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The following image shows where the talk is in the schedule for Sun 2024-12-08. Solid lines show talks with Q&A via BigBlueButton. Dashed lines show talks with Q&A via IRC or Etherpad.<div class="schedule-in-context schedule-svg-container" data-slug="students">
<svg width="700" height="150" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title> Schedule for Sunday</title> <rect width="700" height="150" x="0" y="0" fill="white"></rect> <text font-size="10" fill="black" y="12" x="3"> Sunday</text> <a href="/2024/talks/students" title="An example of a cohesive student workflow in Emacs" data-slug="students"> <title>  3:00- 3:10 An example of a cohesive student workflow in Emacs</title> <rect stroke-width="3" x="494" y="15" opacity="0.8" width="13" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(505,73)"> <text font-weight="bold" fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> students</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/hyperbole" title="Fun things with GNU Hyperbole" data-slug="hyperbole"> <title> 11:30-11:45 Fun things with GNU Hyperbole</title> <rect x="205" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="20" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(223,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hyperbole</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/language" title="Immersive language learning with Emacs" data-slug="language"> <title> 10:30-10:40 Immersive language learning with Emacs</title> <rect x="123" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="13" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(134,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> language</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/regex" title="Emacs regex compilation and future directions for expressive pattern matching" data-slug="regex"> <title>  9:30- 9:50 Emacs regex compilation and future directions for expressive pattern matching</title> <rect x="41" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(66,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> regex</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/hywiki" title="HyWiki: Fast, hyperlinked note-taking with no markup required" data-slug="hywiki"> <title>  1:00- 1:20 HyWiki: Fast, hyperlinked note-taking with no markup required</title> <rect x="329" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(354,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> hywiki</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/links" title="Unlocking linked data: replacing specialized apps with an Org-based semantic wiki" data-slug="links"> <title>  9:10- 9:20 Unlocking linked data: replacing specialized apps with an Org-based semantic wiki</title> <rect x="13" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="13" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(24,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> links</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/blee" title="About Blee: enveloping our own autonomy directed digital ecosystem with Emacs" data-slug="blee"> <title> 10:30-11:15 About Blee: enveloping our own autonomy directed digital ecosystem with Emacs</title> <rect x="123" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="61" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(182,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> blee</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/sun-open" title="Sunday opening remarks" data-slug="sun-open"> <title>  9:00- 9:10 Sunday opening remarks</title> <rect x="0" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="13" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(11,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-open</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/sun-close" title="Sunday closing remarks" data-slug="sun-close"> <title>  4:50- 5:00 Sunday closing remarks</title> <rect x="645" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="13" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(656,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sun-close</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/transducers" title="Transducers: finally, ergonomic data processing for Emacs!" data-slug="transducers"> <title>  4:00- 4:30 Transducers: finally, ergonomic data processing for Emacs!</title> <rect x="576" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="41" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(615,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> transducers</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/literate" title="Literate programming for the 21st Century" data-slug="literate"> <title>  2:15- 2:35 Literate programming for the 21st Century</title> <rect x="432" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(457,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> literate</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/pgmacs" title="PGmacs: browsing and editing PostgreSQL databases from Emacs" data-slug="pgmacs"> <title>  1:40- 1:55 PGmacs: browsing and editing PostgreSQL databases from Emacs</title> <rect x="384" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="20" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(402,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> pgmacs</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/learning" title="Survival of the skillest: Thriving in the learning jungle" data-slug="learning"> <title> 10:00-10:20 Survival of the skillest: Thriving in the learning jungle</title> <rect x="82" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(107,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> learning</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/sharing" title="So you want to be an Emacs-fluencer?" data-slug="sharing"> <title>  3:20- 3:40 So you want to be an Emacs-fluencer?</title> <rect x="521" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,5,5" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(546,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> sharing</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/open-mic" title="Open mic/pad for quick updates etc." data-slug="open-mic"> <title>  1:00- 1:30 Open mic/pad for quick updates etc.</title> <rect x="329" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="41" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(368,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> open-mic</text></g></a> <a href="/2024/talks/org-teach" title="org-teach: a minor mode for writing course materials in Emacs" data-slug="org-teach"> <title> 10:30-10:50 org-teach: a minor mode for writing course materials in Emacs</title> <rect x="123" y="15" opacity="0.5" width="27" height="59" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="" fill="peachpuff"></rect> <g transform="translate(148,73)"> <text fill="black" x="0" y="0" font-size="10" transform="rotate(-90)"> org-teach</text></g></a> <g transform="translate(0,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 9 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(82,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 10 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(164,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 11 AM</text></g> <g transform="translate(247,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 12 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(329,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 1 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(411,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 2 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(494,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 3 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(576,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 4 PM</text></g> <g transform="translate(658,15)"> <line stroke="darkgray" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="120"></line> <text fill="black" x="0" y="133" font-size="10" text-anchor="left"> 5 PM</text></g></svg>

[[!toc  ]]
Format: 9-min talk			; Q&A: IRC <,emacsconf-gen> Etherpad: <>  
Etherpad: <>  
Discuss on IRC: [#emacsconf-gen](,emacsconf-gen)  
Status: Q&A open for participation  
<div>Times in different time zones:</div><div class="times" start="2024-12-08T20:00:00Z" end="2024-12-08T20:10:00Z"><div class="conf-time">Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~3:00 PM - 3:10 PM EST (US/Eastern)</div><div class="others"><div>which is the same as:</div>Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~2:00 PM - 2:10 PM CST (US/Central)<br />Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~1:00 PM - 1:10 PM MST (US/Mountain)<br />Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~12:00 PM - 12:10 PM PST (US/Pacific)<br />Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~8:00 PM - 8:10 PM UTC <br />Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~9:00 PM - 9:10 PM CET (Europe/Paris)<br />Sunday, Dec 8 2024, ~10:00 PM - 10:10 PM EET (Europe/Athens)<br />Monday, Dec 9 2024, ~1:30 AM - 1:40 AM IST (Asia/Kolkata)<br />Monday, Dec 9 2024, ~4:00 AM - 4:10 AM +08 (Asia/Singapore)<br />Monday, Dec 9 2024, ~5:00 AM - 5:10 AM JST (Asia/Tokyo)</div></div><div><strong><a href="/2024/watch/gen/">Find out how to watch and participate</a></strong></div>

<div class="vid"><video controls preload="none" id="students-mainVideo"><source src="" />captions="""<track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="/2024/captions/emacsconf-2024-students--an-example-of-a-cohesive-student-workflow-in-emacs--daniel-pinkston--main.vtt" default />"""<p><em>Your browser does not support the video tag. Please download the video instead.</em></p></video><div></div>Duration: 08:27 minutes<div class="files resources"><ul><li><a href="">Open Etherpad</a></li><li><a href=",emacsconf-gen">Open public Q&A</a></li><li><a href="">Download --intro.webm</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.webm (15MB)</a></li></ul></div></div>
# Description
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