# Table of Contents
- [How do we want to schedule talks?](#schedule)
- [Notes](#schedule-notes)
- [Option I: Drop back down to one track](#back-to-one)
- [Option H: Gen starts with high-level use cases, second day has Hyperbole](#gen-to-specific)
- [Option A: General and development tracks - 15/25 buffers, 60 min lunch, dev starts at 10](#gen-and-dev)
<a id="schedule"></a>
# TODO How do we want to schedule talks?
<a id="schedule-notes"></a>
## Notes
- Green: no availability constraints
- Red: invalid because of availability constraint
- Dashed: IRC/pad Q&A, not live
Host role:
- Give the speaker a heads-up before their Q&A session begins
- If needed, read the questions from the pad to the speaker (Many speakers are comfortable reading the pad on their own.)
- Give the speaker time warnings before the end of their Q&A session on the stream. Interested participants can continue
Streamer role:
- Switch between playing the prerec and joining the Q&A session
- Adjust audio volume at the beginning of the Q&A session
- (optional) Switch scene layouts to focus on different things
Shifts will be Sat AM, Sat PM, Sun AM, or Sun PM per track. People can take multiple shifts.
Updating the images requires `emacsconf-schedule.el` from
`git@git.emacsconf.org:emacsconf-el` and `emacsconf-org-file` set to
wherever the private conf org file is.
<span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-04 Tue]</span></span>
- Added option H. General starts with general Org use cases and moves on to more niche things on day 2.
<span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-04 Tue]</span></span>
- Discussed option G with zaeph on #emacsconf-org. zaeph prefers
option A over option G because it gives people more choices -
they can hop from talk to talk.
<span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">[2022-10-03 Mon]</span></span>
- Discussed with bandali and zaeph on #emacsconf-org
- Decided on Option A with B, C, or F as fallbacks depending on volunteer roster
- Better for the viewers and the volunteers
<a id="back-to-one"></a>
## Option I: Drop back down to one track
- 45 minutes lunch, 5 minutes between talks, two 5-minute breaks per day
- Color indicates talk status (gray: waiting, light yellow: processing, yellow: to assign, light green: captioning, green: captioned and ready)
<a id="gen-to-specific"></a>
## Option H: Gen starts with high-level use cases, second day has Hyperbole
- compared to A, general audience will be more interested in Org use cases than in Hyperbole, and then we can look at specific techniques on day 2
<a id="gen-and-dev"></a>
## Option A: General and development tracks - 15/25 buffers, 60 min lunch, dev starts at 10
- Lots of space for Q&A and hallway conversations
- People can probably find lots of sessions that interest them throughout the day
- If they decide a talk isn't for them, they can switch and catch another one
- Stagger live Q&A sessions so that just in case we have only one streamer, they can bounce back and forth
- Can give some talks extra time if we want
- Could use dedicated host/streamer(s) for dev track; if not, they can probably pick up questions themselves