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[[!meta title="Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn"]]
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<!-- You can manually edit this file to update the abstract, add links, etc. --->

# Extending Emacs in Rust with Dynamic Modules
Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn

Dynamic module support has been available since Emacs 25. It can be
used to extend Emacs with native libraries, for performance,
OS-specific features, or other functionalities that would take a lot
of time to re-implement in Lisp. The officially supported language is
C, which is tedious and error-prone to use. This talk discusses a
**safe** alternative that is also a lot **more convenient**: writing these
dynamic modules in Rust.

# Outline

-  Walking through creating **a simple dynamic module** in
    Rust, including setting up CI.
-  Going through and explaining the **available APIs**.
<!---   40 minutes: All of the above, together with reporting the experience
    of using it in real packages (e.g. tree-sitter), as well as
    discussing **challenges and potential improvements** to dynamic modules
    in general.-->

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