path: root/2024/organizers-notebook/
blob: db48f3a23d66abb67be13440790b5aa86294c386 (plain) (tree)










































































# [[elisp:(progn (memoize 'emacsconf-get-talk-info "5 seconds") (org-md-export-to-markdown) (memoize-restore 'emacsconf-get-talk-info))][Export this file to Markdown]]
#+TAGS: emacsconf
# [[elisp:(memoize 'emacsconf-get-talk-info "5 seconds")][Memoize emacsconf-get-talk-info]] - [[elisp:(memoize-restore 'emacsconf-get-talk-info)][Unmemoize]]
#+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil num:nil ':t
#+PROPERTY: header-args    :results silent :exports code :tangle yes

#+begin_export md
<!-- is exported from organizers-notebook/, please modify that instead. -->
[[!sidebar content=""]]

This file is automatically exported from [/2024/organizers-notebook/](/2024/organizers-notebook/ You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](

You might also like the [general organizers' notebook](/organizers-notebook) and [the organizers' notebook from 2023](/2023/organizers-notebook).

#+NAME: list-headings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value replace :exports results :eval never-export :var heading="Help wanted" :var match="helpwanted"
 (concat heading ":\n\n")
	(delq nil
				 (lambda ()
					 (when (and (org-entry-is-todo-p) (not (org-entry-is-done-p)))
						 (format "- %s %s\n"
											(concat "#" (org-entry-get (point) "CUSTOM_ID"))
											(org-entry-get (point) "ITEM"))
											"(by "
											(and (org-entry-get (point) "DEADLINE")
													 (replace-regexp-in-string "[<>]" "" (org-entry-get (point) "DEADLINE")))
				 match nil))
"" "")

#+RESULTS: list-headings

#+CALL: list-headings(heading="Decisions to make", match="decision")


#+TOC: headlines 2
* COMMENT Shortcuts

[[file:~/proj/emacsconf/wiki/organizers-notebook/][Common notebook]]

* TODO Timeline
:CUSTOM_ID: timeline

| CFP                       | [2024-06-30 Sun] |    |
| CFP deadline              | [2024-09-20 Fri] | 82 |
| Speaker notifications     | [2024-09-27 Fri] |    |
| *Publish schedule*        | [2024-10-25 Fri] |    |
| Video submission deadline | [2024-11-08 Fri] | 49 |
| EmacsConf                 | [2024-12-07 Sat] | 29 |
#+TBLFM: @2$3=@2$2-@1$2::@5$3=@5$2-@2$2::@6$3=@6$2-@5$2

We like to have at least a month to work on audio
normalization and transcription, and we want
speakers to have at least a month to work on their
videos (considering early submissions will already
have gotten started on processing).

* About this document
:CUSTOM_ID: about-this-doc

- =conforg=: Requires access to private repository

* Communications plan
:CUSTOM_ID: comms

- keep everyone in the loop without them feeling like they're overloaded

- [ ] Call for participation (speakers and volunteers)
- [ ] Reminder about CFP
- [ ] Last call

- [ ] Send all speakers backstage access and upload instructions
- [ ] Send all speakers check-in instructions

- [ ] Send captioning volunteers the backstage info
- [ ] Send past captioning volunteers an invitation to participate - ask when there's a lot of load
- [ ] Ask for help with audio processing

* Good/better/best
:CUSTOM_ID: good-better-best

This table makes it easier to move the slider depending on who wants
to volunteer and how much we can get done. At some point, we'll figure
out how to track our current status so we know what we need to
scramble to do in order to get the conference off the ground. *bold*
is our current goal. Feel free to volunteer for anything that
interests you!

 |                     | Good                 | Better                          | Best                                          |
 | Streaming           | Regular stream       | + alternate streams on PeerTube | + alternate streams on YouTube                |
 | 480p                | Same on live         | Separate node                   | Ansible setup                                 |
 | Audio normalization | Core org handling it | Other volunteer                 | Multiple volunteers                           |
 | Video resolution    | Usual reminders      | Extra reminders                 | Everyone remembering to use a large font size |
 | Intros              | Standard, recorded   | Reviewed by speakers            | More details/context                          |
 | Pad                 | v1.9.7               | v2.x                            |                                               |
* Phases
:CUSTOM_ID: phases
** DONE Draft CFP
CLOSED: [2024-09-17 Tue 16:45]

