concerned about the logistics of squeezing
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into the schedule so much. But anyway, interesting, I mean,
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to say.
NOTE Q: Do you know of any theoretical texts on transducers?
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Did we already speak to theoretical texts? No, right? No,
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let's continue. Okay, so another question from the group.
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Do you know of any theoretical texts on transducers? My
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readme, particularly of the Common Lisp implementation,
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is the theoretical text on transducers. Rich Hickey has
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some YouTube videos which also come close. I mean, he
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invented the things. But in terms of having a full
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explanation of everything, it's my readme and it's also
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The info manual of Guile Scheme, their documentation on
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Surfy 171 is what I used to learn transducers and to
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re-implement them in other LISPs. So if you just want like a
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document explaining them, MyReadMe is actually the
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clearest that I've found. Awesome. Okay, next question.
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And I'm sorry, you gave a name, you referred to somebody's
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videos. Rich Hickey, the inventor of Clojure. Rich Hickey,
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thank you. Hope I got the spelling right, and maybe somebody
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can catch that and fix it. If not, I'll reach on. Thank you.
NOTE Q: Did you think about [compiler features, macros] viz your cl, fennel, elisp, porting of your transducers?
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Reach on to the next question. Waters (Lazy Series in
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Lisp, late 70s) said this should have been done as an
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additional compiler feature in compilers, but if not, must
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be a macro package. Do you think about that vis your CL,
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Fennel, Elisp, porting of transducers? I think that
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there's definitely
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some Galaxy Brain Lisp author out there is probably smart
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enough to turn a bunch of this stuff into macros. I believe
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that's how the common Lisp library series works. It sees
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that you were calling map or whatever, and it actually knows
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that that's a special macro key. in order to be fast. I did not
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do that. The implementation as I have it is very simple and
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simplicity shouldn't be underestimated.
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I love it. What a nice succinct answer. Even I can manage to
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type that out as I scroll us to the next question.
NOTE Q: Does t-buffer-read provide a lazy stream that's linewise, or charwise, or do something else entirely?
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So, does t-buffer-read provide a lazy stream
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that's line-wise or character-wise or do something else
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Okay, there are two functions. I showed
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t-buffer-read. There's also one called t-file-read,
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which does that. You actually have the buffer open,
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it's much more clever.
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t-buffer-read, I believe, is simpler. As long as you have an
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Emacs list, what is called the current buffer active. I'm
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fairly sure you're able to just call next-line on it. I don't
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believe that I'm doing anything fancy there, looking for
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line ends. I believe I'm just grabbing the next line and then
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processing that line-wise. Very good.
NOTE Q: Can the Elisp library be combined with the stream.el API or seq in general?
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Can the Elisp library be combined with the stream.el API
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or seq in general? I would say that these libraries
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are completely orthogonal. You saw that everything
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was prefixed by t-.
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Basically, transducer is its own zone. However, one thing
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that I do in the common lisp, which is theoretically
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possible for the Emacs Lisp as well, is kind of like little
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shim libraries. So I provide, at least for Common Lisp, for a
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number of, you know, popular sort of third-party
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collection types, I provide an ability to use them as
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sources. Maybe that's what you mean. Like
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the built-in containers for Emacs Lisp are already
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supported. So, you know, a vector hash table and so on.
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make sense so i think what i heard there is yeah go ahead
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please sorry in terms of mixing like you know like for
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instance you know like seq-map used in transducers
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we'll put it that way
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i was just gonna say i think it um it it sounds like you're
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saying Yeah, probably they are actually. We don't know yet
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about any places where they don't play nicely together. So
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quite possibly so. We can use sequence and transducers
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together, for example. As a source potentially, yeah. It's
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very easy because that just uses defgeneric. As long as you
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have a new, like if you have a new collection type, as long as
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you implement a def method for it somewhere, it'll just
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magically work with this library. That's the magic of...
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Yeah, as an Emacs user enjoying, you know, sort of the
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renaissance of new features it's had, or sorry, Emacs ERC
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user for chat. I've seen a lot of awesome stuff get done in the
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last couple of years with generic set. JP never was working
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on that. And like, that's just making me my eyes pop and go,
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wow, that does make a whole lot of things simpler, doesn't
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it? I think we're a lot of us running into generics and how
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that solves problems in Emacs.
NOTE Q: How does one debug a t-comp expression? Can you single step and see intermediate results of the different statements you declare?
