path: root/organizers-notebook
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2024-12-09 07:32:51 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2024-12-09 07:32:51 -0500
commite14ca5a7df34a7f3e11309b77fe215b95f2d0b47 (patch)
tree99c2060717707d753089d56672580e838aad285f /organizers-notebook
parent071831829b12e2de46b0694b20d16b90246a6b83 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'organizers-notebook')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/organizers-notebook/ b/organizers-notebook/
index 73812103..c16c3a96 100644
--- a/organizers-notebook/
+++ b/organizers-notebook/
@@ -276,6 +276,75 @@ Go through the :tminusone: tags.
:CUSTOM_ID: conf
+** After the conference
+*** Capture stats
+2024 stats
+gen: 177 peak + 14 peak lowres
+dev: 226 peak + 79 peak lowres
+gen: 89 peak + 10 peak lowres
+meet peak 409% CPU (100% is 1 CPU), average 69.4%
+front peak 70.66% CPU (100% is 1 CPU)
+live peak 552% CPU (100% is 1 CPU) average 144%
+res peak 81.54% total CPU (each OBS ~250%), mem 7GB used
+*** Back up the data
+**** Icecast
+rsync -avze ssh live:'/data/emacsconf-2024-*' media:~/2024
+rsync -avze ssh live:'/data/emacsconf-2024-*' .
+**** BigBlueButton
+rsync -avze ssh root@bbb:/var/bigbluebutton/ bigbluebutton/
+ssh root@ 'dd if=/dev/sda bs=5M ' | dd of=bbb-img-2024-12-08.img status=progress
+The img can be loaded with
+sudo losetup --find --show bbb-img-2024-12-08.img
+sudo mount /dev/loop10 test
+cd test
+***** Reviewing all the Q&A durations and chat messages
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no
+(let ((default-directory "/home/sacha/proj/emacsconf/2024/backups/bigbluebutton/published/video"))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (dir)
+ (let ((chat (xml-parse-file
+ (expand-file-name "video.xml" dir)))
+ (metadata (xml-parse-file
+ (expand-file-name "metadata.xml" dir))))
+ (concat
+ "- "
+ (dom-text (car (dom-by-tag metadata 'meetingName))) " ("
+ (format-seconds "%.2h:%z%.2m:%.2s"
+ (/ (string-to-number (dom-text (dom-by-tag metadata 'duration)))
+ 1000))
+ ")"
+ "\n"
+ (if (dom-by-tag chat 'chattimeline)
+ (mapconcat (lambda (node)
+ (concat " - " (dom-attr node 'name) ": "
+ (dom-attr node 'message) "\n"))
+ (dom-by-tag chat 'chattimeline)
+ "")
+ "")
+ "")
+ )
+ )
+ (directory-files "." nil "-"))
+ )
+*** Combine the IRC logs and the pads, and add them to the wiki
+(did we e-mail the speakers before or after?)
+*** Process the Q&A recordings and live presentations
+*** Process the lessons learned
+*** Write a report
* General infrastructure
** Linode instance sizes
*** Production
@@ -283,6 +352,8 @@ elisp:emacsconf-pad-open-shift-hyperlist
- live0 Linode 64GB
- meet Dedicated CPU 16GB
*** Dormant
+Resize disk to 25GB, copying large files to media if needed
- nanode front0
- nanode live0
- delete meet after downloading all the recordings, or resize down to nanode
@@ -323,6 +394,7 @@ New year:
#+begin_src sh
** Watching pages
:CUSTOM_ID: watch
@@ -612,6 +684,13 @@ Room.all.each { |x| puts x.friendly_id + " " + }; nil
*** Setting up moderator access codes
+*** Backing up BBB :backup:
+rsync -avze ssh root@bbb:/var/bigbluebutton/ bigbluebutton/
+ssh root@bbb 'tar zcvf - /var/bigbluebutton /etc/bigbluebutton /root/greenlight-v3 /usr/local/bigbluebutton /usr/share/bbb-web' > bbb-backup-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").tar.gz
+ssh root@bbb 'dd if=/dev/sda bs=5M ' | dd of=bbb-img-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").img status=progress
** Manual IRC announcements