path: root/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhu...
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authorSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
committerSacha Chua <>2020-12-09 12:17:50 -0500
commit839b298776e262a99eec18d23f4e52363fe937bc (patch)
tree05db68082ebe5fdb7f389a07a52596764d7fd8d1 /2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhula-autogen.sbv
parente7d7db03ac4e24d2ee7d7a8741f9e3da7edffab1 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to '2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhula-autogen.sbv')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhula-autogen.sbv b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhula-autogen.sbv
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+++ b/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--07-beyond-vim-and-emacs-a-scalable-ui-paradigm--sid-kasivajhula-autogen.sbv
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+far away in the heavenly abode of the
+great god indra
+there is a wonderful net which has been
+hung by some cunning artificer
+in such a manner that it stretches out
+infinitely in all directions
+in accordance with the extravagant
+tastes of deities the artificer has hung
+a single glittering jewel in each eye of
+the net
+and since the net itself is infinite the
+jewels are infinite in number
+there hang the jewels glittering like
+stars in the first magnitude
+a wonderful sight to behold were we to
+select one of these jewels for
+we would discover that in its polished
+surface there are reflected
+all the other jewels in the net infinite
+in number
+if we look still more closely we would
+see that each of the jewels reflected in
+this one jewel
+reflects all the others this is the
+metaphor of indra's net
+which is told in some schools of
+philosophy let's keep this metaphor in
+because it'll help us understand the
+emacs extension that we're about to
+so in editing text there's two
+main paradigms one
+is um editing at the ground level
+where the characters that we type
+actually appear on the screen
+the changes we make actually occur
+the other editing paradigm is where we
+escape to a higher level
+and now the characters that we type are
+they don't actually appear on the screen
+because we're not at the ground level
+with the text we are at a higher level
+looking down at the text
+and regarding the text referring to
+this world of text in terms of a
+for instance we could describe this
+world as having words and paragraphs and
+sentences and
+lines and so on and we could reason
+about this
+text in terms of these
+textual entities and this textual
+this is the second paradigm of text
+and when we're in the second paradigm
+there is a way to go down to ground
+level you hit enter
+now or we'll hit enter to go down to the
+ground level and you can hit escape
+to go back out to the referential level
+enter to go down to ground level
+and escape to go up to the referential
+now in vim the nouns
+in this world of text all
+share the same referential plane which
+we call
+normal mode so in normal mode all of the
+of the world of text are available
+whether it's words or sentences or
+and they all share this same
+referential plane and there's uh
+they sort of compete for space on the
+um so an alternative uh
+way to structure these modes is instead
+of having a single mode where all the
+nouns coexist
+peacefully or otherwise you instead
+have a dedicated mode for every noun
+so in that case what happens is because
+your modal spaces are now much smaller
+you're just talking about words or
+paragraphs or
+lines or something the keys that you use
+can be much more targeted
+and you can use the same keystrokes in
+in all of your modes and they would have
+the same ideas behind them but
+they would have different effects
+depending on which context you're using
+so it's the same keystrokes different
+and the advantage of that is it's often
+to change context than it is to
+learn new key bindings so let's see
+an example of how that works we go into
+character mode and if you look at the
+line at the bottom of the screen there
+you'll see that we're in character mode
+and now when we move up down left and
+right we're moving by character
+we can also transform the text and
+the transformations occur in terms of
+you can also go into word mode and in
+word mode
+the transformations that you do are on
+and you try you your movement is also in
+terms of words
+so that's the level of granularity that
+you have
+you could also go to line mode and when
+you're in line mode
+you go up and down by line and you can
+lines up and down left and right and so
+and the transformations you do are in
+terms of lines
+you could also go to window mode where
+now the objects that you're referring to
+are windows and you can
+move spatially amongst the windows or
+make do transformations on the windows
+using the same keystrokes
+so let's go to
+um right and so um the one of the things
+the the principles that play here is
+something called the rumpelstiltskin
+principle which is something
+that's known in computer science which
+is that if you can name something then
+you have that you have power
+then you have power over it so this is
+kind of an adaptation of that principle
+which says that if you can
+name something and if you can talk about
+it then it's a noun
+in your editing language and if it's a
+noun then it has
+it's a mode so if we can talk about it
+it's a noun
+if it's a noun then it's a mode and one
+of the things we've been talking a lot
+is modes so in fact
+uh by this principle modes also
+should be a mode
+you should have a mode that can reason
+in terms of modes as objects just like
+you have
+modes where you can reason in terms of
+words or lines as objects
+and so let's do that let's go to mode
+when you go to mode mode you see that uh
+the objects that are depicted here are
+the modes that are
+that are present in the buffer
+which we knew about um because the
+style of editing that we had in this
+buffer was the vim style of editing
+where there's an insert mode at the
+ground level and a normal mode that you
+can escape
+to you insert enter the ground level
+enter to the insert mode and escape to
+normal mode and when you look at the
+mode mode
+representation you see that in fact that
+is the structure that's depicted
+but in different situations you might
+that you that these modes are not the
+ones that you want you want something
+more tailored for the specific
+for instance if you're editing
+lisp code uh or or code in general but
+list code is a particular example
+you might want to take advantage of the
+structure of
+the code and for lisp code in particular
+we have a mode called symax mode
+which is able to reason
+about your code in terms of its tree
+so you can use the same keystrokes hkl
