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[[!meta title="One effective CS grad student workflow"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Greg Coladonato"]]
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<!-- You can manually edit this file to update the abstract, add links, etc. --->

# One effective CS grad student workflow
Greg Coladonato

When I was an undergrad, I learned many things, most of
which I forgot. In the time since then, I've discovered Org Mode, Org
Roam, Org Noter, Org Ref. PDF Tools, and Anki. I would like to share
my approach for capturing all the information that comes my way as a
MS CS student at Georgia Tech, in the hopes that I can both get
feedback on ways to improve the system I use, as well as hopefully
inspire others to build workflows that make them more productive.

# Outline

-   5-10 minutes: Go through some typical workflows associated with being a grad student, using the packages mentioned in the abstract.

-   20 minutes: Go through more workflows associated with being a grad student, using the packages mentioned in the abstract.

-   40 minutes: N/A

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