path: root/2022
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13 files changed, 9687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-asmblox--asmblox-a-game-based-on-webassembly-that-no-one-asked-for--zachary-romero--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-asmblox--asmblox-a-game-based-on-webassembly-that-no-one-asked-for--zachary-romero--main.vtt
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index 00000000..ef640bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-asmblox--asmblox-a-game-based-on-webassembly-that-no-one-asked-for--zachary-romero--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.800
+Hi, I'm Zach and today I'll be giving
+00:00:03.800 --> 00:00:05.320
+a presentation on asm-blox,
+00:00:05.320 --> 00:00:08.960
+a programming game inspired by WebAssembly.
+00:00:08.960 --> 00:00:10.840
+So programming games came into prominence
+00:00:10.840 --> 00:00:13.160
+about a decade ago and are loved for providing
+00:00:13.160 --> 00:00:14.760
+interesting programming challenges
+00:00:14.760 --> 00:00:17.160
+without all the messiness of real world programming.
+00:00:17.160 --> 00:00:19.960
+I wanted to make a programming game
+00:00:19.960 --> 00:00:24.880
+and I decided to base it off of TIS-100,
+00:00:24.880 --> 00:00:28.240
+having a pretty basic UI.
+00:00:28.240 --> 00:00:30.680
+It seemed pretty doable in Emacs.
+00:00:30.680 --> 00:00:33.160
+TIS 100 is a programming game
+00:00:33.160 --> 00:00:35.760
+where you write a fictional assembly language
+00:00:35.760 --> 00:00:37.280
+into a grid of cells which can each
+00:00:37.280 --> 00:00:39.480
+communicate with one another,
+00:00:39.480 --> 00:00:41.200
+you're tasked with solving
+00:00:41.200 --> 00:00:44.960
+fairly simple CS 101 like problems.
+00:00:44.960 --> 00:00:48.440
+To mix things up a bit I decided to base
+00:00:48.440 --> 00:00:49.800
+the language of asm-blox off of
+00:00:49.800 --> 00:00:52.520
+WebAssembly, which is stack based,
+00:00:52.520 --> 00:00:55.360
+as opposed to TIS-100 which is registered based.
+00:00:55.360 --> 00:00:59.200
+Here you can see the same program
+00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:01.680
+written in the game TIS-100,
+00:01:01.680 --> 00:01:03.960
+what it looks like in asm-blox,
+00:01:03.960 --> 00:01:08.040
+and the original WebAssembly that it's based off of.
+00:01:08.040 --> 00:01:10.640
+With that said, let's get into a demo.
+00:01:10.640 --> 00:01:12.240
+This is the game board.
+00:01:12.240 --> 00:01:14.120
+It's a 4 by 3 grid.
+00:01:14.120 --> 00:01:16.840
+Each cell has a stack of size 4.
+00:01:16.840 --> 00:01:20.280
+First off, I'll show some of the stack editing commands.
+00:01:20.280 --> 00:01:23.760
+We can add a value with the const function.
+00:01:23.760 --> 00:01:27.480
+Here we're adding two values to this stack
+00:01:27.480 --> 00:01:33.400
+to get added, and eventually the stack gets overflowed.
+00:01:33.400 --> 00:01:37.360
+We can fix that as follows with the clear command,
+00:01:37.360 --> 00:01:40.720
+so that clears the stack.
+00:01:40.720 --> 00:01:43.200
+We can duplicate values on the stack.
+00:01:43.200 --> 00:01:45.600
+This duplicates the item at the bottom of the stack.
+00:01:45.600 --> 00:01:48.880
+10 gets put on, 20 gets put on,
+00:01:48.880 --> 00:01:50.200
+then 10 will get duplicated
+00:01:50.200 --> 00:01:52.680
+and put on the top of the stack.
+00:01:52.680 --> 00:01:55.920
+We can increment. For example, this increments
+00:01:55.920 --> 00:01:58.760
+the second to bottom, the second to bottom
+00:01:58.760 --> 00:01:59.920
+from the stack.
+00:01:59.920 --> 00:02:04.400
+So 10, 20, increment that, clear.
+00:02:04.400 --> 00:02:07.640
+That's basic stack operations.
+00:02:07.640 --> 00:02:11.000
+Next up, we have numeric commands.
+00:02:11.000 --> 00:02:12.560
+For example, here, if we add "add",
+00:02:12.560 --> 00:02:14.680
+it pops two values off the stack,
+00:02:14.680 --> 00:02:17.080
+adds them, and pushes the result on.
+00:02:17.080 --> 00:02:20.680
+Another way we can write this is as follows.
+00:02:20.680 --> 00:02:22.480
+We can have the add here
+00:02:22.480 --> 00:02:26.400
+and then nest the two constants,
+00:02:26.400 --> 00:02:28.520
+and then this does the same thing.
+00:02:28.520 --> 00:02:31.720
+First, the inner constant operations run,
+00:02:31.720 --> 00:02:35.520
+and then the outer add operation runs.
+00:02:35.520 --> 00:02:40.280
+We can nest as deeply as we want.
+00:02:40.280 --> 00:02:44.680
+There's also subtraction, multiplication, and whatnot.
+00:02:44.680 --> 00:02:46.480
+Next up are Boolean operations.
+00:02:46.480 --> 00:02:49.080
+Zero counts as true.
+00:02:49.080 --> 00:02:51.720
+Anything else--sorry, zero counts as false.
+00:02:51.720 --> 00:02:52.760
+Anything else is true.
+00:02:52.760 --> 00:03:01.840
+For example, this would give us false and true,
+00:03:01.840 --> 00:03:04.040
+so that result should be false.
+00:03:04.040 --> 00:03:06.120
+Zero gets put on the stack,
+00:03:06.120 --> 00:03:08.160
+one gets put on, and then the "and" operation.
+00:03:08.160 --> 00:03:12.840
+So there's also or, not,
+00:03:12.840 --> 00:03:17.760
+and various numerical comparison operations
+00:03:17.760 --> 00:03:21.400
+like greater than and less than.
+00:03:21.400 --> 00:03:22.880
+Next up are the port operations.
+00:03:22.880 --> 00:03:27.320
+We can send values to other cells as follows.
+00:03:27.320 --> 00:03:29.600
+Here we create a value
+00:03:29.600 --> 00:03:33.640
+and then send it right.
+00:03:33.640 --> 00:03:35.040
+Let's run this.
+00:03:35.040 --> 00:03:37.480
+The 10 goes on the stack,
+00:03:37.480 --> 00:03:38.480
+and then it gets sent to the right.
+00:03:38.480 --> 00:03:41.360
+Here it's waiting for this cell to pick it up.
+00:03:41.360 --> 00:03:44.360
+It can pick it up just as follows.
+00:03:44.360 --> 00:03:47.480
+So left... and then why don't we have it
+00:03:47.480 --> 00:03:49.520
+drop that value after it gets it.
+00:03:49.520 --> 00:03:53.920
+So the 10 gets sent to the right.
+00:03:53.920 --> 00:04:00.240
+This one picks it up and drops it.
+00:04:00.240 --> 00:04:03.200
+Lastly, we have control flow,
+00:04:03.200 --> 00:04:04.280
+which is a bit tricky,
+00:04:04.280 --> 00:04:06.880
+but with this visual,
+00:04:06.880 --> 00:04:08.440
+it helps explain it.
+00:04:08.440 --> 00:04:12.280
+There are two block constructs, "block" and "loop",
+00:04:12.280 --> 00:04:16.880
+and there's two jumping constructs, "br" and "brif".
+00:04:16.880 --> 00:04:23.120
+So if "loop" is jumped to,
+00:04:23.120 --> 00:04:25.360
+the control flow goes to the beginning,
+00:04:25.360 --> 00:04:26.520
+the top of the loop.
+00:04:26.520 --> 00:04:28.640
+If a block is jumped to,
+00:04:28.640 --> 00:04:31.520
+it goes to the end of the block,
+00:04:31.520 --> 00:04:33.640
+and these various blocks
+00:04:33.640 --> 00:04:36.520
+are identified by their level of nestedness.
+00:04:36.520 --> 00:04:40.640
+From the point of view of this jump statement,
+00:04:40.640 --> 00:04:45.160
+this "br" statement, this is block level 0,
+00:04:45.160 --> 00:04:46.440
+this is 1, this is 2.
+00:04:46.440 --> 00:04:49.560
+So here, "br 1" would be referring to this loop.
+00:04:49.560 --> 00:04:51.080
+What this [br 1] would do is,
+00:04:51.080 --> 00:04:54.000
+it would jump to this loop right here.
+00:04:54.000 --> 00:04:57.360
+If we were to do this [br 2], what this would do is,
+00:04:57.360 --> 00:05:02.680
+this would jump past this block right here.
+00:05:02.680 --> 00:05:09.880
+So as another example, this right here,
+00:05:09.880 --> 00:05:15.720
+this is a loop that generates increasing numbers.
+00:05:15.720 --> 00:05:22.640
+Let's see. Next up, we have modules.
+00:05:22.640 --> 00:05:26.280
+This is an example of a stack module.
+00:05:26.280 --> 00:05:28.760
+In addition to stack, there's also heaps.
+00:05:28.760 --> 00:05:34.560
+What this does is it allows us to create
+00:05:34.560 --> 00:05:38.080
+an extra stack that we can push and pop items onto.
+00:05:38.080 --> 00:05:41.240
+This one can have as large size as we need.
+00:05:41.240 --> 00:05:43.800
+Here it has a size of 20.
+00:05:43.800 --> 00:05:46.400
+It's taking values from up
+00:05:46.400 --> 00:05:51.080
+and exposing those values on the left.
+00:05:51.080 --> 00:05:57.080
+This loop right here, it generates numbers,
+00:05:57.080 --> 00:05:59.160
+and it's putting them onto the stack.
+00:05:59.160 --> 00:06:00.920
+We can see here that those numbers
+00:06:00.920 --> 00:06:03.200
+are being exposed to this cell right here.
+00:06:03.200 --> 00:06:07.040
+It's just taking values, and eventually,
+00:06:07.040 --> 00:06:11.200
+it's going to overflow and cause an error.
+00:06:11.200 --> 00:06:14.480
+That finishes the basic commands.
+00:06:14.480 --> 00:06:16.480
+Why don't we try solving this puzzle.
+00:06:16.480 --> 00:06:21.320
+The puzzle description is right here.
+00:06:21.320 --> 00:06:23.280
+We want to read a value from I.
+00:06:23.280 --> 00:06:28.480
+Send 1 to G if I is greater than 0.
+00:06:28.480 --> 00:06:30.800
+Send 1 to E if it's equal to 0.
+00:06:30.800 --> 00:06:32.440
+Send 1 to L if it's less than 0.
+00:06:32.440 --> 00:06:35.360
+And then all the other ones, we send 0 to.
+00:06:35.360 --> 00:06:40.920
+First things first, let's send the value we get
+00:06:40.920 --> 00:06:44.400
+from the input down as follows.
+00:06:44.400 --> 00:06:49.680
+Let's send that value right.
+00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:51.240
+You get from up.
+00:06:51.240 --> 00:06:54.320
+Okay. So next, we're getting a value on the left.
+00:06:54.320 --> 00:06:58.040
+Now we want to compare if this number is greater than 0.
+00:06:58.040 --> 00:06:59.800
+If it's greater than 0, we send 1 to G.
+00:06:59.800 --> 00:07:03.280
+Let's perform the greater than operation
+00:07:03.280 --> 00:07:08.080
+on that item we just got, and we're comparing it to 0.
+00:07:08.080 --> 00:07:11.680
+Now that result, we're going to send down,
+00:07:11.680 --> 00:07:13.880
+and we're going to send this original value
+00:07:13.880 --> 00:07:16.880
+we got from here to the right.
+00:07:16.880 --> 00:07:19.000
+Here, we do a similar step.
+00:07:19.000 --> 00:07:20.240
+We get the value from the left,
+00:07:20.240 --> 00:07:22.920
+but this time, we have to do an equal operation.
+00:07:22.920 --> 00:07:25.760
+Is that number we got equal to 0?
+00:07:25.760 --> 00:07:28.960
+We send that result down,
+00:07:28.960 --> 00:07:32.880
+and then send this number to the right.
+00:07:32.880 --> 00:07:38.040
+Lastly, we get this number from the left.
+00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:42.400
+Here, we need to compare if it's less than 0.
+00:07:42.400 --> 00:07:45.640
+We send that result down,
+00:07:45.640 --> 00:07:50.280
+and now lastly, we drop that remaining value.
+00:07:50.280 --> 00:07:53.080
+Okay, let's--oh, and then lastly,
+00:07:53.080 --> 00:07:56.040
+we need to send down the value we get up.
+00:07:56.040 --> 00:08:02.560
+Send down, up, send down, up.
+00:08:02.560 --> 00:08:04.760
+Okay, so let's try running this.
+00:08:04.760 --> 00:08:08.920
+Let's see. We notice that
+00:08:08.920 --> 00:08:10.360
+the numbers are coming in from I.
+00:08:10.360 --> 00:08:14.200
+They're going through our various conditions
+00:08:14.200 --> 00:08:18.160
+and should be sending all the correct values.
+00:08:18.160 --> 00:08:23.560
+It looks like we're not getting any errors so far.
+00:08:23.560 --> 00:08:26.680
+Let's speed this up.
+00:08:26.680 --> 00:08:33.040
+That completes the puzzle.
+00:08:33.040 --> 00:08:42.000
+Now let's get into some of the implementation details.
+00:08:42.000 --> 00:08:46.320
+The first thing is the game loop.
+00:08:46.320 --> 00:08:50.560
+The game loop is... So this is actually extremely simple.
+00:08:50.560 --> 00:08:52.320
+All the state for the entire game
+00:08:52.320 --> 00:08:54.400
+is stored in just a few variables.
+00:08:54.400 --> 00:08:56.480
+There's one variable storing
+00:08:56.480 --> 00:09:01.400
+the text of each cell as a vector of strings.
+00:09:01.400 --> 00:09:06.280
+There's a single function
+00:09:06.280 --> 00:09:09.080
+that renders the entire game, the entire board.
+00:09:09.080 --> 00:09:11.120
+There's a single function that would render
+00:09:11.120 --> 00:09:13.920
+this entire screen based off of the state,
+00:09:13.920 --> 00:09:19.240
+and then the game waits for you to press a key.
+00:09:19.240 --> 00:09:24.120
+The key usually, depending on what action you perform,
+00:09:24.120 --> 00:09:27.040
+updates the state and causes a re-render.
+00:09:27.040 --> 00:09:29.360
+It's an extremely simple game loop,
+00:09:29.360 --> 00:09:32.800
+but it makes implementing it pretty easy.
+00:09:32.800 --> 00:09:35.200
+To demonstrate how this game loop works,
+00:09:35.200 --> 00:09:38.400
+I have a simple demo prepared.
+00:09:38.400 --> 00:09:41.880
+This is a game of tic-tac-toe.
+00:09:41.880 --> 00:09:44.800
+Let me show this real fast.
+00:09:44.800 --> 00:09:49.200
+It's an extremely simple implementation,
+00:09:49.200 --> 00:09:51.465
+but it follows the same principles
+00:09:51.466 --> 00:09:53.600
+that I used in asm-blox.
+00:09:53.600 --> 00:09:57.680
+First, we have the state defined in variables.
+00:09:57.680 --> 00:09:59.560
+Here we have two pieces of state.
+00:09:59.560 --> 00:10:01.600
+We have which player's turn it is
+00:10:01.600 --> 00:10:03.120
+and the state of the game board.
+00:10:03.120 --> 00:10:06.640
+The player turn can be nil if it's empty,
+00:10:06.640 --> 00:10:08.760
+the string "x" or the string "o".
+00:10:08.760 --> 00:10:14.240
+Then the game board is a list of nine board elements.
+00:10:14.240 --> 00:10:16.960
+So that's the state.
+00:10:16.960 --> 00:10:18.120
+Then we have a helper function.
+00:10:18.120 --> 00:10:19.440
+You can go into the details,
+00:10:19.440 --> 00:10:21.000
+but it just returns true
+00:10:21.000 --> 00:10:25.600
+if the board has a winning player.
+00:10:25.600 --> 00:10:30.040
+Part two is the rendering function.
+00:10:30.040 --> 00:10:32.800
+Only based off of the game state,
+00:10:32.800 --> 00:10:36.720
+we have a function that erases the buffer
+00:10:36.720 --> 00:10:40.280
+and draws this from scratch.
+00:10:40.280 --> 00:10:45.320
+That's this part right here.
+00:10:45.320 --> 00:10:46.720
+Lastly, we have the action.
+00:10:46.720 --> 00:10:51.920
+We have one action which is bound to RET,
+00:10:51.920 --> 00:10:55.840
+and it places a player token.
+00:10:55.840 --> 00:10:59.920
+Once it places a player token,
+00:10:59.920 --> 00:11:03.120
+it rerenders the board,
+00:11:03.120 --> 00:11:06.880
+and all the rerendering is handled by this function.
+00:11:06.880 --> 00:11:12.480
+Then we have just creating of the mode
+00:11:12.480 --> 00:11:14.680
+and initialization function.
+00:11:14.680 --> 00:11:16.680
+With these three steps
+00:11:16.680 --> 00:11:20.640
+it clearly separates out all of the state,
+00:11:20.640 --> 00:11:22.960
+the rendering, and the actions,
+00:11:22.960 --> 00:11:25.880
+and it makes implementing it very simple.
+00:11:25.880 --> 00:11:29.640
+One trick that's used here and that I use
+00:11:29.640 --> 00:11:32.382
+in my asm-blox game is that
+00:11:32.383 --> 00:11:33.316
+when I render the board,
+00:11:33.317 --> 00:11:40.800
+I propertize the text to contain extra information.
+00:11:40.800 --> 00:11:45.080
+For example, here, each cell has
+00:11:45.080 --> 00:11:49.400
+a tic-tac-toe index to indicate which number cell it is.
+00:11:49.400 --> 00:11:53.640
+This has index 0, 1, 2, all the way up to 8.
+00:11:53.640 --> 00:11:58.640
+That way, for placing, the only thing it has to do
+00:11:58.640 --> 00:12:01.200
+is just look at its position
+00:12:01.200 --> 00:12:04.960
+based off of the text property.
+00:12:04.960 --> 00:12:07.800
+It makes implementation extremely simple.
+00:12:07.800 --> 00:12:14.360
+Next up, we have the implementation of the code cells.
+00:12:14.360 --> 00:12:16.960
+If you notice, here it's kind of weird
+00:12:16.960 --> 00:12:21.000
+how it's like a buffer, but each cell kind of acts
+00:12:21.000 --> 00:12:25.760
+like its own buffer, and it has its own limits.
+00:12:25.760 --> 00:12:27.600
+All of the Emacs editing--
+00:12:27.600 --> 00:12:30.760
+well, some of the Emacs editing commands kind of work,
+00:12:30.760 --> 00:12:35.360
+like beginning-of-line, end-of-line, end-of-buffer.
+00:12:35.360 --> 00:12:38.240
+How is that done?
+00:12:38.240 --> 00:12:41.760
+Well, it's all just a trick, actually.
+00:12:41.760 --> 00:12:47.280
+Each cell has text properties of which line it's at
+00:12:47.280 --> 00:12:48.800
+and its cell coordinates.
+00:12:48.800 --> 00:12:54.360
+Whenever a key is pressed for editing, moving lines--
+00:12:54.360 --> 00:12:58.360
+there's even kind of more complicated things
+00:12:58.360 --> 00:13:00.600
+like switching cells around--
+00:13:00.600 --> 00:13:03.360
+so all of that,
+00:13:03.360 --> 00:13:05.200
+it knows which position it's in,
+00:13:05.200 --> 00:13:08.080
+it knows what cell it's in,
+00:13:08.080 --> 00:13:12.880
+and then it copies the text of the cell,
+00:13:12.880 --> 00:13:16.320
+because remember, the contents of the cell
+00:13:16.320 --> 00:13:18.360
+are stored in internal state.
+00:13:18.360 --> 00:13:23.000
+It copies that cell contents into a temporary buffer.
+00:13:23.000 --> 00:13:27.960
+It then moves the point to whichever line it was
+00:13:27.960 --> 00:13:31.160
+in the game board.
+00:13:31.160 --> 00:13:33.000
+It performs the action.
+00:13:33.000 --> 00:13:36.200
+It makes sure that the resulting text isn't
+00:13:36.200 --> 00:13:40.160
+longer than the cell width or the cell height.
+00:13:40.160 --> 00:13:42.040
+If everything checks out,
+00:13:42.040 --> 00:13:45.120
+it updates the state and calls a re-render.
+00:13:45.120 --> 00:13:48.440
+So there's nothing going on in here
+00:13:48.440 --> 00:13:51.080
+that's, like, actually inserting a letter A.
+00:13:51.080 --> 00:14:00.920
+It's all updating the state and causing a re-render.
+00:14:00.920 --> 00:14:03.640
+So this makes things like certain
+00:14:03.640 --> 00:14:06.480
+internal Emacs editing constructs
+00:14:06.480 --> 00:14:09.120
+pretty hard to use, like undoing.
+00:14:09.120 --> 00:14:12.200
+Normally the undoing construct
+00:14:12.200 --> 00:14:15.120
+works off the contents of the buffer.
+00:14:15.120 --> 00:14:17.840
+But if your buffer is actually just
+00:14:17.840 --> 00:14:20.080
+a reflection of the internal state,
+00:14:20.080 --> 00:14:21.440
+then how does undoing work?
+00:14:21.440 --> 00:14:24.880
+Well, it pretty much is kind of a hack.
+00:14:24.880 --> 00:14:27.040
+I mean, undoing is here,
+00:14:27.040 --> 00:14:32.680
+but it's pretty much redone
+00:14:32.680 --> 00:14:37.560
+in a not so configurable, not so modifiable way.
+00:14:37.560 --> 00:14:40.080
+Pretty much everything is like that,
+00:14:40.080 --> 00:14:42.440
+from these parentheses highlighting...
+00:14:42.440 --> 00:14:46.320
+Normally, parentheses highlighting
+00:14:46.320 --> 00:14:47.243
+would be kind of weird,
+00:14:47.244 --> 00:14:49.840
+with cross-line parentheses and everything.
+00:14:49.840 --> 00:14:52.360
+All of that had to be redone.
+00:14:52.360 --> 00:14:58.160
+Another point about how this is implemented
+00:14:58.160 --> 00:15:02.360
+is the assembly text to executable code.
+00:15:02.360 --> 00:15:05.800
+If you're familiar with WebAssembly
+00:15:05.800 --> 00:15:10.720
+you might have encountered a tool wat-wasm.
+00:15:10.720 --> 00:15:16.440
+It basically converts the WebAssembly text format
+00:15:16.440 --> 00:15:18.280
+to byte code.
+00:15:18.280 --> 00:15:22.440
+And what I do here... It goes through a similar process.
+00:15:22.440 --> 00:15:28.000
+Normally, when you're writing this text format,
+00:15:28.000 --> 00:15:30.360
+you can nest things as deeply as you want.
+00:15:30.360 --> 00:15:33.800
+Basically, what happens is it flattens out everything.
+00:15:33.800 --> 00:15:35.920
+It kind of knows the order
+00:15:35.920 --> 00:15:38.160
+that all these things are going to get executed,
+00:15:38.160 --> 00:15:40.680
+and then it puts it into one single line
+00:15:40.680 --> 00:15:44.120
+that it can just run through and execute.
+00:15:44.120 --> 00:15:48.360
+The same thing for the loops and blocks.
+00:15:48.360 --> 00:15:52.240
+It internally generates labels and jump statements.
+00:15:52.240 --> 00:15:58.640
+So that concludes this presentation.
+00:15:58.640 --> 00:15:59.666
+Thank you for listening,
+00:15:59.667 --> 00:16:07.440
+and I hope you enjoy the rest of the conference.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-async--emacs-was-async-before-async-was-cool--michael-herstine--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-async--emacs-was-async-before-async-was-cool--michael-herstine--main.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb25844e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-async--emacs-was-async-before-async-was-cool--michael-herstine--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,1505 @@
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.720
+Hey everyone, I'm Michael
+00:00:02.720 --> 00:00:04.480
+and I'm going to be talking to you today
+00:00:04.480 --> 00:00:07.640
+about asynchronous programming in Emacs Lisp.
+00:00:07.640 --> 00:00:10.360
+I'm located in the San Francisco Bay Area
+00:00:10.360 --> 00:00:12.040
+where I'm a developer as well as
+00:00:12.040 --> 00:00:14.160
+a long time Emacs user.
+00:00:14.160 --> 00:00:18.760
+You may have heard of async or asynchronous programming.
+00:00:18.760 --> 00:00:21.360
+The idea has been around for decades
+00:00:21.360 --> 00:00:24.400
+but it first gained widespread attention in JavaScript
+00:00:24.400 --> 00:00:26.720
+back in the aughts.
+00:00:26.720 --> 00:00:29.680
+Then in the teens it gained tremendous popularity
+00:00:29.680 --> 00:00:31.720
+in the DevOps world with Golang.
+00:00:31.720 --> 00:00:33.800
+And just in the last few years
+00:00:33.800 --> 00:00:37.880
+support for async programming has landed in Rust.
+00:00:37.880 --> 00:00:40.080
+Well it can be done in Emacs as well
+00:00:40.080 --> 00:00:42.040
+and this talk will demonstrate that
+00:00:42.040 --> 00:00:44.600
+by walking you through a little problem
+00:00:44.600 --> 00:00:47.200
+that I actually solved for myself.
+00:00:47.200 --> 00:00:49.040
+Like a lot of these stories
+00:00:49.040 --> 00:00:51.920
+it begins with scratching a personal itch.
+00:00:51.920 --> 00:00:55.320
+In my case automating my music server.
+00:00:55.320 --> 00:00:58.240
+I use something called the music player daemon locally
+00:00:58.240 --> 00:01:00.240
+and as the name suggests
+00:01:00.240 --> 00:01:03.560
+it just kind of hangs out in the background.
+00:01:03.560 --> 00:01:08.040
+Reads music files and talks to assorted sound drivers.
+00:01:08.040 --> 00:01:09.640
+In fact it is so focused on
+00:01:09.640 --> 00:01:12.440
+that mission that it doesn't even offer a user interface.
+00:01:12.440 --> 00:01:14.400
+Instead it serves an API
+00:01:14.400 --> 00:01:16.120
+and invites application developers
+00:01:16.120 --> 00:01:19.360
+to build clients on top of that API.
+00:01:19.360 --> 00:01:22.200
+Okay so let's hop into a vterm
+00:01:22.200 --> 00:01:25.080
+and I'd like to show you the MPD client I use
+00:01:25.080 --> 00:01:26.600
+for my daily driver.
+00:01:26.600 --> 00:01:29.520
+Something called ncmpcpp.
+00:01:29.520 --> 00:01:31.800
+Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue
+00:01:31.800 --> 00:01:33.720
+but I've got a playlist.
+00:01:33.720 --> 00:01:36.560
+I can browse the file system.
+00:01:36.560 --> 00:01:39.240
+Looks like I can search my music library.
+00:01:39.240 --> 00:01:40.000
+Yada yada yada.
+00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:42.600
+It's got all the basic features.
+00:01:42.600 --> 00:01:44.640
+The point that I want to make is that
+00:01:44.640 --> 00:01:51.920
+ncmpcpp is a completely independent project of MPD.
+00:01:51.920 --> 00:01:53.720
+Separate and distinct.
+00:01:53.720 --> 00:01:55.680
+It does all of its work
+00:01:55.680 --> 00:01:57.200
+by simply communicating with
+00:01:57.200 --> 00:02:01.400
+the music player daemon over the API.
+00:02:01.400 --> 00:02:03.440
+Well I wanted to program to that API
+00:02:03.440 --> 00:02:05.840
+only from within Emacs.
+00:02:05.840 --> 00:02:09.520
+Now there are already Emacs MPD clients out there
+00:02:09.520 --> 00:02:11.560
+but I didn't really want a full blown client.
+00:02:11.560 --> 00:02:14.320
+I just wanted a few small tweaks
+00:02:14.320 --> 00:02:16.320
+over my current configuration.
+00:02:16.320 --> 00:02:19.280
+A command to skip to the next song.
+00:02:19.280 --> 00:02:22.360
+Maybe shove the current track into the mode line.
+00:02:22.360 --> 00:02:24.160
+Things like this.
+00:02:24.160 --> 00:02:28.560
+I needed an elisp API that would let me do this.
+00:02:28.560 --> 00:02:32.000
+Okay well let's get out of ncmpcpp
+00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:37.560
+and let's get into a netcat session
+00:02:37.560 --> 00:02:39.400
+with my local MPD server.
+00:02:39.400 --> 00:02:43.840
+As you can see we get a welcome string.
+00:02:43.840 --> 00:02:46.800
+So it is a server goes first protocol.
+00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:49.640
+But after that it's a very familiar
+00:02:49.640 --> 00:02:53.960
+text based request response oriented protocol.
+00:02:53.960 --> 00:02:56.240
+I can ask for the volume.
+00:02:56.240 --> 00:02:58.160
+I can ask for the status.
+00:02:58.160 --> 00:03:06.000
+But in particular I wanted an asynchronous API.
+00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:07.800
+If I issue a command like
+00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:11.840
+find every track in my library
+00:03:11.840 --> 00:03:15.360
+that's going to produce a lot of data
+00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:18.920
+that's a human perceptible pause
+00:03:18.920 --> 00:03:22.080
+as Emacs processes all the input.
+00:03:22.080 --> 00:03:25.560
+What I wanted was a style of programming
+00:03:25.560 --> 00:03:28.080
+where I could fire off my command
+00:03:28.080 --> 00:03:31.560
+have the Emacs command loop keep working
+00:03:31.560 --> 00:03:33.440
+and only invoke some callback
+00:03:33.440 --> 00:03:35.280
+when there was data available.
+00:03:35.280 --> 00:03:39.560
+Well Emacs is famously single threaded
+00:03:39.560 --> 00:03:41.840
+so it shouldn't come as a surprise
+00:03:41.840 --> 00:03:44.080
+that it offers a rich set of primitives
+00:03:44.080 --> 00:03:46.720
+that enable the sort of network programming
+00:03:46.720 --> 00:03:49.320
+that I wanted to do.
+00:03:49.320 --> 00:03:50.760
+In particular it offers
+00:03:50.760 --> 00:03:53.280
+a function called make network process.
+00:03:53.280 --> 00:03:57.800
+Now this method offers a bewildering variety of options.
+00:03:57.800 --> 00:03:59.320
+But at the heart of the matter
+00:03:59.320 --> 00:04:01.040
+it opens a network connection
+00:04:01.040 --> 00:04:03.120
+to some endpoint out there
+00:04:03.120 --> 00:04:06.640
+and we can configure it to be non blocking.
+00:04:06.640 --> 00:04:09.840
+It returns a handle that you can use to refer to
+00:04:09.840 --> 00:04:14.880
+this network connection with other methods.