**** Draft linked pages

- [X] cfp
- [X] submit page
- [X] year index
- [X] volunteer page
**** DONE Check with other organizers
CLOSED: [2024-06-11 Tue 19:21] DEADLINE: <2024-06-14 Fri>
:CREATED:  [024-06-03 Mon 10:1]
**** DONE Post CFP in the usual places
CLOSED: [2024-09-17 Tue 16:45]
emacsconf-discuss,, Emacs News, emacs-tangents, Mastodon, X
** DONE Draft schedule
CLOSED: [2024-11-02 Sat 11:38]
:CUSTOM_ID: draft-schedule

#+NAME: schedule
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value replace :exports none :eval never-export :var filename="schedule-1.5-tracks.svg"
(require 'emacsconf)
(require 'emacsconf-schedule)
(setq emacsconf-schedule-tracks
			'((:label "Saturday"
								:start "2024-12-07 9:00"
								:end "2024-12-07 18:00"
								:tracks ("General" "Development"))
				(:label "Sunday"
								:start "2024-12-08 9:00"
								:end "2024-12-08 18:00"
								:tracks ("General" "Development"))))
(let ((emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 10)
			(emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 20)
			(emacsconf-schedule-break-time 10)
			(emacsconf-schedule-lunch-time 60)
			(emacsconf-use-absolute-url t)
			(emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-allocate-buffer-time
				 ;; emacsconf-schedule-validate-live-q-and-a-sessions-are-staggered
	(setq emacsconf-schedule-plan
				'(("GEN Saturday, Dec 7" :start "2024-12-07 09:00" :set-track "General")
					papers ; <= 10:00
					project ; any
					org-update ; <= 13:00 EST Sat or >= 15:00 Sat or <= 14:00 Sun, Sat preferred
					color  ; <= 12:00 sat pref
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					theme ; >= 12:30
					(water :time 15) ; >= 13:00 Sat, same speaker as shell
					shell ; >= 13:00 Sat
					casual ; >= 13:00
					hyperdrive ; >= 13:30 Sat
					writing ; >= 15:30 Sat
					emacs30 ; probably any
					(sat-close :start "17:00")
					("DEV Saturday, Dec 7" :start "2024-12-07 10:00" :set-track "Development")
					gypsum ; <= 11:00
					rust ; Dec 7
					p-search  ; any
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					(julia :buffer 15) ; >= 13:00
					guile ; >= 12:00
					secrets ; >= 13:00
					(mcclim :time 60) ; >= 14:00
					repro ; any
					("GEN Sunday, Dec 8" :start "2024-12-08 09:00" :set-track "General")
					links ; <= 10:30
					regex ; <= 12:00 sun or >= 12:00 sat
					learning ; <= 13:00
					language ; <= 12:00
					(org-teach :buffer 15) ; any
					(hyperbole :buffer 15)
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					(hywiki :buffer 15) ; >= 10:00
					(pgmacs :buffer 15) ; <= 15:00
					(blee :buffer 10) ; any
					(literate :buffer 15) ; >= 13:00
					students ; >= 14:00 Sun
					sharing ; >= 13:00
					(transducers) ; >= 16:00 sun
					(sun-close :start "17:00")
	(setq emacsconf-schedule-draft (emacsconf-schedule-prepare (emacsconf-schedule-inflate-sexp emacsconf-schedule-plan)))
	(prog1 (string-join (emacsconf-schedule-validate emacsconf-schedule-draft) "\n")
		(let ((emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions
		(with-temp-file (expand-file-name filename (file-name-directory emacsconf-org-file))
			(svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft)))
		(with-temp-file (expand-file-name filename (expand-file-name "organizers-notebook" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory)))
			(svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft))))

#+RESULTS: schedule



- light blue: constraint is <= a time
- peach: constraint is >= a time
- solid line: Q&A will be through BigBlueButton web conference
- dashed line: Q&A will be IRC/Etherpad during the event or e-mail after the event


