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[[!meta title="A day in the life of a janitor"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Stefan Monnier"]]
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<!-- You can manually edit this file to update the abstract, add links, etc. --->

# A day in the life of a janitor
Stefan Monnier

Because of a reckless former Emacs maintainer that shall
  better stay unnamed, ELisp has seen a fair bit of churn in the last 10
  years, making it necessary to clean up "old" code [in order to open up
  the road for yet more recklessness? ].
  In this documentary we will follow a famous janitor in his every day job
  dealing with the aftermath of the cl-lib / lexical-binding party.

-   ~20 minutes
    Here really, I'm not sure how much time this will take.  I put 20
    minutes because I think I might be able to fill that and I think more
    than that could turn too boring.  I intend to make it a "live coding"
    kind of thing, without anything like an outline: it's basically "make"
    followed by fixing the warnings.

[[!inline pages="internal(2021/info/janitor-schedule)" raw="yes"]]

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