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In this talk, David O'Toole shares how he tracked and graphed his personal data using Org mode and Gnuplot, and how you can use a template generator to do the same. Afterwards, he will handle questions over BigBlueButton.
# Talk
<div class="vid"><video controls preload="none" id="health-mainVideo"><source src="" />captions="""<track label="English" kind="captions" srclang="en" src="/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--main.vtt" default />"""<track kind="chapters" label="Chapters" src="/2022/captions/emacsconf-2022-health--health-data-journaling-and-visualization-with-org-mode-and-gnuplot--david-otoole--main--chapters.vtt" /><p><em>Your browser does not support the video tag. Please download the video instead.</em></p></video>[[!template id="chapters" vidid="health-mainVideo" data="""
00:00.000 Introduction
00:33.640 How to take daily health journal items
01:59.440 How to set up your org templates
03:38.320 How to do it in GNU Emacs
04:16.840 Overview of the presentation
04:51.960 The journal
05:52.800 The capture buffer
06:51.320 The columnview table
08:03.480 Gnuplot
09:03.320 Output parameters
10:15.480 Time series data
13:05.920 Health variables
14:22.680 Goal lines
15:12.000 The Gnuplot command
17:35.560 The template generator
19:11.480 The code that creates a template
21:41.000 The power of the chart
24:09.920 Thanks
"""]]<div></div><div class="files resources"><ul><li><a href="">Download --main.webm (95MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.opus (17MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --main--chapters.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">View on Toobnix</a></li></ul></div></div>
# Q&A
<div class="vid"><video controls preload="none" id="health-qanda"><source src="" />${captions}<p><em>Your browser does not support the video tag. Please download the video instead.</em></p></video><div>Listen to just the audio:<br /><audio controls id="health-qanda-audio" src=""></audio></div><div></div><div class="files resources"><ul><li><a href="">Download --answers.vtt</a></li><li><a href="">Download --answers.opus (6.8MB)</a></li></ul></div></div>
# Description
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