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# Experience Report: Steps to "Emacs Hyper Notebooks"
Joseph Corneli, Raymond Puzio, and Cameron Ray Smith

[[!template id=vid src="" subtitles="/2020/subtitles/emacsconf-2020--13-experience-report-steps-to-emacs-hyper-notebooks--joseph-corneli-raymond-puzio-cameron-ray-smith.vtt"]]  
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[View transcript](#transcript)

We present a short experience report from the perspective of two
long-time Emacs users and one relative newcomer.  Our motivations
relate, broadly, to reproducibility of research in science.  We
reflect on our experiences with off-the-self solutions available
through the Emacs package manager, and describe some of our custom

When working on a scientific research project, one typically has
multiple different computer programs running at the same time.  For
example, we may use a computer algebra system such as Maxima for
calculations, an interactive language such as Julia for numerical
computations, TeX for writing up results, a reference manger such as
Zotero for the bibliography, Roam for note-taking, and Jekyll for
blogging.  Switching and moving content among these programs can be
distracting, time-consuming, and prone to error.  These issues are
compounded when there are several collaborators involved.

We explore a solution that looks toward building better "computational
notebooks" using Emacs.  We take Org mode as our foundation.  As many
in this audience will know, Org mode integrates features such as
writing, task management, program evaluation, typesetting,
presentation, and navigation.  Tightly integrated add-on packages
round out the picture either by directly replacing the functionality
of the other programs mentioned above or automatically dispatching
commands to them.  We outline both the pleasure and pain involved in
this experience.

<!-- from the pad --->

- Actual start and end time (EST): Start 2020-11-28T14.01.42; Q&A
  2020-11-28T14.11.44; End 2020-11-28T14.13.50

# Questions

## Have you looked into trying SageMath? I've long wanted to use SageMath in Org files.
[RSP]: If you can use it from the command line, you could use it in org mode using what we are working on.

## I can use SageMath from the command line, but not using one of the Emacs shells.
As Joe is now explaining, our ob-servant code should then make it
accessible from within Org mode.

## Let's not forget about Embedded Calc in Emacs!

## Which package have you used to prepare the slides which are visually appealing?
I think he used org-tree-slides, like some earlier presentations.

# Notes
- <>

<a name="transcript"></a>
# Transcripts

00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:30.800
Joe: Hi, I'm Joe Corneli. This is work I
did with Ray Puzio and Cameron Smith.
They're the main protagonists in this
story. They are researchers who've been
working on theoretical biology. In a
typical project, they may use Maxima and
Julia. Their work combines biology,
physics and computer science. The latest
work-in-progress is on branching
processes for cancer modeling.

00:00:30.800 --> 00:00:48.640
How can Emacs possibly help? Let's have
a look. Moving code and data between
these different programs by hand is
annoying. Separate workflows for writing
up notes and preparing publications is
perhaps even more annoying. All of it is
time consuming and error-prone.

00:00:48.640 --> 00:01:10.057
So what about maybe using Jupyter? We
found something called Script of
Scripts. It solves some of those
problems because you can use Maxima and
Julia together, but we were quite happy
to explore Emacs-based solutions, being
Emacs enthusiasts. We even got Cameron to
be enthusiastic about doing Emacs, so
that went nice.

00:01:10.057 --> 00:02:05.657
Here's a little feature grid of Emacs +
Org versus your generic tools that are
in a different, more general ecosystem.
As you can see, it's quite
feature-complete. You've got your
maxima-mode, julia-mode. You can use
both of them inside of org-mode. You can
present things with org-tree-slide. You
can set up a wiki inside of org-roam.
This is one I found rather recently. You
can even use compatibly with org-roam,
something called logseq, which is in the
browser, so that's nice. You can do
real-time collaborative editing, either
in a kind of pairing style or in a more
Etherpad style. Obviously, you can
manage your references. You can typeset
whatever you want. You can publish work
in progress on a blog. Firn is another
one of these external Org Mode tools.
It's not actually in Emacs, but works
with Org Mode stuff. And, you know... So
we're good to go with all of that.

00:02:05.657 --> 00:02:13.890
So what does that look like? Well,
here's a little example from before they
were doing... before we started really
thinking seriously about this stuff.