- Updates:
  - [2024-10-27 Sun] Removed emacsconf:graph, moved emacsconf:p-search earlier; also emacsconf:learning needs to be in the morning, so I moved emacsconf:pgmacs and emacsconf:org-teach around.
  - [2024-10-22 Tue] Swapped emacsconf:org-teach and emacsconf:blee
  - [2024-10-21 Mon] Extended emacsconf:blee
  - [2024-10-17 Thu] Added emacsconf:org-update to Saturday morning, moving emacsconf:org-teach to Sunday afternoon
  - [2024-10-15 Tue] Swapped emacsconf:students and emacsconf:literate for availability reasons
  - [2024-10-13 Sun] Moved emacsconf:hyperdrive to the afternoon (swapping with emacsconf:flp) because of changed availability
  - [2024-10-12 Sat] I fixed the time constraint for emacsconf:students (needs to be in the afternoon), so I moved emacsconf:hyperbole to the morning.
- General approach:
  - I've mostly tried to alternate IRC/pad Q&A with live Q&A.
  - 1.5 tracks keeps things faster-paced than the 2-track option.
- Sat:
  - Gen track:
    - emacsconf:papers, emacsconf:project, emacsconf:org-teach, emacsconf:flp, emacsconf:color should be pretty general
    - emacsconf:color and emacsconf:theme are both theme-related. emacsconf:color needs to be in the morning and emacsconf:theme needs to be in the afternoon, so I put them on either side of the lunch break.
    - Other afternoon talks: emacsconf:water and emacsconf:shell are by the same speaker. emacsconf:casual, emacsconf:hyperdrive, and emacsconf:writing will probably be good for a general audience. These speakers are only available in the afternoon, so this part of the schedule is a bit tight.
    - I put emacsconf:emacs30 at the end of Saturday to act sort of as a keynote. Closing remarks on Saturday are usually very light, so we could skip them.
  - Dev track:
    - emacsconf:gypsum, emacsconf:rust, emacsconf:julia, emacsconf:guile, and emacsconf:mcclim are about other projects
    - emacsconf:graph, emacsconf:p-search, emacsconf:secrets, and emacsconf:repro will probably be more dev-focused
- Sun:
  - Sunday morning last year had some packet loss issues at around 9:30, so we'll start with some talks that don't have BBB Q&A: emacsconf:students, emacsconf:links, emacsconf:regex
  - emacsconf:blee and emacsconf:language are probably general-audience
  - emacsconf:pgmacs, emacsconf:regex, and emacsconf:transducers are all development-oriented, but are on the general track for scheduling purposes. [[emacsconf:transducers]] can only be on Sunday afternoon at 4pm because of availability.
  - I've separated emacsconf:hyperbole and emacsconf:hywiki by lunch so that people who are interested in that can attend the live Q&A for both without worrying about missing things.
  - emacsconf:learning, emacsconf:sharing, emacsconf:literate will probably be good for a general audience

*** Option: 2 tracks  :noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: sched-2-tracks
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value replace :exports none :eval never-export :var filename="schedule-2-tracks.svg"
(require 'emacsconf)
(require 'emacsconf-schedule)
(setq emacsconf-schedule-tracks
			'((:label "Saturday"
								:start "2024-12-07 9:00"
								:end "2024-12-07 18:00"
								:tracks ("General" "Development"))
				(:label "Sunday"
								:start "2024-12-08 9:00"
								:end "2024-12-08 18:00"
								:tracks ("General" "Development"))))
(let ((emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes 20)
			(emacsconf-schedule-default-buffer-minutes-for-live-q-and-a 30)
			(emacsconf-schedule-break-time 10)
			(emacsconf-schedule-lunch-time 60)
			(emacsconf-use-absolute-url t)
			(emacsconf-schedule-strategies '(emacsconf-schedule-allocate-buffer-time
				 ;; emacsconf-schedule-validate-live-q-and-a-sessions-are-staggered
	(setq emacsconf-schedule-plan
				'(("GEN Saturday, Dec 7" :start "2024-12-07 09:00" :set-track "General")
					papers ; <= 10:00
					color  ; <= 12:00 sat pref
					flp ; any, Sat pref
					hyperdrive ; >= 11:00 Sat
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					emacs30 ; probably any
					theme ; >= 12:30
					water ; >= 13:00 Sat, same speaker as shell >= 10:00 EST Sat and <= 16:00 EST Sat
					shell ; >= 13:00 Sat >= 10:00 EST Sat and <= 16:00 EST Sat
					writing ; >= 15:30 Sat
					("DEV Saturday, Dec 7" :start "2024-12-07 10:00" :set-track "Development")
					gypsum ; <= 11:00
					rust ; Dec 7
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					julia ; >= 13:00
					guile ; >= 12:00
					(mcclim :time 60) ; >= 14:00
					regex ; <= 12:00 sun or >= 12:00 sat
					repro ; any
					("GEN Sunday, Dec 8" :start "2024-12-08 09:00" :set-track "General")
					links ; <= 10:30
					(org-teach :buffer 20) ; any
					(hyperbole :buffer 20)
					(hywiki :buffer 20) ; >= 10:00
					language ; <= 12:00
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					literate ; >= 13:00
					casual ; >= 13:00
					learning ; any
					project ; any
					sharing ; any
					(sun-close :start "16:50")
					("DEV Sunday, Dec 8" :start "2024-12-08 10:00" :set-track "Development")
					pgmacs ; <= 15:00
					graph ; <= 12:00
					(lunch :start "12:00")
					blee ; any
					p-search  ; any
					secrets ; >= 13:00
					(transducers :start "16:00") ; >= 16:00 sun
	(setq emacsconf-schedule-draft (emacsconf-schedule-prepare (emacsconf-schedule-inflate-sexp emacsconf-schedule-plan)))
	(prog1 (string-join (emacsconf-schedule-validate emacsconf-schedule-draft) "\n")
		(let ((emacsconf-schedule-svg-modify-functions
		(with-temp-file (expand-file-name filename (file-name-directory emacsconf-org-file))
			(svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft)))
		(with-temp-file (expand-file-name filename (expand-file-name "organizers-notebook" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory)))
			(svg-print (emacsconf-schedule-svg 800 300 emacsconf-schedule-draft))))