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How does one debug a t-comp
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expression? Can you talk in terms of single step,
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step-by-step, intermediate results of the different
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statements you declare? Yes. So in Common Lisp, this is
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and sly stickers and things like that. In Emacs Lisp, it's a
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little bit, shall we say, more difficult. For step
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so what comp does is comp internally, it should be a macro,
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but currently it's not, although there's work to improve
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that. It's doing an internal reduce and it's turning into
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one giant kind of composed lambda inside. So I don't know if
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step debugging would work there. However, we do have one
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function called log, which lets you inspect intermediate
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results. So you could technically use that to inject
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yourself somewhere into the transduction chain and, you
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know, halt or, you know, inspect the current value, et
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cetera. So you get a bunch of questions lined up. I think
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we're coming up, uh, within our last five minutes, uh,
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before some declared, uh, reset time that we have
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internally to just roll our closing credits, so to speak.
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Um, not that I would want to cut the question and answer
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short, but I might have to step away personally. But, um, as
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we discussed before, you can just kind of run the QA, however
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you want here. Um, or, or take questions offline if you'd
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like to answer them off the pad. And I just want to say one more
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time. Kitt said it managed later. Thanks again for your talk
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for dedicating the time to this live QA. And I think we can see
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by the many questions that are here. So I'll try to kind of
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flip us through as many of them as I can with our last couple of
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minutes, if that sounds good. Alternately, this might be a
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good time if you have kind of wrap it up, final thoughts, as
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Leo Sopanda saying. By all means, have at. Sure, thanks a
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lot. I'd say that if you are still curious, check out the
00:14:01.640 --> 00:14:05.159
read-me's because those have a lot of information,
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including a full description of the API and everything
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that's available.
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Otherwise, just give them a shot. Using these things is the
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best way to learn them, of course. I use them everywhere,
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basically, all across my Emacs list and all across my common
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list now. They get a lot of mileage. All right. You're
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speaking our language now. As Emacs users, all our ears poke
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up when you say, I'm getting a lot of mileage. I'm using it
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across everything. Every Emacs user has a story that
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harmonizes with that, I think.
NOTE Q: Is there a path for transducers to enable elisp processing of otherwise overly large datasets as if just normal Emacs \"buffers\" (i.e. just pulling one thing at a time so essentially stream-like under the hood but buffer-like in interface), with none of the usual perf issues with a traditional buffer structure?
00:14:42.495 --> 00:14:44.519
So our next question, is
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there a path for transducers to enable Elisp processing or
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otherwise overly large data sets as if just normal Emacs
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buffers, i.e. just pulling one thing at a time. So
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essentially stream like under the hood, but buffer like an
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interface. I think that makes sense to me. with none of the
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usual performance issues, like as if, you know, the history
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with long files is what that brings to mind, I guess. Yes, so
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as you saw before, the withBufferRead sort of stream
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function does have to have the actual buffer in memory, and
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then you can go really fast. But there's another one with
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file read. Now, again, I haven't tried to optimize that yet.
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But in theory, it is able to read right from the underlying
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file without having to open it as a buffer first.
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Awesome. Ari, the performance issues mentioned, and that
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popped up recently in the list and forums, to what extent
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does tail call optimization and other mechanisms like
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inlining, garbage collection friendliness, and so on,
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could these alleviate issues, enable their use at little to
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no extra costs? I feel like we're leading the witness here,
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but I'm sure you see where we're going. Yeah, no problem. So
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in terms of tail optimization, that's already happening
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because the internal loop mechanism is using CL labels. And
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in Emacs Lisp, CL labels is just a macro that is like
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extremely tail recursive. So that's very, very fast. It's
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not tail recursive, but it's using like goto. So it's
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extremely, extremely fast, like the raw looping of it. So,
00:16:22.520 --> 00:16:24.359
okay, well then where does the slowness come from? It's
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probably coming from those lambdas and it's probably
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coming from, uh, like extra consing, extra allocation
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somewhere, which is, um, sort of what you were, what you're
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referring to with the GC friendliness. So perhaps there's
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some, um, um, yeah, some, like some fusion that I can do to
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speed it up. Yeah, that just sounds fascinating endlessly.
NOTE Q: Is there an option to read a csv/json and produce an alist or plist instead of a hash table for an entry?
00:16:51.200 --> 00:16:55.559
Are there options to like read from a CSV, JSON, produce an
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alist or plist instead of hash table? Absolutely.
00:17:01.680 --> 00:17:06.239
Yes, I need to double check that, but we can read both CSV and
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JSON, and you should be able to just turn on the plist option.
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I will double check, but there's fairly free conversion
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between those three types because hash table is not always
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what you want. And actually, I suspect that slowness that we
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saw in the demo before was because it was allocating hash
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tables for every, like, all of the 50,000 lines. And had it
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been a plist, it would have been faster. Interesting, so
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maybe there's opportunities even if you end up with hash
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lists, but then they're shared strategically and you pay
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the cost of a little extra layer in there that buckets them
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together the way that we might group files by the first four
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characters in the file name once we've got a million files.