+00:04:14.880 --> 00:04:17.760
+Other methods such as process and string
+00:04:17.760 --> 00:04:19.600
+which as the name suggests
+00:04:19.600 --> 00:04:21.960
+allows you to send textual data
+00:04:21.960 --> 00:04:26.320
+to the remote endpoint of your network connection.
+00:04:26.320 --> 00:04:29.400
+You can also use it with set process filter
+00:04:29.400 --> 00:04:32.160
+which allows you to associate a callback
+00:04:32.160 --> 00:04:33.240
+with your network connection.
+00:04:33.240 --> 00:04:35.920
+That callback will be invoked
+00:04:35.920 --> 00:04:40.480
+when there is data available
+00:04:40.480 --> 00:04:41.960
+in the processes read buffer.
+00:04:41.960 --> 00:04:44.960
+In other words in a request response oriented protocol
+00:04:44.960 --> 00:04:47.800
+like that of MPD you open your socket
+00:04:47.800 --> 00:04:50.960
+with make network process
+00:04:50.960 --> 00:04:53.760
+send your request via process send string
+00:04:53.760 --> 00:04:56.360
+and life will just continue in emacs
+00:04:56.360 --> 00:04:57.560
+until some data shows up
+00:04:57.560 --> 00:05:00.720
+in the processes read buffer
+00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:05.200
+at which point your callback will be invoked.
+00:05:05.200 --> 00:05:07.560
+It turns out this was enough
+00:05:07.560 --> 00:05:12.280
+for a purpose built async runtime.
+00:05:12.280 --> 00:05:14.800
+Let's work through the sequence of events
+00:05:14.800 --> 00:05:16.480
+when opening a connection
+00:05:16.480 --> 00:05:18.720
+and firing off a few commands in this style.
+00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:22.120
+So let's imagine a library
+00:05:22.120 --> 00:05:25.520
+that offers a connection object of some sort
+00:05:25.520 --> 00:05:28.720
+a caller and an MPD server out on the network.
+00:05:28.720 --> 00:05:31.880
+The caller will presumably get themselves
+00:05:31.880 --> 00:05:34.760
+a connection object by invoking some sort of
+00:05:34.760 --> 00:05:38.080
+connect method on our library.
+00:05:38.080 --> 00:05:41.160
+We can handle this through make network process
+00:05:41.160 --> 00:05:45.360
+but we're going to invoke make network process
+00:05:45.360 --> 00:05:47.200
+with no weight equal to true
+00:05:47.200 --> 00:05:48.520
+in other words asynchronously.
+00:05:48.520 --> 00:05:52.240
+That means the method is going to return immediately.
+00:05:52.240 --> 00:05:56.320
+We won't even know if the connection is up
+00:05:56.320 --> 00:05:57.920
+let alone what the response would be.
+00:05:57.920 --> 00:06:01.560
+This has some implications.
+00:06:01.560 --> 00:06:05.280
+At this point we've returned control to the caller
+00:06:05.280 --> 00:06:09.400
+the emacs event loop is proceeding quite happily
+00:06:09.400 --> 00:06:11.320
+and so the caller is free
+00:06:11.320 --> 00:06:14.920
+to start using our connection object.
+00:06:14.920 --> 00:06:17.640
+They might say issue a status command.
+00:06:17.640 --> 00:06:20.600
+Okay well in our library
+00:06:20.600 --> 00:06:22.680
+we don't have a connection yet.
+00:06:22.680 --> 00:06:25.920
+How on earth are we going to service this?
+00:06:25.920 --> 00:06:29.440
+Well we can simply give ourselves a queue
+00:06:29.440 --> 00:06:33.360
+and note down the fact that we owe a status command.
+00:06:33.360 --> 00:06:35.560
+That's pretty quick.
+00:06:35.560 --> 00:06:38.120
+We've now returned control back to our caller
+00:06:38.120 --> 00:06:40.640
+and they are again free to issue more commands.
+00:06:40.640 --> 00:06:41.840
+Maybe they issue a play command.
+00:06:41.840 --> 00:06:45.160
+Okay well we're going to go deeper into debt
+00:06:45.160 --> 00:06:48.160
+and note that we also owe a play command.
+00:06:48.160 --> 00:06:56.160
+At some point in the indeterminate future MPDU
+00:06:56.160 --> 00:06:57.320
+is the connection will get up
+00:06:57.320 --> 00:07:03.000
+MPDU will allocate resources to track a new client.
+00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:06.160
+They will write the welcome string into the socket
+00:07:06.160 --> 00:07:07.920
+and those bytes are going to show up
+00:07:07.920 --> 00:07:10.360
+in the emacs process read buffer
+00:07:10.360 --> 00:07:13.160
+at which point our callback will be invoked.
+00:07:13.160 --> 00:07:17.440
+We can parse the welcome string maybe
+00:07:17.440 --> 00:07:19.240
+note the version that connection object
+00:07:19.240 --> 00:07:20.400
+that might come in handy
+00:07:20.400 --> 00:07:21.720
+but the key point is
+00:07:21.720 --> 00:07:24.080
+our callback needs to take a look at the queue
+00:07:24.080 --> 00:07:25.240
+and notice
+00:07:25.240 --> 00:07:27.200
+oh we owe a status command
+00:07:27.200 --> 00:07:29.880
+and so we'll invoke process and string
+00:07:29.880 --> 00:07:32.280
+and send the status command down the pipe.
+00:07:32.280 --> 00:07:36.760
+Again at some indeterminate time in the future
+00:07:36.760 --> 00:07:38.600
+some bytes are going to show up
+00:07:38.600 --> 00:07:41.200
+in our processes read buffer
+00:07:41.200 --> 00:07:43.160
+and our callback will again be invoked.
+00:07:43.160 --> 00:07:48.560
+We've got volume is 75 plus a lot of other stuff
+00:07:48.560 --> 00:07:50.480
+and here we come to the next problem.
+00:07:50.480 --> 00:07:54.440
+If our caller invoked status
+00:07:54.440 --> 00:07:56.960
+they probably wanted to know about the status
+00:07:56.960 --> 00:07:59.880
+so how shall we get them to them?
+00:07:59.880 --> 00:08:03.040
+Well there's really not a lot of options at this point
+00:08:03.040 --> 00:08:04.280
+except the callback.
+00:08:04.280 --> 00:08:09.000
+Okay so change of plan our queue
+00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:11.720
+is no longer a queue of commands
+00:08:11.720 --> 00:08:13.840
+it's going to be a queue of commands
+00:08:13.840 --> 00:08:15.880
+with associated callbacks.
+00:08:15.880 --> 00:08:20.280
+We read the response off the socket
+00:08:20.280 --> 00:08:23.440
+invoke our caller supplied callback
+00:08:23.440 --> 00:08:26.080
+and then pop the queue.
+00:08:26.080 --> 00:08:28.920
+At this point our callback
+00:08:28.920 --> 00:08:32.160
+the library callback needs to know
+00:08:32.160 --> 00:08:34.040
+that we still have a pending command
+00:08:34.040 --> 00:08:35.720
+we fire that off down the pipe
+00:08:35.720 --> 00:08:38.520
+at some indeterminate time in the future
+00:08:38.520 --> 00:08:40.360
+we get a call we get a response
+00:08:40.360 --> 00:08:42.640
+our callback is invoked
+00:08:42.640 --> 00:08:45.720
+we invoke the caller supplied callback
+00:08:45.720 --> 00:08:47.240
+and we pop the queue.
+00:08:47.240 --> 00:08:53.760
+The structure of such a program
+00:08:53.760 --> 00:08:55.800
+is best viewed as a finite state machine
+00:08:55.800 --> 00:08:57.640
+and this is typically where you end up
+00:08:57.640 --> 00:08:59.200
+in asynchronous programming at least
+00:08:59.200 --> 00:09:03.360
+when you don't have a runtime grafted onto your program
+00:09:03.360 --> 00:09:04.960
+the way you do with Golang
+00:09:04.960 --> 00:09:08.240
+or when you don't have sort of extensive library support
+00:09:08.240 --> 00:09:09.680
+the way you do with Rust.
+00:09:09.680 --> 00:09:14.480
+Your data structure exists in one of these states
+00:09:14.480 --> 00:09:15.440
+at any given time
+00:09:15.440 --> 00:09:18.960
+and when input shows up on your file descriptor
+00:09:18.960 --> 00:09:24.240
+you transition along one of these edges to a new state.
+00:09:24.240 --> 00:09:28.160
+Cool so let's take a look at some of the code
+00:09:28.160 --> 00:09:29.480
+that flows from this.
+00:09:29.480 --> 00:09:32.240
+Okay let's hop over to an Emacs
+00:09:32.240 --> 00:09:33.920
+and take a look at how we might code this up.
+00:09:33.920 --> 00:09:38.360
+If you recall the sequence diagrams I shared
+00:09:38.360 --> 00:09:40.120
+we're going to be scribbling down the command
+00:09:40.120 --> 00:09:42.160
+and the callback that will be invoking
+00:09:42.160 --> 00:09:43.240
+upon its completion.
+00:09:43.240 --> 00:09:45.440
+So the first thing I did was give myself
+00:09:45.440 --> 00:09:47.400
+a little command struct
+00:09:47.400 --> 00:09:52.280
+with that I was able to define the connection object.
+00:09:52.280 --> 00:09:56.280
+We're going to be storing the handle to the connection.
+00:09:56.280 --> 00:09:59.400
+We're going to write down the protocol version
+00:09:59.400 --> 00:10:02.000
+that we harvest from the welcome message
+00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:03.560
+and of course we'll be recording
+00:10:03.560 --> 00:10:05.760
+the command queue as well.
+00:10:05.760 --> 00:10:08.640
+And so I gave myself a little connection object
+00:10:08.640 --> 00:10:10.960
+with a connection struct
+00:10:10.960 --> 00:10:12.240
+with those three attributes.
+00:10:12.240 --> 00:10:15.000
+With the data model squared away
+00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:17.840
+it was really pretty easy to code up
+00:10:17.840 --> 00:10:21.160
+the connect implementation.
+00:10:21.160 --> 00:10:24.880
+I'm deleting some details for exposition purposes
+00:10:24.880 --> 00:10:29.520
+but in the event it's really not that more complex
+00:10:29.520 --> 00:10:30.520
+than what you see here.
+00:10:30.520 --> 00:10:32.840
+We're going to unpack the arguments,
+00:10:32.840 --> 00:10:35.040
+figure out where the MPD server is
+00:10:35.040 --> 00:10:37.280
+to which you would like us to connect.
+00:10:37.280 --> 00:10:39.920
+We'll connect via make network process.
+00:10:39.920 --> 00:10:42.640
+We'll associate a library defined callback
+00:10:42.640 --> 00:10:45.920
+with that connection via set process filter.
+00:10:45.920 --> 00:10:48.440
+Then we'll instantiate the connection object
+00:10:48.440 --> 00:10:50.120
+and return it to the caller.
+00:10:50.120 --> 00:10:53.800
+Once the caller has a connection object
+00:10:53.800 --> 00:10:56.880
+they're free to send commands down that connection.
+00:10:56.880 --> 00:10:59.120
+So what we're doing here
+00:10:59.120 --> 00:11:02.320
+is simply instantiating a command object
+00:11:02.320 --> 00:11:05.200
+on the basis of the caller supplied arguments
+00:11:05.200 --> 00:11:06.640
+and appending it to the queue.
+00:11:06.640 --> 00:11:07.920
+And then the last thing we do
+00:11:07.920 --> 00:11:11.040
+and I've just indicated this with a comment
+00:11:11.040 --> 00:11:12.040
+is we kick the queue.
+00:11:12.040 --> 00:11:14.560
+This kind of goes back to
+00:11:14.560 --> 00:11:18.200
+the state transition diagram I laid out earlier.
+00:11:18.200 --> 00:11:22.680
+What this means is the logic for saying well
+00:11:22.680 --> 00:11:24.280
+if we're waiting the completion
+00:11:24.280 --> 00:11:25.480
+of a previously sent command
+00:11:25.480 --> 00:11:27.280
+there's really not much more to be done.
+00:11:27.280 --> 00:11:31.000
+We're just going to push this command onto the queue
+00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:31.600
+and return.
+00:11:31.600 --> 00:11:33.120
+On the other hand
+00:11:33.120 --> 00:11:37.120
+if the queue was empty on entry to LMPD send
+00:11:37.120 --> 00:11:39.160
+there's no reason not to just
+00:11:39.160 --> 00:11:43.400
+immediately send the command.
+00:11:43.400 --> 00:11:44.680
+And this is an example of
+00:11:44.680 --> 00:11:46.520
+the sort of client side code
+00:11:46.520 --> 00:11:48.080
+that results from this API.
+00:11:48.080 --> 00:11:51.360
+So you can see here we are giving ourselves
+00:11:51.360 --> 00:11:54.240
+a connection to the MPD server on the local host
+00:11:54.240 --> 00:11:56.600
+and we're going to send the get volume command
+00:11:56.600 --> 00:11:58.160
+down that connection.
+00:11:58.160 --> 00:12:02.840
+And if that command completes and all is well
+00:12:02.840 --> 00:12:05.360
+we'll just send a message to Emacs.
+00:12:05.360 --> 00:12:07.800
+Unfortunately you can't see my mini buffer
+00:12:07.800 --> 00:12:10.960
+so I'll hop over to the messages buffer
+00:12:10.960 --> 00:12:12.720
+and there's our result.
+00:12:12.720 --> 00:12:15.160
+The volume is 43.
+00:12:15.160 --> 00:12:17.960
+Great I thought.
+00:12:17.960 --> 00:12:22.520
+Simple clean responsive easy to code to.
+00:12:22.520 --> 00:12:27.760
+That is unfortunately not the end of the story.
+00:12:27.760 --> 00:12:32.320
+Let's continue this example a little bit.
+00:12:32.320 --> 00:12:33.560
+Let's imagine that
+00:12:33.560 --> 00:12:35.920
+if the volume comes back from the server
+00:12:35.920 --> 00:12:37.360
+and it is less than 50
+00:12:37.360 --> 00:12:38.600
+we would like to set it to 50.
+00:12:38.600 --> 00:12:41.560
+So this is interesting
+00:12:41.560 --> 00:12:43.200
+because we have two commands
+00:12:43.200 --> 00:12:45.840
+and whether or not we send the second command
+00:12:45.840 --> 00:12:46.840
+is going to depend on
+00:12:46.840 --> 00:12:48.560
+the response we get from the first.
+00:12:48.560 --> 00:12:51.640
+Okay I thought well that's fine
+00:12:51.640 --> 00:12:55.080
+I can simply put that logic in the callback
+00:12:55.080 --> 00:12:57.920
+that I specified for the get volume command.
+00:12:57.920 --> 00:13:01.560
+So here we are we check the return code
+00:13:01.560 --> 00:13:04.400
+we parse the volume we compare it to 50
+00:13:04.400 --> 00:13:08.360
+and if it's less we just invoke LMPD send again
+00:13:08.360 --> 00:13:10.800
+from the first command's callback.
+00:13:10.800 --> 00:13:13.440
+Okay I could live with that
+00:13:13.440 --> 00:13:15.520
+it's not the worst thing I've ever seen.
+00:13:15.520 --> 00:13:19.400
+Let's extend this example a little further
+00:13:19.400 --> 00:13:21.480
+and this is contrived but bear with me.
+00:13:21.480 --> 00:13:25.480
+Let us suppose that if we do set the volume to 50
+00:13:25.480 --> 00:13:27.800
+we'd like to get the volume one more time
+00:13:27.800 --> 00:13:30.640
+just to make sure that our change took on the server.
+00:13:30.640 --> 00:13:33.560
+Okay we can play the same game.
+00:13:33.560 --> 00:13:37.280
+We will put that logic in the callback
+00:13:37.280 --> 00:13:39.520
+that we specified for the set volume command.
+00:13:39.520 --> 00:13:43.480
+And here we are we check the return code
+00:13:43.480 --> 00:13:45.480
+we send a message to Emacs
+00:13:45.480 --> 00:13:49.200
+we send the get volume command again
+00:13:49.200 --> 00:13:51.080
+along with its own callback
+00:13:51.080 --> 00:13:55.280
+and at this point I think you know I hope it's clear
+00:13:55.280 --> 00:13:57.520
+the problem that is emerging
+00:13:57.520 --> 00:14:01.360
+and if it's not yet let's let me note that so far
+00:14:01.360 --> 00:14:03.000
+we're only handling the happy path
+00:14:03.000 --> 00:14:04.520
+in each of these callbacks.
+00:14:04.520 --> 00:14:06.840
+We really ought to do something about the error path
+00:14:06.840 --> 00:14:10.120
+for purposes of illustration let's just say
+00:14:10.120 --> 00:14:12.120
+we send a message to Emacs
+00:14:12.120 --> 00:14:14.320
+that means it would look like this
+00:14:14.320 --> 00:14:16.560
+and it's at this point
+00:14:16.560 --> 00:14:19.400
+that I really think it's impossible to deny
+00:14:19.400 --> 00:14:23.280
+that this API is actually not that easy to program to
+00:14:23.280 --> 00:14:27.160
+and if there are any JavaScript devs watching
+00:14:27.160 --> 00:14:28.840
+you're probably chuckling right now
+00:14:28.840 --> 00:14:30.720
+because I have discovered for myself
+00:14:30.720 --> 00:14:33.880
+what they call callback hell.
+00:14:33.880 --> 00:14:36.040
+If you are returning
+00:14:36.040 --> 00:14:40.160
+the results of asynchronous function invocations
+00:14:40.160 --> 00:14:42.200
+to their caller via callbacks
+00:14:42.200 --> 00:14:45.640
+you pretty much inevitably end up in this sort of
+00:14:45.640 --> 00:14:48.040
+deeply nested sequence of callbacks
+00:14:48.040 --> 00:14:49.880
+that is difficult to write difficult to read
+00:14:49.880 --> 00:14:53.520
+and difficult to reason about.
+00:14:53.520 --> 00:14:57.480
+And yet when I was stuck in this situation
+00:14:57.480 --> 00:15:00.080
+it just seemed like it really shouldn't be this bad.
+00:15:00.080 --> 00:15:05.320
+If I give myself this sort of tabular data structure
+00:15:05.320 --> 00:15:10.160
+I felt that this expressed precisely the same logic
+00:15:10.160 --> 00:15:11.960
+just in a much easier to read manner.
+00:15:11.960 --> 00:15:15.840
+I could in my mind's eye
+00:15:15.840 --> 00:15:19.720
+see the code for transforming this data structure
+00:15:19.720 --> 00:15:21.040
+which is really just a list
+00:15:21.040 --> 00:15:25.600
+into the code that you just saw in the previous slide
+00:15:25.600 --> 00:15:29.440
+and really if Lisp is good at anything
+00:15:29.440 --> 00:15:31.080
+it is list processing right
+00:15:31.080 --> 00:15:33.080
+and it was really at this point
+00:15:33.080 --> 00:15:35.240
+that a little bit of enlightenment dawned.
+00:15:35.240 --> 00:15:40.800
+I learned that Lisp is homo iconic
+00:15:40.800 --> 00:15:46.040
+which is just means that the language itself
+00:15:46.040 --> 00:15:49.360
+is a data structure in that language.
+00:15:49.360 --> 00:15:53.160
+Lisp code is after all just a list
+00:15:53.160 --> 00:15:57.160
+and the power of Lisp macros
+00:15:57.160 --> 00:15:59.760
+is taking that data structure
+00:15:59.760 --> 00:16:02.400
+some data structure that you've defined
+00:16:02.400 --> 00:16:04.640
+and doing exactly what I wanted to do
+00:16:04.640 --> 00:16:07.520
+transforming it from one list into another
+00:16:07.520 --> 00:16:11.080
+the destination list being Lisp code.
+00:16:11.080 --> 00:16:16.000
+So I got busy and I coded up my first Lisp macro
+00:16:16.000 --> 00:16:19.160
+which I called LMPD chain
+00:16:19.160 --> 00:16:21.600
+and that lengthy list of you know
+00:16:21.600 --> 00:16:24.200
+three or four nested callbacks
+00:16:24.200 --> 00:16:25.920
+gets turned into this
+00:16:25.920 --> 00:16:29.520
+which I hope you'll agree is much simpler
+00:16:29.520 --> 00:16:32.240
+much easier to read much easier to reason about.
+00:16:32.240 --> 00:16:36.000
+And if you're morbidly curious
+00:16:36.000 --> 00:16:40.160
+you can you can expand your macros
+00:16:40.160 --> 00:16:44.200
+and this invocation of LMPD chain expands to this.
+00:16:44.200 --> 00:16:46.400
+So that's my story.
+00:16:46.400 --> 00:16:50.840
+In all fairness I should note that
+00:16:50.840 --> 00:16:55.160
+the MPD protocol has some subtleties and complexities
+00:16:55.160 --> 00:16:56.880
+that I didn't really get into
+00:16:56.880 --> 00:16:58.360
+both due to time constraints
+00:16:58.360 --> 00:17:00.520
+and because they're not terribly relevant
+00:17:00.520 --> 00:17:02.000
+to the points I wanted to touch on
+00:17:02.000 --> 00:17:05.360
+I should also note that there's
+00:17:05.360 --> 00:17:07.720
+a fair amount of work in the library itself
+00:17:07.720 --> 00:17:11.240
+around accumulating partial responses
+00:17:11.240 --> 00:17:12.560
+as they show up in the buffer
+00:17:12.560 --> 00:17:16.120
+and dispatching them piecemeal to the caller
+00:17:16.120 --> 00:17:19.720
+that was really too complex to get into here.
+00:17:19.720 --> 00:17:22.360
+If you would like to see the code
+00:17:22.360 --> 00:17:25.080
+it's available on GitHub as well as Melpa.
+00:17:25.080 --> 00:17:29.200
+I'll be putting a version of this talk
+00:17:29.200 --> 00:17:30.480
+on my personal site
+00:17:30.480 --> 00:17:33.720
+and you can always reach out to me personally
+00:17:33.720 --> 00:17:36.960
+I hang out on IRC as SPIF
+00:17:36.960 --> 00:17:41.920
+or you can just email me as SPIF at P.O.Box dot com.
+00:17:41.920 --> 00:17:47.880
+Thank you very much.
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+WEBVTT captioned by andrea
+00:00.000 --> 00:03.919
+Hello, welcome to my talk, the Emacs Buddy Initiative.
+00:03.920 --> 00:04.759
+Who am I?
+00:04.760 --> 00:06.999
+I'm Andrea. I work as a Clojure Software Engineer
+00:07.000 --> 00:08.999
+somewhere in the middle of the UK.
+00:09.000 --> 00:12.519
+And I started with Emacs during my PhD,
+00:12.520 --> 00:14.119
+thanks to my PhD supervisor
+00:14.120 --> 00:15.759
+that introduced me to this tool.
+00:15.760 --> 00:17.279
+And from now and from then,
+00:17.280 --> 00:20.319
+I am basically using it for everything.
+00:20.320 --> 00:22.159
+You can find more about this everything
+00:22.160 --> 00:26.519
+at, that is my blog.
+00:26.520 --> 00:27.899
+So let's get into the talk.
+00:27.900 --> 00:29.479
+Why Emacs Buddy?
+00:29.480 --> 00:32.919
+Emacs Buddy is an initiative to bring us together.
+00:32.920 --> 00:36.559
+And the reason is because Emacs is a limitless tool.
+00:36.560 --> 00:38.799
+So you can keep learning about it,
+00:38.800 --> 00:41.039
+you can keep expanding it,
+00:41.040 --> 00:44.799
+and also takes time to get up to speed.
+00:44.800 --> 00:48.679
+So you may actually extend Emacs
+00:48.680 --> 00:50.619
+or you may actually get introduced,
+00:50.620 --> 00:52.319
+start using Emacs,
+00:52.320 --> 00:56.359
+but you could fall into all the traps
+00:56.360 --> 01:00.879
+or all the wasted times that other users have already gone through.
+01:00.880 --> 01:04.599
+And so, since there are a lot of amazing people
+01:04.600 --> 01:07.359
+in the Emacs community,
+01:07.360 --> 01:10.119
+why do every time redo the same error?
+01:10.120 --> 01:12.159
+So let's bring us together.
+01:12.160 --> 01:17.479
+And it would be amazing to get a one-to-one relation.
+01:17.480 --> 01:21.559
+So I have somebody that actually knows what you want to do,
+01:21.560 --> 01:23.399
+what you want to achieve with Emacs,
+01:23.400 --> 01:27.439
+and supports you because they have done a similar path to yours.
+01:27.440 --> 01:32.719
+And so they can remove some of the obstacles for you.
+01:32.720 --> 01:34.479
+So what can you expect?
+01:34.480 --> 01:37.879
+The main thing is guidance on your Emacs journey,
+01:37.880 --> 01:41.279
+because the Emacs journey is infinite, it doesn't really end.
+01:41.280 --> 01:44.079
+But the farther you go,
+01:44.080 --> 01:46.799
+the more value you get from this amazing tool.
+01:46.800 --> 01:50.359
+And that helps you save time.
+01:50.360 --> 01:54.279
+And at the same time, you can meet like-minded people.
+01:54.280 --> 01:59.079
+And so you can learn about Emacs or about your context,
+01:59.080 --> 02:02.919
+if they are in, for example, if you are a physicist,
+02:02.920 --> 02:07.559
+they are physicists or they are interested in the field.
+02:07.560 --> 02:09.159
+You may not only learn about Emacs,
+02:09.160 --> 02:11.879
+but you can learn also something about the field.
+02:11.880 --> 02:17.039
+And anyway, the idea is that you can move forward together.
+02:17.040 --> 02:20.399
+Somebody asked, why not just mailing lists or Reddit?
+02:20.400 --> 02:24.639
+Well, the point is that mailing list is many people
+02:24.640 --> 02:28.519
+can help you solve one issue that you have.
+02:28.520 --> 02:31.559
+And that naturally doesn't become a discussion
+02:31.560 --> 02:35.279
+of where you are from, what are you trying to achieve,
+02:35.280 --> 02:39.999
+and where you want to move forward with using this editor
+02:40.000 --> 02:42.279
+or using this tool.
+02:42.280 --> 02:45.639
+Instead, here, we want something more personal,
+02:45.640 --> 02:48.639
+something more like you tell your story.
+02:48.640 --> 02:53.879
+And if I can help you achieve what you need,
+02:53.880 --> 02:58.959
+I am also interested in your story as a buddy.
+02:58.960 --> 03:03.359
+So given that, how do you get in touch with a buddy?
+03:03.360 --> 03:04.679
+Well, the thing is easy.
+03:04.680 --> 03:12.719
+Just ping me at this email,
+03:12.720 --> 03:15.399
+And I can put you in touch with one of the buddies
+03:15.400 --> 03:16.759
+that are available.
+03:16.760 --> 03:20.199
+Or you can contact them personally, directly,
+03:20.200 --> 03:26.279
+because on the web page, on the Emacs Buddy web page,
+03:26.280 --> 03:32.559
+there are links to their material or their websites.
+03:32.560 --> 03:35.599
+And sometimes you can find the contact yourself.
+03:35.600 --> 03:37.159
+Anyway, I am a facilitator.
+03:37.160 --> 03:41.919
+So if you contact me, I will find the contact for the person
+03:41.920 --> 03:43.079
+that you want to get in touch.
+03:43.080 --> 03:44.479
+You can also get in touch with me.
+03:44.480 --> 03:47.959
+I'm a buddy myself.
+03:47.960 --> 03:49.599
+How did it go so far?
+03:49.600 --> 03:52.479
+Well, from when I started the initiative,
+03:52.480 --> 03:55.039
+more or less we had 10 buddies.
+03:55.040 --> 03:58.719
+We had 10 buddies that are available to help you
+03:58.720 --> 04:01.519
+with your Emacs journey.
+04:01.520 --> 04:04.879
+And I buddyed myself, or I got in touch
+04:04.880 --> 04:10.679
+with people that wanted a buddy, about eight people.
+04:10.680 --> 04:14.759
+Each of these conversations was quite interesting.
+04:14.760 --> 04:19.639
+I decided to paraphrase one.
+04:19.640 --> 04:23.519
+I had this user that got in touch and said:
+04:23.520 --> 04:25.559
+"I used Emacs for 10 years.
+04:25.560 --> 04:27.279
+I'm curious about the initiative,
+04:27.280 --> 04:32.359
+and here is my GitHub that I started writing recently,
+04:32.360 --> 04:37.679
+Elisp projects", projects in Elisp to extend Emacs.
+04:37.680 --> 04:40.839
+I looked at their code.
+04:40.840 --> 04:43.879
+I suggested, "Oh, why don't you use dash?
+04:43.880 --> 04:45.299
+It's something that I'm familiar with.
+04:45.300 --> 04:49.439
+Maybe you may like it as well."
+04:49.440 --> 04:51.719
+And then I started asking, "Oh, what do you do with Emacs?
+04:51.720 --> 04:55.999
+Have you tried a note taking tool like Org Roam?"
+04:56.000 --> 04:58.039
+And then the conversation started.
+04:58.040 --> 05:00.199
+So "yeah, I tried Org Roam version one.
+05:00.200 --> 05:01.199
+I use my own thing.
+05:01.200 --> 05:02.879
+But what is it...
+05:02.880 --> 05:04.239
+I'm curious about version two.
+05:04.240 --> 05:05.839
+Did you use it?
+05:05.840 --> 05:07.079
+Do you know about Luhmann?"
+05:07.080 --> 00:05:09.861
+That is the inspiration of Org Roam
+00:05:09.862 --> 00:05:13.239
+and the backlinking and stuff.
+05:13.240 --> 05:15.479
+And then I started the conversation about that.
+05:15.480 --> 05:18.359
+And we discussed about functional programming.
+05:18.360 --> 05:23.279
+We discussed a bit about philosophy and went on.
+05:23.280 --> 05:29.159
+And then this conversation is not currently going.
+05:29.160 --> 05:32.759
+So we arrived to a point in which it sort of died out.
+05:32.760 --> 05:36.679
+But if I want or if they want, they can ping me back.
+05:36.680 --> 05:37.439
+I can ping them.
+05:37.440 --> 05:40.799
+So it's sort of a reference of this person exists
+05:40.800 --> 05:44.439
+and is an interesting person to chat with when I have something
+05:44.440 --> 05:48.359
+to say to them.
+05:48.360 --> 05:50.479
+And what if you want to be a buddy?
+05:50.480 --> 05:54.279
+Well, if you want to be a buddy, it's easy as well.
+05:54.280 --> 06:02.279
+So basically, just open a PR on the Emacs buddy repository.
+06:02.280 --> 06:05.279
+That is something that I am maintaining at the moment.
+06:05.280 --> 06:07.759
+Or simply send me the information.
+06:07.760 --> 06:09.999
+Somebody just sent me an email with the information.
+06:10.000 --> 06:14.719
+I have created the commit to make it public available.