Coloring by availability:
- light blue: constraint is <= a time
- peach: constraint is >= a time
* TODO [#A] Check EmacsConf infrastructure                         :project:

- [X] IRC
- [ ] Streaming assets
- [ ] Publishing to the wiki
- [ ] Web conference
- [ ] OBS
- [ ] Publishing to the media server
- [ ] Etherpad
- [ ] Streaming
- [ ] Toobnix
- [ ] YouTube

** WAITING [#A] replacement
DEADLINE: <2024-11-15 Fri>
:CREATED:  [2024-11-02 Sat 11:38]

- Delegated to Corwin for now, will get back to stressing out about it in a couple of weeks
- May need to spin up a Linode and either pay for it for a few weeks or figure out how to spin it down and up again
  - [[#bbb][BigBlueButton replacement]]
- Possibly relevant: dynamic DNS?
  Can also update manually
*** TODO Create meeting rooms for each speaker
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-15 Fri>
:CREATED:  [2024-11-02 Sat 11:50]
** IRC web client
*** WAITING Ask to increase connections allowed from on Dec 7 and 8
** IRC announcements
*** DONE Confirm manual IRC announcements
CLOSED: [2024-11-02 Sat 12:05]
*** TODO Confirm automated IRC announcements from res
** Media

*** TODO Switch public media to unprotected root before the conference
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-29 Fri>
:CREATED:  [2024-11-12 Tue 14:18]

1. Clear public media directory.
2. Set =media_protect_root= to false in Ansible =group_vars/all.yml=.
3. =ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media=

You can generate the index with =emacsconf-publish-update-media=.
** TODO Publishing resources to the wiki
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags publish

** TODO Publishing videos to the media server
** Playing videos, switching to windows

*** TODO Generate test videos for everything
*** TODO Document how to get that set up again
** Etherpad
*** TODO Generate pads for all the talks
*** TODO Generate the main index
** TODO Do a dry run
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-22 Fri>
:CREATED:  [2024-11-02 Sat 11:40]
*** DONE Generate all the test assets
CLOSED: [2024-11-06 Wed 18:52]
:Effort:   0:15
CLOCK: [2024-11-06 Wed 18:47]--[2024-11-06 Wed 18:52] =>  0:05
*** TODO Test connecting to VNC and streaming via OBS
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-07 Thu>
:CREATED:  [2024-11-06 Wed 18:52]
* Processes and notes
** ERC

Some convenient commands are defined in emacsconf-el:emacsconf-erc.el.

| /opall     | Grant operator status in the Emacsconf channels  |
| /deopall   | Remove operator status in the Emacsconf channels |
| /conftopic | Set the first part of the topic                  |

* Decisions
:CUSTOM_ID: decisions
** BigBlueButton replacement

The server running has been decommissioned, since the nonprofit that shared it with us is defunct.

- We'd like to figure out what our live Q&A setup is going to be for EmacsConf 2024 (Dec 7-8).
- Nice to have: Hosting for other Emacs meetups like Emacs APAC and OrgMeetup
- [[][Stats from last year]]: 31 meetings, 84 unique users, 62 max simultaneous users, 6 max simultaneous meetings, 27 max users in one meeting, 36 unique talking
  - also includes some notes on hosting
- Nice thing about running our own server: we can make one room per speaker, pre-assign their URLs, and let people stay as long as they want in recorded Q&A sessions


We spin up a shared CPU 4GB under bandali's Linode account (for bandwidth pooling), do the setup/testing over the next few weeks, scale up to dedicated CPU 16GB a day or two before the conference, and keep it at that level until the recordings are all done. If bandali can configure to be handled by Linode, I can manage the DNS changes, or he can change to the IP address of the new node.

