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[[!date "2022-10-16"]]
[[!meta title="Speakers confirmed, Etherpad, watch pages, shifts]]

Hello, folks! Here's the weekly update on what's happening backstage
for EmacsConf 2022 in case you notice something that you want to help
out with. =)

- All the speakers have confirmed that they've gotten the acceptance
  e-mails. Many speakers have confirmed that the schedule works for
  them after I reshuffled a few talks for better availability. I've
  posted the schedule at <> . We'll
  announce the schedule on the emacsconf-discuss mailing, Reddit, and
  various places this week.
- zaeph has been working on the ffmpeg incantations for preprocessing
  the videos that will be submitted soon. bandali is working on
  getting the FTP and web-based uploads sorted out so that speakers
  can submit their videos.
- I created some watch pages to support viewing different tracks:
  <> . The livestreams won't work yet
  and it would be nice to figure out something that can dynamically
  display info for recent/current/upcoming talks, but it's a start.

- We set up a self-hosted Etherpad (ex:
  <>) with an easy way to
  redirect to using Wikimedia in case we run into scaling issues. I've
  added it to our Ansible playbook
  ( and I'm looking
  forward to incorporating Ry P.'s improvements. Karl Voit gave
  feedback on the first draft of the template.

- vetrivln volunteered for some of the dev hosting shifts, Karl Voit
  volunteered for some of the gen pad shifts, and FlowyCoder
  volunteered for some of the gen check-in shifts. Thanks!

Next week, we hope to:

- Announce the EmacsConf 2022 schedule in the usual places (got any wording/JS/CSS suggestions?)
- Finalize the upload instructions so that speakers can start submitting their files
- Put together volunteer training materials
- Set up per-speaker BBB rooms and friendly URLs
