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[[!meta title="On the design of text editors"]]
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# On the design of text editors
Nicolas P. Rougier

Text editors are written by and for developers. They  come
with a large set of default and implicit choices in terms of layout,
typography, colorization and interaction that hardly change from one
editor to the other. It is not clear if these implicit choices derive
from the ignorance of alternatives or if they derive from developers'
habits, reproducing what they are used to. Durint this talk, I will
characterize these implicit choices and illustrate what are some
alternatives using GNU Emacs.

# Outline

-   Brief description for all talk formats up to your maximum   planned

-   40 minutes (preferred option)
    -   **10 minutes** Demonstrating implicit choices present in most text
        editors that are all too similar.
    -   **10 minutes** Showing alternatives, including typography, colors,
                 user interaction as well as non implemented features
                 (technical barriers).
    -   **10 minutes** Live demonstration of my hacked but consistent
                 for edition/news/agenda/mail using various packages
    -   **10 minutes** Questions

-   20 minutes alternative
    -   **5 minutes** Rapid overview of text editors implicit choices
    -   **10 minutes** Showing alternatives, including typography, colors,
        layout, user interaction and live demonstration of my
    -   **5 minutes** Questions
-   10 minutes alternative

Mostly a live demo of my environment with pointers to the different

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