path: root/2022/organizers-notebook/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2022/organizers-notebook/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/2022/organizers-notebook/ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
index 64ac6f92..a340cfba 100644
--- a/2022/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/2022/organizers-notebook/
@@ -158,29 +158,20 @@ CLOCK: [2022-11-17 Thu 21:15]--[2022-11-17 Thu 21:15] => 0:00
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
*** TODO Draft the code for mailing all the affected speakers
*** Saturday afternoon
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one.svg" :eval never-export
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one-sat-pm.svg" :eval never-export
- (emacsconf-time-constraints
- '(("LUNCH" "11:30" "13:30")
- ("saturday closing remarks" "16:30" "18:00")
- ("sunday closing remarks" "16:30" "18:00")))
+ (emacsconf-time-constraints nil)
'(("Saturday, December 3" :start "2022-12-03 13:00")
- meetups
- community
- buttons
- realestate
- health
- jupyter
- mail
- eev python
- haskell)))
+ meetups mail buttons eev python realestate health jupyter devel asmblox orgvm haskell sat-close)))
(emacsconf-schedule-start-time "13:00")
(emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions '(;emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-status
- (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 5)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 3)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-expected-talks '(meetups mail buttons eev python realestate health jupyter devel asmblox orgvm haskell sat-close))
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 3)
(emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-override-breaks
@@ -190,27 +181,25 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
-- LUNCH: Not found
-- saturday closing remarks: Not found
-- sunday closing remarks: Not found
-- Missing talks: journalism, school, handwritten, science, buddy, survey, orgyear, rolodex, orgsuperlinks, hyperorg, workflows, grail, orgvm, indieweb, fanfare, localizing, treesitter, lspbridge, sqlite, maint, rde, justl, devel, detached, eshell, async, asmblox, dbus, wayland, sat-open, sat-close, sun-open, sun-close
-- [[file:emergency-back-to-one.svg]]
+- [[file:emergency-back-to-one-sat-pm.svg]]
*** Sunday morning
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one.svg" :eval never-export
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one-sun-am.svg" :eval never-export
(emacsconf-time-constraints '())
'(("Sunday, December 4" :start "2022-12-04 9:00")
- sun-open survey orgyear orgsuperlinks rolodex lspbridge treesitter asmblox wayland orgvm)))
+ ;; have to move orgvm
+ sun-open survey orgyear lspbridge rolodex treesitter orgsuperlinks wayland rms)))
+ (emacsconf-schedule-expected-talks '(sun-open survey orgyear lspbridge rolodex treesitter orgsuperlinks wayland rms))
(emacsconf-schedule-end-time "12:30")
(emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions '(;emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-status
- (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 5)
- (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 5)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 3)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 3)
(emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-override-breaks
@@ -218,25 +207,26 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
-- Missing talks: journalism, school, handwritten, science, meetups, buddy, community, realestate, health, jupyter, buttons, hyperorg, workflows, grail, indieweb, fanfare, localizing, sqlite, mail, eev, python, maint, haskell, rde, justl, devel, detached, eshell, async, dbus, sat-open, sat-close, sun-close
-- [[file:emergency-back-to-one.svg]]
+- [[file:emergency-back-to-one-sun-am.svg]]
*** Sunday afternoon
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one.svg" :eval never-export
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results replace :var filename="emergency-back-to-one-sun-pm.svg" :eval never-export
'(("Sunday, December 4" :start "2022-12-04 13:00")
- hyperorg workflows grail indieweb devel detached eshell async dbus localizing fanfare sun-close)))
+ hyperorg detached workflows eshell grail async indieweb dbus localizing fanfare sun-close)))
(emacsconf-schedule-start-time "13:00")
+ (emacsconf-schedule-end-time "18:00")
+ (emacsconf-schedule-expected-talks '(hyperorg detached workflows eshell grail async indieweb dbus localizing fanfare sun-close))
(emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions '(;emacsconf-schedule-svg-color-by-status
- (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 5)
- (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 5)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 3)
+ (emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 3)
(emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-override-breaks
@@ -244,8 +234,7 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-18 Fri>
-- Missing talks: journalism, school, handwritten, science, meetups, buddy, community, realestate, health, jupyter, survey, orgyear, rolodex, orgsuperlinks, buttons, orgvm, treesitter, lspbridge, sqlite, mail, eev, python, maint, haskell, rde, justl, asmblox, wayland, sat-open, sat-close, sun-open
-- [[file:emergency-back-to-one.svg]]
+- [[file:emergency-back-to-one-sun-pm.svg]]
*** TODO Get the emergency schedule sorted out so that we can easily switch to it
@@ -351,11 +340,16 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-11-20 Sun>
-CLOCK: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:30]
+CLOCK: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:30]--[2022-11-19 Sat 18:50] => 7:20
so that people on other platforms can come across EmacsConf
*** TODO [#A] Write the restreaming shell scripts
+**** TODO Restream-gen-youtube
+:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 13:32]
*** DONE Create the events and save the keys :sachac:
CLOSED: [2022-11-19 Sat 11:58]
[[file:~/proj/emacsconf/private/*Other platforms][Other platforms]]
@@ -624,6 +618,19 @@ CLOSED: [2022-11-14 Mon 14:14] SCHEDULED: <2022-11-19 Sat>
*** TODO [#B] Add intro notes and specific talk notes to the hyperlist
*** TODO [#A] Make a hyperlist for checking people in for easier copying and pasting
+*** TODO Send FlowyCoder hyperlist for checking people in
+SCHEDULED: <2022-11-26 Sat>
+:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 09:26]
+[[file:~/proj/emacsconf/wiki/2022/organizers-notebook/*Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage][Use Mumble for backchannel coordination and also on-stage]]
+*** TODO Make backstage redirects for pad and qa so that hosts and streamers can have an easier time
+:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 13:54]
** TODO [#C] Record intro/outro for day-1 and day-2 :zaeph:
:CUSTOM_ID: rec-intro
@@ -848,6 +855,7 @@
#+TOC: headlines 1 local
** How do we want to coordinate during the conference itself?
:CUSTOM_ID: coordination
@@ -1145,6 +1153,20 @@ Options:
- : 4-person team, post-prod, break commercials
+** SOMEDAY Think about what to do with schedule gaps due to cancelled talks :thoughts:
+:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 17:30]
+:CUSTOM_ID: schedule-gaps
+- just leave it on the in-between slide: no extra effort required
+- host breakout rooms
+*** SOMEDAY Consider fillers covering conference stuff :thoughts:
+:CREATED: [2022-11-19 Sat 17:43]
* Roles needed
:CUSTOM_ID: roles
@@ -2284,7 +2306,8 @@ SCHEDULED: <2022-12-03 Sat>
- Talk gone from the schedule?
- Talk listed among the cancelled talks?
- Talk page has cancelled info?
+6. Remove the talk from the [[#one-track][one-track emergency schedule]]
*** Last-minute prerecording submission
:CUSTOM_ID: last-minute-prerec