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[[!meta title="Meeting notes"]]
[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2020 Amin Bandali, Sacha Chua, David O'Toole, Corwin Brust, Leo Vivier, Daniel Gopar"]]
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* Ongoing projects
  :CUSTOM_ID: ongoing-projects

- Subtitles/transcripts: sachac, bhavin192
- FOSSHost: mplsCorwin
- Calendar, connecting with meetups: sachac
- Streaming infrastructure for meetups?: bandali, sachac
- Amin and Gopar's podcast: bandali, gopar
- mplsCorwin's livestreaming project, working on trimming
- Writing about Emacs: zaeph

* January 21, 2021 meeting

- Updates
  - Sacha:
    - Added transcript for 08 and edited subtitles for 21; only 03-questions and the opening/closing remarks remaining for day 1
* January 14, 2021 meeting

- Updates:
  - Sacha: 
    - More subtitles edited (bhavin192 is helping too). Almost done
      with day 1 except for opening/closing remarks and manual transcriptions for 03-questions and 08
    - switched to using emacsnews Reddit account
    - scheduled tweets from @sachac about upcoming Emacs events - do you want these mirrored to @emacsconf or something?
      - no new events aside from the ones already on the calendar
  - bandali: recorded first episode of Emacs Weekly, skipped the news component and just had an interview about EmacsConf
    - next: 
      - mix audio together and edit it
    - plan to have several buffer episodes before releasing, maybe beginning of February
      - can put together separate segments
      - news might be doable with less prep
      - can do solo episodes
      - maybe community hosts, too?
    - nudge from Sacha to transcribe or have show notes if possible =)
    - gopar doesn't have a laptop at the moment
    - which parts of your config might be good to contribute to core? 
      questions to nudge people to contribute to core/packages
      - This question coudl also be used in workshops settings with a sense of chronology: 1. publish it online, 2. merge it to core?
- Q for mplsCorwin: would you like to transcribe 03-questions and 08, or shall I go ahead and do them? - sachac
- Q for bandali: is the emacsnews Reddit thing handy for you? It's okay if you're still experimenting.
  - not tested yet
- Testing quick collaboration
  - Testing tmate so that other people can edit the meeting minutes easily
  - Test? it is working!
  - Here I am in tmate and emacsclient. Each person can have their own emacsclient tab.
- pat selves on back for getting stuff done, yay
- Diversity workshop: It'd be nice to organise a 2h session where we discuss every problem that arised in the last conference, and pre-empt those that might arise for the next editions
  - Using the word 'open source'
  - Lack of diversity in the presentations (CFP?)
- Next steps:
  - sachac: follow up with mplsCorwin or transcribe 03-questions, 08; then all the day 1 talks will be done
* January 7, 2021 meeting

- Checking in:
  - bandali, zaeph, gopar, sachac, dto
  - bandali: fairly uneventful, things are going okay, learning more about Jami, experimenting with DSLR for webcam but aspect ratio is a little weird
  - sachac: virtual school started again; EmacsNYC meetup; emacs calendar in HTML and Org
  - dto: having fun with neural networks
  - zaeph: at his parents, can't do much work, enjoying the lull; figuring out collaborative slipboxing with org-roam; getting more into writing
  - gopar
- Agenda:
  - Update:
  - Update: attended NYC meetup
  - methodology
  - bandali
    - met with organizers of EmacsNYC. They were curious about BBB and Jitsi, streaming, IRC web client
    - met with gopar last night re: podcast
    - will work on a blog post about the technical setup
    - someone wanted to set up a meetup in Mexico, too, so maybe we can make an updated starting-a-meetup guide (
      - how to find people and advertise
        - Emacs News
      - how to stream and record
      - what it might be like if there are no presentations (don't worry! hang out, share cool stuff, figure things out together, flip through Emacs News)
      - sharing afterwards
  - CRDT: see BBB chat if you want to try it
  - dto:
    - tutorial; (also, SystemCrafters just livestreamed an Emacs Lisp tutorial too)
    - Hmm, it's like having lab hours
      - Could be open (office hours, bring your questions; maybe a liiittle structure) or guided (here's an exercise to start with)
    - podcast
    - Upcoming workshops
    - BBB has breakout rooms, might be worth looking into if it scales up a lot; Jitsi can have multiple people sharing screens at the same time;
    - EmacsNYC said Jitsi is okay for the 20-30 people they've seen so far; EmacsBerlin said the same too (I think they self-host; want to see how they're doing it?). Sounds like it's much better now than it was last year
    - dto will figure it out and write things up =)
    - one-on-one tutorial was nice; finger memory for how to type some of these Lisp expressions
    - it's better to have that interactivity, I think, since there are plenty of lecture-type resources on the Net
    - one-on-one is fine, and then you can scale up (1-on-2, etc.) as you become more comfortable with it and see what can help you scale (ex: having them SSH into a shared server with emacsclients and then being able to quickly flip through their buffers so that you can peek over their shoulder or quickly show something?)
  - gopar: upcoming podcast recording re: EmacsConf experience
    - figuring out name
    - planning to have a little buffer
      - Hey, do you want to blend that into the Emacs Lisp / Emacs tutorial/workshop idea? Whenever you don't have any content, you can teach people a little more

