path: root/organizers-notebook/
blob: bf548b9f8129ac429b41c26a45a5a0c5936201b3 (plain) (tree)

# [[elisp:(progn (memoize 'emacsconf-get-talk-info "5 seconds") (org-md-export-to-markdown) (memoize-restore 'emacsconf-get-talk-info))][Export this file to Markdown]]
#+TAGS: emacsconf
# [[elisp:(memoize 'emacsconf-get-talk-info "5 seconds")][Memoize emacsconf-get-talk-info]] - [[elisp:(memoize-restore 'emacsconf-get-talk-info)][Unmemoize]]
#+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil num:nil ':t
#+PROPERTY: header-args    :results silent :exports code :tangle yes

#+begin_export md
<!-- is exported from organizers-notebook/, please modify that instead. -->
[[!sidebar content=""]]

This file is automatically exported from [/organizers-notebook/](/organizers-notebook/ You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](

This document is the general organizer's notebook that can be used as a starting point each year.

* Starting up the conference planning process

Check in with core organizers from the previous year to see who's in.

** Create the private repository

This repository will store submissions, contact information, etc.

   1. Create the repository on ~front0~. Ex:
      #+begin_src sh :eval no
     sudo su - git
		 cd repositories
		 mkdir emacsconf-2024-private.git
		 cd emacsconf-2024-private.git
		 git init --bare
   2. Edit ~gitolite-admin/config/gitolite-conf~. Add lines for the group and the repo. Commit and push. Ex:
     @emacsconf-2024-org = bandali sachac ...
     repo emacsconf-2024-private
          RW+ = @admins @emacsconf-2024-org orga
   3. Clone the private repository into the appropriate location. ~git clone private~
** Create the public organizers' notebook in the wiki

Ex: 2024/organizers-notebook/
* Phases and lessons learned
** Draft CFP

Create linked pages
- [ ] year index
- [ ] volunteer page
- [ ] submit page

*** How to mark pages as drafts

Put inside double square brackets: =!template id=pagedraft=
*** Previous years


*** Lessons learned

- Ask for public e-mail or contact information, IRC handle in CFP.
- Nudge everyone towards 5/10 or 20 minutes, and consider < or > on a case-by-case basis.
  - In previous years, we offered 40 minutes as a
    regular choice, but that was difficult because
    we had to figure out how to squeeze lots of
    talks into the schedule and we didn't know
    what could be shortened. In 2022, we asked
    people to provide quick outlines for 10-, 20-,
    and 40-minute formats if they wanted a long
    talk slot, which was helpful in prioritizing.
    In 2023, we just suggested 5/10 and 20-minute
    slots knowing that there would probably be
    plenty of time for Q&A, with some longer talks
    approved on a case-by-case basis. Because
    talks are (ideally) prerecorded, 20 minutes
    seems to be a good length to get into
    something interesting while leaving time for
    Q&A so that people could dive deeper into
    particular things that interested them.
- Rolling acceptances were very nice. We gave
  people a week to respond, which felt a little
  quick sometimes, but gave people enough time to
  speak up to see if they had any red flags or
- We didn't extend the CFP period in 2023, great!
- Two streams worked out well. Sunday morning had network congestion issues, so keep an eye out for those.
- It’s easier for us to extend beyond 5pm than to go before 9am
  (especially for the West coast).  Extending beyond 5pm puts strain on
  European organizers and volunteers, though.
- Maybe incentivize proper timezone specification by saying we can translate times to their local time?
- Make sure to include as an attachment instead of inline
- bandali likes having the commitment to freedom section in the CFP as a form of activism.