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# Sunday closing remarks

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# General conference feedback

- Subtitles:
     - [regarding the adventure talk:] that is some hero subtitling on "cccc" to "C-c C-c". thank you!
	 - subtitles useful for those who are deaf and broken sound
 - No sound!!?? Good thing for captions!
 - FWIW I think it's actually helpful when the subtitles are delayed by a few seconds, so I can watch and listen normally, but if I misunderstand a few words, I can look at the delayed subtitles and find out was said.
- Closing mpv with "Q" (rather than "q") will save position
- I can honestly say though that I had a great time putting my talk together. I hope people will have a good time listening to it. Now that the work is over, I can say it was worth it. so I recommend it warmly
- Nice way to display countdown  with emacs, that's why i love emacs and emacser
- Indeed, seeing all the use cases across so many fields is one of the big selling point of this coming together, loving it.
- this conference is crazy i am not sure i ever saw so much interesting emacs ideas in one day
- On Github: I once looking into commit activity in Vim vs. Neovim vs. Emacs and ... well ... Emacs is more actively developer despite not using github- Y'all, I have to say, this is like Christmas before Christmas every year. Emacsconf makes my year every year :)
- Thanks to the organizers for your tireless work, and to the most excellent presenters of today, what a treat!
- So many good talks
- many good talks, and a sense of community around emacs, which is nice to see
  - Agreed, I enjoyed a thread I saw on Hacker News yesterday.  There was a lot of love in it for Emacs and its community
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