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[[!meta title="Manual Package Management in The Era of Repositories - Why and How"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Dhavan (codingquark)"]]
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# Manual Package Management in The Era of Repositories - Why and How
Dhavan (codingquark)

Emacs now has many package repositories - enought to have conflicts
and arguments about. The packages are becoming big, they depend on many
other packages and it is not easy to keep track of what all is being
installed in our Emacsen. An aggressive way out of this is to use Yet
Another Package and install all elisp code manually - with borg[1].

[1]: <>

# Outline

-   5-10 minutes: (brief description/outline)
    1.  What are we trying to solve?
    2.  What is borg?
    3.  How to use it?
    4.  Assimilate a package for demo

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