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[[!meta title="Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Bala Ramadurai"]]
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# Find Your (In)voice: Emacs for Invoicing
Bala Ramadurai

[[!taglink CategoryOrgMode]]

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[[!table header="no" class="speaker-details" data="""
Name pronunciation: | BA-lA 
Pronouns: | he/his 
Homepage: | <>
Preferred contact info | <> 

Ye Freelance warriors, please lend me your I/O devices for 5 minutes.

Your time is your money! Do you find it a pain to generate an invoice,
record the details into your accounting software and keep track of
taxes and payments? You are not alone, I found the whole invoice
thingy to be extremely painful.

But worry not, Emacs comes to our rescue.

My talk will give you a basic intro on how to use org mode, some embedded python code and file jugglery to generate stylistic and professional invoices.

What you will learn during the session:

-   How to track your freelance time using orgmode
-   How to create the basic infrastructure for invoice generation
-   How to generate the invoice
-   How to manage multiple clients
-   How to enter the finance details into your accounting software
-   How to track invoice payments

We will use the following packages:

-   Emacs+orgmode (duh?)
-   yasnippet
-   python layer (I use spacemacs, so whatever is the equivalent in your config)
-   Some unnecessary Shakespearean references

# Discussion

- okay, this is some next level invoicing automation!
- The accounting system transactions are a nice touch
- it's really hard to tell that came from org :)
- European format would be DD.MM.YYYY and not with dashes which can be mixed up with ISO or other formats. in the UK it's often with slashes: DD/MM/YYYY
- From [YouTube]( This looks great! Much better than my amateurish attempts. Thanks!!! 

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