+06:14.720 --> 06:18.559
+The information is just your name, a summary,
+06:18.560 --> 06:21.559
+what kind of user you are so that you can attract
+06:21.560 --> 06:28.039
+the right people to you, and a link to your material
+06:28.040 --> 06:31.959
+so that if they are curious about your summary or about you,
+06:31.960 --> 06:35.559
+they can actually go and check and even contact you directly.
+06:35.560 --> 06:40.559
+If they contact via me, I will know your email anyway
+06:40.560 --> 06:44.319
+from the PR you open.
+06:44.320 --> 06:45.759
+So that is all.
+06:45.760 --> 06:53.039
+There are ideas to maybe... if... this is basically
+06:53.040 --> 06:54.759
+an advertisement for this initiative
+06:54.760 --> 06:57.639
+so that we can get people that want to be helped
+06:57.640 --> 07:01.199
+or people that want to help.
+07:01.200 --> 07:03.599
+It's building up organically, so no rush
+07:03.600 --> 07:08.639
+to make this thing grow, escalate enormously.
+07:08.640 --> 07:12.479
+But for example, there are ideas to join this with the meetup
+07:12.480 --> 07:15.719
+talk that is being happening in the conference.
+07:15.720 --> 07:19.519
+So for example, if you find out something very interesting,
+07:19.520 --> 07:22.199
+you can bring the discussion that you have with your buddy
+07:22.200 --> 07:27.559
+into a meetup so that the group with which you speak is bigger.
+07:27.560 --> 07:28.919
+There are ideas like that.
+07:28.920 --> 07:33.119
+But first of all, just get in touch if you want to find
+07:33.120 --> 07:36.599
+like-minded people that want to help you with your Emacs
+07:36.600 --> 07:38.919
+journey or if you want to help others.
+07:38.920 --> 07:39.799
+Thank you very much.
+07:39.800 --> 07:59.520
+Enjoy the rest of the talks and chat to you soon.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-devel--emacs-development-updates--john-wiegley--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-devel--emacs-development-updates--john-wiegley--main.vtt
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+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.320
+Hello, it's time for another Emacs development update.
+00:00:05.320 --> 00:00:07.800
+I want to thank the organizers of EmacsConf
+00:00:07.800 --> 00:00:10.160
+for putting this together
+00:00:10.160 --> 00:00:12.280
+and also the maintainers of Emacs
+00:00:12.280 --> 00:00:14.240
+with a special thanks to Eli Zaretskii.
+00:00:14.240 --> 00:00:16.560
+It's really he who gave me this information
+00:00:16.560 --> 00:00:19.320
+so that I could pass it along to you.
+00:00:19.320 --> 00:00:21.720
+The main thing to discuss this time
+00:00:21.720 --> 00:00:25.880
+with regard to what's been going on with Emacs is Emacs 29.
+00:00:25.880 --> 00:00:29.840
+The release cycle for Emacs 29 should begin in December
+00:00:29.840 --> 00:00:32.720
+when a branch will be cut and the release work will start.
+00:00:32.720 --> 00:00:36.640
+We should be seeing Emacs 29 coming out fairly soon.
+00:00:36.640 --> 00:00:38.120
+Here's just a brief overview
+00:00:38.120 --> 00:00:39.680
+of some of the things to look forward to
+00:00:39.680 --> 00:00:42.400
+coming up in Emacs 29.
+00:00:42.400 --> 00:00:45.680
+Overlays have been re-implemented.
+00:00:45.680 --> 00:00:47.240
+If you haven't used them before,
+00:00:47.240 --> 00:00:51.040
+overlays are a way to apply a set of properties
+00:00:51.040 --> 00:00:53.680
+over a range of text so that
+00:00:53.680 --> 00:00:55.840
+you can have things like mouse clicks
+00:00:55.840 --> 00:00:57.920
+take on different behavior
+00:00:57.920 --> 00:00:59.520
+depending on where it happens in the text.
+00:00:59.520 --> 00:01:01.720
+This is different than text properties
+00:01:01.720 --> 00:01:04.080
+which associate the properties with the text itself.
+00:01:04.080 --> 00:01:07.200
+Overlays do not alter the text in any way
+00:01:07.200 --> 00:01:09.320
+and they simply, as the name suggests,
+00:01:09.320 --> 00:01:10.920
+overlay on the buffer.
+00:01:10.920 --> 00:01:14.040
+Now previously, overlays were implemented as linear lists
+00:01:14.040 --> 00:01:15.800
+which got very slow when there were
+00:01:15.800 --> 00:01:17.840
+a lot of overlays in a buffer.
+00:01:17.840 --> 00:01:19.880
+Now they're being re-implemented as trees,
+00:01:19.880 --> 00:01:21.880
+so that searching should be very fast, and
+00:01:21.880 --> 00:01:24.400
+in fact, comparable to text properties.
+00:01:24.400 --> 00:01:26.520
+This is already on the master branch
+00:01:26.520 --> 00:01:29.080
+and (more or less) is ready for release.
+00:01:29.080 --> 00:01:32.200
+Eglot has been ported into Emacs.
+00:01:32.200 --> 00:01:35.560
+Eglot is an LSP [Language Server Protocol] client for Emacs,
+00:01:35.560 --> 00:01:38.480
+one of the two that are often used.
+00:01:38.480 --> 00:01:40.840
+But now it's going to be included in core,
+00:01:40.840 --> 00:01:42.800
+so it's considered official
+00:01:42.800 --> 00:01:46.480
+and will be well integrated with other Emacs features.
+00:01:46.480 --> 00:01:48.720
+There's going to be a Tree-sitter library.
+00:01:48.720 --> 00:01:53.200
+Tree-sitter is a way of building fast incremental parsers.
+00:01:53.200 --> 00:01:56.040
+There's a website on Tree-sitter if you Google for that.
+00:01:56.040 --> 00:01:57.760
+This can be used for various features,
+00:01:57.760 --> 00:01:59.760
+but first and foremost, it'll be used
+00:01:59.760 --> 00:02:02.920
+for fontification and indentation in Emacs.
+00:02:02.920 --> 00:02:05.600
+Instead of heuristics and regular expressions,
+00:02:05.600 --> 00:02:07.400
+you can now build your fontifications
+00:02:07.400 --> 00:02:08.720
+based on a parse tree.
+00:02:08.720 --> 00:02:10.640
+There's a branch now that supports this
+00:02:10.640 --> 00:02:13.600
+for several modes already, like Python, TypeScript,
+00:02:13.600 --> 00:02:15.080
+and JavaScript.
+00:02:15.080 --> 00:02:18.160
+We don't have anyone yet working on it for C mode
+00:02:18.160 --> 00:02:20.480
+but Eli has challenged whether anyone
+00:02:20.480 --> 00:02:21.960
+in the community is interested.
+00:02:21.960 --> 00:02:25.960
+He would love to see Tree-sitter support added for C mode,
+00:02:25.960 --> 00:02:27.880
+because this has been quite slow
+00:02:27.880 --> 00:02:29.640
+when dealing with very, very large files
+00:02:29.640 --> 00:02:30.840
+and Tree-sitter should help that.
+00:02:30.840 --> 00:02:34.320
+There have been significant improvements
+00:02:34.320 --> 00:02:36.560
+in dealing with very long lines.
+00:02:36.560 --> 00:02:38.160
+This is something that has been
+00:02:38.160 --> 00:02:40.480
+a long time frequent complaint.
+00:02:40.480 --> 00:02:42.840
+Emacs becomes rather unusable
+00:02:42.840 --> 00:02:45.560
+if you open a giant file that's a single long line.
+00:02:45.560 --> 00:02:49.560
+Anyone who's ever tried to open a 30 megabyte JSON file
+00:02:49.560 --> 00:02:52.200
+that's all on one line will know this pain.
+00:02:52.200 --> 00:02:55.960
+Some modes, however, will have to adapt to this change,
+00:02:55.960 --> 00:02:58.320
+because sometimes access to the whole buffer
+00:02:58.320 --> 00:03:00.480
+is now forcefully restricted.
+00:03:00.480 --> 00:03:04.400
+If the mode requires access to the entire buffer
+00:03:04.400 --> 00:03:07.960
+at all times to work, then the developer of that mode
+00:03:07.960 --> 00:03:10.240
+will need to devise some simplifications
+00:03:10.240 --> 00:03:13.160
+so that they don't require that complete access.
+00:03:13.160 --> 00:03:15.760
+For example, if a mode used to go way back
+00:03:15.760 --> 00:03:16.880
+to the beginning of the buffer
+00:03:16.880 --> 00:03:19.520
+in order to determine if there's an unbalanced parenthesis,
+00:03:19.520 --> 00:03:23.160
+this won't work in the new long lines support mode,
+00:03:23.160 --> 00:03:25.640
+because the entire buffer is not always available.
+00:03:25.640 --> 00:03:27.680
+Emacs is sort of doing some
+00:03:27.680 --> 00:03:29.920
+restricting of the buffer heuristically
+00:03:29.920 --> 00:03:32.200
+in order to keep the visible range working
+00:03:32.200 --> 00:03:35.240
+very, very quickly now.
+00:03:35.240 --> 00:03:39.040
+Emacs can now build directly with SQLite.
+00:03:39.040 --> 00:03:42.360
+This means that SQLite databases
+00:03:42.360 --> 00:03:44.840
+can be directly accessible from Emacs.
+00:03:44.840 --> 00:03:47.360
+Should be nice for anyone whose mode wants to
+00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:50.080
+cache or store some queryable data.
+00:03:50.080 --> 00:03:54.960
+The XInput extension is now up to version 2.
+00:03:54.960 --> 00:03:58.160
+There are many extensions in this specification.
+00:03:58.160 --> 00:03:59.600
+From the user's point of view,
+00:03:59.600 --> 00:04:02.920
+it enables things like smooth scrolling and touch devices.
+00:04:02.920 --> 00:04:06.320
+Emacs will now use this by default on all systems
+00:04:06.320 --> 00:04:08.360
+where the library is installed.
+00:04:08.360 --> 00:04:11.320
+It should be on every modern system that uses X.
+00:04:11.320 --> 00:04:15.560
+There's also a pure GTK build in Emacs 29.
+00:04:15.560 --> 00:04:17.560
+The purpose of this is to allow Emacs
+00:04:17.560 --> 00:04:21.160
+on systems without X, such as Wayland or Broadway,
+00:04:21.160 --> 00:04:24.640
+to be able to have a graphical build of Emacs.
+00:04:24.640 --> 00:04:27.280
+There's also lots of improvements to drag and drop
+00:04:27.280 --> 00:04:31.400
+on X systems, for people who like drag and drop.
+00:04:31.400 --> 00:04:35.240
+And there's support for double buffering on Microsoft Windows.
+00:04:35.240 --> 00:04:38.480
+The last of the headline features
+00:04:38.480 --> 00:04:41.640
+coming for Emacs 29 is emoji input.
+00:04:41.640 --> 00:04:43.520
+So there will now be a prefix key,
+00:04:43.520 --> 00:04:47.320
+C-x 8 e for emoji input,
+00:04:47.320 --> 00:04:50.240
+along with several new commands to insert emoji
+00:04:50.240 --> 00:04:52.480
+by various forms of shorthand.
+00:04:52.480 --> 00:04:54.360
+There will even be an input method
+00:04:54.360 --> 00:04:57.600
+where you can write the plain English names of emojis
+00:04:57.600 --> 00:05:00.080
+and have the symbol inserted.
+00:05:00.080 --> 00:05:02.160
+So that rounds out some of the features
+00:05:02.160 --> 00:05:03.680
+coming up for Emacs 29.
+00:05:03.680 --> 00:05:05.680
+Sounds like an exciting release
+00:05:05.680 --> 00:05:07.360
+and it should be headed your way soon.
+00:05:07.360 --> 00:05:09.880
+I hope everybody has fun at the conference
+00:05:09.880 --> 00:05:15.280
+and enjoy yourselves.
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+WEBVTTcaptioned by jai
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.079
+Can you recognize this building?
+00:00:08.080 --> 00:00:09.799
+Some of you may have recognized this.
+00:00:09.800 --> 00:00:11.439
+This building is called
+00:00:11.440 --> 00:00:14.479
+the John Hancock building.
+00:00:14.480 --> 00:00:17.359
+This is in Chicago.
+00:00:17.360 --> 00:00:19.479
+I recently bought this building.
+00:00:19.480 --> 00:00:21.319
+Isn't it nice?
+00:00:21.320 --> 00:00:23.239
+Heavens no!
+00:00:23.240 --> 00:00:27.639
+I am in my home in Pune in India.
+00:00:27.640 --> 00:00:29.159
+I am Bala Ramadurai,
+00:00:29.160 --> 00:00:33.559
+an author, professor, and an innovation coach.
+00:00:33.560 --> 00:00:35.999
+Hello and welcome to my talk on
+00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:39.559
+“How to incorporate handwritten notes
+00:00:39.560 --> 00:00:42.279
+into Emacs Org Mode”
+00:00:42.280 --> 00:00:45.919
+Now, why did I show you this building?
+00:00:45.920 --> 00:00:49.399
+The name is of interest for this talk.
+00:00:49.400 --> 00:00:52.359
+In the US, someone's signature is
+00:00:52.360 --> 00:00:55.199
+also referred to as their Hancock.
+00:00:55.200 --> 00:00:59.679
+Your handwriting is pretty much part of your identity.
+00:00:59.680 --> 00:01:03.119
+It is as fundamental as that.
+00:01:03.120 --> 00:01:07.599
+Of course, there is a movie by that name too, Hancock.
+00:01:07.600 --> 00:01:11.999
+I could have started with a clip from that movie,
+00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:15.879
+but in spite of Will Smith and Charlize Theron,
+00:01:15.880 --> 00:01:24.159
+both my favorite movie stars in the movie, I hated it.
+00:01:24.160 --> 00:01:35.159
+[Clip from Hancock (2008)]
+00:01:35.160 --> 00:01:40.479
+But I digress.
+00:01:40.480 --> 00:01:44.199
+Handwriting has been a fascinating topic for me.
+00:01:44.200 --> 00:01:49.719
+However, note-taking has always been on my computer,
+00:01:49.720 --> 00:01:54.119
+in particular, in the Emacs Org Mode system.
+00:01:54.120 --> 00:01:57.359
+It is so easy to note down anything,
+00:01:57.360 --> 00:01:59.839
+add a schedule, add a deadline,
+00:01:59.840 --> 00:02:04.279
+search anything you want, link anything you want,
+00:02:04.280 --> 00:02:07.919
+export it to any format, track what you've been doing,
+00:02:07.920 --> 00:02:12.559
+clock your tasks, and on and on and on.
+00:02:12.560 --> 00:02:15.519
+It's such a squeaky-clean system to
+00:02:15.520 --> 00:02:17.559
+track everything and link it to
+00:02:17.560 --> 00:02:20.799
+anything from the digital world.
+00:02:20.800 --> 00:02:24.639
+Sharing the original notes is still a pain in the rear,
+00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:29.359
+but for personal stuff, it's awesome.
+00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:32.639
+But then what about handwriting?
+00:02:32.640 --> 00:02:35.639
+Research seems to suggest that handwritten notes
+00:02:35.640 --> 00:02:40.199
+can enhance clarity of thought, retention,
+00:02:40.200 --> 00:02:50.559
+sometimes even getting rid of your worries.
+00:02:50.560 --> 00:03:06.399
+[Fried, C. B. (2008). In-class laptop use and
+its effects on student learning]
+00:03:06.400 --> 00:03:13.639
+[Speaker displays articles on Note-taking]
+00:03:13.640 --> 00:03:17.839
+My experience seems to agree with that too.
+00:03:17.840 --> 00:03:21.199
+As a professor, my fear has always been
+00:03:21.200 --> 00:03:25.199
+this quote, “Lecturing is that mysterious process
+00:03:25.200 --> 00:03:29.239
+by means of which the contents of the notebook
+00:03:29.240 --> 00:03:31.879
+of the professor are transferred
+00:03:31.880 --> 00:03:34.919
+through the instrument of the fountain pen
+00:03:34.920 --> 00:03:37.279
+to the notebook of the student
+00:03:37.280 --> 00:03:40.639
+without passing through the mind of either.”
+00:03:40.640 --> 00:03:45.679
+Hmmm... So, question — How do we combine
+00:03:45.680 --> 00:03:48.159
+the efficient Org Mode system
+00:03:48.160 --> 00:03:53.719
+with the effective handwritten note-taking system?
+00:03:53.720 --> 00:03:56.799
+Merge the systems together. Absolutely.
+00:03:56.800 --> 00:03:59.359
+How do you do that?
+00:03:59.360 --> 00:04:03.679
+Step 1: Write the notes by hand
+00:04:03.680 --> 00:04:06.079
+on a notebook. Pen, pencil.
+00:04:06.080 --> 00:04:08.999
+Keep some convention for yourselves
+00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:13.039
+for tracking tasks like a star or an asterisk.
+00:04:13.040 --> 00:04:16.399
+Step 2: Scan them using
+00:04:16.400 --> 00:04:18.559
+your favourite mobile app.
+00:04:18.560 --> 00:04:23.439
+I recommend Adobe Scan or Dropbox.
+00:04:23.440 --> 00:04:29.999
+Step 3: store the document as a JPG file
+00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:32.679
+into a folder called Inbox.
+00:04:32.680 --> 00:04:37.759
+Make sure this syncs into a cloud storage folder
+00:04:37.760 --> 00:04:39.479
+and your Org Mode system
+00:04:39.480 --> 00:04:41.119
+has access to this folder.
+00:04:41.120 --> 00:04:45.919
+(Optional) Step 4: convert the notes into text
+00:04:45.920 --> 00:04:49.319
+using Google Keep or just type
+00:04:49.320 --> 00:04:51.519
+the damn thing one more time.
+00:04:51.520 --> 00:04:54.919
+Then you can process that
+00:04:54.920 --> 00:04:56.239
+in your Org Mode system
+00:04:56.240 --> 00:04:59.639
+as you always do in whatever
+00:04:59.640 --> 00:05:02.119
+is there in your inbox.
+00:05:02.120 --> 00:05:06.119
+But, three steps or four before I get access
+00:05:06.120 --> 00:05:09.399
+to my notes and into my Org Mode?
+00:05:09.400 --> 00:05:11.639
+What a precious waste of time.
+00:05:11.640 --> 00:05:14.119
+I'd rather be tinkering with my
+00:05:14.120 --> 00:05:18.799
+config file in that time, correct?
+00:05:18.800 --> 00:05:19.359
+00:05:19.360 --> 00:05:24.919
+Get or buy or gift or convince your partner,
+00:05:24.920 --> 00:05:29.719
+parent, or anybody else to gift yourself
+00:05:29.720 --> 00:05:31.959
+a touch-enabled large device.
+00:05:31.960 --> 00:05:37.879
+Then use an app like OneNote to write notes
+00:05:37.880 --> 00:05:41.439
+on the device and link the handwritten note
+00:05:41.440 --> 00:05:46.239
+directly into Org Mode by copying the link.
+00:05:46.240 --> 00:05:54.079
+You can use a shortcut like Ctrl-1
+00:05:54.080 --> 00:05:59.479
+to mark the todos, but that means it remains
+00:05:59.480 --> 00:06:05.159
+only on OneNote ecosystem, the todos.
+00:06:05.160 --> 00:06:14.919
+You can use the same app to also convert
+00:06:14.920 --> 00:06:18.319
+the handwritten note into text
+00:06:18.320 --> 00:06:23.559
+just by the click of a button.
+00:06:23.560 --> 00:06:27.359
+As a bonus, you can even include screenshots
+00:06:27.360 --> 00:06:30.919
+from your online meetings.
+00:06:30.920 --> 00:06:33.439
+I like both my options.
+00:06:33.440 --> 00:06:36.439
+Option 1: use a regular notebook,
+00:06:36.440 --> 00:06:40.839
+scan and process them into my inbox.
+00:06:40.840 --> 00:06:44.559
+Option 2: write the notes in a digital device
+00:06:44.560 --> 00:06:46.479
+and convert them into text.
+00:06:46.480 --> 00:06:52.479
+Or, third option, I appeal to thee,
+00:06:52.480 --> 00:06:56.999
+oh great community, can you please build a package
+00:06:57.000 --> 00:07:00.959
+inside Org Mode that recognises handwriting
+00:07:00.960 --> 00:07:10.039
+to export it into our Org Mode, Emacs Org Mode.
+00:07:10.040 --> 00:07:38.640
+Thank you so much for your attention. Bye.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--main.vtt
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+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,1261 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.999
+Hi, this is Dave O'Toole, and today
+00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:07.799
+I'll be giving a presentation on tracking health data
+00:00:07.800 --> 00:00:12.759
+with Emacs, Org Mode, and Gnuplot.
+00:00:12.760 --> 00:00:16.079
+So Gnuplot is the well-known scientific
+00:00:16.080 --> 00:00:19.039
+and mathematical plotting application.
+00:00:19.040 --> 00:00:24.639
+You feed it text files full of names, dates, numbers,
+00:00:24.640 --> 00:00:27.199
+data points, and you get out a nice graph.
+00:00:27.200 --> 00:00:31.119
+You can spit out SVG. You can spit out PNG graphics.
+00:00:31.120 --> 00:00:33.639
+In this case, we're using an SVG.
+NOTE How to take daily health journal items
+00:00:33.640 --> 00:00:36.839
+What I'm going to show you today
+00:00:36.840 --> 00:00:39.839
+is how to take daily health journal items:
+00:00:39.840 --> 00:00:42.119
+in other words, things like I exercised
+00:00:42.120 --> 00:00:44.319
+such and such number of minutes today,
+00:00:44.320 --> 00:00:47.399
+I got X hours of sleep last night,
+00:00:47.400 --> 00:00:51.479
+I used such and such number of pieces of nicotine gum,
+00:00:51.480 --> 00:00:54.559
+say five pieces. So let's see,
+00:00:54.560 --> 00:00:58.439
+we've got this whole picture here, all right,
+00:00:58.440 --> 00:00:59.359
+and I've tracked here...
+00:00:59.360 --> 00:01:02.319
+This is a month of data from my life.
+00:01:02.320 --> 00:01:05.159
+This is... I'm not showing all the variables,
+00:01:05.160 --> 00:01:08.519
+but this is what I felt comfortable sharing
+00:01:08.520 --> 00:01:14.239
+in order to help people who might have a need to track,
+00:01:14.240 --> 00:01:15.919
+either because of a chronic condition,
+00:01:15.920 --> 00:01:18.599
+or just because of a health improvement goal
+00:01:18.600 --> 00:01:20.959
+or what have you, people who might need to
+00:01:20.960 --> 00:01:23.319
+track health data in a way
+00:01:23.320 --> 00:01:24.959
+that's a little bit more robust
+00:01:24.960 --> 00:01:26.599
+than just one or two variables
+00:01:26.600 --> 00:01:29.839
+and just weight or just blood pressure.
+00:01:29.840 --> 00:01:33.079
+So in this case, I've got exercise,
+00:01:33.080 --> 00:01:36.399
+I've got the number of hours of sleep,
+00:01:36.400 --> 00:01:38.559
+the number of doses of nicotine,
+00:01:38.560 --> 00:01:40.799
+(that's the yellow line here),
+00:01:40.800 --> 00:01:44.199
+and this is referring to nicotine gum.
+00:01:44.240 --> 00:01:45.559
+What we're going to be talking about
+00:01:45.560 --> 00:01:47.839
+is looking at connections, the idea
+00:01:47.840 --> 00:01:49.879
+that plotting your data can actually
+00:01:49.880 --> 00:01:52.119
+help you figure out what's going on.
+00:01:52.120 --> 00:01:53.079
+This is just one month.
+00:01:53.080 --> 00:01:55.439
+I've been doing this for a couple of months now,
+00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:57.559
+but I felt comfortable showing one month
+00:01:57.560 --> 00:01:59.439
+with a limited subset of the variables.
+NOTE How to set up your org templates
+00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:02.239
+What I'm going to be doing in this presentation
+00:02:02.240 --> 00:02:05.279
+is showing you how to set up your org templates
+00:02:05.280 --> 00:02:08.799
+so that you can, you know, hit a hotkey
+00:02:08.800 --> 00:02:11.839
+to capture today's data with an org template--
+00:02:11.840 --> 00:02:14.199
+or in this case yesterday's. Usually I'm saying, okay,
+00:02:14.200 --> 00:02:15.639
+yesterday this happened,
+00:02:15.640 --> 00:02:17.479
+because you don't know until the day's over
+00:02:17.480 --> 00:02:19.719
+how many pieces of nicotine gum you ate
+00:02:19.720 --> 00:02:21.439
+or how many hours you slept.
+00:02:21.440 --> 00:02:25.959
+So usually we're recording data for the previous day.
+00:02:25.960 --> 00:02:28.079
+We can set up a capture template
+00:02:28.080 --> 00:02:30.919
+so that it fills a little org entry. One for exercise,
+00:02:30.920 --> 00:02:34.279
+one for sleep, one for nicotine, one for distress.
+00:02:34.280 --> 00:02:36.919
+Here distress is just 1 to 10:
+00:02:36.920 --> 00:02:38.559
+how bad do you feel today?
+00:02:38.560 --> 00:02:41.639
+It's not a scientific measure, but you know,
+00:02:41.640 --> 00:02:43.359
+many, many things ask you to rate
+00:02:43.360 --> 00:02:47.119
+on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is the anxiety,
+00:02:47.120 --> 00:02:49.639
+how bad is the general level of stress,
+00:02:49.640 --> 00:02:51.679
+and so without a lot of complication,
+00:02:51.680 --> 00:02:53.159
+I just rate that one to ten.
+00:02:53.160 --> 00:02:58.799
+Pain, okay, we won't have to get into any details,
+00:02:58.800 --> 00:03:00.959
+but if there is a level of chronic pain, well,
+00:03:00.960 --> 00:03:04.239
+I put that between 1 and 10. As we can see here,
+00:03:04.240 --> 00:03:07.319
+during the period that I've shown you, it's pretty low.
+00:03:07.320 --> 00:03:11.919
+There's some. If you miss a dose of medication,
+00:03:11.920 --> 00:03:13.599
+you can track that, in this case
+00:03:13.600 --> 00:03:17.639
+with a big ugly red triangle, you know.
+00:03:17.640 --> 00:03:24.279
+You can see, I can see here that in mid-, in late September,
+00:03:24.280 --> 00:03:29.199
+sorry, in early to mid-October,
+00:03:29.200 --> 00:03:30.999
+I stopped using the nicotine gum
+00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:32.959
+and probably should have cut down more gradually
+00:03:32.960 --> 00:03:34.759
+because my sleep suffered. Look at this.
+00:03:34.760 --> 00:03:37.199
+The sleep line is down here, okay?
+NOTE How to do it in GNU Emacs
+00:03:38.320 --> 00:03:39.519
+What I'm going to do now,
+00:03:39.520 --> 00:03:40.879
+now that I've shown you the graph
+00:03:40.880 --> 00:03:44.799
+and some of the things that are useful about it,
+00:03:44.800 --> 00:03:46.639
+I'm going to actually take a step back
+00:03:46.640 --> 00:03:50.319
+and show you from start to finish how you can do this
+00:03:50.320 --> 00:03:53.319
+in GNU Emacs, and I have a little template generator
+00:03:53.320 --> 00:03:56.279
+that you can use if you'd like.
+00:03:56.280 --> 00:03:59.919
+All right, so let's go back.
+00:03:59.920 --> 00:04:01.479
+Let's step back from this file.
+00:04:01.480 --> 00:04:07.599
+We're going to split the screen, and on the left side,
+00:04:07.600 --> 00:04:09.839
+I'm going to put the underlying Org file
+00:04:09.840 --> 00:04:10.919
+that generates this graph.
+00:04:10.920 --> 00:04:16.839
+Let me shrink that a little bit.
+NOTE Overview of the presentation
+00:04:16.840 --> 00:04:22.759
+All right, I'm going to work my way backwards
+00:04:22.760 --> 00:04:26.519
+from the template to the template generator,
+00:04:26.520 --> 00:04:28.439
+meaning that you'll be able to spit out,
+00:04:28.440 --> 00:04:31.839
+given your own specification of health variables,
+00:04:31.840 --> 00:04:33.519
+you'll be able to have it spit out
+00:04:33.520 --> 00:04:38.159
+a custom Gnuplot script like this
+00:04:38.160 --> 00:04:41.319
+that's preset up with the definitions
+00:04:41.320 --> 00:04:43.159
+for the column view in Org mode.
+00:04:43.160 --> 00:04:45.399
+I'm assuming a little bit of familiarity
+00:04:45.400 --> 00:04:47.199
+with Org mode and Gnuplotting,
+00:04:47.200 --> 00:04:51.959
+but I'll try to explain as much as I can as I go along.
+NOTE The journal
+00:04:51.960 --> 00:04:59.039
+The journal here is where... okay, okay, one moment.
+00:04:59.040 --> 00:05:03.519
+So as you can see, there's a sub-entry here
+00:05:03.520 --> 00:05:06.279
+for each day that I've included from my data set
+00:05:06.280 --> 00:05:08.559
+starting on September 13th of this year
+00:05:08.560 --> 00:05:10.399
+and ending on October 17th.
+00:05:10.400 --> 00:05:16.959
+And there's an Org property drawer with
+00:05:16.960 --> 00:05:22.999
+the corresponding names of each field and the value.
+00:05:29.800 --> 00:05:36.759
+Now the idea here is that the columns specify...
+00:05:36.760 --> 00:05:40.639
+if you know a little bit about Org mode,
+00:05:40.640 --> 00:05:43.479
+what happens is that you...
+00:05:43.480 --> 00:05:50.919
+let's say that I hit the key for my journal template,
+00:05:50.920 --> 00:05:52.799
+which... Mine is very similar.
+NOTE The capture buffer
+00:05:52.800 --> 00:06:00.879
+This is the capture buffer for today's date,
+00:06:00.880 --> 00:06:02.679
+and if you're recording yesterday's date,
+00:06:02.680 --> 00:06:04.519
+you can just flip it like that if you need to.
+00:06:04.520 --> 00:06:08.639
+Then I say, yesterday, I remember
+00:06:08.640 --> 00:06:11.159
+I went for about a one-mile walk,
+00:06:11.160 --> 00:06:14.119
+so that's probably about 20 minutes,
+00:06:14.120 --> 00:06:16.519
+and that I had such and such,
+00:06:16.520 --> 00:06:19.079
+I had eight and a half hours of sleep, let's say.
+00:06:19.080 --> 00:06:22.479
+I estimate how many pieces of nicotine gum I have.
+00:06:22.480 --> 00:06:25.799
+I try to count as closely as I can, how much distress,
+00:06:25.800 --> 00:06:26.359
+you know what I mean,
+00:06:26.360 --> 00:06:28.279
+whether or not I missed a dose of medication.
+00:06:28.280 --> 00:06:32.399
+Then when you hit C-c C-c,
+00:06:32.400 --> 00:06:39.799
+it captures that to the end of your Org file.
