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[[!meta title="Managing a research workflow (bibliographies, note-taking, and arXiv)"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Ahmed Khaled"]]
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# Managing a research workflow (bibliographies, note-taking, and arXiv)
Ahmed Khaled

Researchers and knowledge workers have to read and discover new papers,
ask questions about what they read, write notes and scratchwork, and store
much of this information for use in writing papers and/or code. Emacs allows
us to do all of this (and more) using simple text interfaces that integrate
well together. In this talk I will talk about the following:

a. Using elfeed and elfeed-score to read new papers from arXiv.
b. Using org-ref to import arXiv papers of interest into a local
c. Using Emacs hooks with biber and rebiber in order to keep the local
   bibliography clean and up-to-date with conference versions of papers.
d. Using org-roam and org-roam-bibtex to take linked, searchable notes in
org on research papers.

This text-based workflow allows for keeping everything accessible under
control and avoids the platform lock-in of binary formats (e.g. Mendeley). I
will share my Doom Emacs configuration for this workflow, but it is not
to Doom.

# Outline

-   5-10 minutes: I will demo the packages I use in 5 minutes.
-   20 minutes: I will describe the packages I use in some detail and give a
demo of them.

-   40 minutes: I will describe the packages I use, give a demo of them, and
include a video segment on configuring the packages in Emacs.

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