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[[!meta title="Turbo Bindat"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Stefan Monnier"]]
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# Turbo Bindat
Stefan Monnier

Bindat is an ELisp library to help manipulate binary data.
  This is a niche library that is used by packages such as Websocket,
  EMMS, and cpio-mode.  Its implementation was repeatedly caught
  harassing hapless kitten while at the same time providing poor
  service slowly.  For Emacs-28, Bindat was rewritten so as
  to make it more efficient and flexible while respecting the kitten.
  In this presentation I intent to show how we saved those.
  Not recommended for birds.

-   ~20 minutes:
    5 min: Intro and presentation of Bindat
    5 min: Showcase some of its problems
    5 min: Present the new design
    5 min: Examples of what can be done with it

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