+00:06:39.800 --> 00:06:46.679
+Now what this shows is that... I cut and paste it in.
+00:06:46.680 --> 00:06:48.159
+I've been keeping these entries every day for months,
+00:06:48.160 --> 00:06:51.319
+and that I cut and pasted in a month of data.
+NOTE The columnview table
+00:06:51.320 --> 00:07:00.799
+Now I'm going to dig in a little bit to the Gnuplot script.
+00:07:00.800 --> 00:07:07.759
+This here, all this stuff, is one component of the graph,
+00:07:07.760 --> 00:07:11.359
+and I'll go over how it works.
+00:07:11.360 --> 00:07:19.319
+First, the items through this column declaration here,
+00:07:19.320 --> 00:07:30.199
+and the id:myid, this columnview table here,
+00:07:30.200 --> 00:07:34.919
+#+BEGIN: columnview, this whole bit here,
+00:07:34.920 --> 00:07:39.879
+is going to get filled in with the corresponding columns,
+00:07:39.880 --> 00:07:43.039
+exercise minutes, sleep hours, nicotine doses.
+00:07:43.040 --> 00:07:53.559
+And then it gets pumped out by Org mode into a file
+00:07:53.560 --> 00:07:59.840
+that looks like this: tab-separated values
+00:07:59.841 --> 00:08:03.479
+with an ISO-style date at the beginning.
+NOTE Gnuplot
+00:08:03.480 --> 00:08:10.359
+So what we're going to do is we're going to go through
+00:08:10.360 --> 00:08:14.479
+the Gnuplot portion of this,
+00:08:14.480 --> 00:08:16.359
+and I'm going to enlarge the font a little.
+00:08:21.280 --> 00:08:23.719
+I'm going to go line by line through the Gnuplot portion.
+00:08:23.720 --> 00:08:30.639
+Now, my template generator will give you one like this.
+00:08:30.640 --> 00:08:33.119
+You don't have to write this from scratch.
+00:08:33.120 --> 00:08:35.679
+But I'm going to go through it line by line
+00:08:35.680 --> 00:08:37.479
+because if you do use the template,
+00:08:37.480 --> 00:08:42.199
+then it'll help to have gone through it line by line,
+00:08:42.200 --> 00:08:46.679
+because you're probably going to have to modify it.
+00:08:46.680 --> 00:08:49.119
+So first, we're going to clear the graphics
+00:08:49.120 --> 00:08:50.199
+from any previous runs
+00:08:50.200 --> 00:08:53.799
+so that if we reuse the same Gnuplot process,
+00:08:53.800 --> 00:08:57.759
+we're not overwriting the old--
+00:08:57.760 --> 00:09:00.719
+that we are completely overwriting the old image.
+00:09:00.720 --> 00:09:03.319
+So that's the purpose of this line here.
+NOTE Output parameters
+00:09:03.320 --> 00:09:08.559
+The output parameters: we want to put out an SVG file.
+00:09:08.560 --> 00:09:13.639
+Font Arial, that's funny,
+00:09:13.640 --> 00:09:16.119
+but I don't know what font it's actually ending up choosing,
+00:09:16.120 --> 00:09:16.879
+but it looks fine.
+00:09:16.880 --> 00:09:19.639
+Then we want it to be square,
+00:09:19.640 --> 00:09:21.919
+so I'm giving it 900 by 900 pixels,
+00:09:21.920 --> 00:09:23.719
+even though it is a scalable vector graphic.
+00:09:23.720 --> 00:09:29.159
+We're putting it in the same folder as the org file,
+00:09:29.160 --> 00:09:30.799
+00:09:30.800 --> 00:09:39.519
+These lines here set it up to use the Org mode format
+00:09:39.520 --> 00:09:42.679
+that we showed in the other file over here.
+00:09:42.680 --> 00:09:48.359
+The time format is four-digit year, two-digit month,
+00:09:48.360 --> 00:09:50.359
+two-digit day.
+00:09:50.360 --> 00:09:56.479
+The time format doesn't specify here the time,
+00:09:56.480 --> 00:09:59.599
+but that doesn't seem to mess it up.
+00:09:59.600 --> 00:10:02.439
+This line "set datafile separator" means that
+00:10:02.440 --> 00:10:04.239
+the separators between that
+00:10:04.240 --> 00:10:06.959
+and between all the other fields are tabs,
+00:10:06.960 --> 00:10:08.919
+which is what Org mode does
+00:10:08.920 --> 00:10:10.999
+when it spits out a table by default.
+00:10:11.000 --> 00:10:15.479
+Okay, along to the next lines.
+NOTE Time series data
+00:10:15.480 --> 00:10:18.119
+We're going to set up for time series data,
+00:10:18.120 --> 00:10:22.807
+meaning that the x-axis is going to be time,
+00:10:22.808 --> 00:10:26.119
+x2tics 1 format.
+00:10:26.120 --> 00:10:30.399
+I believe this means that every day has one tick
+00:10:30.400 --> 00:10:32.879
+and that this tells it that the first--
+00:10:32.880 --> 00:10:39.359
+unfortunately, I forget the exact meaning of this one line.
+00:10:39.360 --> 00:10:44.959
+I'm just going to move on. We want one X tick per day,
+00:10:44.960 --> 00:10:46.519
+and because X is in seconds,
+00:10:46.520 --> 00:10:50.319
+it's 24 hours times 60 minutes times 60 seconds.
+00:10:50.320 --> 00:10:55.639
+This line "set grid xtics" gives us
+00:10:55.640 --> 00:10:57.279
+a vertical line on each day of the graph.
+00:10:57.280 --> 00:10:58.319
+I'll pull up the graph
+00:10:58.320 --> 00:11:00.039
+just so that it's a little easier to see.
+00:11:00.040 --> 00:11:03.919
+All these vertical lines, one on each day,
+00:11:03.920 --> 00:11:06.199
+that's given to you by "set grid xtics".
+00:11:06.200 --> 00:11:10.159
+One Y tick every five points.
+00:11:10.160 --> 00:11:13.719
+So here at five pieces of nicotine,
+00:11:13.720 --> 00:11:15.959
+we've got a five, at ten pieces – well,
+00:11:15.960 --> 00:11:19.679
+we don't want to eat ten pieces, but ten, fifteen, twenty.
+00:11:19.680 --> 00:11:25.479
+Rotating the labels to make them fit a little bit better,
+00:11:25.480 --> 00:11:28.039
+that's this part here where the labels are sideways,
+00:11:28.040 --> 00:11:30.639
+and even with just one month of data,
+00:11:30.640 --> 00:11:35.159
+they're getting a little crowded.
+00:11:35.160 --> 00:11:41.399
+This "set key box lc" just makes the line around the key,
+00:11:41.400 --> 00:11:44.039
+the legend here, a little bit less severe.
+00:11:44.040 --> 00:11:51.079
+set xtics format: this makes it so that, for example,
+00:11:51.080 --> 00:11:53.479
+I've done a United-States-style date here
+00:11:53.480 --> 00:11:55.279
+with the month and then the day.
+00:11:55.280 --> 00:11:58.839
+You don't necessarily have to do that.
+00:11:58.840 --> 00:12:01.959
+You can have whatever you want.
+00:12:01.960 --> 00:12:03.079
+This xtics format,
+00:12:03.080 --> 00:12:06.319
+that relates to how the dates are printed.
+00:12:06.320 --> 00:12:12.519
+Remember that over here, this set timefmt,
+00:12:12.520 --> 00:12:15.159
+that relates to how the dates are formatted
+00:12:15.160 --> 00:12:16.999
+in the Org mode output.
+00:12:17.000 --> 00:12:18.319
+So remember, those are two...
+00:12:18.320 --> 00:12:19.519
+You don't want to mix those up.
+00:12:19.520 --> 00:12:23.799
+All right, "yrange [0:40]".
+00:12:23.800 --> 00:12:28.719
+Thus far, my exercise sessions have all been
+00:12:28.720 --> 00:12:31.479
+less than 30 minutes, and nothing's gone over 30.
+00:12:31.480 --> 00:12:35.839
+If you have a health variable
+00:12:35.840 --> 00:12:38.119
+that is in a significantly different range,
+00:12:38.120 --> 00:12:41.639
+you may need to get a slightly more complicated
+00:12:41.640 --> 00:12:43.719
+Gnuplot script because it is possible to plot
+00:12:43.720 --> 00:12:46.479
+multiple yranges in one plot
+00:12:46.480 --> 00:12:48.719
+if you have a variable that uses a different range.
+00:12:48.720 --> 00:12:49.759
+It's just a little trickier.
+00:12:49.760 --> 00:12:55.919
+These parts here, aside from the fact
+00:12:55.920 --> 00:12:59.079
+that you might make some changes that relate to
+00:12:59.080 --> 00:13:01.319
+the date and your country format,
+00:13:01.320 --> 00:13:03.239
+are going to be the same.
+00:13:03.240 --> 00:13:05.919
+This is like boilerplate for almost anything.
+NOTE Health variables
+00:13:05.920 --> 00:13:09.799
+Now here are the parts that are going to vary
+00:13:09.800 --> 00:13:13.399
+depending on what health variables you want to store.
+00:13:13.400 --> 00:13:18.039
+There are three main sections here.
+00:13:18.040 --> 00:13:28.719
+One is setting the different line types that are used.
+00:13:28.720 --> 00:13:32.479
+Setting linetype 1 with line width 2, line color RGB.
+00:13:32.480 --> 00:13:34.959
+Unfortunately, Gnuplot is a little bit cryptic,
+00:13:34.960 --> 00:13:36.879
+which is why I've made this template generator
+00:13:36.880 --> 00:13:37.999
+that I'll show you in a moment.
+00:13:38.000 --> 00:13:43.039
+I pick a color. So this is exercise, forest green.
+00:13:43.040 --> 00:13:49.279
+Point size 1, meaning you get
+00:13:49.280 --> 00:13:51.599
+these little green triangles about that size.
+00:13:51.600 --> 00:13:54.719
+But the point type 9 is the pointing up triangle.
+00:13:54.720 --> 00:13:59.519
+Line type 2, purple. So that's the sleep line.
+00:13:59.520 --> 00:14:02.999
+So we're just establishing these different line types
+00:14:03.000 --> 00:14:04.719
+that we've given arbitrary numbers.
+00:14:04.720 --> 00:14:08.959
+Now onto the next section.
+00:14:08.960 --> 00:14:12.919
+Oh, before I move on here,
+00:14:12.920 --> 00:14:16.119
+you can see point type 11 for line 5, which is red.
+00:14:16.120 --> 00:14:18.079
+And that's the missed medications line,
+00:14:18.080 --> 00:14:20.639
+so you get a triangle that's upside down
+00:14:20.640 --> 00:14:22.679
+because that's point shape 11.
+NOTE Goal lines
+00:14:22.680 --> 00:14:27.879
+All right. The next section here is the goal lines.
+00:14:27.880 --> 00:14:33.440
+There are horizontal dashed lines here
+00:14:33.441 --> 00:14:37.359
+at 8 purple hours of sleep, because 8 hours is the goal.
+00:14:37.360 --> 00:14:41.519
+So there's a horizontal line at Y = 8.
+00:14:41.520 --> 00:14:43.879
+For pieces of nicotine gum,
+00:14:43.880 --> 00:14:46.959
+I'm trying to keep it to around 5 right now.
+00:14:46.960 --> 00:14:52.519
+So my goal line is at 5. So these...
+00:14:52.520 --> 00:14:56.759
+Here, a goal of at least 20 minutes of exercise.
+00:14:56.760 --> 00:14:59.079
+Sometimes I get more, sometimes I get less.
+00:14:59.080 --> 00:15:02.199
+There's a green line and a 20, showing that that's the goal.
+00:15:02.200 --> 00:15:06.479
+These lines here are actually the goal lines.
+00:15:06.480 --> 00:15:09.119
+You can specify the goal for each one
+00:15:09.120 --> 00:15:11.999
+in the template generator that I'll show you.
+NOTE The Gnuplot command
+00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:28.079
+The last part is the actual plot command.
+00:15:28.080 --> 00:15:30.199
+So the dependent... So okay,
+00:15:30.200 --> 00:15:34.919
+these all start with 1, "using 1" against this variable.
+00:15:34.920 --> 00:15:41.599
+So $2... This is a ternary operator here
+00:15:41.600 --> 00:15:49.199
+that says if the value of the second column is zero,
+00:15:49.200 --> 00:15:52.359
+then don't plot a point. In other words,
+00:15:52.360 --> 00:15:56.079
+not a number means it won't plot a point.
+00:15:56.080 --> 00:15:58.919
+The template generator lets you skip over
+00:15:58.920 --> 00:16:02.119
+the details of that. It sticks this in there.
+00:16:02.120 --> 00:16:02.759
+I'll show you.
+00:16:02.760 --> 00:16:09.399
+So we only want to plot a point when the value is non-zero.
+00:16:09.400 --> 00:16:12.479
+If there was no exercise, we're not plotting a point.
+00:16:12.480 --> 00:16:15.759
+The with construct means we'll plot data
+00:16:15.760 --> 00:16:21.340
+using date against exercise with points,
+00:16:21.341 --> 00:16:25.519
+the title is "exercise (minutes)", line type 1.
+00:16:25.520 --> 00:16:29.839
+Remember, we established line type 1 up here
+00:16:29.840 --> 00:16:35.079
+as being forest green, point style 1,
+00:16:35.080 --> 00:16:37.599
+point type 9, green triangles.
+00:16:37.600 --> 00:16:42.399
+Now I'm going to show 1 against column 3,
+00:16:42.400 --> 00:16:43.919
+which is "hours of sleep".
+00:16:43.920 --> 00:16:46.039
+This one is plotted with lines,
+00:16:46.040 --> 00:16:48.599
+so we don't specify a point type or point size,
+00:16:48.600 --> 00:16:51.719
+just a line type 2. And remember, you can see
+00:16:51.720 --> 00:16:55.240
+that line type 2 is defined as purple
+00:16:55.241 --> 00:16:57.359
+with point type 1, point size 1.
+00:16:57.360 --> 00:16:59.959
+Okay, so I did specify point size and point type,
+00:16:59.960 --> 00:17:01.479
+but because I'm not plotting with points,
+00:17:01.480 --> 00:17:02.279
+those are ignored.
+00:17:02.280 --> 00:17:08.799
+Here we come to the line with nicotine.
+00:17:08.800 --> 00:17:11.559
+The fourth column is the nicotine number,
+00:17:11.560 --> 00:17:13.199
+the fourth column from the Org mode file.
+00:17:13.200 --> 00:17:16.007
+So here you can see how we're telling Gnuplot
+00:17:16.008 --> 00:17:19.799
+to take each column of the tab-separated Org mode file
+00:17:19.800 --> 00:17:21.119
+and put it into the graph.
+00:17:21.120 --> 00:17:25.959
+The line types are set up here.
+00:17:25.960 --> 00:17:30.799
+The goal lines are set up here.
+00:17:30.800 --> 00:17:35.559
+And then the actual plot command is set up here.
+NOTE The template generator
+00:17:35.560 --> 00:17:41.319
+So now we're going to work further backwards
+00:17:41.320 --> 00:17:42.959
+from this Gnuplot template
+00:17:42.960 --> 00:17:46.559
+to the template generator that I used to make it.
+00:17:46.560 --> 00:18:01.959
+Now I'm not going to go into
+00:18:01.960 --> 00:18:03.759
+all of the details of the code,
+00:18:03.760 --> 00:18:06.159
+but what I am going to show you is that
+00:18:06.160 --> 00:18:10.679
+there's a variable called `health-factors'.
+00:18:10.680 --> 00:18:15.839
+And what this does, this `health-factors-from-list'
+00:18:15.840 --> 00:18:20.919
+lets you specify, with a property list
+00:18:20.920 --> 00:18:22.679
+of keyword and value pairs
+00:18:22.680 --> 00:18:24.799
+(here's the keyword name and the value is exercise),
+00:18:24.800 --> 00:18:28.199
+the goal that I want 20 minutes of exercise,
+00:18:28.200 --> 00:18:30.199
+that the unit is minutes,
+00:18:30.200 --> 00:18:36.159
+that the color is forest green, and so on.
+00:18:36.160 --> 00:18:39.439
+The aspects of the Gnuplot setup
+00:18:39.440 --> 00:18:43.559
+have been abstracted here.
+00:18:43.560 --> 00:18:49.279
+Eight hours of sleep is the goal here.
+00:18:49.280 --> 00:18:54.039
+The hours are units. What color,
+00:18:54.040 --> 00:18:55.119
+what thickness of the line.
+00:18:55.120 --> 00:19:00.079
+Here we specify the number of points.
+00:19:00.080 --> 00:19:01.279
+There's references online
+00:19:01.280 --> 00:19:05.199
+that show you what point types are what shapes in Gnuplot,
+00:19:05.200 --> 00:19:11.479
+and so on and so forth.
+NOTE The code that creates a template
+00:19:11.480 --> 00:19:17.399
+I'll walk through the code a little bit that does this,
+00:19:17.400 --> 00:19:20.439
+that actually takes these pieces,
+00:19:20.440 --> 00:19:24.399
+that takes this specification of what your variables are
+00:19:24.400 --> 00:19:30.439
+and turns it into a template.
+00:19:30.440 --> 00:19:37.959
+First, I'm using EIEIO,
+00:19:37.960 --> 00:19:41.719
+the object system that's included with GNU Emacs.
+00:19:41.720 --> 00:19:45.119
+It's a reasonable facsimile
+00:19:45.120 --> 00:19:47.319
+of the Common Lisp Object System.
+00:19:47.320 --> 00:19:51.239
+What I'm going to be doing here
+00:19:51.240 --> 00:19:56.199
+is defining a class with each of those items,
+00:19:56.200 --> 00:19:58.479
+those properties that we talked about in that list
+00:19:58.480 --> 00:20:01.319
+that lets you specify name, what the goal is,
+00:20:01.320 --> 00:20:04.239
+what the units are, and the Gnuplot things
+00:20:04.240 --> 00:20:06.559
+(the Gnuplot parameters like thickness,
+00:20:06.560 --> 00:20:13.239
+plot type, and all that) into a class that will then
+00:20:13.240 --> 00:20:16.519
+spit out the template once you feed it
+00:20:16.520 --> 00:20:27.759
+some of these health factor objects. So just a moment.
+00:20:27.760 --> 00:20:34.479
+For example, you can see that this template
+00:20:34.480 --> 00:20:46.319
+originally came from being generated by this code here.
+00:20:46.320 --> 00:20:52.959
+To use the template,
+00:20:52.960 --> 00:20:55.399
+to use this little template generator...
+00:20:55.400 --> 00:21:06.279
+See, here's where it spits out the line type
+00:21:06.280 --> 00:21:07.439
+given the pieces.
+00:21:07.440 --> 00:21:09.679
+This is all just text formatting.
+00:21:09.680 --> 00:21:11.319
+This is one of the things that Emacs Lisp
+00:21:11.320 --> 00:21:13.159
+just really excels at.
+00:21:13.160 --> 00:21:19.519
+I need to take a piece of data
+00:21:19.520 --> 00:21:22.639
+like a list of health information,
+00:21:22.640 --> 00:21:25.679
+a list of health variables, what their units are,
+00:21:25.680 --> 00:21:28.119
+and how they're supposed to be formatted in Gnuplot,
+00:21:28.120 --> 00:21:30.199
+and go from that to the nice template.
+00:21:30.200 --> 00:21:31.719
+So that's pretty much the whole thing.
+00:21:31.720 --> 00:21:40.999
+I want to see if there's anything I missed.
+NOTE The power of the chart
+00:21:41.000 --> 00:21:51.519
+Bring up the chart.
+00:21:51.520 --> 00:21:54.279
+This has been really useful
+00:21:54.280 --> 00:21:59.599
+for communicating with healthcare professionals
+00:21:59.600 --> 00:22:04.399
+because you are both on the same page
+00:22:04.400 --> 00:22:05.879
+about exactly what is happening,
+00:22:05.880 --> 00:22:10.679
+what's been happening because if... Let's say
+00:22:10.680 --> 00:22:15.239
+that you're tired when you talk to your care provider.
+00:22:15.240 --> 00:22:17.559
+Well, if you have objective information
+00:22:17.560 --> 00:22:18.839
+that you've been recording every day,
+00:22:18.840 --> 00:22:22.399
+that you're ahead of the game, really,
+00:22:22.400 --> 00:22:25.119
+because you don't need, necessarily, the presence of mind
+00:22:25.120 --> 00:22:27.679
+to be able to give your care provider
+00:22:27.680 --> 00:22:30.039
+a complete picture of what's going on in your world.
+00:22:30.040 --> 00:22:33.039
+If you can find those few minutes a day to enter--
+00:22:33.040 --> 00:22:34.399
+not even a few minutes,
+00:22:34.400 --> 00:22:37.759
+really just a minute to enter the data
+00:22:37.760 --> 00:22:39.839
+and say what happened yesterday...
+00:22:39.840 --> 00:22:42.759
+I'm finding over these months
+00:22:42.760 --> 00:22:45.039
+that I've been more in touch with my health when I can--
+00:22:45.040 --> 00:22:49.919
+not forced, but when I have the habit,
+00:22:49.920 --> 00:22:52.159
+the consistent habit every single day
+00:22:52.160 --> 00:22:55.839
+of recording that data--I'm accountable to myself.
+00:22:55.840 --> 00:22:57.359
+It's interesting.
+00:22:57.360 --> 00:23:01.039
+I guess it gets into a little bit of ideas
+00:23:01.040 --> 00:23:02.439
+about the Quantified Self
+00:23:02.440 --> 00:23:05.239
+and how holding yourself accountable
+00:23:05.240 --> 00:23:09.919
+can change what you do and what the outcomes are.
+00:23:09.920 --> 00:23:14.159
+Just look at this here.
+00:23:14.160 --> 00:23:17.279
+Without getting into too much detail,
+00:23:17.280 --> 00:23:19.679
+one of the reasons I track my sleep is because,
+00:23:19.680 --> 00:23:22.039
+as you can see, my sleep
+00:23:22.040 --> 00:23:26.759
+is not as well-regulated as most people,
+00:23:26.760 --> 00:23:31.439
+and that's why I need to do that.
+00:23:31.440 --> 00:23:34.440
+This was a time... 10, 12,
+00:23:34.441 --> 00:23:36.639
+here's 14 hours of sleep, that's depression.
+00:23:36.640 --> 00:23:43.519
+It oscillates a little bit. But then below the goal line,
+00:23:43.520 --> 00:23:45.639
+the things are a little more normal here.
+00:23:45.640 --> 00:23:46.919
+This is a little more normal.
+00:23:46.920 --> 00:23:52.079
+But then, really, without thinking about it too much,
+00:23:52.080 --> 00:23:56.239
+I cut out the nicotine, and my sleep suffered.
+00:23:56.240 --> 00:24:00.199
+Just the fact that I'm able to look and see that connection
+00:24:00.200 --> 00:24:01.359
+is really amazing to me.
+00:24:01.360 --> 00:24:02.759
+Maybe I would have anyway,
+00:24:02.760 --> 00:24:05.239
+but looking at the whole months of data,
+00:24:05.240 --> 00:24:07.399
+there have been many things to discuss
+00:24:07.400 --> 00:24:09.919
+and many things to think about.
+NOTE Thanks
+00:24:09.920 --> 00:24:12.159
+Because this is a short presentation,
+00:24:12.160 --> 00:24:13.839
+I probably should wrap up.
+00:24:13.840 --> 00:24:18.239
+I just want to thank the whole Emacs community
+00:24:18.240 --> 00:24:23.319
+for being there and for including me in the conference
+00:24:23.320 --> 00:24:27.079
+and I hope to participate next year as well.
+00:24:27.080 --> 00:24:29.240
+Thank you so much.
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+WEBVTT captioned by alfred
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.959
+All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my talk.
+00:00:06.960 --> 00:00:10.119
+We'll be talking today about Emacs journalism
+00:00:10.120 --> 00:00:12.279
+and what that means.
+00:00:12.280 --> 00:00:14.999
+First of all, I'd like to thank the EmacsConf organizers.
+00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:20.039
+Thank you very much, Sacha, for being very patient with me.
+00:00:20.040 --> 00:00:22.679
+Let's get right into it. So who's this talk for?
+00:00:22.680 --> 00:00:24.799
+First of all, it's for anyone
+00:00:24.800 --> 00:00:26.359
+who wants to learn about workflows
+00:00:26.360 --> 00:00:28.519
+and how you can work with Emacs
+00:00:28.520 --> 00:00:31.279
+to basically do anything you want.
+00:00:31.280 --> 00:00:33.679
+And it's for all levels of Emacs lovers.
+00:00:33.680 --> 00:00:36.119
+So I'll keep it accessible.
+NOTE Why this talk
+00:00:36.120 --> 00:00:37.479
+Why this talk? So first of all,
+00:00:37.480 --> 00:00:40.519
+I want to share a lot of Emacs.
+00:00:40.520 --> 00:00:42.519
+I also wanted to learn about workflows myself.
+00:00:42.520 --> 00:00:46.319
+So what better way than to talk about them
+00:00:46.320 --> 00:00:49.519
+to be able to learn? And we could maybe learn a thing
+00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:56.799
+or two about collaboration and using Emacs to that motive.
+00:00:56.800 --> 00:01:00.479
+I think it's useful to try and figure out who am I?
+00:01:00.480 --> 00:01:03.159
+Why am I having this talk? I'm a journalist based
+00:01:03.160 --> 00:01:06.799
+in Hong Kong and a documentary filmmaker. So that means
+00:01:06.800 --> 00:01:08.959
+that I have interviews quite often.
+00:01:08.960 --> 00:01:11.519
+I'm dealing with texts and subtitles,
+00:01:11.520 --> 00:01:14.039
+which I have to transcribe.
+00:01:14.040 --> 00:01:16.879
+And I'm also dealing with a lot of research.
+00:01:16.880 --> 00:01:22.159
+So that means going through a lot of documents and a lot of,
+00:01:22.160 --> 00:01:26.759
+well, skimming through documents
+00:01:26.760 --> 00:01:30.279
+to be able to have something to write.
+00:01:30.280 --> 00:01:34.119
+And I also use Emacs since basically one year ago,
+00:01:34.120 --> 00:01:35.399
+I started using it full time
+00:01:35.400 --> 00:01:39.639
+to have a great detriment of my productivity.
+00:01:39.640 --> 00:01:45.599
+So we'll be talking about, we'll be talking about, well,
+00:01:45.600 --> 00:01:48.439
+basically, my workflow for Emacs
+00:01:48.440 --> 00:01:52.159
+and how I went about having an Emacs workflow.
+NOTE Thinking about workflows
+00:01:52.160 --> 00:01:56.799
+So what is best when you're thinking about your own workflow
+00:01:56.800 --> 00:01:59.199
+and some things to think about journalism
+00:01:59.200 --> 00:02:03.199
+and about using these kinds of tools
+00:02:03.200 --> 00:02:09.479
+in combination for this? So where do we all start?
+00:02:09.480 --> 00:02:11.559
+Let's start with a simple-ish definition
+00:02:11.560 --> 00:02:14.959
+of what is a workflow. A workflow is
+00:02:14.960 --> 00:02:18.359
+any sequence of actions or tools you use to accomplish that.
+00:02:18.360 --> 00:02:23.199
+So it doesn't have to be through text processing,
+00:02:23.200 --> 00:02:27.759
+though obviously being a text-oriented community,
+00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:31.439
+it will most likely be partially text.
+00:02:31.440 --> 00:02:34.999
+But it's just about how we accomplish a task
+00:02:35.000 --> 00:02:39.119
+and which tools and mindsets we go into it with.
+NOTE My old workflow
+00:02:39.120 --> 00:02:42.759
+For example, let's talk about my old workflow.
+00:02:42.760 --> 00:02:46.879
+That workflow was basically just Google Drive
+00:02:46.880 --> 00:02:50.759
+using proprietary tools like Notion, Google Drive, Office,
+00:02:50.760 --> 00:02:55.839
+Storyboarder, and for communication, WeChat.
+00:02:55.840 --> 00:02:59.559
+If I could forgive all the privacy concerns of WeChat,
+00:02:59.560 --> 00:03:03.279
+I wouldn't, but I still wouldn't forgive
+00:03:03.280 --> 00:03:06.759
+the terribly buggy interface, and I hate it.
+00:03:06.760 --> 00:03:09.119
+So there are certain tools that you have to use
+00:03:09.120 --> 00:03:11.359
+and you have to modify your workflow
+00:03:11.360 --> 00:03:13.839
+or just adapt your workflow to the tools
+00:03:13.840 --> 00:03:17.119
+that you have to use. So for me, unfortunately,
+00:03:17.120 --> 00:03:23.399
+that means having to use WeChat. You compartmentalize it
+00:03:23.400 --> 00:03:27.479
+and set it aside, try not to think about it too hard.
+00:03:27.480 --> 00:03:29.319
+And this is the part that hurts the most, right?
+00:03:29.320 --> 00:03:31.039
+You're thinking about your workflow,
+00:03:31.040 --> 00:03:32.239
+you're thinking about, all right,
+00:03:32.240 --> 00:03:37.199
+I have this thing that works, I don't think about it.
+00:03:37.200 --> 00:03:40.039
+And all of a sudden, oh, I'm not happy
+00:03:40.040 --> 00:03:44.239
+with what I have right now. So let's get into,
+00:03:44.240 --> 00:03:50.079
+let's get into how, oops. So let's get into how and why
+00:03:50.080 --> 00:03:51.479
+we're not happy with our workflows.
+00:03:51.480 --> 00:03:55.679
+Because obviously, it's quite nice
+00:03:55.680 --> 00:03:57.159
+to not have to think about things.
+00:03:57.160 --> 00:03:58.719
+But once you've thought about it,
+00:03:58.720 --> 00:04:01.399
+and once you're not happy with how it works,
+00:04:01.400 --> 00:04:03.559
+I think it's quite useful to think about
+00:04:03.560 --> 00:04:05.279
+why we're not happy about it.
+NOTE Finding my workflow
+00:04:05.280 --> 00:04:10.199
+A huge part of what Emacs is being conscious of, well,
+00:04:10.200 --> 00:04:11.679
+how do we find our workflows?
+00:04:11.680 --> 00:04:17.839
+How do we find what we want to do? And for me, obviously,
+00:04:17.840 --> 00:04:19.839
+the best way to find that is to write it down
+00:04:19.840 --> 00:04:24.239
+and to try and tailor my tools to it.
+00:04:24.240 --> 00:04:26.239
+This is what I came up with.
+00:04:26.240 --> 00:04:28.039
+I want to be able to manage my accounting,
+00:04:28.040 --> 00:04:30.719
+to manage collaboration. So: working on files
+00:04:30.720 --> 00:04:33.439
+alongside my colleagues, communication,
+00:04:33.440 --> 00:04:38.839
+so that's planning out and managing meetings,
+00:04:38.840 --> 00:04:43.999
+managing teammates, managing tasks, information gathering.
