path: root/2022/
blob: 9c7ef81c55c305eb54d469b73c6fc322357190c9 (plain) (tree)












#+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil
#+PROPERTY: header-args    :results silent :exports code :tangle yes

#+begin_export md
<!-- is exported from, please modify that instead. -->
[[!toc levels=4]]

* COMMENT How to export this file  :noexport:

- [[elisp:(progn (org-md-export-to-markdown) (org-babel-tangle))][Export and tangle]]
- [[elisp:(org-babel-execute-buffer)][Execute buffer]]
* Current tasks / status

- Organizers: Review the submissions in emacsconf-2022-private and e-mail emacsconf-org-private with any objections or comments by Sept 26 for early submitter notifications, Oct 7 for everything
- Waiting for more submissions (CFP deadline Sept 30)
- Sacha: Add submissions to emacsconf-2022-private, draft 2-day schedule by Oct 10
- Sacha: Organize volunteer information
- Corwin: Double-check Sacha's timezone conversions for availability
* Other tasks and processes
** Once talks are approved
- Publish initial talk information pages
- Format them nicely
- Publish draft schedule
- Confirm e-mail communication with all of the speakers

* Communications
** TODO Early speaker notification(?)
DEADLINE: <2022-09-30 Fri>
:SUBJECT:  EmacsConf 2022: Accepted: $title
We can accept early or send people a note saying notification of acceptance will be on Oct 15, because of the extended CFP.

Hi, $name!

I'm happy to tell you that we've accepted your EmacsConf proposal for "$talk." Thanks for volunteering to share what you're learning about! I know it takes a fair bit of work to prepare a presentation, so I appreciate that you're taking the time to show what's possible with Emacs and encourage people to learn more.

We've extended the call for participation to Sept 30, so we might get a few more submissions over the next two weeks. That means we'll confirm time allocations on Oct 15. Since you submitted before the original deadline, we wanted to send you your acceptance by the original timeline so that you wouldn't be waiting in uncertainty. 

Just like last year, talks will be prerecorded in order to minimize technical risks, make it easier for speakers to enjoy other people's talks, allow captions, and let attendees catch up or share cool stuff quickly. I hope we get everything together in time so that we can ask volunteers to check for any issues that might come up when we re-encode. (I missed parts of some talks last time because I was rushing. <blush>)

----- if $time = $max_time

You asked for $max_time minutes for your talk and I think that should be all right.

----- else

You asked for at most $max_time minutes for your talk. I think at this moment we can commit to $time minutes, with possibly more time being available depending on other submissions. If you want to plan a pre-recorded talk for that length and then use extra time for a live presentation or as Q&A, that would be great. Alternatively, you can wait until we confirm the schedule in case you want to plan a longer prerecorded talk.


--- if Q&A will be live or IRC ---

You'll have some time after your talk for Q&A, so the $time minutes can be just for your talk. Of course, if you like, you can make it shorter.


If you want to get a head start on recording your talk, please feel free to do so. We'll be streaming talks at 1920x1280 resolution, so the closer your recording is to that, the easier it will be to process for streaming. .webm format is preferred, but we can convert other formats. $recording has some tips on recording tools and settings that you might find helpful. We'll send you instructions on how to upload files once we get that set up.

We're going to try to caption as many talks as possible again this year, and extra time helps a lot. People found the captions really helpful while watching the stream, and sending your talk in early will make it more likely that we'll be able to get your captions edited and reviewed before the conference.

Could you please reply to this email so that we can confirm that I've got the right email address for you and that messages can get properly delivered?

We'll be putting up the public wiki pages for each talk soon using the information from the talk abstract, and we can put $public_email as the contact information for you. Please let us know by $publish_date if you would prefer something else.

Thank you so much!


** DONE Second announcement: CFP
:SUBJECT:  [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
- Note taken on [2022-09-18 Sun 13:29] \\
  Sent by bandali to,,,

Dear fellow Emacsians,

This is the second and final Call for Participation for EmacsConf 2022
now extended until September 30, and the conference itself planned for
December 3 and 4 (Sat-Sun).  Please see the CFP below for details on
how to send in your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about
other ways of participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our
main IRC channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network.

If you're considering submitting a proposal but think the remaining
time may not be enough, please reach out to me off-list as soon as
possible so we could work something out.

I'll close this portion of the email with a thank you to all of the
folks who have submitted session proposals or expressed interest in
volunteering with EmacsConf.  We look forward to reading and reviewing
all of your messages and proposals, and getting back to you about them
and about the next steps soon. :-)


P.S. please direct any replies to this post either to myself or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists cc'd on this message.  Thank you.

** DONE First announcement: CFP
:SUBJECT:  [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
- Note taken on [2022-07-17 Sun 22:00] \\
  Sent by bandali to,,,

Dear fellow Emacsians,

We are excitedly calling for your participation for EmacsConf 2022,
planned for December 3 and 4, 2022 (Sat-Sun)!  The CFP will be open
until September 18.  Please see below for details on how to send in
your proposal(s), or chat with us about them and about other ways of
participating and volunteering around EmacsConf via our main IRC
channel #emacsconf on the Libera.Chat network.

As an entirely volunteer-run conference we are always looking for more
volunteers and organizers to help with various aspects of organizing
and running the conference, including reviewing session proposals and
streaming parallel tracks.  To get involved, please come by our IRC
channel or one of our public mailing lists (see below) and introduce
yourself and tell us about your interests, or contact myself or one of
the other organizers directly if you're feeling a bit shy; we hope to
hear from you! :)


P.S. please direct any replies for this message either to me or to the
emacsconf-discuss list, so as to help avoid generating extra off-topic
chatter in the other lists Cc'd on this message.  Thank you.

* COMMENT Copyright & License

 Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Sacha Chua, Amin Bandali, Leo Vivier

 The EmacsConf 2022 organizers' notebook is part of the EmacsConf
 wiki, and is dual-licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons
 Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License; and the GNU
 General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
 either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

 A copy of these two licenses is available on the EmacsConf wiki, in
 the [[][COPYING.CC-BY-SA]] and [[][COPYING.GPL]] files.