NOTE Q: Is the common lisp version ready for 'production' use? Is it complete enough and the API stable enough?
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Anyway, is the Common Lisp version ready for production
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use? Do you want to comment on API stability? I use it all the
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time. I'm writing a game in Common Lisp right now, and I'm
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using transducers everywhere in there, and it doesn't even
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make a dent in the frame rate, and I'm using them
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extensively. Okay, well, I'll just read from chat. Thanks
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so much for the answers.
NOTE Q: Do we need a pre-written \"t-\" version for every already existing reducing function like + or is there a function to construct them from already defined reducer 2-arg functions?
00:18:17.477 --> 00:18:20.439
Do we need a pre-written or t-minus
00:18:20.440 --> 00:18:24.959
version for every already existing reducing function,
00:18:24.960 --> 00:18:30.239
plus, as an example? Or is there a function that constructs,
00:18:30.240 --> 00:18:33.559
in my, I'm going to add the word, auto-visualifies them
00:18:33.560 --> 00:18:37.319
already, auto-defines or something, or just generically
00:18:37.320 --> 00:18:42.239
wraps function calls some way? already defined. This is
00:18:42.240 --> 00:18:49.399
basically fold. Some built-in functions like plus already
00:18:49.400 --> 00:18:52.599
function like reducers. It's a coincidence that they do
00:18:52.600 --> 00:18:56.799
that. But there's an example in the README. Max is one that
00:18:56.800 --> 00:19:00.559
does not act like that. For instance, maybe I could screen
00:19:00.560 --> 00:19:06.479
share later, but if you just type in plus one, If you call plus
00:19:06.480 --> 00:19:10.519
one in Emacs or Common Lisp, you get back one. It actually
00:19:10.520 --> 00:19:15.119
only needs one argument. If you only type plus, it actually
00:19:15.120 --> 00:19:20.839
gives you zero. Plus and multiple satisfy the API of
00:19:20.840 --> 00:19:24.759
reducers. But if you have one that doesn't, like the max
00:19:24.760 --> 00:19:28.759
function, and similarly, just type in plus as a function
00:19:28.760 --> 00:19:32.359
call, just plus with nothing else, and you'll see. No, as a
00:19:32.360 --> 00:19:37.199
function. zero will come out. This basically means it
00:19:37.200 --> 00:19:43.159
satisfies the reducer API. But a function like max does not.
00:19:43.160 --> 00:19:48.399
If you just type in max and then one, it won't work. Pardon me,
00:19:48.400 --> 00:19:54.239
it did. But if you type in max with nothing else, it wouldn't
00:19:54.240 --> 00:19:55.239
00:19:55.240 --> 00:19:58.599
Hence, we have to wrap it in something like fold. I would say
00:19:58.600 --> 00:20:01.919
go look at the fold function. Right, which that I won't do.
00:20:01.920 --> 00:20:04.839
I'm not that well enough prepped. Darn it. Leo would have
00:20:04.840 --> 00:20:08.399
been here, but oh, well, you got me. Yeah, no problem. But
00:20:08.400 --> 00:20:16.879
fold is sort of the ultimate reducer function. Great. So is
00:20:16.880 --> 00:20:26.319
there, where was I? Here we go. We're way past this, right? So
NOTE Q: Is the compelling argument for transducers is that it's a better abstraction?
00:20:26.320 --> 00:20:34.279
is the compiling argument for transducers that it's a
00:20:34.280 --> 00:20:38.879
better abstraction? It seems like there are concerns,
00:20:38.880 --> 00:20:42.399
objections, while problematically valid focused on
00:20:42.400 --> 00:20:45.679
implementation. Can this abstraction allow for advances
00:20:45.680 --> 00:20:50.559
in implementation? Yes, what I've basically done is mostly
00:20:50.560 --> 00:20:55.999
followed the pattern of usage that exists in Clojure and in
00:20:56.000 --> 00:21:01.159
Scheme's SERP 171. In theory, the service level API is the
00:21:01.160 --> 00:21:04.999
same no matter where you're using this, and that's the idea.
00:21:05.000 --> 00:21:08.039
If you learn them in one list, you should be able to use them
00:21:08.040 --> 00:21:12.879
everywhere. Then what it's actually doing under the hood is
00:21:12.880 --> 00:21:18.359
free for us to change around. My implementations are mostly
00:21:18.360 --> 00:21:23.679
based on the scheme with a few alterations here and there.
00:21:23.680 --> 00:21:27.079
And in the Common Lisp case, like adding some Common Lisp
00:21:27.080 --> 00:21:27.959
00:21:27.960 --> 00:21:34.759
to improve usage like UX a little bit. But overall, we are
00:21:34.760 --> 00:21:38.959
free to do whatever we want internally to speed up
00:21:38.960 --> 00:21:42.439
performance. I just haven't done that work. Awesome.