+00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:45.959
+So that's what I was saying, going through documents,
+00:04:45.960 --> 00:04:49.999
+going through all these lists of tasks and all of these,
+00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:54.079
+not lists of tasks, all of these, well, basically,
+00:04:54.080 --> 00:04:59.799
+scientific papers, notes, references and wikis, media.
+00:04:59.800 --> 00:05:02.319
+So I want to be able to have a music player,
+00:05:02.320 --> 00:05:06.159
+a podcast player, a movie player. That's outside of work,
+00:05:06.160 --> 00:05:09.999
+but it's still one of the tasks that I do. Media processing,
+00:05:10.000 --> 00:05:13.559
+so this is where my job kind of gets into it a bit more.
+00:05:13.560 --> 00:05:15.159
+So I want to be able to take notes
+00:05:15.160 --> 00:05:16.479
+on the media that I watch,
+00:05:16.480 --> 00:05:19.559
+to transcribe the interviews
+00:05:19.560 --> 00:05:21.559
+and even the conversations that I have,
+00:05:21.560 --> 00:05:26.439
+to be able to later on have an easier time.
+00:05:26.440 --> 00:05:32.119
+Photo editing, video editing, so unfortunately,
+00:05:32.120 --> 00:05:35.959
+Emacs isn't quite quite oriented to that.
+00:05:35.960 --> 00:05:40.519
+Graphic design, color grading, storyboarding.
+00:05:40.520 --> 00:05:43.479
+And so obviously, you go into it a bit more.
+00:05:43.480 --> 00:05:46.519
+So managing to do scheduling tasks, interviews,
+00:05:46.520 --> 00:05:49.159
+preparing shot lists, tracking time,
+00:05:49.160 --> 00:05:53.319
+setting daily work goals, setting priorities,
+00:05:53.320 --> 00:05:55.479
+independent tasks, publishing,
+00:05:55.480 --> 00:05:59.079
+so publishing stuff for my work on my work CMS,
+00:05:59.080 --> 00:06:01.519
+publishing stuff on my personal CMS,
+00:06:01.520 --> 00:06:06.079
+although that's not happened yet. I've been kind of busy.
+00:06:06.080 --> 00:06:08.639
+Security and privacy, so making sure
+00:06:08.640 --> 00:06:13.279
+that everything that I use respects my data and respects me.
+00:06:13.280 --> 00:06:18.399
+Unfortunately, not the case, but you take what you can.
+00:06:18.400 --> 00:06:20.599
+Text processing. So that's journaling,
+00:06:20.600 --> 00:06:26.039
+writing down articles, my personal wiki, my work wiki,
+00:06:26.040 --> 00:06:34.679
+which I use to document, well, for example,
+00:06:34.680 --> 00:06:37.159
+several projects that I have currently.
+00:06:37.160 --> 00:06:43.319
+So I basically have my work wiki that I'm trying
+00:06:43.320 --> 00:06:45.159
+to fill out where I'll be able
+00:06:45.160 --> 00:06:47.199
+to basically go into it later on
+00:06:47.200 --> 00:06:50.399
+and have my thoughts written down.
+00:06:50.400 --> 00:06:56.799
+And programming, which I'm not very good at.
+NOTE Literate configuration
+00:06:56.800 --> 00:06:59.399
+Some people might have noticed
+00:06:59.400 --> 00:07:17.159
+that this looks a lot like [literate] programming.
+00:07:17.160 --> 00:07:18.639
+If you go into my config file,
+00:07:18.640 --> 00:07:20.159
+I have something kind of similar.
+00:07:20.160 --> 00:07:22.439
+I was planning on having a bit more time
+00:07:22.440 --> 00:07:26.359
+for this presentation and making it stick to that.
+00:07:26.360 --> 00:07:30.999
+But you'll see basically the mess that is my Emacs config.
+00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:33.319
+But it kind of sticks to the same thoughts, right?
+00:07:33.320 --> 00:07:37.399
+Text processing, web browsing, finances,
+00:07:37.400 --> 00:07:39.879
+that's my accounting, media and research.
+00:07:39.880 --> 00:07:43.879
+So my BibTeX... Here be dragons.
+00:07:43.880 --> 00:07:45.119
+Terrible, terrible config
+00:07:45.120 --> 00:07:47.719
+that I've stolen from plenty of people.
+00:07:47.720 --> 00:07:52.479
+So basically, that's how Emacs fits into this.
+00:07:52.480 --> 00:07:57.399
+So this is where I talk about literate configs
+00:07:57.400 --> 00:08:01.919
+and how that's helped me. Obviously, I've extolled
+00:08:01.920 --> 00:08:04.199
+the virtue of literate configs
+00:08:04.200 --> 00:08:09.359
+to quite an extent right here. It's basically...
+00:08:09.360 --> 00:08:15.239
+The concept is to have documents, living documents
+00:08:15.240 --> 00:08:18.239
+and documentation as code.
+00:08:18.240 --> 00:08:22.239
+So basically, let's go back into my config.
+00:08:22.240 --> 00:08:31.279
+I talk about what the config file does, have code blocks.
+00:08:31.280 --> 00:08:33.599
+So this is something that Emacs does. I'm pretty sure
+00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:36.639
+that there are some resources about that accessible online,
+00:08:36.640 --> 00:08:46.439
+which are even accessible in the Emacs Gulf. And so, yeah,
+00:08:46.440 --> 00:08:50.199
+basically just having everything accessible
+00:08:50.200 --> 00:08:52.479
+in one single source, one single file,
+00:08:52.480 --> 00:08:54.879
+which allows you to basically put everything down
+00:08:54.880 --> 00:09:00.639
+and integrate things from your config much much more easily.
+00:09:00.640 --> 00:09:05.239
+That's something that I found very useful in Emacs
+00:09:05.240 --> 00:09:07.599
+and which I think everyone can benefit from
+00:09:07.600 --> 00:09:11.279
+or the idea of it, like having everything stored centrally.
+00:09:11.280 --> 00:09:14.999
+It doesn't have to be used just for Emacs.
+00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:21.999
+It can be used also, it can be used also for, for example,
+00:09:22.000 --> 00:09:26.679
+a Qt browser or for other window manager configs.
+00:09:26.680 --> 00:09:28.239
+That kind of thing.
+00:09:28.240 --> 00:09:32.919
+And it's not been very easy to set a place.
+00:09:32.920 --> 00:09:37.639
+So I haven't done that just yet, but that's the plan.
+NOTE Org Mode
+00:09:37.640 --> 00:09:41.479
+Basically, this is all thanks to Org mode.
+00:09:41.480 --> 00:09:45.639
+So, small presentation of what Org mode is. Org mode
+00:09:45.640 --> 00:09:49.599
+is basically a project / task management,
+00:09:49.600 --> 00:09:52.479
+past management and task management,
+00:09:52.480 --> 00:09:54.319
+and writing mode for Emacs.
+00:09:54.320 --> 00:10:00.039
+So I can just put in a heading to do Hello World,
+00:10:00.040 --> 00:10:10.319
+send a message to Rosie tomorrow about the shoot space MDS--
+00:10:10.320 --> 00:10:15.399
+that's thanks to wonderful Doom Emacs--and schedule it.
+00:10:15.400 --> 00:10:21.799
+I don't know. It's tomorrow. Let's go and set it to 9am.
+00:10:21.800 --> 00:10:28.759
+And say, maybe it's it's tomorrow already. I've done it.
+00:10:28.760 --> 00:10:31.439
+I've sent a message. Perfect. It's done.
+00:10:31.440 --> 00:10:33.679
+And it also allows you to have an agenda view.
+00:10:33.680 --> 00:10:37.719
+So I hope there's nothing too compromising right here.
+00:10:37.720 --> 00:10:41.879
+Whatever. It's fine. So it allows you
+00:10:41.880 --> 00:10:45.199
+to basically manage your agenda from there.
+00:10:45.200 --> 00:10:54.439
+And you might have seen me doing my little space nrf
+00:10:54.440 --> 00:10:58.359
+and wonderful key binding by Org Roam. So this
+00:10:58.360 --> 00:11:01.039
+is also another thing which is quite quite nice
+00:11:01.040 --> 00:11:06.079
+with Emacs is that you can you can have Org Roam, which
+00:11:06.080 --> 00:11:09.079
+is basically a database management program.
+00:11:09.080 --> 00:11:12.959
+So I can have documentary ideas
+00:11:12.960 --> 00:11:21.799
+and have basically my ideas which link up to another file.
+00:11:21.800 --> 00:11:25.839
+So for example, this one, which I have nothing for,
+00:11:25.840 --> 00:11:29.239
+but you get the idea. So it allows you to apps
+00:11:29.240 --> 00:11:33.719
+to link up with different files and to manage your thoughts.
+00:11:33.720 --> 00:11:37.959
+And this gets back into the workflow part of my talk,
+00:11:37.960 --> 00:11:41.879
+which is, well, this, this is a way
+00:11:41.880 --> 00:11:44.319
+to control what your workflow
+00:11:44.320 --> 00:11:49.759
+is control what the tools you're using are and to control,
+00:11:49.760 --> 00:11:52.079
+basically the way in which you interact
+00:11:52.080 --> 00:11:52.959
+with your technology.
+NOTE Collaborating with Pandoc
+00:11:52.960 --> 00:11:59.799
+So I am getting back into the way that I collaborate.
+00:11:59.800 --> 00:12:02.799
+Because obviously it's no good having just
+00:12:02.800 --> 00:12:07.919
+one Emacs user who's trying to share to share things
+00:12:07.920 --> 00:12:11.159
+with his editor. So I use pandoc.
+00:12:11.160 --> 00:12:17.479
+For example, let's go back into my file right here.
+00:12:17.480 --> 00:12:24.359
+Obviously, I don't spend much time inside of tables.
+00:12:24.360 --> 00:12:29.199
+But if I select this one, that's "SPC m e".
+00:12:29.200 --> 00:12:32.079
+Thank you, Doom Emacs for the for the keybindings.
+00:12:32.080 --> 00:12:38.239
+And I can just export it via pandoc right here, So "p".
+00:12:38.240 --> 00:12:50.719
+And I can just export it to doc, docx, or export it to ODT.
+00:12:50.720 --> 00:12:55.119
+So as an ODT file, which is typically what I do.
+00:12:55.120 --> 00:12:57.119
+And then I just send it through WeChat,
+00:12:57.120 --> 00:13:00.359
+which is not optimal, but I'm not allowed
+00:13:00.360 --> 00:13:04.079
+to do anything else. So it is what it is.
+00:13:04.080 --> 00:13:12.759
+Basically, this is how I export my files. And I re-import,
+00:13:12.760 --> 00:13:15.519
+I re-import them with pandoc as well.
+00:13:15.520 --> 00:13:19.799
+So I convert my Pages files, which I receive
+00:13:19.800 --> 00:13:22.879
+through an ICS plugin. It's not quite finalized,
+00:13:22.880 --> 00:13:24.119
+so I'm not ready to show it,
+00:13:24.120 --> 00:13:26.359
+but there's a link that I'll be putting
+00:13:26.360 --> 00:13:29.479
+in the description which talks about this.
+00:13:29.480 --> 00:13:32.959
+So this is my sharing part.
+00:13:32.960 --> 00:13:35.439
+It's nothing very special, honestly.
+00:13:35.440 --> 00:13:38.319
+It's just making sure that your documents
+00:13:38.320 --> 00:13:41.479
+are able to be shared.
+NOTE My own
+00:13:41.480 --> 00:13:44.079
+I have certain things. So for example,
+00:13:44.080 --> 00:13:47.839
+if I go into retro gaming in Hong Kong,
+00:13:47.840 --> 00:13:53.919
+if I go into my scripts, there are certain headings
+00:13:53.920 --> 00:13:55.519
+which I have. So for example, they ignore...
+00:13:55.520 --> 00:13:58.759
+My editor doesn't like to have some headings.
+00:13:58.760 --> 00:14:02.599
+But when I have a video script that I'm preparing,
+00:14:02.600 --> 00:14:05.519
+I like to have them for my own organization
+00:14:05.520 --> 00:14:09.399
+and for my thinking. So I keep them in right there
+00:14:09.400 --> 00:14:11.760
+and put in ignore. This is the advantage
+00:14:11.761 --> 00:14:17.280
+of the Emacs because you can just SPC m e o o,
+00:14:17.281 --> 00:14:20.479
+and this is ready to send, basically.
+00:14:20.480 --> 00:14:24.039
+There are ways to have export presets,
+00:14:24.040 --> 00:14:26.959
+but I'm not quite there yet. It's a lot of work.
+NOTE You don't have to get lost in the weeds
+00:14:26.960 --> 00:14:30.119
+So, getting back to my presentation.
+00:14:30.120 --> 00:14:36.719
+This all goes into basically other packages,
+00:14:36.720 --> 00:14:39.319
+which I want to implement, but I haven't been able to.
+00:14:39.320 --> 00:14:43.839
+My main conclusion: you don't have to get lost in the weeds.
+00:14:43.840 --> 00:14:48.279
+I kind of did that while preparing this talk.
+00:14:48.280 --> 00:14:51.719
+So basically, you don't have to do it all at once.
+00:14:51.720 --> 00:14:55.639
+Don't let it consume your life.
+00:14:55.640 --> 00:14:57.319
+I probably should have done this earlier.
+00:14:57.320 --> 00:15:02.119
+But Emacs configs are forever work in progress.
+00:15:02.120 --> 00:15:04.919
+So there are lots of features which you can add,
+00:15:04.920 --> 00:15:08.119
+a lot of things which you can implement if you only had,
+00:15:08.120 --> 00:15:11.639
+I don't know, five weeks to be able to implement them.
+00:15:11.640 --> 00:15:12.959
+But you're working right now.
+00:15:12.960 --> 00:15:16.319
+And this is a message to me five months ago.
+00:15:16.320 --> 00:15:19.639
+Don't do it. Just keep working
+00:15:19.640 --> 00:15:23.639
+and don't get lost in configuration all day.
+00:15:23.640 --> 00:15:27.559
+So yeah, basically the aim is to use software that you love,
+00:15:27.560 --> 00:15:29.439
+but not die in the process.
+00:15:29.440 --> 00:15:34.719
+And yeah, basically just using it as much as you can
+00:15:34.720 --> 00:15:36.519
+using fast software as much as you can.
+00:15:36.520 --> 00:15:39.839
+I'm doing that as well for...
+00:15:39.840 --> 00:15:46.679
+I have certain software such as storyboarder or bit tags,
+00:15:46.680 --> 00:15:50.159
+that kind of thing, which I try to use as much as possible,
+00:15:50.160 --> 00:15:51.839
+even outside of Emacs.
+00:15:51.840 --> 00:15:56.279
+And the aim is to get the work done in the end.
+00:15:56.280 --> 00:16:00.679
+I'm not an absolutist on this. So yeah, basically,
+00:16:00.680 --> 00:16:03.919
+let's keep modding our configs and having fun.
+00:16:03.920 --> 00:16:06.479
+If you've got any questions about the talk,
+00:16:06.480 --> 00:16:10.439
+I'm happy to answer. I am a novice at this,
+00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:12.959
+both presenting in front of camera
+00:16:12.960 --> 00:16:15.719
+and at talking about Emacs.
+00:16:15.720 --> 00:16:18.679
+I'm sure I've gotten a few things wrong,
+00:16:18.680 --> 00:16:23.719
+and it's not been the smoothest talk, but it's 10pm, almost.
+00:16:23.720 --> 00:16:28.759
+I need to get back home. Yeah, take care, everyone.
+00:16:28.760 --> 00:16:32.719
+Thanks again to the organizers. Here's my contact info.
+00:16:32.720 --> 00:16:36.199
+And I'll be in touch with the questions.
+00:16:36.200 --> 00:16:38.319
+I don't think I'll be able to do the live answers,
+00:16:38.320 --> 00:16:41.879
+but that's more or less it. Thanks so much for listening,
+00:16:41.880 --> 00:16:44.400
+if you've been listening, and take care.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-lspbridge--lspbridge-a-smooth-as-butter-asynchronous-lsp-client--andy-stewart-matthew-zeng--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-lspbridge--lspbridge-a-smooth-as-butter-asynchronous-lsp-client--andy-stewart-matthew-zeng--main.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..622d0b40
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by matthew
+NOTE Opening
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.639
+Good morning folks, I'm Matthew.
+00:00:04.640 --> 00:00:07.399
+Welcome to another year of EmacsConf.
+00:00:07.400 --> 00:00:10.319
+It's looking fantastic this year.
+00:00:10.320 --> 00:00:13.559
+Firstly, I have to apologize for my voice
+00:00:13.560 --> 00:00:15.879
+and occasional cough today.
+00:00:15.880 --> 00:00:18.039
+I am currently recovering from a cold,
+00:00:18.040 --> 00:00:21.159
+hopefully it's not Covid or flu,
+00:00:21.160 --> 00:00:24.719
+so please bear with me today.
+00:00:24.720 --> 00:00:27.919
+Actually, this talk was supposed to be brought to you
+00:00:27.920 --> 00:00:31.559
+by Manatee Lazycat, the author of lsp-bridge.
+00:00:31.560 --> 00:00:36.079
+But verbal English isn't Lazycat's strongest skill,
+00:00:36.080 --> 00:00:38.599
+and we are good friends as we maintain
+00:00:38.600 --> 00:00:40.999
+the Emacs Application Framework together,
+00:00:41.000 --> 00:00:45.999
+so here I am today presenting to you this package.
+00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:48.479
+Welcome to my talk on lsp-bridge:
+00:00:48.480 --> 00:00:50.320
+a smooth-as-butter asynchronous LSP client.
+NOTE What is LSP?
+00:00:50.321 --> 00:00:57.200
+What is LSP?
+00:00:57.201 --> 00:01:01.159
+The first question is, what is LSP?
+00:01:01.160 --> 00:01:03.199
+For anyone who doesn't know here,
+00:01:03.200 --> 00:01:06.799
+LSP stands for Language Server Protocol,
+00:01:06.800 --> 00:01:09.719
+it is a set of protocols defined by Microsoft
+00:01:09.720 --> 00:01:13.399
+that provides smart features like autocomplete,
+00:01:13.400 --> 00:01:17.599
+go to definition, documentation, etc.,
+00:01:17.600 --> 00:01:23.439
+that can be implemented across different editors and IDEs.
+00:01:23.440 --> 00:01:25.559
+It was initially created
+00:01:25.560 --> 00:01:28.399
+for their Visual Studio Code product,
+00:01:28.400 --> 00:01:33.919
+then publically shared with everyone.
+00:01:33.920 --> 00:01:35.999
+So there are language servers out there
+00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:38.119
+that implemented this procotol,
+00:01:38.120 --> 00:01:41.239
+and editors need to implement the same procotols
+00:01:41.240 --> 00:01:43.119
+to talk to the language servers
+00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:46.799
+in order to retrieve necessary information.
+00:01:46.800 --> 00:01:53.159
+Emacs has 2 LSP clients already, the lsp-mode and eglot,
+00:01:53.160 --> 00:01:57.319
+both implemented the protocols and both are very good.
+NOTE Why another LSP client?
+00:02:00.440 --> 00:02:03.199
+Now comes to the second question, of course,
+00:02:03.200 --> 00:02:09.519
+given lsp-mode and eglot, why another LSP client?
+00:02:09.520 --> 00:02:12.359
+I used to use lsp-mode all the time,
+00:02:12.360 --> 00:02:15.999
+I have to say I really appreciate Ivan Yonchovski
+00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:20.159
+and the team's efforts. Also, I'd like to congratuate eglot
+00:02:20.160 --> 00:02:27.439
+for making into Emacs 29! These are fantastic packages,
+00:02:27.440 --> 00:02:30.999
+they are very mature and robust.
+00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:31.000
+However, with all due respect, both of the implementation
+00:02:35.120 --> 00:02:36.719
+are fundamentally limited
+00:02:36.720 --> 00:02:39.639
+by the single-threaded nature of Emacs,
+00:02:39.640 --> 00:02:43.639
+it is neither the fault of lsp-mode nor eglot.
+00:02:46.000 --> 00:02:47.959
+Although in recent years there have been
+00:02:47.960 --> 00:02:51.799
+improvements to Emacs core such as native JSON support,
+00:02:51.800 --> 00:02:55.319
+there are still scenarios where Emacs clog
+00:02:55.320 --> 00:02:59.359
+for a brief second when processing large amounts of data,
+00:02:59.360 --> 00:03:03.399
+as Emacs is processing everything in the single thread.
+00:03:03.400 --> 00:03:08.439
+This problem is especially apparent in some LSP servers
+00:03:08.440 --> 00:03:11.839
+that feeds in tens of thousands of JSON data
+00:03:11.840 --> 00:03:15.199
+with every single key press.
+00:03:15.200 --> 00:03:17.559
+Additionally, the large amount of data
+00:03:17.560 --> 00:03:21.279
+sent by the LSP server, such as the completion candidates,
+00:03:21.280 --> 00:03:23.959
+the diagnostics and documentation,
+00:03:23.960 --> 00:03:27.359
+they are temporarily stored in the Emacs memory,
+00:03:27.360 --> 00:03:31.159
+which will trigger garbage collection very frequently,
+00:03:31.160 --> 00:03:34.159
+this also causes stuttering user experience.
+00:03:34.160 --> 00:03:37.279
+Increasing the gc-cons-threshold helps,
+00:03:37.280 --> 00:03:43.759
+but doesn't eliminate the problem.
+00:03:43.760 --> 00:03:45.559
+For something like the LSP,
+00:03:45.560 --> 00:03:48.319
+the language servers need time to compute,
+00:03:48.320 --> 00:03:52.359
+and Emacs needs capacity to process and filter
+00:03:52.360 --> 00:03:55.799
+all the data coming from the language servers.
+00:03:55.800 --> 00:03:59.399
+A large codebase project with a slow language server
+00:03:59.400 --> 00:04:02.439
+that sends tens of thousands of JSON
+00:04:02.440 --> 00:04:06.519
+will significantly increase the time needed to process it,
+00:04:06.520 --> 00:04:08.079
+when we don't have a multi-thread,
+00:04:08.080 --> 00:04:12.719
+the single thread originally allocated for perhaps,
+00:04:12.720 --> 00:04:17.279
+handling user input will be used to process all the data,
+00:04:17.280 --> 00:04:22.719
+and don't even talk about the garbage collection along the way.
+00:04:22.720 --> 00:04:26.239
+The unfortunate truth is that the size of the codebase
+00:04:26.240 --> 00:04:28.919
+and the efficiency of the language server
+00:04:28.920 --> 00:04:31.759
+is completely out of Emacs' control,
+00:04:31.760 --> 00:04:38.519
+it is also out of both the lsp-mode and eglot's control.
+00:04:38.520 --> 00:04:40.279
+If there's an LSP client
+00:04:40.280 --> 00:04:42.279
+that can completely eliminate stuttering
+00:04:42.280 --> 00:04:44.999
+and provide a seamless feedback,
+00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:50.279
+that would be great, isn't it?
+NOTE What is seamless input feedback?
+00:04:50.280 --> 00:04:53.839
+However, we're vaguely talking about speed right now,
+00:04:53.840 --> 00:04:56.399
+what is considered fast?
+00:04:56.400 --> 00:04:58.359
+What is considered seamless?
+00:04:58.360 --> 00:05:01.479
+What we really mean when we say
+00:05:01.480 --> 00:05:05.239
+the current LSP implementation is slow?
+00:05:05.240 --> 00:05:12.559
+Let's first look at the problem fundamentally.
+00:05:12.560 --> 00:05:17.679
+We interact with Emacs through a keyboard,
+00:05:17.680 --> 00:05:22.719
+so what we perceive as a fast and smooth feedback
+00:05:22.720 --> 00:05:25.999
+completely depends on how long it takes
+00:05:26.000 --> 00:05:29.359
+for a keyboard input to display on the Emacs buffer.
+00:05:29.360 --> 00:05:32.919
+From a pure graphical perspective,
+00:05:32.920 --> 00:05:36.519
+we need a minimum of 24 frames per second,
+00:05:36.520 --> 00:05:39.079
+the standard in the media industry,
+00:05:39.080 --> 00:05:42.359
+for us humans to perceive something as seamless.
+00:05:42.360 --> 00:05:46.999
+Say we need 25 frames per second, this means,
+00:05:47.000 --> 00:05:50.399
+if we divide 1000 milliseconds by 25,
+00:05:50.400 --> 00:05:54.759
+we only have approximately 40 millisecond window
+00:05:54.760 --> 00:05:57.919
+for the response time to spare.
+00:05:57.920 --> 00:06:01.679
+Even if we relax the constraint a bit more,
+00:06:01.680 --> 00:06:06.679
+on average a typist takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds
+00:06:06.680 --> 00:06:09.159
+between typing each character,
+00:06:09.160 --> 00:06:12.599
+so as long as we see a response within this timeframe,
+00:06:12.600 --> 00:06:19.559
+it is tolerable. However, using a slow language server
+00:06:19.560 --> 00:06:22.279
+on a large codebase easily exceeds
+00:06:22.280 --> 00:06:24.679
+the hundred millisecond mark,
+00:06:24.680 --> 00:06:27.479
+and sometimes takes more than 200 milliseconds,
+00:06:27.480 --> 00:06:32.039
+and inevitably will cause an inconsistent delay
+00:06:32.040 --> 00:06:33.199
+for the end user.
+00:06:33.200 --> 00:06:37.959
+At this point, someone might want to point out
+00:06:37.960 --> 00:06:41.079
+that nobody is gonna type at the maximum pace all the time.
+00:06:41.080 --> 00:06:45.039
+That's right, frankly speaking most of my time
+00:06:45.040 --> 00:06:47.639
+spent at programming is not writing code,
+00:06:47.640 --> 00:06:49.039
+but staring at the screen
+00:06:49.040 --> 00:06:51.279
+thinking about how to write the code.
+00:06:51.280 --> 00:06:55.599
+However, when we do actually type,
+00:06:55.600 --> 00:07:00.359
+maybe only a sentence, a variable name, a keyword,
+00:07:00.360 --> 00:07:03.039
+or just performing keybinding shortcuts,
+00:07:03.040 --> 00:07:08.479
+that's when we want to see our input feedback immediately.
+00:07:08.480 --> 00:07:10.479
+We've already spend so much time
+00:07:10.480 --> 00:07:12.159
+thinking about how to write,
+00:07:12.160 --> 00:07:16.479
+we don't want to waste any more time waiting for Emacs
+00:07:16.480 --> 00:07:19.559
+to process and show us what we've written
+00:07:19.560 --> 00:07:27.679
+half a second ago. Otherwise the frustration will build up.
+NOTE EAF showed a possibility
+00:07:28.400 --> 00:07:31.999
+In the past two years of EmacsConf, I've talked about
+00:07:32.000 --> 00:07:35.399
+the Emacs Application Framework, a project that extended
+00:07:35.400 --> 00:07:39.839
+Emacs Lisp to Python, Qt and JavaScript ecosystems.
+00:07:39.840 --> 00:07:43.759
+The EAF project specializes in improving
+00:07:43.760 --> 00:07:47.439
+the graphical and multimedia capabilities of Emacs
+00:07:47.440 --> 00:07:51.759
+through other languages, it was a great success.
+00:07:51.760 --> 00:07:55.759
+It demonstrated the endless possibilities of Emacs
+00:07:55.760 --> 00:08:00.159
+by embracing the strengths in other ecosystems.
+00:08:00.160 --> 00:08:04.239
+If anyone is interested for more information on EAF,
+00:08:04.240 --> 00:08:08.519
+please see the EAF repo and refer to my talks
+00:08:08.520 --> 00:08:12.959
+from EmacsConf2020 and 2021.
+00:08:12.960 --> 00:08:12.960
+00:08:12.960 --> 00:08:16.239
+The EAF project was created by Manatee Lazycat as well,
+00:08:16.240 --> 00:08:19.999
+so he thought if there is a way to design
+00:08:20.000 --> 00:08:22.759
+an LSP client similar to EAF
+00:08:22.760 --> 00:08:25.759
+that takes the advantage of Python's multi-threading,
+00:08:25.760 --> 00:08:27.839
+it will be able to solve our problem.
+00:08:27.840 --> 00:08:32.399
+Conveniently EAF had already done most of the ground work
+00:08:32.400 --> 00:08:34.359
+and demonstrated the possibility
+00:08:34.360 --> 00:08:42.159
+of cooperating Elisp and Python using the Emacs RPC effectively.
+NOTE LSP Bridge Objectives
+00:08:42.160 --> 00:08:45.039
+LSP Bridge has several goals in mind.
+00:08:45.040 --> 00:08:50.159
+Firstly, performance is the number one priority.
+00:08:50.160 --> 00:08:55.839
+Secondly, use Python multi-threading to bypass
+00:08:55.840 --> 00:08:59.239
+the aforementioned bottlenecks of a single-threaded Emacs.
+00:08:59.240 --> 00:09:04.519
+Thirdly, provide a simple solution that requires
+00:09:04.520 --> 00:09:07.519
+minimal setup for someone who just wants to have
+00:09:07.520 --> 00:09:10.079
+a fast autocomplete system in Emacs.
+00:09:10.080 --> 00:09:15.999
+This means, LSP Bridge does not intend
+00:09:16.000 --> 00:09:21.439
+and will not implement the entire LSP protocol,
+00:09:21.440 --> 00:09:23.639
+which is a vastly different approach
+00:09:23.640 --> 00:09:25.759
+than a solution like lsp-mode,
+00:09:25.760 --> 00:09:28.479
+we do not want to compete this way.
+00:09:28.480 --> 00:09:33.559
+We also believe some of the LSP Protocol features
+00:09:33.560 --> 00:09:37.759
+are unnecessary, or we already have better solutions
+00:09:37.760 --> 00:09:38.959
+in the Emacs ecosystem,
+00:09:38.960 --> 00:09:42.679
+such as tree-sitter for syntax highlighting.
+00:09:42.680 --> 00:09:44.959
+So we will not reinvent the wheel.
+00:09:44.960 --> 00:09:50.279
+Ultimately, we want to provide the fastest, butter-smooth
+00:09:50.280 --> 00:09:53.679
+and performant LSP client out of the box.
+NOTE Design.
+00:09:53.680 --> 00:09:54.560
+00:09:54.561 --> 00:10:01.239
+Now let's look at the design architecture diagram.
+00:10:01.240 --> 00:10:04.639
+As you can see, it is split into
+00:10:04.640 --> 00:10:07.079
+the top half and bottom half.
+00:10:07.080 --> 00:10:10.559
+The top is the design for a single file model,
+00:10:10.560 --> 00:10:13.359
+and the bottom half is for project model.