Some options:

- Linode with 16GB RAM and 8 cores
  - Advantages: can experiment with both Galene and BBB, manage things ourselves, have filesystem access
  - Disadvantages: needs someone to do it
  - Base pricing
    - Shared CPU 4GB 80GB storage: hourly USD 0.04, monthly USD 24
    - Dedicated CPU 16GB: hourly USD 0.22, monthly USD 144 - meets minimum requirements and can probably support 200 simultaneous ([[][FAQ]])
    - Shared CPU 8GB 160GB storage: hourly USD 0.07
    - Shared CPU 16GB 320GB storage: hourly USD 0.14
    - Last year
    - Block storage: $1/10GB/month
      - 125M/hour - [[][FAQ]]
      - In 2023, we had 31 hours of trimmed recordings (main + answers),
        - (* 31 0.125) 3.875, oh, maybe we can get away with 10GB storage and add another chunk of 10GB midway if we need it, or extend the dedicated
        - Actually, block storage probably not needed if we're going to keep the big instance up until the recordings are done
  - Ideas
    - *Option A: Run a small instance continuously, scale up for the conference, pull the recordings off, spin the instance down* - est total USD 60+tax
      - There are three weeks between now and the conference (* 0.04 24 7 3) USD 20
      - Last year, recordings were available within three days after the conference
      - Let's plan for a week at high capacity. (* 0.22 24 7) USD 36.96
      - and a month of 10GB, possibly up to 30GB. USD 3
      - That's probably small enough that it doesn't make as much sense to try to fully spin down for a week in between now and the conference (* 0.04 24 7) - which would save USD 6.72 but require figuring out backing up, etc.
    - *Option B: Run a slightly larger shared CPU instance from now until shortly after the conference* in case BBB does not work for installation/testing with less memory; block storage probably not needed
      - (* 0.07 24 7 3) USD 35.28 for 8GB, total (+ 35.28 36.96) USD 72.24
      - (* 0.14 24 7 3) USD 70.56 for 16GB, total (+ 70.56 36.96) USD 107.52

- Ask FSF if we can borrow their BBB or Galene, maybe limit it to cycling among 6 or 7 rooms
  - Waiting for feedback; Corwin has asked them
- Pay for BigBlueButton hosting; can we find one that's compatible with our commitment to freedom?
  - - Economy 120 (USD 130/month) or Economy 80 (USD 85/month), custom URL
  - - 100 concurrent users: USD 125/month, custom URL
    - 100 concurrent users: USD 79/month
    - 200 concurrent users and custom URL: USD 15 setup fee + USD 149/month
  - - 150 concurrent, USD 75/month
  - - 250 concurrent, USD 49 setup + USD 108.80/month
    - 150 concurrent users, 10 concurrent meetings, USD 40/month
    - custom domain, 600 concurrent users, USD 149/month
  - Compare with Linode pricing
- Try to squeeze it onto
  - Tricky to run on a shared server; it likes to use a lot of ports and strongly recommends running it on its own server
- Go back to using
  - Free:
    - Need to check speed, reliability
    - Can send RTMP from the meeting itself
    - [2024-11-13 Wed] I attended Ihor's
      OrgMeetup, which he hosted on I
      think he had bandwidth issues at some point
      and we lost his audio. I remember we ran
      into that problem before, too, when we used
      Jitsi for one of the Emacsconfs. Free Jitsi
      hosting might not be the right fit for us.
  - Paid: USD 99/month + $0.01/min for recordings + $0.01 min (optional) for RTMP streaming
- Galene?
  - [2024-10-31 Thu] I checked out Galene in the last Emacs Berlin meeting. It's promising, but I think the user interface might still need a bit of work. Simple deployment (run one Go binary, I think), but muting/unmuting doesn't trigger enabling the microphone, and the chat was buggy to get to on my mobile device. Supposed to have support for raising hands.

* Support code
:CUSTOM_ID: support-code

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my-ox-link-path (link _ info)
	(let* ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link)))
		(setq raw-path
					 (org-publish-file-relative-name raw-path info)))
		;; Possibly append `:html-link-home' to relative file
		;; name.
		(let ((home (and (plist-get info :html-link-home)
										 (org-trim (plist-get info :html-link-home)))))
			(when (and home
								 (plist-get info :html-link-use-abs-url)
								 (not (file-name-absolute-p raw-path)))
				(setq raw-path (concat (file-name-as-directory home) raw-path))))

(defun my-org-md-link (link desc info)
	(if (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
			(let ((path (my-ox-link-path link desc info)))
				(if (string= (file-name-extension path) "svg")
							(insert-file-contents-literally path)
					(org-md-link link desc info)))
		(org-md-link link desc info)))

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-md
	 (alist-get 'link (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend 'md)))