  - bhavin192: Mailing list for meetups (some common prefix or something similar).
    - *let's remember to discuss this and the next point* =)
  - bhavin192: Update to Code of Conduct (I was hoping to use the same text or page for Emacs APAC meetup)
  - zaeph: figuring out collaborating via Org Mode
    - per-project pages make sense if you think about it from the web publishing point of view
    - bandali: can be a different wiki if you want
    - zaeph is a little intimidated by the idea of working with the garage door open
      - there is already a private organizer wiki, so we can use that to incubate things if you want to collaboratively work on notes and stuff
    - also totally okay to work on things individually and not collectively if you want, and we don't have to figure out workflows that work for everyone or a name that covers everything; sounding official increases expectations and may cause problems
  - Next:
* January 2, 2021 meeting
  :CUSTOM_ID: january-2-2020-meeting

- Conversations
  - mplsCorwin: FOSSHost: okay to experiment with being a CDN, will
    experiment with videos
    - authenticated RTMP server to support streaming meetups from Jitsi?
    - PeerTube?
  - sachac: added more events to
    [[]] and the calendar
  - sachac: subed.el patches for splitting and merging subtitles, will
    continue editing subtitles
  - Podcast:
    - Thinking about name: 
      - Current: emacs.el podcast
      - Emacs Weekly? Probably okay, although includes commitment to
        actually make it weekly
      - Amin and Gopar's Wild World of Emacs?
    - ideas for making it visually interesting when there's no video
    - Suggested guest: Fermin - interesting story about how he got into
      Emacs and started making it better for PHP
  - Making these conversations more public:
    - Maybe start with just putting public meeting minutes somewhere,
      like the wiki, and then figure out if anyone actually wants to
      subscribe to it =)
      - E-mail summary to mailing list?
      - [[]] announced on IRC
      - With long-form summary at some point?
      - dto volunteering to help Leo (it turns out dto was also an
        English major in his past life, and has done a fair bit of
      - mplsCorwin can handle social media
      - bandali: avoid perfectionism
        - Lots of people have a hard time with this
        - getting things out of your head = good
        - don't let the great be the enemy of the good. Take advantage
          of the friendly community.
        - dto: story about local trails committee, which is kind of like
        - Look, we can just post a rough outline, whee! =)
        - bullet-points are fine as a starting point
    - Segments of recording? Timer in the pad can help. 
    - Livestream with delay?
      - Something to grow into, maybe; let's start with text and
        possibly recording segments
    - Maybe private part and then public part, with time notes in case
      there are things we need to remove from the recording, keeping
      private segment as short as possible
      - Everyone's cool with this
      - Discussed: Separate days for private and public meeting? Might
        take too much time. 
    - Guidelines for private segments: document reasons if possible
      - Confidentiality
      - Buzz factor: vet ideas before unleashing them? preview?
    - Figuring out the persona/voice/feeling for EmacsConf, for the
      - Hard to figure out how to communicate both excitement and
      - Diversity and perspective: we're trying to figure out how this
        comes across from the outside, without our own knowledge
      - sachac: We could try to just dump the outline for starters, and
        can come up with quick automation for transforming the Etherpad
      - Is it because we're trying to figure out the official voice for
        EmacsConf? Is it easier to talk as individuals?
  - Sticker giveaway: mplsCorwin
- Next week, 3PM UTC Saturday, Leo to send calendar invite and/or e-mail:
  - Leo will write a summary of what we've been doing and put it in the
    pad, for e-mailing out?
  - Braindumps welcome =)
  - Week after: public meeting/recording