+00:10:13.360 --> 00:10:18.159
+We make this distinction because we don't want a new user
+00:10:18.160 --> 00:10:22.599
+to be troubled on choosing a project root directory
+00:10:22.600 --> 00:10:25.199
+as the first impression to LSP
+00:10:25.200 --> 00:10:27.279
+before even start writing code.
+00:10:27.280 --> 00:10:27.280
+00:10:27.280 --> 00:10:30.479
+From a new user's perspective,
+00:10:30.480 --> 00:10:32.959
+they've just installed this package,
+00:10:32.960 --> 00:10:35.159
+and all they are expecting
+00:10:35.160 --> 00:10:37.679
+is using a smart autocomplete system,
+00:10:37.680 --> 00:10:41.519
+what does root directory even mean in this context?
+00:10:41.520 --> 00:10:44.119
+So we make the decision for them
+00:10:44.120 --> 00:10:48.199
+based on whether this file is part of a git repository.
+00:10:48.200 --> 00:10:56.719
+Often times we write code in its own standalone file,
+00:10:56.720 --> 00:10:59.919
+this is extremely common for scripting languages
+00:10:59.920 --> 00:11:03.319
+like bash or python. So in the single file model,
+00:11:03.320 --> 00:11:07.159
+LSP Bridge will start a dedicated LSP server
+00:11:07.160 --> 00:11:10.319
+for this particular file based on file type,
+00:11:10.320 --> 00:11:13.479
+and every file corresponds to a LSP server,
+00:11:13.480 --> 00:11:17.839
+so each server doesn't interfere with one another.
+00:11:17.840 --> 00:11:23.719
+The project model will have every file of the same type
+00:11:23.720 --> 00:11:25.919
+under the same project share one server.
+00:11:25.920 --> 00:11:30.439
+We believe this is a positive trade-off for user experience.
+00:11:30.440 --> 00:11:30.440
+00:11:30.440 --> 00:11:36.599
+LSP Bridge internally implemented two main threads,
+00:11:36.600 --> 00:11:40.399
+one is the Request Thread, the other is Response Thread.
+00:11:40.400 --> 00:11:45.279
+The Request Thread is used to handle all the requests
+00:11:45.280 --> 00:11:48.679
+coming from Emacs, it does not answer immediately,
+00:11:48.680 --> 00:11:52.839
+this is important because Emacs doesn't need to wait
+00:11:52.840 --> 00:11:54.679
+for any response under any reason,
+00:11:54.680 --> 00:11:58.159
+even if the server is buggy or died out,
+00:11:58.160 --> 00:12:01.159
+it shouldn't matter to the performance of Emacs.
+00:12:01.160 --> 00:12:04.039
+The Response Thread is used to handle
+00:12:04.040 --> 00:12:06.559
+the response coming from LSP servers.
+00:12:06.560 --> 00:12:11.239
+After retrieving a response, regardless of the JSON size,
+00:12:11.240 --> 00:12:14.439
+it sends to its own thread for computation,
+00:12:14.440 --> 00:12:17.079
+such as candidate filtering and renaming.
+00:12:17.080 --> 00:12:19.999
+Once the computation is finished,
+00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:23.639
+it will determine if this information is expired,
+00:12:23.640 --> 00:12:26.399
+if not, then push it to Emacs.
+00:12:26.400 --> 00:12:26.400
+00:12:26.400 --> 00:12:31.559
+From the Emacs side, when it receives the LSP information,
+00:12:31.560 --> 00:12:34.639
+it only needs to determine the course of action,
+00:12:34.640 --> 00:12:39.159
+either popup completion, jump to definition,
+00:12:39.160 --> 00:12:44.799
+renaming action, or show references and show documentions.
+00:12:44.800 --> 00:12:49.119
+You see, from a user, all LSP Bridge doing
+00:12:49.120 --> 00:12:52.279
+is these 5 things, the user doesn't need to care about
+00:12:52.280 --> 00:12:54.559
+anything else like the complicated
+00:12:54.560 --> 00:12:56.479
+Language Server Protocols.
+00:12:56.480 --> 00:12:56.480
+00:12:56.480 --> 00:13:02.439
+Python side caches heavy data
+00:13:02.440 --> 00:13:06.279
+such as candidate documentation and diagnostics.
+00:13:06.280 --> 00:13:11.079
+We process as much server data as possible in Python,
+00:13:11.080 --> 00:13:15.759
+and only pass to Emacs as little data as possible
+00:13:15.760 --> 00:13:18.159
+so it doesn't clog the Emacs thread
+00:13:18.160 --> 00:13:19.799
+and triggers garbage collection.
+00:13:19.800 --> 00:13:19.800
+00:13:19.800 --> 00:13:24.319
+This design is critical, because all Emacs needs to do
+00:13:24.320 --> 00:13:27.039
+is sending LSP requests to LSP Bridge,
+00:13:27.040 --> 00:13:29.439
+it doesn't wait for a response,
+00:13:29.440 --> 00:13:32.999
+it simply knows what to do *when* there is a response.
+00:13:33.000 --> 00:13:37.159
+So the user's input immediately displays on the buffer
+00:13:37.160 --> 00:13:39.559
+well within the 40 millisecond window,
+00:13:39.560 --> 00:13:45.199
+and in the mean time, the user can continue to type
+00:13:45.200 --> 00:13:48.199
+if he doesn't need the help from LSP right away,
+00:13:48.200 --> 00:13:51.279
+it fundamentally resolves the stuttering problem.
+NOTE ACM - Asynchronous Completion Menu
+00:13:51.280 --> 00:13:59.079
+Now I want to talk about acm-mode,
+00:13:59.080 --> 00:14:09.599
+which stands for asynchronous completion menu,
+00:14:09.600 --> 00:14:12.479
+it is a completion framework
+00:14:12.480 --> 00:14:15.039
+that currently bundled with LSP Bridge
+00:14:15.040 --> 00:14:17.279
+designed to accomodate for
+00:14:17.280 --> 00:14:20.399
+the asynchronous nature of LSP servers.
+00:14:20.400 --> 00:14:26.919
+It is a replacement for the built-in capf,
+00:14:26.920 --> 00:14:30.359
+short for completion-at-point-functions,
+00:14:30.360 --> 00:14:32.519
+used in almost everywhere
+00:14:32.520 --> 00:14:35.759
+including company-mode and corfu-mode.
+00:14:35.760 --> 00:14:40.839
+Yes, we unfortunately reinvented a very fundamental wheel.
+00:14:40.840 --> 00:14:44.279
+No, it wasn't an easy decision.
+00:14:44.280 --> 00:14:47.879
+However we still believe it's worth it.
+00:14:47.880 --> 00:14:53.359
+LSP Bridge initially used company-mode,
+00:14:53.360 --> 00:14:56.119
+then moved on to corfu-mode for a while,
+00:14:56.120 --> 00:14:58.999
+but eventually Lazycat determined
+00:14:59.000 --> 00:15:00.719
+that it is much more painful to write
+00:15:00.720 --> 00:15:05.679
+a lot of workaround code to force LSP Bridge
+00:15:05.680 --> 00:15:09.959
+to handle capf nicely than to just fork Corfu,
+00:15:09.960 --> 00:15:11.999
+remove all the capf code,
+00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:15.239
+and write a new completion framework from the remainings.
+00:15:15.240 --> 00:15:15.240
+00:15:15.240 --> 00:15:20.719
+Performance wise, capf requires Emacs to store
+00:15:20.720 --> 00:15:23.119
+the entire candidate list
+00:15:23.120 --> 00:15:27.159
+when looking up candidate annotations.
+00:15:27.160 --> 00:15:30.639
+It needs to search through the entire candidate list first,
+00:15:30.640 --> 00:15:32.599
+then use the candidate as a key
+00:15:32.600 --> 00:15:34.799
+to search for the actual information.
+00:15:34.800 --> 00:15:38.919
+This entire process will be repeated every time
+00:15:38.920 --> 00:15:40.679
+when drawing the completion menu.
+00:15:40.680 --> 00:15:45.199
+This is truly intensive computing task for Emacs to handle.
+00:15:45.200 --> 00:15:50.519
+On top of that, the existing capf frameworks assume
+00:15:50.520 --> 00:15:54.279
+the candidate list, which is retrieved from the LSP server,
+00:15:54.280 --> 00:15:56.839
+to be ready and finalized in place
+00:15:56.840 --> 00:15:58.719
+when the completion popup occurred.
+00:15:58.720 --> 00:16:02.119
+However given the design of LSP Bridge,
+00:16:02.120 --> 00:16:05.919
+Emacs will not sit there and wait for the server response,
+00:16:05.920 --> 00:16:10.439
+instead the Response Thread may feed Emacs data
+00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:14.919
+whenever it's ready. This makes capf almost impossible
+00:16:14.920 --> 00:16:21.919
+to form a finalized candidate list during popup.
+00:16:21.920 --> 00:16:21.920
+00:16:21.920 --> 00:16:26.079
+The complete reasons regarding why capf is incompatible
+00:16:26.080 --> 00:16:28.679
+with the asynchronous nature of LSP servers
+00:16:28.680 --> 00:16:32.479
+are very complicated and deserves its own talk.
+00:16:32.480 --> 00:16:37.079
+Lazycat wrote an entire blog post detailing his reasonings,
+00:16:37.080 --> 00:16:40.999
+while Corfu's author Daniel Mendler a.k.a minad
+00:16:41.000 --> 00:16:44.239
+also done his own investigations and experiments,
+00:16:44.240 --> 00:16:47.239
+and reached a common conclusion.
+00:16:47.240 --> 00:16:50.919
+For anyone interested, I've pasted the links
+00:16:50.920 --> 00:16:52.759
+to the corresponding posts here.
+00:16:52.760 --> 00:16:57.399
+Therefore, keep in mind that LSP Bridge
+00:16:57.400 --> 00:16:59.919
+can only use acm-mode to work nicely,
+00:16:59.920 --> 00:17:03.359
+so please disable other completion frameworks
+00:17:03.360 --> 00:17:07.159
+like company and corfu before trying LSP Bridge.
+NOTE LSP Bridge + ACM -> Multi-Backend Completion Framework
+00:17:07.160 --> 00:17:14.919
+By designing ACM with asynchronous server response in mind,
+00:17:14.920 --> 00:17:18.759
+this unlocks LSP Bridge project's potential
+00:17:18.760 --> 00:17:22.199
+to provide completions from almost any backends.
+00:17:22.200 --> 00:17:25.679
+ACM has blended all the backends together,
+00:17:25.680 --> 00:17:28.799
+and configured a priority to display
+00:17:28.800 --> 00:17:32.839
+important completion results like LSP before other backends.
+00:17:32.840 --> 00:17:38.559
+It can autocomplete LSP, TabNine, Elisp symbols, yasnippets,
+00:17:38.560 --> 00:17:41.039
+even English dictionaries and much more.
+00:17:41.040 --> 00:17:43.959
+As long as you have the backends installed,
+00:17:43.960 --> 00:17:46.319
+they all work out-of-the-box!
+NOTE Today and future. Join us!
+00:17:46.320 --> 00:17:55.239
+Although LSP Bridge is a relatively new package
+00:17:55.240 --> 00:18:00.039
+with just over 7 months old, it is already a success!
+00:18:00.040 --> 00:18:06.599
+As of December of 2022, we have 67 contributors
+00:18:06.600 --> 00:18:08.439
+making more than 1000 commits,
+00:18:08.440 --> 00:18:12.679
+and we reached more than 600 stars on Github!
+00:18:12.680 --> 00:18:16.359
+LSP Bridge is easily extensible,
+00:18:16.360 --> 00:18:18.879
+developing a new language backend is very simple too,
+00:18:18.880 --> 00:18:20.639
+feel free to join us!
+00:18:20.640 --> 00:18:25.599
+LSP Bridge is another successful example
+00:18:25.600 --> 00:18:29.919
+of extending Emacs Lisp with Python, and just like EAF,
+00:18:29.920 --> 00:18:33.639
+it demonstrated the potential Emacs can achieve
+00:18:33.640 --> 00:18:37.039
+when we jump out of the Lisp-only world
+00:18:37.040 --> 00:18:39.199
+and embrace other ecosystems.
+00:18:39.200 --> 00:18:43.479
+Recently Lazycat created a package called blink-search
+00:18:43.480 --> 00:18:45.679
+that leveraged similar ideas
+00:18:45.680 --> 00:18:48.919
+but an asynchronous search framework,
+00:18:48.920 --> 00:18:51.239
+as well as a package called deno-bridge
+00:18:51.240 --> 00:18:53.119
+that extended Emacs Lisp
+00:18:53.120 --> 00:18:56.439
+with Deno JavaScript TypeScript runtimes.
+00:18:56.440 --> 00:18:57.559
+Please check it out,
+00:18:57.560 --> 00:19:05.199
+if consider joining the development too!
+NOTE Thanks
+00:19:05.200 --> 00:19:08.599
+This is the entirety of my presentation, thanks for joining!
+00:19:08.600 --> 00:19:11.319
+Me and Lazycat will be available
+00:19:11.320 --> 00:19:20.240
+to answer questions on IRC and Etherpad.
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index 00000000..2fc69a17
--- /dev/null
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+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+NOTE General and Development tracks
+#+OUTPUT: /home/sacha/proj/emacsconf/emacsconf-2022-sat-open--opening-remarks--main.webm
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.519
+Welcome to EmacsConf 2022, where we get to find out
+00:00:03.520 --> 00:00:06.239
+just how crazy a text editor can get.
+00:00:06.240 --> 00:00:08.319
+There were so many interesting talks
+00:00:08.320 --> 00:00:11.319
+that we couldn't figure out how to fit them in two days,
+00:00:11.320 --> 00:00:14.119
+so this year we're experimenting with having two tracks.
+00:00:14.120 --> 00:00:16.119
+There's a General track and a Development track,
+00:00:16.120 --> 00:00:17.959
+but really, you'll probably find
+00:00:17.960 --> 00:00:19.599
+interesting things on both tracks
+00:00:19.600 --> 00:00:22.159
+no matter what your level of experience is,
+00:00:22.160 --> 00:00:25.079
+so don't feel limited to one or the other.
+00:00:25.080 --> 00:00:26.999
+If we all figure out this track thing together,
+00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:29.879
+that could mean being able to have even more Emacs talks
+00:00:29.880 --> 00:00:32.839
+next year, so let's give it a try!
+NOTE Conversations
+00:00:32.840 --> 00:00:35.719
+The best parts of EmacsConf are the conversations.
+00:00:35.720 --> 00:00:38.279
+The wiki has a page on how to watch and participate,
+00:00:38.280 --> 00:00:40.839
+and I'll give you a quick overview as well.
+00:00:40.840 --> 00:00:43.999
+You can watch both streams at
+00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:46.279
+using free and open source software.
+00:00:46.280 --> 00:00:48.199
+The schedule shows the General track on top
+00:00:48.200 --> 00:00:49.959
+and the Development track on the bottom,
+00:00:49.960 --> 00:00:52.159
+so you can see what else is going on.
+00:00:52.160 --> 00:00:54.559
+The track pages have quick shortcuts so that you can
+00:00:54.560 --> 00:00:57.359
+find out more about talks, open the Etherpads,
+00:00:57.360 --> 00:01:00.799
+and join the Q&A sessions. The watch page has more tips
+00:01:00.800 --> 00:01:02.119
+on how to make the most of Q&A.
+NOTE Etherpad
+00:01:02.120 --> 00:01:05.759
+If you can, please add notes and ask questions
+00:01:05.760 --> 00:01:08.519
+in the Etherpad for the talk. That makes it easier
+00:01:08.520 --> 00:01:10.079
+for everyone to share their notes,
+00:01:10.080 --> 00:01:13.119
+and speakers and hosts can read the questions from there.
+00:01:13.120 --> 00:01:16.039
+We'll copy the notes to the talk pages afterwards.
+00:01:16.040 --> 00:01:18.319
+We have one pad for each talk this year,
+00:01:18.320 --> 00:01:20.919
+so you can follow the links to get to the next one
+00:01:20.920 --> 00:01:23.959
+or go back to the schedule and get the link from there.
+00:01:23.960 --> 00:01:25.599
+If you have general feedback about
+00:01:25.600 --> 00:01:27.759
+the conference itself, please put it in
+00:01:27.760 --> 00:01:30.679 .
+NOTE Internet Relay Chat
+00:01:31.600 --> 00:01:34.479
+Internet Relay Chat or IRC can be another great way
+00:01:34.480 --> 00:01:37.279
+to be part of lots of conversations.
+00:01:37.280 --> 00:01:40.319
+You can use to join the IRC channels
+00:01:40.320 --> 00:01:43.199
+through your web browser. The tabs on the left can help you
+00:01:43.200 --> 00:01:45.239
+switch between the different channels.
+00:01:45.240 --> 00:01:47.719
+There's #emacsconf-gen for the General track
+00:01:47.720 --> 00:01:50.239
+and #emacsconf-dev for the Development track.
+00:01:50.240 --> 00:01:53.439
+If you need to reach us, you can join #emacsconf-org
+00:01:53.440 --> 00:01:57.879
+or e-mail
+00:01:57.880 --> 00:02:01.359
+You can use #emacsconf for hallway conversations.
+NOTE Accessibility and open captions
+00:02:01.360 --> 00:02:03.919
+Once again, we're going to be streaming with open captions
+00:02:03.920 --> 00:02:06.639
+for most of the talks this year, thanks to our speakers and
+00:02:06.640 --> 00:02:09.919
+captioning volunteers. The captioned talks are indicated
+00:02:09.920 --> 00:02:12.519
+on the schedule, and with any luck, we'll be posting
+00:02:12.520 --> 00:02:16.119
+transcripts on talk pages shortly after the talks start.
+00:02:16.120 --> 00:02:18.919
+If you need additional accommodations, please let us know
+00:02:18.920 --> 00:02:20.319
+in #emacsconf-org and we'll see
+00:02:20.320 --> 00:02:22.439
+if we can make things happen.
+NOTE, #emacsconf-org
+00:02:22.440 --> 00:02:26.319
+If something goes down, we'll update
+00:02:26.320 --> 00:02:27.799
+If it doesn't look like we've noticed yet,
+00:02:27.800 --> 00:02:31.599
+please let us know in the #emacsconf-org IRC channel,
+00:02:31.600 --> 00:02:34.519
+where we will be quietly panicking.
+NOTE Guidelines for conduct
+00:02:34.520 --> 00:02:36.959
+In all of these conversations, please keep in mind
+00:02:36.960 --> 00:02:39.759
+our guidelines for conduct. You can find them on the wiki,
+00:02:39.760 --> 00:02:42.959
+and they basically boil down to: please be nice. Thank you!
+NOTE Recordings
+00:02:42.960 --> 00:02:47.519
+We'll be posting the prerecorded videos as soon as possible.
+00:02:47.520 --> 00:02:50.039
+Assuming things go well, you might be able to check out
+00:02:50.040 --> 00:02:52.719
+quick replays on the Toobnix channel, which you can
+00:02:52.720 --> 00:02:55.679
+find on the watch page in the wiki. We'll post the live
+00:02:55.680 --> 00:02:58.759
+talks and Q&A sessions some time after the conference.
+00:02:58.760 --> 00:03:01.799
+If you'd like to get an update, you can subscribe to
+00:03:01.800 --> 00:03:05.359
+the emacsconf-discuss mailing list.
+NOTE Let's have fun
+00:03:05.360 --> 00:03:06.599
+All right, let's get going.
+00:03:06.600 --> 00:03:09.639
+Leo Vivier is going to be hosting the general track,
+00:03:09.640 --> 00:03:12.399
+and Amin Bandali will host the development track.
+00:03:12.400 --> 00:03:15.319
+The other volunteers and I will run around mostly backstage,
+00:03:15.320 --> 00:03:18.159
+and you'll probably meet us in the closing remarks.
+00:03:18.160 --> 00:03:20.720
+Let's have fun at EmacsConf 2022!
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+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-school--back-to-school-with-emacs--daniel-rosel--main.vtt
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+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.879
+Taking notes on a computer can be challenging,
+00:00:04.880 --> 00:00:08.279
+especially if you compare computer notes
+00:00:08.280 --> 00:00:11.959
+with handwritten notes. When you're handwriting,
+00:00:11.960 --> 00:00:16.159
+you don't focus as much on taking those notes.
+00:00:16.160 --> 00:00:19.559
+Well, you don't focus as much on *how* you take the notes,
+00:00:19.560 --> 00:00:24.119
+you more so focus on what you're taking.
+00:00:24.120 --> 00:00:27.719
+You don't get that same experience
+00:00:27.720 --> 00:00:30.519
+if you're writing your notes on a computer.
+00:00:30.520 --> 00:00:32.119
+When writing notes on a computer,
+00:00:32.120 --> 00:00:38.439
+you mostly focus on typing or alignment.
+00:00:38.440 --> 00:00:42.159
+Those are things that are kind of solved already
+00:00:42.160 --> 00:00:45.359
+by certain software such as Org Mode,
+00:00:45.360 --> 00:00:48.599
+which is fantastic when it comes to note-taking,
+00:00:48.600 --> 00:00:51.919
+but I still believe it could be much better.
+NOTE Packages: Lectorg, Reorg, HBH
+00:00:51.920 --> 00:00:56.639
+That's why I've developed the package called Lectorg.
+00:00:56.640 --> 00:01:01.799
+It's a collection of scripts and snippets which allow you
+00:01:01.800 --> 00:01:04.959
+to improve your note-taking experience on the computer,
+00:01:04.960 --> 00:01:09.919
+of course, making you more focused on the subject
+00:01:09.920 --> 00:01:14.439
+rather than the process of taking notes.
+00:01:14.440 --> 00:01:16.559
+So why use Emacs? Well, again,
+00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:18.719
+if compared with other software,
+00:01:18.720 --> 00:01:21.799
+it has a lot more customizability
+00:01:21.800 --> 00:01:24.679
+and it can also unify pretty much anything you need
+00:01:24.680 --> 00:01:31.079
+in student life or work life into one place.
+00:01:31.080 --> 00:01:35.639
+The problems that Lectorg solves are kind of,
+00:01:35.640 --> 00:01:37.879
+as I mentioned, already solved partially
+00:01:37.880 --> 00:01:40.479
+by Org Mode itself.
+00:01:40.480 --> 00:01:44.599
+What I've done is simply make a bunch of additions
+00:01:44.600 --> 00:01:47.359
+to Org Mode through an external package,
+00:01:47.360 --> 00:01:51.279
+but I've also developed other sub-modules,
+00:01:51.280 --> 00:01:54.439
+one of them being HBH, which allows me
+00:01:54.440 --> 00:02:01.399
+to easily plan out my days HBH, hour by hour,
+00:02:01.400 --> 00:02:04.679
+therefore I can plan out my days on an hourly basis
+00:02:04.680 --> 00:02:09.439
+practically. But I've also built something called Reorg
+00:02:09.440 --> 00:02:11.999
+which, for those of you that are familiar
+00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:14.599
+with the Remarkable tablet, allows you
+00:02:14.600 --> 00:02:19.999
+to integrate notes from your Remarkable into Emacs--
+00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:22.439
+into your Org Mode notes basically.
+00:02:22.440 --> 00:02:25.199
+Now I believe there's already another talk on integrating
+00:02:25.200 --> 00:02:26.919
+handwritten notes into Emacs,
+00:02:26.920 --> 00:02:30.679
+so I won't get too much into that.
+NOTE Org Mode
+00:02:30.680 --> 00:02:36.079
+So again, at the heart of Lectorg is Org Mode,
+00:02:36.080 --> 00:02:38.479
+which for those of you that might not be familiar,
+00:02:38.480 --> 00:02:43.759
+Org Mode is one of the best pieces of software
+00:02:43.760 --> 00:02:49.039
+when it comes to basically capturing any sort of text,
+00:02:49.040 --> 00:02:51.559
+managing that text, exporting it
+00:02:51.560 --> 00:02:53.959
+into various different formats,
+00:02:53.960 --> 00:02:57.279
+which is perfect for taking notes
+00:02:57.280 --> 00:02:59.399
+because you can either export them,
+00:02:59.400 --> 00:03:02.119
+take them on the go if you don't have access
+00:03:02.120 --> 00:03:03.879
+to your computer all the time,
+00:03:03.880 --> 00:03:05.839
+or you can share them with friends, which...
+00:03:05.840 --> 00:03:11.359
+Well, that is somewhat self-explanatory
+00:03:11.360 --> 00:03:14.919
+in how that can help you or others.
+NOTE The ecosystem of Lectorg: Elisp and Python
+00:03:14.920 --> 00:03:16.559
+Now the ecosystem of Lectorg,
+00:03:16.560 --> 00:03:21.719
+it's a bit chaotic as of right now. It's a package itself,
+00:03:21.720 --> 00:03:25.759
+Lectorg.el, which also partially relies on
+00:03:25.760 --> 00:03:27.759
+a collection of Python scripts
+00:03:27.760 --> 00:03:30.039
+as I didn't have that much time
+00:03:30.040 --> 00:03:34.119
+to develop the software strictly in Elisp,
+00:03:34.120 --> 00:03:37.599
+but it still gets the job done,
+00:03:37.600 --> 00:03:43.719
+and I believe that there is no speed hindrance.
+00:03:43.720 --> 00:03:46.519
+Now to further improve Lectorg,
+00:03:46.520 --> 00:03:49.279
+I'd love to ask for your help
+00:03:49.280 --> 00:03:53.079
+if you have encountered any sort of issue
+00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:56.839
+when it comes to note-taking or academics in general,
+00:03:56.840 --> 00:03:59.759
+I would love to integrate your solution
+00:03:59.760 --> 00:04:04.399
+(or if you don't have one, we can come up with one)
+00:04:04.400 --> 00:04:07.519
+into Lectorg. Also, if anyone would be willing
+00:04:07.520 --> 00:04:13.439
+to transcribe those Python scripts
+00:04:13.440 --> 00:04:18.679
+into a more Lisp approach, then that'd be fabulous.
+NOTE How Lectorg works
+00:04:18.680 --> 00:04:24.319
+So let's look at how Lectorg works in practice.
+00:04:24.320 --> 00:04:26.039
+We'll look at two examples,
+00:04:26.040 --> 00:04:28.319
+one of taking notes for math
+00:04:28.320 --> 00:04:33.319
+and the other for business, I believe.
+00:04:33.320 --> 00:04:36.039
+Now I have to mention that all of the things
+00:04:36.040 --> 00:04:38.279
+that I do in that example
+00:04:38.280 --> 00:04:43.919
+do not cover all the functions and features of Lectorg.
+00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:49.159
+There is decent documentation on the Lectorg GitLab page,
+NOTE Math
+00:04:49.160 --> 00:04:57.519
+so do check that out for further reference.
+00:04:57.520 --> 00:04:59.319
+For our first example, we're going to start off
+00:04:59.320 --> 00:05:04.239
+with taking notes for statistics. Now what I'm doing here
+00:05:04.240 --> 00:05:06.479
+is opening Lectorg Hub, which allows me
+00:05:06.480 --> 00:05:10.879
+to associate certain resources with this particular course.
+00:05:10.880 --> 00:05:15.679
+Here, I've opened the book which I have associated
+00:05:15.680 --> 00:05:19.319
+with this course, and I'm going to go ahead
+00:05:19.320 --> 00:05:22.519
+and start taking some notes
+00:05:22.520 --> 00:05:26.639
+on the cumulative distribution function here.
+00:05:26.640 --> 00:05:29.999
+Now what OrgMode allows you to do
+00:05:30.000 --> 00:05:34.599
+is integrate LaTeX into regular text quite easily,
+00:05:34.600 --> 00:05:38.239
+preview it, and then later export it.
+00:05:38.240 --> 00:05:48.599
+Now here we can see the first usage of a snippet !m,
+00:05:48.600 --> 00:05:59.639
+which inserts a block for entering a LaTeX equation.
+00:05:59.640 --> 00:06:00.839
+What I'm trying to do here
+00:06:00.840 --> 00:06:04.999
+is take a screenshot of the figures in the book,
+00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:10.679
+which is done with org-download (not a part of Lectorg,
+00:06:10.680 --> 00:06:15.799
+but a very useful tool). Now that is it for math.
+NOTE Business
+00:06:15.800 --> 00:06:18.039
+Let's look at something a bit different.
+00:06:18.040 --> 00:06:20.199
+We're going to take a look at business,
+00:06:20.200 --> 00:06:24.519
+more specifically, taking notes on the product lifecycle.
+00:06:24.520 --> 00:06:27.559
+Here on the left, I have certain notes from class
+00:06:27.560 --> 00:06:31.079
+which are not complete.
+00:06:31.080 --> 00:06:34.679
+As you can see at the top, there's a comment
+00:06:34.680 --> 00:06:42.719
+also done using Lectorg which puts this file into a TODO
+00:06:42.720 --> 00:06:46.719
+so that I can get back to it whenever I want
+00:06:46.720 --> 00:06:48.879
+or schedule this TODO.
+00:06:48.880 --> 00:06:54.439
+Now I'm taking notes on a video lecture,
+00:06:54.440 --> 00:07:07.639
+which I've opened, again, through Lectorg hub.
+00:07:07.640 --> 00:07:09.759
+As you can see right now, I'm inserting
+00:07:09.760 --> 00:07:12.479
+another snippet for Plantuml,
+00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:15.319
+which immediately exports it to a file,
+00:07:15.320 --> 00:07:19.799
+and again I'm going to be using org-download here
+00:07:19.800 --> 00:07:25.759
+to insert another figure at the top.
+NOTE Conclusion
+00:07:25.760 --> 00:07:33.359
+I hope this demonstration was useful.
+00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:35.599
+Once again, it did not demonstrate everything.
+00:07:35.600 --> 00:07:37.839
+You can find more on GitLab.
+00:07:37.840 --> 00:07:44.399
+I hope some of you might consider using Lectorg
+00:07:44.400 --> 00:07:46.839
+in your academic life or perhaps even
+00:07:46.840 --> 00:07:51.319
+in some areas of business. I believe that is
+00:07:51.320 --> 00:07:53.759
+everything I have to demonstrate for today.
+00:07:53.760 --> 00:07:57.439
+Thank you for listening to this talk,
+00:07:57.440 --> 00:08:08.480
+have a nice rest of the day.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-science--writing-and-organizing-literature-notes-for-scientific-writing--vidianos--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-science--writing-and-organizing-literature-notes-for-scientific-writing--vidianos--main.vtt
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+WEBVTT captioned by hannah
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.039
+Hello everyone, I'm Vidianos.
+00:00:02.040 --> 00:00:03.079
+Today I'm going to show you
+00:00:03.080 --> 00:00:04.079
+how I write and organize
+00:00:04.080 --> 00:00:06.439
+my literature notes using Emacs.
+00:00:06.440 --> 00:00:08.719
+I take my notes using Zettelkasten,
+00:00:08.720 --> 00:00:11.079
+which you may or may not have heard.
+00:00:11.080 --> 00:00:13.839
+It is about taking small atomic notes
+00:00:13.840 --> 00:00:14.999
+and linking them one another
+00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:17.599
+to create your so-called second brain.