+left right up and down but you also have
+other keystrokes that are more
+specialized to the application
+and you can run the code and
+we'll see that happen here in a minute
+and you can make changes to it really
+and see the effects of those changes
+and you're doing this all in a mode
+that's convenient for
+this particular application which is
+editing lisp code
+and that is in this case symmex mode
+so typically when you're editing code
+like this you'd want to be
+in insert mode actually typing out the
+and then you'd want to escape to simex
+mode rather than normal mode
+and then you could escape again and
+you'd end up in normal mode
+so this if we go to mode mode we see is
+as this tower where insert is at the
+bottom and normal is at the top but
+symmex mode is in between
+the two you could also change that if
+you like if you don't want cmx mode to
+be there you could just
+move it to the top and now you find some
+mixes at the top and you enter down to
+you can see it on the status bar at the
+bottom there enter to insert
+escape to normal escape to symmex and
+in fact you can even add more modes if
+you don't like the existing ones
+and now we have an additional mode here
+we have window mode it goes down to
+symmex goes down to normal
+enter the insert escape to normal escape
+to smx escape the window
+um so we've talked okay so another thing
+actually to note here is that in editing
+modes um
+if you look at the mode line at the
+bottom of the screen
+you'll see that we are currently in this
+we are currently in line mode
+and i'm going to hit enter now and
+you'll see that when i hit
+enter nothing is happening it's still in
+line mode
+if you'd escape it's still in line mode
+and you can find out the reason for that
+by taking another meta jump out of this
+and you'll see that in fact the reason
+is that we're currently in line mode
+and line mode is the only one available
+in this tower
+for editing the modes that are in
+operation in your ground level
+and in fact line mode is all you need
+here because this is just
+uh the nature of how these modes are
+laid out is
+in in rows and so line mode is the most
+appropriate thing here
+but you could change it to something
+else if you like
+and then now we've seen two towers we've
+the vim tower and we've seen
+also the symex tower the the lisp tower
+and it turns out that because we've been
+talking about towers now
+by the rumpelstiltskin principle towers
+um can be talked about
+and therefore they also are a mode so
+how do we go to tower mode
+and the way we go tower mode is we do
+we go in a slightly different direction
+and we find that we are now in tower
+and we see that there are many towers
+available so we're now
+we're we're seeing several possible
+towers that we have written
+um to be available and for use in
+different buffers and you can edit them
+on the fly for instance let's enter this
+and now you see that in the bottom of
+the in the mode line you see that we're
+across all of these different modes that
+were in the tower
+and you could escape and you could even
+move things around you could put window
+all the way at the bottom right above
+insert mode
+let's see that happen there it is window
+is right above insert
+so on and the tower always reflects your
+current position
+so if you're in buffer mode here and you
+go down to line mode
+when you go back to mode mode you see
+that we are in line mode
+but in practice you wouldn't have a
+tower this elaborate because
+you'd rather have several smaller towers
+enter that you alternate between
+um okay so one
+other thing of interest here is that
+when you're in tower mode
+if you look at the status line at the
+bottom there we are currently
+in buffer mode while we are in tower
+and tower mode actually isn't a mode
+really neither is mode mode they're
+referential planes or meta planes
+um in any case you can see that we're in
+buffer mode and we can take a meta jump
+out of this to confirm
+that buffer mode is the only mode
+when we're editing towers because that's
+the one
+we need given that our towers are
+in individual buffers
+right so let's uh let's see where we're
+trump's still skin principle we talked
+about mode mode
+um we talked about the strange loop
+application of
+ground level modes in meta levels
+and yeah we saw the different towers and
+in fact
+you can we're currently in
+vim tower
+where you can go to emacs tower and now
+with a single keystroke you can
+between e-max
+and vim which are represented which are
+modeled as towers
+okay so
+so there's uh the one thing that we've
+sort of alluded to is that there are two
+that you can travel in when you're going
+through this framework
+one lev one direction is uh and we'll
+visualize it with uh like so
+there's two directions you can travel
+and you can either go sideways or you
+can go up and down
+if you go sideways you're changing your
+so normal mode word mode line mode
+window mode and so on are all different
+perspectives on your under on your
+ground editing experience
+and the other direction you can travel
+in is up or down which takes you
+through meta levels so you go from the
+ground level editing experience
+up to mode mode and then up to the tower
+plane and so on
+or uh yeah and so on
+um yeah so this all sounds
+very complex but the truth is
+it's not really that complicated
+even though it feels that way the reason
+it isn't that complicated
+is because no matter how many levels
+up or down you go and no matter where
+you are
+whether you're in at the ground level
+editing the actual text
+or whether you're at a meta level some
+unknown meta level and you don't know
+where you are
+no matter where you are the way in which
+you interact with it
+is the same at every level
+and that is the great power of um
+this approach is that
+all of the different levels um are the
+and in fact the complexity of the whole
+is exactly identical to the
+complexity of each part so if you know
+how to edit words
+in the ground level buffer and you know
+how to move
+lines around using line mode then you
+know how to edit
+any aspect of your editing experience at
+any level
+so this is a pre-release demo this
+doesn't exist on melpa
+yet but you can follow updates um
+at this repo on github
+and if you can also be a beta tester or
+something like that if you like that
+would be very
+uh helpful and you can learn more about
+this at
+0:16:50.560,0:16:55.920 which is where i house
+the research that i work on and in
+the research on epistemic levels is what
+inspired this particular emacs extension
+you can also learn about dialectical
+inheritance attribution which is the
+basis of
+a new economic system that could be fair
+and could lead to a prosperous and happy
+and um yeah you can follow me on
+twitter at countwajoula and
+that's it thank you