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# Emacs journalism (or everything's a nail if you hit it with Emacs)
Alfred Zanini (he/they)

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# PART I - Where I started

## Figuring out what you want out of your workflow

For me, that is:

-   note-taking and todos for admin and work tasks
-   project management - setting up deadlines for each task and reminders to check in with people
-   a writing environment when I need to focus on script work
-   a way to experiment with coding and integrating that into my work
-   storyboarding different scenes
-   scheduling interviews and reachouts for interviews

## Presentation of my previous workflow

Using google drive, word, storyboarder, wechat, notion

# Part II - Where I ended up

## Why Emacs ?

## Org-Contacts

Setting up Org-Contacts to track documentary leads and keep up with them -
also in use for personal contacts

## ORG Roam

Using Org-Roam to link project ideas and leads, and add summaries of interviews
/ transcripts to contact files. Org-Mode and Org-Contacts to schedule interviews,
reaching out, check-ins. All the while writing the script for the project on the
Org-Roam page, with global project questions and specific interview questions
for each scheduled shoot.

## PANDOC and working with colleagues

Once my first draft of the script is ready, I need to be able to share it for review.
This is where the "Everything's a nail when you hit it with emacs" part comes
in. Using Org-Mode for comments and for coloring with HTML tags and source
blocks Not the easiest nor the most fun way to collaborate, but it is where I
have ended up on.

## Other packages I use regularly for a documentary workflow

Mu4e Fountain.el hledger-mode bibtex for research papers present

# Conclusions

## Forever Work In Progress

A lot of features to be added and kinks
to be worked out but getting to a state where you can use software
that you love every day is the most important point to me

So let's keep modding our configs!

# Discussion

## Notes

-   Interesting things from the talk go here
-   WRT Literate programming, if you\'ve never read Knuth\'s
    Tangle/Web/Weave stuff, it\'s worth knowing about
-   Using the Calendar in conjunction with task managment and email show
    off the power off the holistic workflow of Emacs
-   CRDT\-- an easy way to work with other people in emacs \--
- Yes, liberal arts types.

## Questions and answers

-   Q: It\'d be interesting if you explained why WeChat is a necessity
    for you; outside China, most people have no reason to use it at
    all.  Thanks.
    -   A: I think he meant Weechat (the IRC client) not WeChat \--
        Chinese exigency 
    -   The captioning did mention WeChat.  If he lives in Hong Kong,
        then I totally understand, so consider this question answered.
    -   Oh nvm then
    -   Yeah, you\'ve (Alfred) gotten WeChat spot on.  Most people here
        don\'t care much, but I\'m probably one of the only people in
        this country not using WeChat, and it\'s a major PITA to live
-   Q:Have you looked at CRDT.el for collaborative realtime editing?
    -   A: most of my work is just versions
    -   CRDT has great org mode support for task managent
    -   CRDT
        -   <>
        -   <>
        -   related:
-   Q:Sharing orgmode files is trickier than we expect. Do you do this?
    If yes, how do you do it?
    -   A: Direct sharing was not successful. Exporting to docx or ODT
        is problematic (Latex structure). 
    -   has tried github and gitlab, but that might require signups - is
        also suboptimal
    -   Export profiles for ODT or DOCX is a better approach, or at
        least worked well so far
    -   Karl Voit\'s notes on collaborative working with non-Org users:
        -   \- <>
        -     -
        -     - Export to docx via pandoc and re-import via =pandoc
        -       : pandoc \--track-changes=all Document.docx
        -   \-
        -   \- <>: an implementation
            of Org mode without the dependency of Emacs. It is built for
            mobile and desktop browsers and syncs with Dropbox, Google
            Drive and WebDAV.
        -   \- \[2021-06-08 Tue\]
            → discussion
    -   Karl Voit\'s notes on collaborative working with Emacs users:
        -   \- 2020-05-29
        -     - special emacs setup that allows collaboration on the
            same LAN
        -     - needs separate emacs config (different host or user or
            move config out of the way)
        -     - \[ \] try it out myself
        -   \- \[2020-08-31 Mon\] <> +
        -     - unmaintained:
        -   \- \[2021-11-03 Wed\]
        -     - via Sacha Chua\'s EmacsConf21 Emacs news
-   Q:Do you use pandoc for incoming and outgoing docs? Do you find that
    repeated conversions lose document quality?
    -   A:
-   Q: I am beginning on emacs (again) after falling off every time
    because of the \"working in config-files\" whole day. What was your
    moment when you really started to work in emacs instead of
    -   A: Had the click after finding text editor workflow. Don\'t be
        too frustrated :-) , use templates, put ideas off to a later
    -   related: <> and <>
-   Q: Why is emacs recommended for journalism? -vidianos asks
    -   A: I wouldn\'t say it\'s recommended\-- a personal choice\--
        valuable as a tool\-- can be tailored so that it\'s easy to
        transfer skills from other disciplines\-- more scientific ones
        to journalism. Org-Roam is a game changer because it allows me
        to set thoughts aside and know that I can get back to it. Helps
        with self-control.
-   Q: Do you use any fancy solutions for annotation text onto
    particular video timestamps?
    -   Clarification: Yes, asking about making notes on a video, when
        something happens 
    -   Side Note: subd.el could be useful
    -   A: Taking notes with org-roam and linking them to BiBTeX etc
- Q: When you get stuck with an emacs problem-- is there somewhere you go to get help (nice place for non-tech people?)  

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