+00:00:17.600 --> 00:00:19.159
+Here is mine.
+00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:20.719
+This is a graph of all the notes
+00:00:20.720 --> 00:00:22.879
+I have accumulated the last few years.
+00:00:22.880 --> 00:00:25.199
+It has various types of notes,
+00:00:25.200 --> 00:00:25.959
+but we're mainly going to focus on
+00:00:25.960 --> 00:00:28.319
+literature notes today.
+00:00:28.320 --> 00:00:29.639
+Here are the contents of my talk.
+00:00:29.640 --> 00:00:30.439
+We're going to start
+00:00:30.440 --> 00:00:31.919
+with bibliography management,
+00:00:31.920 --> 00:00:33.319
+which is how I take bibliography
+00:00:33.320 --> 00:00:35.959
+from the web and import it to Emacs.
+00:00:35.960 --> 00:00:37.079
+Then we're going to talk about
+00:00:37.080 --> 00:00:38.879
+how I create literature notes
+00:00:38.880 --> 00:00:42.759
+using a custom org-roam-bibtex template I have.
+00:00:42.760 --> 00:00:43.919
+And after talking about that,
+00:00:43.920 --> 00:00:46.359
+we can talk about how I write literature notes,
+00:00:46.360 --> 00:00:48.239
+which is through annotating an article
+00:00:48.240 --> 00:00:51.319
+using org-noter. Org-noter is a package
+00:00:51.320 --> 00:00:53.439
+that allows you to annotate PDFs
+00:00:53.440 --> 00:00:54.999
+using the Org format
+00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:59.559
+and creates a supplementary Org file to your PDF.
+00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:00.879
+Then we're going to talk about
+00:01:00.880 --> 00:01:03.519
+adding the literature to your Zettelkasten,
+00:01:03.520 --> 00:01:06.279
+which is a simple but important topic,
+00:01:06.280 --> 00:01:08.599
+and how you can write permanent notes
+00:01:08.600 --> 00:01:11.719
+based on the info you obtain from this literature.
+00:01:11.720 --> 00:01:13.319
+Lastly, we're going to focus on
+00:01:13.320 --> 00:01:14.999
+the organization problem
+00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:17.719
+one might find when having a lot of literature
+00:01:17.720 --> 00:01:21.439
+for an assignment or an article or something,
+00:01:21.440 --> 00:01:22.959
+and how I have tried to solve this
+00:01:22.960 --> 00:01:24.839
+with my package Zetteldesk.
+00:01:24.840 --> 00:01:26.359
+This isn't the perfect solution,
+00:01:26.360 --> 00:01:29.799
+but it is what I have, and I really like it.
+00:01:29.800 --> 00:01:30.839
+Finally, we're going to talk about
+00:01:30.840 --> 00:01:33.559
+how to compose the final article
+00:01:33.560 --> 00:01:35.199
+that you want to produce
+00:01:35.200 --> 00:01:36.799
+using this literature
+00:01:36.800 --> 00:01:38.639
+with the technique described
+00:01:38.640 --> 00:01:40.559
+in the rest of this talk.
+00:01:40.560 --> 00:01:42.239
+So let's begin the talk
+00:01:42.240 --> 00:01:44.239
+with bibliography management.
+00:01:44.240 --> 00:01:47.239
+Zotero is the bibliography manager I use.
+00:01:47.240 --> 00:01:49.399
+It is very simple to store articles with it,
+00:01:49.400 --> 00:01:50.679
+and it exports to .bib,
+00:01:50.680 --> 00:01:52.079
+integrating with packages
+00:01:52.080 --> 00:01:54.959
+such as org-roam-bibtex and ivy-bibtex.
+00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:56.679
+When researching, I typically find
+00:01:56.680 --> 00:02:00.039
+a long list of articles from a search engine.
+00:02:00.040 --> 00:02:03.439
+I open the titles which have interesting titles
+00:02:03.440 --> 00:02:05.039
+through their abstracts
+00:02:05.040 --> 00:02:07.799
+and save to Zotero those whose abstracts
+00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:10.319
+are the most relevant to what I want.
+00:02:10.320 --> 00:02:11.799
+From these articles,
+00:02:11.800 --> 00:02:13.359
+I typically won't read all of them
+00:02:13.360 --> 00:02:14.519
+because they're a lot,
+00:02:14.520 --> 00:02:17.759
+but I will select a few,
+00:02:17.760 --> 00:02:21.639
+once I have collected as many as I want.
+00:02:21.640 --> 00:02:24.079
+Zotero acts as a way to store everything
+00:02:24.080 --> 00:02:25.479
+that might be interesting,
+00:02:25.480 --> 00:02:28.519
+while Emacs and my Zettelkasten
+00:02:28.520 --> 00:02:30.959
+stores everything that is definitely interesting,
+00:02:30.960 --> 00:02:35.199
+and I have read it already.
+00:02:35.200 --> 00:02:36.359
+And then we can move to
+00:02:36.360 --> 00:02:38.559
+how I create literature notes.
+00:02:38.560 --> 00:02:41.119
+I set the default action of ivy-bibtex
+00:02:41.120 --> 00:02:43.599
+to ivy-bibtex-edit-notes,
+00:02:43.600 --> 00:02:44.919
+which will prompt-- which
+00:02:44.920 --> 00:02:46.479
+with org-roam-bibtex-mode active,
+00:02:46.480 --> 00:02:48.839
+prompts you for an org-capture template
+00:02:48.840 --> 00:02:50.799
+when selecting something
+00:02:50.800 --> 00:02:52.319
+if the node doesn't exist,
+00:02:52.320 --> 00:02:54.959
+or takes you to the existing node.
+00:02:54.960 --> 00:02:58.439
+And obviously you need to have this here,
+00:02:58.440 --> 00:03:00.799
+to set the default action
+00:03:00.800 --> 00:03:02.599
+that was already there
+00:03:02.600 --> 00:03:04.959
+to a letter.
+00:03:04.960 --> 00:03:08.039
+Then we can move to my org-roam reference template,
+00:03:08.040 --> 00:03:11.159
+using org-roam-bibtex.
+00:03:11.160 --> 00:03:12.439
+This isn't so complicated,
+00:03:12.440 --> 00:03:14.119
+but it has some important stuff
+00:03:14.120 --> 00:03:14.879
+I want to highlight.
+00:03:14.880 --> 00:03:17.399
+Save it to the ref directory,
+00:03:17.400 --> 00:03:19.719
+so I can remember where it is,
+00:03:19.720 --> 00:03:23.559
+and it's classified as a literature note.
+00:03:23.560 --> 00:03:25.119
+The file name is the cite key,
+00:03:25.120 --> 00:03:27.759
+which is easy and small,
+00:03:27.760 --> 00:03:30.079
+but the title is the actual article's title.
+00:03:30.080 --> 00:03:32.319
+Give it a tag of the entry-type;
+00:03:32.320 --> 00:03:35.039
+this is typically "article,"
+00:03:35.040 --> 00:03:37.479
+but it's easy to sort things this way
+00:03:37.480 --> 00:03:41.399
+because not all literature notes are articles.
+00:03:41.400 --> 00:03:43.159
+And then give the keywords
+00:03:43.160 --> 00:03:47.359
+that are given by Zotero, because why not?
+00:03:47.360 --> 00:03:51.479
+Tags here are tags from Zettelkasten.
+00:03:51.480 --> 00:03:53.639
+These are the links to
+00:03:53.640 --> 00:03:55.359
+other files which are relevant,
+00:03:55.360 --> 00:03:58.079
+but its initialization is empty, obviously.
+00:03:58.080 --> 00:03:59.839
+And then this heading is where
+00:03:59.840 --> 00:04:00.839
+all the magic happens.
+00:04:00.840 --> 00:04:04.719
+The name is just not really so relevant;
+00:04:04.720 --> 00:04:07.559
+I just needed something that made sense.
+00:04:07.560 --> 00:04:10.399
+The properties are what matters,
+00:04:10.400 --> 00:04:12.239
+and mainly this one here.
+00:04:12.240 --> 00:04:18.879
+The ${file} attribute finds
+00:04:18.880 --> 00:04:24.799
+the file of this specific literature
+00:04:24.800 --> 00:04:27.519
+and makes sure that org-noter works
+00:04:27.520 --> 00:04:29.639
+by default here.
+00:04:29.640 --> 00:04:32.559
+As I'm going to show you in a moment,
+00:04:32.560 --> 00:04:34.599
+this way [of] initializing the literature note,
+00:04:34.600 --> 00:04:36.999
+org-noter works by default.
+00:04:37.000 --> 00:04:40.159
+That's all, basically, for the template.
+00:04:40.160 --> 00:04:42.759
+This is the point of the talk
+00:04:42.760 --> 00:04:44.039
+where we reach the first demo.
+00:04:44.040 --> 00:04:47.079
+This is about opening ivy-bibtex,
+00:04:47.080 --> 00:04:50.239
+selecting an article I want to annotate,
+00:04:50.240 --> 00:04:52.999
+initializing the literature note.
+00:04:53.000 --> 00:04:54.999
+We can see that everything
+00:04:55.000 --> 00:04:56.479
+is inserted in for me,
+00:04:56.480 --> 00:05:01.079
+and if I open org-noter on this heading,
+00:05:01.080 --> 00:05:03.759
+it opens the article, as expected.
+00:05:03.760 --> 00:05:06.199
+I can read the article,
+00:05:06.200 --> 00:05:08.439
+I can say I want to
+00:05:08.440 --> 00:05:10.720
+annotate something here.
+00:05:20.720 --> 00:05:24.119
+Obviously, annotation is not that simple as here,
+00:05:24.120 --> 00:05:26.479
+but I don't really have the time
+00:05:26.480 --> 00:05:28.599
+to actually annotate an article live.
+00:05:28.600 --> 00:05:34.039
+But you can keep going, and it's a good setup.
+00:05:34.040 --> 00:05:39.879
+Then close org-noter,
+00:05:39.880 --> 00:05:40.839
+and let's go presentation again.
+00:05:40.840 --> 00:05:44.359
+Moving on, this section is some stuff
+00:05:44.360 --> 00:05:45.799
+about my annotation process.
+00:05:45.800 --> 00:05:49.479
+As I said, there is not enough time for me
+00:05:49.480 --> 00:05:51.119
+to actually annotate an article live,
+00:05:51.120 --> 00:05:52.999
+but here are some things about it.
+00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:55.479
+First, is that I annotate with org-noter,
+00:05:55.480 --> 00:05:56.719
+which I absolutely love.
+00:05:56.720 --> 00:05:59.599
+It is great for annotations
+00:05:59.600 --> 00:06:02.519
+because you do them in org,
+00:06:02.520 --> 00:06:03.879
+which is an amazing format
+00:06:03.880 --> 00:06:05.879
+and gives you a lot of flexibility,
+00:06:05.880 --> 00:06:07.839
+such as adding to the Zettelkasten,
+00:06:07.840 --> 00:06:11.319
+being initialized by a capture template,
+00:06:11.320 --> 00:06:13.119
+and other things.
+00:06:13.120 --> 00:06:15.959
+But also, you don't need to look for
+00:06:15.960 --> 00:06:17.359
+the notes inside the PDF,
+00:06:17.360 --> 00:06:19.519
+which is a problem you can have
+00:06:19.520 --> 00:06:20.959
+if you annotate on the PDF,
+00:06:20.960 --> 00:06:23.079
+and it is very annoying in my opinion.
+00:06:23.080 --> 00:06:26.439
+So I prefer having these notes,
+00:06:26.440 --> 00:06:27.879
+and I can only focus on them,
+00:06:27.880 --> 00:06:29.759
+but I can also see where they refer.
+00:06:29.760 --> 00:06:33.199
+The other scenarios are not so good.
+00:06:33.200 --> 00:06:35.519
+Annotating on the PDF,
+00:06:35.520 --> 00:06:36.479
+you search for it,
+00:06:36.480 --> 00:06:41.199
+and if you don't know which section it refers to,
+00:06:41.200 --> 00:06:42.759
+then you need to look about it,
+00:06:42.760 --> 00:06:44.239
+and that is very tiring.
+00:06:44.240 --> 00:06:48.359
+Also, I am always annotating in English.
+00:06:48.360 --> 00:06:50.199
+This is not my mother tongue,
+00:06:50.200 --> 00:06:52.039
+but it helps me avoid
+00:06:52.040 --> 00:06:53.679
+the necessary mental overhead
+00:06:53.680 --> 00:06:55.199
+of translating while reading.
+00:06:55.200 --> 00:06:57.559
+I want to pay attention to what I read
+00:06:57.560 --> 00:06:59.679
+and not to translate stuff.
+00:06:59.680 --> 00:07:02.119
+I will translate later.
+00:07:02.120 --> 00:07:05.039
+And when finishing an article,
+00:07:05.040 --> 00:07:07.719
+I write a mini-abstract myself,
+00:07:07.720 --> 00:07:10.119
+which contains what I think about the article.
+00:07:10.120 --> 00:07:11.639
+It doesn't need to be much,
+00:07:11.640 --> 00:07:13.999
+it's usually like 3 or 4 paragraphs,
+00:07:14.000 --> 00:07:18.319
+and it shows things that are useful in the article,
+00:07:18.320 --> 00:07:21.159
+and what is mentioned that matters to me.
+00:07:21.160 --> 00:07:22.599
+So I can look back at it,
+00:07:22.600 --> 00:07:24.919
+and it is very easy for me to find
+00:07:24.920 --> 00:07:26.599
+what I got from this article,
+00:07:26.600 --> 00:07:30.199
+so where I will cite it on my actual project.
+00:07:30.200 --> 00:07:33.879
+Then last thing you need to do
+00:07:33.880 --> 00:07:35.479
+is add a note to your Zettelkasten.
+00:07:35.480 --> 00:07:38.039
+This is very easy due to it being in an org format.
+00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:41.799
+You can just have it in the org-roam directory,
+00:07:41.800 --> 00:07:43.639
+which it automatically goes to,
+00:07:43.640 --> 00:07:46.559
+and link it to other relevant notes,
+00:07:46.560 --> 00:07:48.519
+which is its index
+00:07:48.520 --> 00:07:50.559
+because everything in my Zettelkasten
+00:07:50.560 --> 00:07:51.719
+(at least) has an index,
+00:07:51.720 --> 00:07:54.519
+but also every other permanent note
+00:07:54.520 --> 00:07:56.759
+whose contents are in one way or another
+00:07:56.760 --> 00:07:58.079
+mentioned inside the article.
+00:07:58.080 --> 00:08:00.359
+This way the article is in a network with notes
+00:08:00.360 --> 00:08:02.039
+that are similar to it.
+00:08:02.040 --> 00:08:05.359
+Then we move on to the second demo,
+00:08:05.360 --> 00:08:08.039
+which is about a full-fledged literature note.
+00:08:08.040 --> 00:08:11.119
+We can go on org-roam-node-find,
+00:08:11.120 --> 00:08:13.159
+search for references,
+00:08:13.160 --> 00:08:15.559
+go to this, and you can see
+00:08:15.560 --> 00:08:17.759
+it is linked to other notes.
+00:08:17.760 --> 00:08:20.039
+And here is the mini-abstract,
+00:08:20.040 --> 00:08:21.479
+and here are my notes on it.
+00:08:21.480 --> 00:08:27.519
+The last thing you need to do
+00:08:27.520 --> 00:08:29.119
+when creating a literature note,
+00:08:29.120 --> 00:08:31.319
+is obviously create permanent notes
+00:08:31.320 --> 00:08:32.279
+based on what you read.
+00:08:32.280 --> 00:08:35.679
+If you never create these literature notes,
+00:08:35.680 --> 00:08:37.679
+you will never get new information.
+00:08:37.680 --> 00:08:40.439
+So for your Zettelkasten to grow,
+00:08:40.440 --> 00:08:42.359
+you need to create such notes.
+00:08:42.360 --> 00:08:45.879
+This means that the subject you are researching
+00:08:45.880 --> 00:08:47.799
+is not just literature notes
+00:08:47.800 --> 00:08:50.279
+but has well-structured permanent notes,
+00:08:50.280 --> 00:08:52.799
+which is what you will actually read.
+00:08:52.800 --> 00:08:55.159
+You typically only read literature notes
+00:08:55.160 --> 00:08:57.159
+to see what gets cited where.
+00:08:57.160 --> 00:08:58.759
+What you will mostly read
+00:08:58.760 --> 00:08:59.839
+is these permanent notes
+00:08:59.840 --> 00:09:01.679
+that you create from this knowledge.
+00:09:01.680 --> 00:09:05.239
+So finally we are at the last part of the talk,
+00:09:05.240 --> 00:09:07.359
+which is about organizing literature notes.
+00:09:07.360 --> 00:09:09.559
+And this is in my opinion
+00:09:09.560 --> 00:09:10.879
+the most interesting part
+00:09:10.880 --> 00:09:12.199
+because it is very unique.
+00:09:12.200 --> 00:09:14.719
+It uses a package I wrote myself,
+00:09:14.720 --> 00:09:18.319
+and it doesn't have as much usage
+00:09:18.320 --> 00:09:21.519
+as the rest of the things I described so far.
+00:09:21.520 --> 00:09:24.799
+So what is the problem you might find?
+00:09:24.800 --> 00:09:27.959
+Indeed, if you read a lot of things,
+00:09:27.960 --> 00:09:30.959
+you have a large collection of notes,
+00:09:30.960 --> 00:09:33.919
+and it's not the only thing you will think about.
+00:09:33.920 --> 00:09:36.079
+However, you do need to
+00:09:36.080 --> 00:09:37.799
+justify everything with citations,
+00:09:37.800 --> 00:09:39.879
+so you need to remember everything
+00:09:39.880 --> 00:09:41.119
+you read in these notes.
+00:09:41.120 --> 00:09:43.519
+You have done a lot of work,
+00:09:43.520 --> 00:09:45.919
+but there is still a lot for you
+00:09:45.920 --> 00:09:47.319
+to reach your final manuscript.
+00:09:47.320 --> 00:09:50.359
+Except if there was a handy little way
+00:09:50.360 --> 00:09:52.879
+to combine everything
+00:09:52.880 --> 00:09:55.879
+and sort it in a very easy way.
+00:09:55.880 --> 00:09:56.959
+Well, there is,
+00:09:56.960 --> 00:10:00.119
+and I think it came out pretty well.
+00:10:00.120 --> 00:10:01.799
+It's zetteldesk.el.
+00:10:01.800 --> 00:10:05.039
+It was inspired by this quote here
+00:10:05.040 --> 00:10:06.479
+from How to Take Smart Notes.
+00:10:06.480 --> 00:10:09.799
+Sönke Ahrens here talked about a desktop,
+00:10:09.800 --> 00:10:13.079
+which you have all the literature
+00:10:13.080 --> 00:10:16.239
+you want in that desktop,
+00:10:16.240 --> 00:10:20.079
+and you try to bring it in order.
+00:10:20.080 --> 00:10:22.599
+And by doing that,
+00:10:22.600 --> 00:10:24.839
+you can improve your ideas
+00:10:24.840 --> 00:10:27.519
+and have a structure
+00:10:27.520 --> 00:10:30.919
+so that your manuscript will then be
+00:10:30.920 --> 00:10:33.879
+very, very easy to write.
+00:10:33.880 --> 00:10:36.279
+And as I say here, in trying to do this,
+00:10:36.280 --> 00:10:38.919
+I made something much more general
+00:10:38.920 --> 00:10:41.559
+than it needed to be, so yeah,
+00:10:41.560 --> 00:10:43.599
+you can use it for many other things.
+00:10:43.600 --> 00:10:46.959
+But before I show you some things about it,
+00:10:46.960 --> 00:10:49.879
+I want to introduce you to what a desktop is.
+00:10:49.880 --> 00:10:53.159
+It's essentially a collection of the knowledge
+00:10:53.160 --> 00:10:54.839
+you want to be able to see.
+00:10:54.840 --> 00:10:57.999
+You add things to your Zetteldesk,
+00:10:58.000 --> 00:11:01.679
+and using filter functions,
+00:11:01.680 --> 00:11:04.919
+you only see these notes and nothing else,
+00:11:04.920 --> 00:11:07.359
+which in my opinion is very handy.
+00:11:07.360 --> 00:11:10.319
+So having said that,
+00:11:10.320 --> 00:11:12.479
+we can see these things in action
+00:11:12.480 --> 00:11:14.399
+for the final demo of the talk.
+00:11:14.400 --> 00:11:15.839
+This is the third one.
+00:11:15.840 --> 00:11:20.879
+I will go to an index file of mine.
+00:11:20.880 --> 00:11:21.959
+This is 3D printing,
+00:11:21.960 --> 00:11:23.479
+an assignment I had last semester.
+00:11:23.480 --> 00:11:27.039
+And this has 28 backlinks,
+00:11:27.040 --> 00:11:30.399
+so a lot of things that I looked at
+00:11:30.400 --> 00:11:31.799
+for this assignment.
+00:11:31.800 --> 00:11:33.519
+I can say I want to add
+00:11:33.520 --> 00:11:35.799
+the current note's backlinks to the Zetteldesk,
+00:11:35.800 --> 00:11:38.239
+and now I have a filtered version
+00:11:38.240 --> 00:11:40.119
+of org-roam-node-find defined,
+00:11:40.120 --> 00:11:41.999
+which only lists these 29 notes.
+00:11:42.000 --> 00:11:45.039
+Very nice, right?
+00:11:45.040 --> 00:11:49.159
+I can also filter just the literature notes,
+00:11:49.160 --> 00:11:55.999
+which can also use other UIs beside org-roam,
+00:11:56.000 --> 00:11:57.439
+such as, for example,
+00:11:57.440 --> 00:12:00.039
+one I use a lot is the ivy-bibtex command.
+00:12:00.040 --> 00:12:03.239
+This takes a lot of time,
+00:12:03.240 --> 00:12:04.599
+much longer than the org-roam one,
+00:12:04.600 --> 00:12:06.479
+but has them in this UI,
+00:12:06.480 --> 00:12:09.839
+which in a lot of cases is more useful for me.
+00:12:09.840 --> 00:12:15.719
+The other very important thing is inserting these.
+00:12:15.720 --> 00:12:19.999
+For example, say I want to insert a permanent note,
+00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:21.759
+such as this.
+00:12:21.760 --> 00:12:25.399
+Its title will become a top-level heading,
+00:12:25.400 --> 00:12:29.319
+and everything else will be inserted as expected.
+00:12:29.320 --> 00:12:35.399
+But the most important thing for us
+00:12:35.400 --> 00:12:37.159
+is inserting literature, right?
+00:12:37.160 --> 00:12:39.519
+This is done with this command,
+00:12:39.520 --> 00:12:42.719
+and let's say I want to insert this.
+00:12:42.720 --> 00:12:48.239
+The title again becomes a heading,
+00:12:48.240 --> 00:12:50.839
+and this is the article title also.
+00:12:50.840 --> 00:12:53.039
+I store the cite key here,
+00:12:53.040 --> 00:12:56.319
+and everything else about it is also here.
+00:12:56.320 --> 00:12:58.239
+And I can add others,
+00:12:58.240 --> 00:13:01.199
+for example, this and this.
+00:13:01.200 --> 00:13:09.039
+And we have all of them here.
+00:13:09.040 --> 00:13:11.279
+I see it says this is the basic,
+00:13:11.280 --> 00:13:12.799
+so let's put it at the top.
+00:13:12.800 --> 00:13:18.839
+And then maybe I want to put this last.
+00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:24.159
+And this way, you can sort things,
+00:13:24.160 --> 00:13:26.319
+and typically, on the other side,
+00:13:26.320 --> 00:13:27.719
+I have a manuscript,
+00:13:27.720 --> 00:13:29.999
+and I look at what order
+00:13:30.000 --> 00:13:31.159
+I want to have things in
+00:13:31.160 --> 00:13:34.799
+and sort the articles and the permanent notes
+00:13:34.800 --> 00:13:38.359
+in a way so that each section can have
+00:13:38.360 --> 00:13:41.799
+its own citations and its own notes,
+00:13:41.800 --> 00:13:46.199
+which makes writing, again, very easy, in my opinion.
+00:13:46.200 --> 00:13:53.719
+Finally, let's go to composing the final article.
+00:13:53.720 --> 00:13:57.279
+This is our goal: we wrote and organized
+00:13:57.280 --> 00:13:58.359
+all these literature notes
+00:13:58.360 --> 00:14:00.399
+to put them in your final project.
+00:14:00.400 --> 00:14:01.879
+This might be an assignment
+00:14:01.880 --> 00:14:04.439
+or an actual scientific article.
+00:14:04.440 --> 00:14:07.479
+It is apparent that you have done
+00:14:07.480 --> 00:14:09.079
+a lot of work for this so far,
+00:14:09.080 --> 00:14:12.279
+but you don't need to do a lot more.
+00:14:12.280 --> 00:14:14.079
+In my opinion, this is the easiest part
+00:14:14.080 --> 00:14:15.519
+of the whole workflow.
+00:14:15.520 --> 00:14:19.279
+People consider final article composition hard,
+00:14:19.280 --> 00:14:21.239
+but if you've done all these steps,
+00:14:21.240 --> 00:14:23.439
+you already have everything you want
+00:14:23.440 --> 00:14:25.639
+to add in the article from your notes.
+00:14:25.640 --> 00:14:27.719
+It's already there,
+00:14:27.720 --> 00:14:30.759
+a lot of things are copy-pasted,
+00:14:30.760 --> 00:14:34.039
+it's all in a coherent order,
+00:14:34.040 --> 00:14:38.439
+connections are to an extent already there,
+00:14:38.440 --> 00:14:41.599
+and you know what citation goes where,
+00:14:41.600 --> 00:14:44.199
+so you can justify everything you write.
+00:14:44.200 --> 00:14:46.799
+The actual draft isn't there,
+00:14:46.800 --> 00:14:48.519
+but it is very easy
+00:14:48.520 --> 00:14:52.599
+because now you just write things as you see them
+00:14:52.600 --> 00:14:54.439
+in your desktop and connect them.
+00:14:54.440 --> 00:14:56.959
+Connections are basic--
+00:14:56.960 --> 00:14:59.439
+connections and making the article good, obviously,
+00:14:59.440 --> 00:15:02.399
+are basically the only thing you need to worry,
+00:15:02.400 --> 00:15:05.919
+but those are very important
+00:15:05.920 --> 00:15:09.039
+because others will only see the final manuscript,
+00:15:09.040 --> 00:15:11.079
+so if that's not good,
+00:15:11.080 --> 00:15:14.079
+then the whole assignment is not good, obviously.
+00:15:14.080 --> 00:15:17.519
+So it's not like your work is done,
+00:15:17.520 --> 00:15:19.159
+it's just very easy.
+00:15:19.160 --> 00:15:23.279
+And with that, I hope you liked my talk
+00:15:23.280 --> 00:15:25.519
+because it is coming to an end now.
+00:15:25.520 --> 00:15:27.919
+I want to thank you for your time;
+00:15:27.920 --> 00:15:29.679
+I hope you enjoyed it.
+00:15:29.680 --> 00:15:32.519
+You can feel free to email me at this address;
+00:15:32.520 --> 00:15:35.639
+it has also been on every slide since the beginning.
+00:15:35.640 --> 00:15:40.239
+I also have the GitHub for zetteldesk.el here,
+00:15:40.240 --> 00:15:42.519
+and I will be available for questions.
+00:15:42.520 --> 00:15:44.999
+I will be viewing both the pad and the IRC
+00:15:45.000 --> 00:15:49.159
+and will do a live Q&A after this. See you.
+00:15:49.160 --> 00:15:51.279
+Actually, before I go,
+00:15:51.280 --> 00:15:54.199
+let's show you the GitHub for zetteldesk.el.
+00:15:54.200 --> 00:15:57.119
+Here's the README; if you're interested on it,
+00:15:57.120 --> 00:15:58.519
+you can see more about it,
+00:15:58.520 --> 00:16:02.559
+and also I have a very in-depth wiki about it
+00:16:02.560 --> 00:16:06.519
+with 11 pages, and talking about everything
+00:16:06.520 --> 00:16:08.079
+that happens here.
+00:16:08.080 --> 00:16:11.759
+A lot of what we discussed is in this section
+00:16:11.760 --> 00:16:12.919
+about literature notes.
+00:16:12.920 --> 00:16:17.199
+These documents go a lot more in-depth
+00:16:17.200 --> 00:16:22.799
+in how Zetteldesk works, and also how to use it,
+00:16:22.800 --> 00:16:27.719
+so if you're interested, feel free to read them,
+00:16:27.720 --> 00:16:30.239
+and if you have any problems,
+00:16:30.240 --> 00:16:31.839
+you can open an issue about it;
+00:16:31.840 --> 00:16:44.480
+I will be very active. Thank you.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-treesitter--treesitter-beyond-syntax-highlighting--abin-simon--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-treesitter--treesitter-beyond-syntax-highlighting--abin-simon--main.vtt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a426e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-treesitter--treesitter-beyond-syntax-highlighting--abin-simon--main.vtt
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by sachac
+00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.240
+Hey everyone, my name is Abin Simon
+00:00:03.240 --> 00:00:05.080
+and this talk is about "Tree-sitter:
+00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:08.200
+Beyond Syntax Highlighting."
+00:00:08.200 --> 00:00:10.720
+For those who are not aware of what Tree-sitter is,
+00:00:10.720 --> 00:00:11.720
+let me give you a quick intro.
+00:00:11.720 --> 00:00:17.120
+Tree-sitter, at its core, is a parser generator tool
+00:00:17.120 --> 00:00:19.440
+and an incremental parsing library.
+00:00:19.440 --> 00:00:22.000
+What it essentially means is that it gives you
+00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:23.154
+an always up-to-date
+00:00:23.155 --> 00:00:24.200
+AST [abstract syntax tree] of your code.
+00:00:24.200 --> 00:00:27.960
+In the current Emacs frame, what you see to the right
+00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:30.840
+is the AST tree produced by Tree-sitter
+00:00:30.840 --> 00:00:33.560
+of the code that is on the left.
+00:00:33.560 --> 00:00:37.000
+For example, if you go to this "if" statement,
+00:00:37.000 --> 00:00:38.840
+you can see it goes here.
+00:00:38.840 --> 00:00:41.440
+It is also really good at handling errors.
+00:00:41.440 --> 00:00:44.400
+For example, if I were to delete this [if statement],
+00:00:44.400 --> 00:00:47.960
+it still parses out a tree as much as it can,
+00:00:47.960 --> 00:00:50.280
+but with an error node.
+00:00:50.280 --> 00:00:51.760
+Now let's see how we can query the tree
+00:00:51.760 --> 00:00:54.440
+to get the information that we need.
+00:00:54.440 --> 00:01:01.480
+Let's first try to get all the identifiers in the buffer.
+00:01:01.480 --> 00:01:04.000
+It highlights all the identifiers in the buffer,
+00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:05.440
+but let's say we want to get something
+00:01:05.440 --> 00:01:07.280
+a little more precise.