00:21:42.440 --> 00:21:47.239
Awesome. So here's where I have to, where we're getting the
00:21:47.240 --> 00:21:50.079
hook. We've just been pulled off the stream. The viewers
00:21:50.080 --> 00:21:54.079
just saw the crawl by as it sent us over to the other pad where I
00:21:54.080 --> 00:21:57.919
get to jump on and get involved with that now. But I can't
00:21:57.920 --> 00:22:00.359
thank you enough, Colin. Would you like me to stop the
00:22:00.360 --> 00:22:03.799
recording here? Any other comments you'd like to make? Uh,
00:22:03.800 --> 00:22:06.439
yeah, sure. Like, I mean, I'll stick around for any more live
00:22:06.440 --> 00:22:10.639
questions. I'm looking at both IRC and, and, um, uh, big blue
00:22:10.640 --> 00:22:13.239
button here. So if people have more questions, I'll hang
00:22:13.240 --> 00:22:15.959
around for a bit. I'm going to leave the channel open. I see
00:22:15.960 --> 00:22:17.839
you do have a few people in here, so I'm just going to go ahead
00:22:17.840 --> 00:22:20.839
and leave the recording. We can always trim it. Um, trim it
00:22:20.840 --> 00:22:24.279
up. If you, uh, let us know, Hey, the last 10 minutes weren't
00:22:24.280 --> 00:22:26.999
anything, you know, or whatever. No, no pressure, no
00:22:27.000 --> 00:22:29.839
worries, no mistakes. Thank you. Really appreciate you.
00:22:29.840 --> 00:22:31.959
Yep. Thanks a lot.
NOTE Q: Question about how the transducers video was made? Did you use Reveal.js? Do you have a pointer to the html hosted presentation? How did you generate the content for Reveal?
00:22:31.960 --> 00:22:48.399
OK, does anyone else have some questions? I see Mohsen in the
00:22:48.400 --> 00:22:52.839
BigBlueButton chat is asking how I made the video. So the
00:22:52.840 --> 00:22:59.079
presentation itself was done with RevealJS from Org Mode.
00:22:59.080 --> 00:23:03.639
So as you saw, I had a raw Org Mode buffer, which was
00:23:03.640 --> 00:23:09.319
which was the presentation itself, which I then just
00:23:09.320 --> 00:23:11.759
exported with a few certain settings, a few
00:23:11.760 --> 00:23:15.919
customizations. And then for screen recording, I used OBS,
00:23:15.920 --> 00:23:19.719
which worked flawlessly on Arch Linux. I used Sway,
00:23:19.720 --> 00:23:23.159
Wayland, and all of that. So all of that just worked, which
00:23:23.160 --> 00:23:27.999
was very impressive. Where do the HTML host the
00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:51.959
presentation? I don't have that presentation hosted
00:23:51.960 --> 00:23:52.599
00:23:52.600 --> 00:23:59.119
I'll look at the.
00:23:59.120 --> 00:24:00.079
I don't see that.
00:24:00.080 --> 00:24:08.159
Here it is. So we've got the file here as well.
00:24:08.160 --> 00:24:10.999
Looks like that's it for questions, basically.
00:24:11.000 --> 00:24:14.919
Yep, and it looks like everyone's moved on for now. Let's
00:24:14.920 --> 00:24:20.159
see. I mean, it would be so this is answering lounge 81 on IRC.
NOTE Q: From your investigations and tests so far, do you think there would be the necessity of transducers to eventually go down into the C level code for things like using them to solve "infinitely-big" buffer-like interfaces and such?
00:24:20.160 --> 00:24:24.599
Yeah, like, if we really wanted to go that hardcore, maybe
00:24:24.600 --> 00:24:29.439
there's some like C level stuff that we could
00:24:29.440 --> 00:24:36.119
you know, significant demand for such a thing. You know, so
00:24:36.120 --> 00:24:39.239
far there hasn't been such demand, but maybe there will be in
00:24:39.240 --> 00:24:42.519
the future. Yeah, perhaps there's some custom stuff we
00:24:42.520 --> 00:24:43.039
could do.
00:24:43.040 --> 00:24:48.599
And otherwise, magic one.
00:24:48.600 --> 00:25:00.599
Well, it looks like some people are quite happy with this.
00:25:00.600 --> 00:25:14.959
All right. That's about what I've seen. So why don't we end it
00:25:14.960 --> 00:25:19.839
here? I think I can control the recording from my end. If I
00:25:19.840 --> 00:25:23.800
pause it, will that work? All right. Thank you, everyone.