+00:01:07.280 --> 00:01:10.400
+Let's say we wanted to get this "i" here.
+00:01:10.400 --> 00:01:13.280
+This, in our case, would be this identifier
+00:01:13.280 --> 00:01:15.200
+inside this assignment expression
+00:01:15.200 --> 00:01:27.320
+inside this "for" statement.
+00:01:27.320 --> 00:01:29.920
+We can write it out like this.
+00:01:29.920 --> 00:01:31.880
+I hope this gives you a basic idea
+00:01:31.880 --> 00:01:34.480
+of how Tree-sitter works and how you can query
+00:01:34.480 --> 00:01:37.040
+to get the information that you need.
+00:01:37.040 --> 00:01:39.520
+First of all, let's see how Tree-sitter can help us
+00:01:39.520 --> 00:01:41.880
+with syntax highlighting.
+00:01:41.880 --> 00:01:46.480
+This is the default syntax highlighting by Emacs for SQL.
+00:01:46.480 --> 00:01:52.000
+Now let's see how Tree-sitter helps.
+00:01:52.000 --> 00:01:54.240
+This is the syntax highlighting in Emacs
+00:01:54.240 --> 00:01:56.760
+which Tree-sitter enabled.
+00:01:56.760 --> 00:01:58.240
+You'll see that we're able to target
+00:01:58.240 --> 00:02:01.240
+a lot more things and highlight them.
+00:02:01.240 --> 00:02:03.138
+That said, you don't always have to
+00:02:03.139 --> 00:02:04.200
+highlight everything.
+00:02:04.200 --> 00:02:15.640
+I personally prefer a much simpler theme.
+00:02:15.640 --> 00:02:17.880
+Now let's see how Tree-sitter helps you simplify
+00:02:17.880 --> 00:02:20.920
+adding custom syntax highlighting to your code.
+00:02:20.920 --> 00:02:22.200
+This is a Python file which has
+00:02:22.200 --> 00:02:25.640
+a class and a few member functions.
+00:02:25.640 --> 00:02:27.680
+Anyone who has used Python will know that
+00:02:27.680 --> 00:02:32.040
+the "self" keyword, while it is passed in as an argument,
+00:02:32.040 --> 00:02:34.240
+it has more meaning than that.
+00:02:34.240 --> 00:02:35.480
+Let's see if you can use Tree-sitter
+00:02:35.480 --> 00:02:38.720
+to highlight just the "self" keyword.
+00:02:38.720 --> 00:02:40.400
+If you look at the Tree-sitter tree,
+00:02:40.400 --> 00:02:43.120
+you can see that this is the first identifier
+00:02:43.120 --> 00:02:45.520
+in the list of parameters for a function definition.
+00:02:45.520 --> 00:02:55.480
+This is how you would query for the first identifier
+00:02:55.480 --> 00:02:59.320
+inside parameters inside a function definition.
+00:02:59.320 --> 00:03:02.520
+Now, if you see here, it also matches "cls",
+00:03:02.520 --> 00:03:11.360
+but let's restrict it to match just "self".
+00:03:11.360 --> 00:03:14.200
+Now we have a Tree-sitter query that identifies
+00:03:14.200 --> 00:03:16.960
+the first argument to the function definition
+00:03:16.960 --> 00:03:19.640
+and is also called "self".
+00:03:19.640 --> 00:03:22.520
+We can use this to apply custom highlighting onto this.
+00:03:22.520 --> 00:03:25.000
+This is pretty much all the code
+00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:26.520
+that you'll need to do this.
+00:03:26.520 --> 00:03:29.240
+The first block here is essentially to say to
+00:03:29.240 --> 00:03:32.160
+Tree-sitter to highlight anything with python.self
+00:03:32.160 --> 00:03:35.720
+with the face of custom-set.
+00:03:35.720 --> 00:03:37.520
+Now the second block here essentially is
+00:03:37.520 --> 00:03:39.800
+how we match for that.
+00:03:39.800 --> 00:03:41.800
+Now if you go back into a Python buffer
+00:03:41.800 --> 00:03:44.680
+and re-enable python-mode, we'll see that "self"
+00:03:44.680 --> 00:03:47.120
+is highlighted differently.
+00:03:47.120 --> 00:03:48.880
+How about creating text objects?
+00:03:48.880 --> 00:03:50.440
+Tree-sitter can help there too.
+00:03:50.440 --> 00:03:53.080
+For those who don't know, text objects
+00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:54.440
+is an idea that comes from Vim,
+00:03:54.440 --> 00:03:57.760
+and you can do things like select word,
+00:03:57.760 --> 00:04:00.520
+delete word, things like that.
+00:04:00.520 --> 00:04:06.200
+There are other text objects like line and paragraph.
+00:04:06.200 --> 00:04:09.000
+For each text object, you can have operations
+00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:09.760
+that are defined on them.
+00:04:09.760 --> 00:04:13.600
+For example, delete, copy, select, comment,
+00:04:13.600 --> 00:04:16.400
+all of these are operations that you can do.
+00:04:16.400 --> 00:04:19.400
+Let's try and use Tree-sitter to add more text objects.
+00:04:19.400 --> 00:04:20.560
+This is a plugin that I wrote
+00:04:20.560 --> 00:04:25.000
+which lets you add more text objects into Emacs.
+00:04:25.000 --> 00:04:27.880
+It helps you code aware text objects
+00:04:27.880 --> 00:04:31.880
+like functions, conditionals, loops, and such.
+00:04:31.880 --> 00:04:34.360
+Let's see an example scenario of how
+00:04:34.360 --> 00:04:35.920
+something like this could come in handy.
+00:04:35.920 --> 00:04:39.280
+For example, I can select inside this condition
+00:04:39.280 --> 00:04:42.960
+or inside this function and do things like that.
+00:04:42.960 --> 00:04:44.520
+Let's say I want to take this conditional,
+00:04:44.520 --> 00:04:47.160
+move to the next function, and create it here.
+00:04:47.160 --> 00:04:49.640
+What I would do is something like
+00:04:49.640 --> 00:04:52.320
+delete the conditional, move to the next function,
+00:04:52.320 --> 00:04:56.240
+create a conditional there, and paste.
+00:04:56.240 --> 00:04:57.160
+Let's try another example.
+00:04:57.160 --> 00:05:01.360
+Let's say I want to take this and move it to the end.
+00:05:01.360 --> 00:05:02.960
+If I had to do it without text objects,
+00:05:02.960 --> 00:05:06.800
+I'd probably have to go back to the previous comma,
+00:05:06.800 --> 00:05:10.440
+delete till next comma, find the closing bracket,
+00:05:10.440 --> 00:05:11.880
+and paste before.
+00:05:11.880 --> 00:05:14.040
+That works, but let's see
+00:05:14.040 --> 00:05:16.520
+how Tree-sitter can simplify it.
+00:05:16.520 --> 00:05:19.240
+With Tree-sitter, I can say delete the argument,
+00:05:19.240 --> 00:05:22.880
+go to the end of the next argument, and then paste.
+00:05:22.880 --> 00:05:25.280
+Tree-sitter essentially helps Emacs
+00:05:25.280 --> 00:05:27.240
+understand the code better semantically.
+00:05:27.240 --> 00:05:29.600
+Here is yet another use case.
+00:05:29.600 --> 00:05:31.480
+I work at a remote company,
+00:05:31.480 --> 00:05:33.440
+and I often find myself being in a call
+00:05:33.440 --> 00:05:35.400
+with my teammates, explaining the code to them.
+00:05:35.400 --> 00:05:38.000
+And one thing that really comes in handy
+00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:39.760
+is the narrowing accessibility of Emacs.
+00:05:39.760 --> 00:05:43.040
+Specifically, the fancy-narrow package.
+00:05:43.040 --> 00:05:44.840
+I use it to narrow just the function,
+00:05:44.840 --> 00:05:48.760
+or I could narrow to the conditional.
+00:05:48.760 --> 00:05:51.520
+Next to the end, the list would be code folding.
+00:05:51.520 --> 00:05:54.480
+This is a package which uses Tree-sitter
+00:05:54.480 --> 00:05:57.560
+to improve the code folding functionalities of Emacs.
+00:05:57.560 --> 00:06:00.200
+Code folding has always been this thing
+00:06:00.200 --> 00:06:02.280
+that I've had a love-hate relationship with.
+00:06:02.280 --> 00:06:04.280
+It usually works most of the time,
+00:06:04.280 --> 00:06:06.960
+but then fails if the indentation is wrong
+00:06:06.960 --> 00:06:09.160
+or we do something weird with the arguments.
+00:06:09.160 --> 00:06:11.680
+But now with Tree-sitter in the mix,
+00:06:11.680 --> 00:06:12.720
+it's a lot more precise.
+00:06:12.720 --> 00:06:17.040
+I can fold comments, I can fold functions,
+00:06:17.040 --> 00:06:20.480
+I can fold conditionals. You get the idea.
+00:06:20.480 --> 00:06:23.840
+I work with Kubernetes, which means I end up
+00:06:23.840 --> 00:06:28.080
+having to write and read a lot of YAML files.
+00:06:28.080 --> 00:06:31.840
+And navigating big YAML files is a mess.
+00:06:31.840 --> 00:06:35.760
+The two main problems are figuring out where I am,
+00:06:35.760 --> 00:06:38.760
+and two, navigating to where I want to be.
+00:06:38.760 --> 00:06:41.760
+Let's see how Tree-sitter can help us with both of this.
+00:06:41.760 --> 00:06:43.840
+This is an example YAML file.
+00:06:43.840 --> 00:06:47.080
+To be precise, this is the values file
+00:06:47.080 --> 00:06:48.640
+of the Redis helm chart.
+00:06:48.640 --> 00:06:52.240
+I'm somewhere in the file on tag under image,
+00:06:52.240 --> 00:06:54.880
+but I don't know what this tag is for.
+00:06:54.880 --> 00:06:57.240
+But with the help of Tree-sitter,
+00:06:57.240 --> 00:06:59.160
+I've been able to add this information
+00:06:59.160 --> 00:07:00.440
+into my header line.
+00:07:00.440 --> 00:07:02.960
+If you see in the header line,
+00:07:02.960 --> 00:07:05.880
+you'll see that I'm under sentinel.image.
+00:07:05.880 --> 00:07:08.800
+Now let's see how this helps with navigation.
+00:07:08.800 --> 00:07:12.680
+Let's say I want to enable persistence on master node.
+00:07:12.680 --> 00:07:18.200
+So with the help of Tree-sitter,
+00:07:18.200 --> 00:07:20.400
+I was able to enumerate every field
+00:07:20.400 --> 00:07:22.200
+that is available in this YAML file,
+00:07:22.200 --> 00:07:24.520
+and I can pass that information onto imenu,
+00:07:24.520 --> 00:07:28.040
+which I can then use to go to exactly where I want to.
+00:07:28.040 --> 00:07:30.000
+Also, since we're not dealing with
+00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:32.600
+any language specific constructs,
+00:07:32.600 --> 00:07:34.040
+this is very easy to extend to
+00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:35.760
+other similar languages
+00:07:35.760 --> 00:07:37.440
+or config files in this case.
+00:07:37.440 --> 00:07:39.520
+So for example, this is a JSON file,
+00:07:39.520 --> 00:07:44.800
+and I can navigate to location or project.
+00:07:44.800 --> 00:07:48.320
+And just like in YAML, it shows me where I'm at.
+00:07:48.320 --> 00:07:49.920
+I'm in,
+00:07:49.920 --> 00:07:52.880
+or I'm inside projects.highlights.
+00:07:52.880 --> 00:07:55.600
+Or how about Nix?
+00:07:55.600 --> 00:07:57.480
+This is my home.nix file.
+00:07:57.480 --> 00:08:01.040
+Again, I can search for services,
+00:08:01.040 --> 00:08:04.640
+and this lists me all the services that I've enabled.
+00:08:04.640 --> 00:08:06.720
+How about just services.description?
+00:08:06.720 --> 00:08:08.160
+So this is all the services
+00:08:08.160 --> 00:08:10.480
+that I've enabled and have descriptions.
+00:08:10.480 --> 00:08:12.720
+Now that we have seen this for config files,
+00:08:12.720 --> 00:08:15.040
+let's see how similar things apply for code.
+00:08:15.040 --> 00:08:16.760
+Just like in config files,
+00:08:16.760 --> 00:08:18.680
+I can see which function I'm under,
+00:08:18.680 --> 00:08:21.560
+and if I go to the next function, it changes.
+00:08:21.560 --> 00:08:23.960
+Okay, here is something really awesome.
+00:08:23.960 --> 00:08:26.600
+This is probably one of my favorites,
+00:08:26.600 --> 00:08:30.400
+and one of the things that actually made me understand
+00:08:30.400 --> 00:08:34.080
+how powerful Tree-sitter is, and got me into it.
+00:08:34.080 --> 00:08:35.680
+I work with a lot of Go code,
+00:08:35.680 --> 00:08:38.840
+and anyone who has worked with Go will tell you
+00:08:38.840 --> 00:08:41.040
+how repetitive it is handling errors.
+00:08:41.040 --> 00:08:42.800
+For those who don't write Go,
+00:08:42.800 --> 00:08:45.200
+let me give you a rough idea of what I'm talking about.
+00:08:45.200 --> 00:08:47.000
+If you want to bubble up the error,
+00:08:47.000 --> 00:08:49.920
+the way you would do it is just to return the error
+00:08:49.920 --> 00:08:51.400
+to the function that called it.
+00:08:51.400 --> 00:08:55.720
+Over here, you can either return nil or an empty value,
+00:08:55.720 --> 00:08:57.640
+and at the end, you return error.
+00:08:57.640 --> 00:09:00.200
+Let's try and use Tree-sitter to do this.
+00:09:00.200 --> 00:09:03.120
+Using the help of Tree-sitter, let's make Emacs
+00:09:03.120 --> 00:09:06.421
+go back, figure out what the return arguments are,
+00:09:06.422 --> 00:09:08.240
+figure out what their default values are,
+00:09:08.240 --> 00:09:11.480
+and automatically fill in the return statement.
+00:09:11.480 --> 00:09:13.040
+It would look something like this.
+00:09:13.040 --> 00:09:16.120
+In my case, it filled in the complete form,
+00:09:16.120 --> 00:09:18.320
+it figured out what the return arguments are,
+00:09:18.320 --> 00:09:19.320
+what their types are,
+00:09:19.320 --> 00:09:20.960
+and what their default values are,
+00:09:20.960 --> 00:09:22.800
+and filled out the entire return.
+00:09:22.800 --> 00:09:24.760
+And since this is a template,
+00:09:24.760 --> 00:09:27.720
+I can go to the next function, do the same thing,
+00:09:27.720 --> 00:09:29.560
+next function, do the same thing,
+00:09:29.560 --> 00:09:31.520
+next function, do the same thing.
+00:09:31.520 --> 00:09:34.360
+Here is a really fascinating use case of Tree-sitter,
+00:09:34.360 --> 00:09:36.320
+structural editing.
+00:09:36.320 --> 00:09:38.200
+You might be aware of plugins like paredit,
+00:09:38.200 --> 00:09:40.280
+which seems to "know" your code.
+00:09:40.280 --> 00:09:42.520
+This sort of takes it onto another level.
+00:09:42.520 --> 00:09:46.040
+It is in its early stages, but what this lets you do
+00:09:46.040 --> 00:09:48.920
+is completely treat your code as an AST,
+00:09:48.920 --> 00:09:52.000
+and edit as if it's a tree instead of characters.
+00:09:52.000 --> 00:09:54.640
+I am not going to go much in depth into it,
+00:09:54.640 --> 00:09:57.000
+but if you're interested, there is a talk
+00:09:57.000 --> 00:09:59.080
+from last year's EmacsConf around it.
+00:09:59.080 --> 00:10:02.320
+I'm just going to end this with one last tiny thing
+00:10:02.320 --> 00:10:04.920
+that I found in the tree-sitter-extras package.
+00:10:04.920 --> 00:10:07.600
+It's this tiny macro called tree-sitter-save-excursion.
+00:10:07.600 --> 00:10:11.240
+It works pretty much like save-excursion, but better.
+00:10:11.240 --> 00:10:13.400
+It uses the Tree-sitter syntax tree
+00:10:13.400 --> 00:10:14.800
+instead of just the code
+00:10:14.800 --> 00:10:16.720
+to figure out where to restore the position.
+00:10:16.720 --> 00:10:20.200
+My main use case for this was with code formatters.
+00:10:20.200 --> 00:10:22.080
+Since the code moves around a lot
+00:10:22.080 --> 00:10:23.160
+when it gets formatted,
+00:10:23.160 --> 00:10:25.000
+save-excursion was completely useless,
+00:10:25.000 --> 00:10:26.240
+but this came in handy.
+00:10:26.240 --> 00:10:28.120
+I'll just leave you off with
+00:10:28.120 --> 00:10:31.120
+what the future of Tree-sitter looks like for Emacs.
+00:10:31.120 --> 00:10:33.760
+So far, every Tree-sitter related feature
+00:10:33.760 --> 00:10:36.040
+that I've talked about is powered by this library.
+00:10:36.040 --> 00:10:42.320
+But there is talk about Tree-sitter coming into the core.
+00:10:42.320 --> 00:10:45.840
+It will most probably be landing in Emacs 29,
+00:10:45.840 --> 00:10:48.720
+and if you want to check out the work on Tree-sitter
+00:10:48.720 --> 00:10:51.200
+in core Emacs, you can check out
+00:10:51.200 --> 00:10:52.920
+the features/tree-sitter branch.
+00:10:52.920 --> 00:10:56.640
+You'll probably see more and more features and packages
+00:10:56.640 --> 00:10:59.640
+relying upon Tree-sitter, and even major modes
+00:10:59.640 --> 00:11:01.560
+being powered by Tree-sitter.
+00:11:01.560 --> 00:11:03.880
+And that's a wrap from me. Thank you.
diff --git a/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-wayland--emacs-should-become-a-wayland-compositor--michael-bauer--main.vtt b/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-wayland--emacs-should-become-a-wayland-compositor--michael-bauer--main.vtt
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index 00000000..34eeb842
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@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+WEBVTT captioned by bhavin192
+NOTE Introduction
+00:00.000 --> 00:08.000
+Hello EmacsConf and hello fellow Emacs fans.
+00:08.000 --> 00:10.920
+My name is Michael Bauer, and I'm from Germany.
+00:10.920 --> 00:00:13.440
+I'm gonna talk to you about "Why and how Emacs
+00:00:13.440 --> 00:00:17.200
+should become a Wayland compositor."
+00:17.200 --> 00:21.740
+And it already kinda is a Wayland compositor.
+00:21.740 --> 00:25.000
+This talk is composed by Wayland and Emacs.
+00:25.000 --> 00:00:26.840
+If I'm talking about a Wayland compositor
+00:00:26.840 --> 00:00:29.360
+or Emacs as Wayland compositor,
+00:00:29.360 --> 00:00:30.440
+I mean it in the sense that
+00:00:30.440 --> 00:00:36.000
+EXWM is an X window manager. I hope you know EXWM.
+00:36.000 --> 00:41.000
+So, why?
+00:41.000 --> 00:00:44.120
+Emacs can do Wayland now, that was a stopper
+00:00:44.120 --> 00:00:49.000
+before, and now it's solved with `pgtk` branch.
+00:49.000 --> 00:00:53.240
+It makes the Emacs toolbox bigger,
+00:00:53.240 --> 00:00:55.000
+which is always a good thing.
+00:55.000 --> 00:00:58.440
+And the cool thing about Wayland, which is not
+00:00:58.440 --> 00:01:02.280
+possible under X is, it can run standalone
+00:01:02.280 --> 00:01:06.840
+on the Linux kernel interface, or nested under X,
+00:01:06.840 --> 00:01:07.120
+or even nested under Wayland.
+01:09.000 --> 00:01:13.840
+The compositor features of Emacs doesn't mean
+00:01:13.840 --> 00:01:16.960
+it has to take over the whole output.
+00:01:16.960 --> 00:01:20.560
+It can use them, even if it's just like
+00:01:20.560 --> 00:01:23.080
+a normal window or normal program.
+01:23.000 --> 00:01:25.120
+And last reason is,
+00:01:25.120 --> 00:01:27.240
+I want to keep living inside Emacs
+00:01:27.240 --> 00:01:31.000
+and Wayland is the future, apparently.
+NOTE EXWM use case
+01:31.000 --> 01:35.000
+EXWM use case is the first use case.
+01:35.000 --> 00:01:38.400
+You take a Wayland surface and put it inside
+00:01:38.400 --> 00:01:41.520
+an Emacs window. You see it right below.
+00:01:41.520 --> 00:01:45.880
+The video of me is a Wayland surface,
+00:01:45.880 --> 00:01:50.000
+and it's inside an Emacs window managed by Emacs.
+01:50.000 --> 00:01:53.480
+Emacs does the input, and the clipboard handling,
+00:01:53.480 --> 00:01:59.000
+and can insert itself here, and do great things.
+01:59.000 --> 00:02:03.200
+And it's a possibility to Lispify the Linux desktop,
+00:02:03.200 --> 00:02:08.000
+as Emacs Lispifies the command line.
+NOTE XWidget use case
+02:08.000 --> 00:02:12.960
+The other use case is the XWidget use case.
+00:02:12.960 --> 00:02:17.000
+I don't know if you know XWidgets.
+02:17.000 --> 00:02:19.720
+It's embedded X windows inside Emacs.
+00:02:19.720 --> 00:02:24.000
+There's a web browser available in Emacs.
+02:24.000 --> 00:02:27.520
+With Wayland, you could embed anything that can
+00:02:27.520 --> 00:02:32.000
+create a Wayland surface like video, web, or 3D.
+02:32.000 --> 00:02:34.880
+Think OpenGL, something like
+00:02:34.880 --> 00:02:38.000
+EmacsGL would be possible.
+02:38.000 --> 02:46.000
+And we wouldn't have just images like we have so far.
+02:46.000 --> 00:02:50.560
+So, how to implement this Wayland compositor?
+00:02:50.560 --> 00:02:52.560
+I'm going to tell you how I did it,
+00:02:52.560 --> 00:02:57.000
+or I did this demo I'm showing you right now.
+02:57.000 --> 00:03:00.680
+First of all, how does Wayland work?
+00:03:00.680 --> 00:03:04.000
+Wayland is a protocol in XML.
+03:04.000 --> 00:03:11.120
+It's a server and client, and they share a set of
+00:03:11.120 --> 00:03:13.960
+objects, and the objects have methods.
+00:03:13.960 --> 00:03:16.120
+They are specified in the protocol,
+00:03:16.120 --> 00:03:24.080
+and Wayland also says how the server
+00:03:24.080 --> 00:03:25.720
+and client talk to each other.
+00:03:25.720 --> 00:03:33.440
+First blocker for Emacs becoming a Wayland
+00:03:33.440 --> 00:03:37.000
+compositor is that Emacs and Wayland both have
+00:03:37.000 --> 00:03:41.880
+their own event loop, and you can't merge them too.
+00:03:41.880 --> 00:03:45.800
+But you don't have to merge them
+00:03:45.800 --> 00:03:48.000
+because you can just make Emacs speak Wayland.
+03:48.000 --> 00:03:50.040
+So, Emacs becomes a Wayland client,
+00:03:50.040 --> 00:03:53.000
+and there's an extra server Emacs is talking to.
+03:53.000 --> 00:03:59.160
+So, we need a minimal Wayland server that does all
+00:03:59.160 --> 00:04:03.000
+the stuff Emacs can't do and do the rest in Emacs.
+04:03.000 --> 00:04:07.800
+---The minimal Wayland server, I did it in wlroots.
+00:04:07.800 --> 00:04:13.040
+That's the library behind Sway. I think it's
+00:04:13.040 --> 00:04:20.000
+the Wayland library to do stuff like this.
+04:20.000 --> 04:26.000
+I implemented four different things to make it work.
+04:26.000 --> 00:04:30.680
+It's these three letter acronyms on the left.
+00:04:30.680 --> 00:04:34.520
+It's Emacs, Wayland, and then it's a server,
+00:04:34.520 --> 00:04:38.000
+a client, a protocol, and buffers.
+04:38.000 --> 04:44.000
+The server is written in C and it's mostly tinywl.
+04:44.000 --> 00:04:46.280
+It's the example of wlroots,
+00:04:46.280 --> 00:04:52.000
+and it's around 1000 lines of code.
+04:52.000 --> 00:04:54.960
+ewc, the Wayland client in Emacs,
+00:04:54.960 --> 00:04:58.560
+is the thing I'm most proud of.
+00:04:58.560 --> 00:05:02.120
+It's 300 lines of code, and it is a
+00:05:02.120 --> 00:05:08.000
+fully featured Wayland client in Emacs.
+05:08.000 --> 00:05:11.640
+With this, Emacs can speak Wayland,
+00:05:11.640 --> 00:05:18.000
+and then I implemented Emacs Wayland protocol.
+05:18.000 --> 00:05:21.280
+It more or less allows Emacs to become a Wayland
+00:05:21.280 --> 00:05:24.640
+window manager, so it's not actually the compositor.
+00:05:24.640 --> 00:05:27.680
+The compositor stays in C, but Emacs is
+00:05:27.680 --> 00:05:31.000
+now a Wayland window manager!
+05:31.000 --> 00:05:34.520
+And the last thing is Emacs Wayland buffers.
+00:05:34.520 --> 00:05:35.880
+It's the window manager part.
+00:05:35.880 --> 00:05:38.440
+It's around 500 lines of code,
+00:05:38.440 --> 00:05:41.680
+and it does the buffer management inside
+00:05:41.680 --> 00:05:45.680
+Emacs windows, or floating right like you see me
+00:05:45.680 --> 00:05:48.000
+now floating on the right.
+05:48.000 --> 00:05:51.000
+It works, but it is still buggy,
+00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:54.320
+and it is also missing input handling,
+00:05:54.320 --> 00:06:01.000
+so there's more code to come for this to work.
+NOTE Caveats
+06:01.000 --> 06:05.000
+Some caveats about this approach.
+06:05.000 --> 00:06:09.640
+wlroots is around 60 kilo LoCs (Line of Code)
+00:06:09.640 --> 00:06:12.000
+and in active development.
+06:12.000 --> 00:06:16.640
+They have like a slogan 60 kilo locs of code
+00:06:16.640 --> 00:06:19.760
+you had to write anyway to make a Wayland
+00:06:19.760 --> 00:06:22.520
+compositor. And no, you don't have to write it.
+00:06:22.520 --> 00:06:25.840
+But I still remember when it was like 50 kilo locs,
+00:06:25.840 --> 00:06:29.680
+and now it's 60. And it's like a moving target.
+00:06:29.680 --> 00:06:32.480
+I think it could be quite a lot of work
+00:06:32.480 --> 00:06:34.000
+to keep up with it.
+06:34.000 --> 06:41.000
+Yeah, it could be quite a bit of work.
+06:41.000 --> 06:46.000
+Some windows don't like to keep the aspect ratios.
+06:46.000 --> 00:06:49.560
+You tell them and you have to crop them.
+00:06:49.560 --> 00:06:53.000
+And the interface I use in wlroots for doing this,
+06:53.000 --> 00:06:57.280
+`wlr_scene`, can't do cropping yet,
+00:06:57.280 --> 00:07:01.000
+so this doesn't work.
+07:01.000 --> 00:07:03.240
+Another problem is with GTK.
+00:07:03.240 --> 00:07:03.280
+Once Wayland is enabled and it stays on.
+07:11.000 --> 00:07:12.560
+This doesn't make sense.
+00:07:12.560 --> 00:07:15.000
+Okay, if you kill the Wayland server,
+00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:18.000
+GTK kills Emacs, that's not a good thing.
+07:18.000 --> 00:07:21.000
+And it's still a bit of work and fussing needed
+00:07:21.000 --> 00:07:23.640
+to get this to work reliably.
+00:07:23.640 --> 00:07:26.000
+It's quite buggy right now.
+NOTE Call to action
+07:26.000 --> 07:30.000
+And that brings me to my call to action.
+07:30.000 --> 00:07:34.440
+I think making Emacs Wayland capable is
+00:07:34.440 --> 00:07:39.000
+a further step to make an Emacs OS.
+07:39.000 --> 00:07:41.360
+It gains output and input handling.
+00:07:41.360 --> 00:07:44.120
+Output handling is already there,
+00:07:44.120 --> 00:07:45.760
+input handling is still missing,
+00:07:45.760 --> 00:07:49.720
+but Emacs can manage monitors, outputs,
+00:07:49.720 --> 00:07:53.040
+different frames if it's like nested,
+00:07:53.040 --> 00:07:57.080
+And inputs, keyboards, simulation keys,
+00:07:57.080 --> 00:07:58.000
+stuff like that.
+07:58.000 --> 08:02.000
+We could use it in more ways for Emacs display, maybe.
+08:02.000 --> 00:08:05.720
+Wayland just manages simple pixel buffers,
+00:08:05.720 --> 00:08:09.000
+so it's a protocol for managing pixel buffers.
+08:09.000 --> 00:08:12.560
+And in a sense, we could go back to
+00:08:12.560 --> 00:08:15.560
+the old X ways and maybe even ditch GTK.
+00:08:15.560 --> 00:08:18.000
+I don't know, but why need it?
+08:18.000 --> 00:08:20.600
+We can composite without it.
+00:08:20.600 --> 00:08:27.000
+Let's make buffer menus, buffer world, buffer.
+08:27.000 --> 00:08:29.040
+Emacs Wayland protocol, like I did it,
+00:08:29.040 --> 00:08:34.040
+allows a very concise design, and it allows
+00:08:34.040 --> 00:08:38.000
+to improve on the EXWM code base.
+08:38.000 --> 00:08:41.840
+And I wrote KISS style because EXWM has
+00:08:41.840 --> 00:08:45.000
+workspace management integrated.
+08:45.000 --> 00:08:50.600
+I don't think that's needed, like Emacs does it.
+00:08:50.600 --> 00:08:53.640
+Why do you have to do something extra?
+00:08:53.640 --> 00:08:56.000
+So why do it?
+08:56.000 --> 00:09:00.040
+To finish the call to action,
+00:09:00.040 --> 00:09:03.280
+if this is the thing you want to see in Emacs,
+00:09:03.280 --> 00:09:06.600
+maybe you want to get involved, have some ideas,
+00:09:06.600 --> 00:09:10.000
+so we could discuss it.
+09:10.000 --> 00:09:14.960
+I'm looking forward to discuss with you
+00:09:14.960 --> 00:09:21.000
+and hear your questions and ideas.
+09:21.000 --> 00:09:24.200
+I want to say a big thank you to the
+00:09:24.200 --> 00:09:26.600
+organizers of EmacsConf and the other speakers
+00:09:26.600 --> 00:09:29.000
+for making this event possible.
+09:29.000 --> 09:39.000
+Thank you, and see you.