00:02:13.890 --> 00:02:45.280
So this is just Maxima. Well, Maxima
doesn't have a long running process by
default. If you've ever used Python, you
have something called sessions. They
don't have that for Maxima, at least not
by default. So how... What was the
workaround? There's this thing called
solve-for-u here that shows up down
below again in these angle brackets,
which you've seen maybe in someone
else's talk, which means go to the
previous thing that was named
solve-for-u and do that all over again,
so they do that over again.

00:02:45.280 --> 00:03:00.640
Here's the little Maxima code for
defining usol, so you've now defined
usol, and then you can use it in the
next expression. You get out a nice
juicy zero at the end. It's a little bit
like a partridge in a pear tree to have
to redefine everything every time.

00:03:00.640 --> 00:03:22.590
So this is clearly at the level of
work-around. Maybe just one more time
looking through that stuff. Sorry. So,
looking through that stuff, this is...
We're going to need something like that,
probably, for stitching Maxima and Julia
together. so it's good to look a little
bit about how that might work.

00:03:22.590 --> 00:03:46.923
First of all, you can cache results, so
if you wanted to save the date out of
block one at a certain time and then use
it again later... At the time when I ran
this code, you can see I've got two
slightly different time stamps down
below. One's the cached result, and the
other was the result of reevaluating the
block. So you can move things around.
That's going to be useful. But you know,
that's not really the main problem.

00:03:46.923 --> 00:04:11.760
The main problem is making Maxima
long-running. The core of this talk is a
new observant facility, which is a
general purpose way to do that kind of
thing, which involves a very simple
change to ob-core. We'll give a quick
overview of that and show an example. So
here's the example, a very simple sort
of silly example.

00:04:11.760 --> 00:04:30.240
What does it mean to have a long-running
process? Here, I've set this display2d
to be false, which just means that
things are going to come come across in
1d. Then I ask it to expand something. I
get LaTeX by default. So that's what it
means. It's that I've sent something in
and it's going to come across in one
view, which is great.

00:04:30.240 --> 00:04:40.320
Maybe you'll also notice that there's no
semicolon, if you're a Maxima fan, and
things are coming across as TeX. So
those were some little bonus features.
I'll show you how that works later.

00:04:41.040 --> 00:05:13.759
The change to ob-core is as follows.
Actually, this should say... Instead of
stream here, it should say servant.
Sorry. We tried an experimental version
which was called stream, so now it's
called servant. But all it does is it
overrides org-babel-execute lang for
arbitrary lang if you have a servant in
your params. So that's the change that
hasn't been pushed out or sent as a
patch to anybody, but it's a pretty
minor change.

00:05:13.759 --> 00:05:30.720
Here's an overview without the code.
Just a high level overview of
observant.el. It stores information
about these processes in a hash table.
It can do pre-processing and
post-processing. It does all these
things. It stores the output.

00:05:30.720 --> 00:05:40.639
I mentioned here that, in principle, we
could store lots of output and have a
kind of browsable history, although we
don't do that presently. But that's what
observant does. It does what you might

00:05:41.440 --> 00:06:16.960
Here's the Maxima on-ramp to get Maxima
brought in. You have to obviously have a
Maxima process you can call. puthash...
this is the preprocessing thing I
mentioned, adding in some Tex and adding
in-- or deleting, rather--a substring.
Here is why you delete the substring.
It's because Maxima thinks it's a good
idea to tell you false once you run
check on things. You've got to delete
that back out to get something coherent
out of it. So this is how to set up

00:06:16.960 --> 00:06:25.440
That's enough, really, of the demo. It's
not really a demo for show and tell, but
as this is an experience report, I
wanted to talk about the experience of
doing this.

00:06:25.440 --> 00:06:42.880
Some negatives, like we tried to get
Emacs Jupyter working prior to working
on observant. We couldn't get it doing
everything we wanted, despite a bit of
heavy lifting and debugging and stuff.
So that's not finished. That was a bit

00:06:42.880 --> 00:07:11.695
On the other hand, working on observant
was fun, pretty lightweight, and easy.
We got some experience co-editing things
with these real-time tools. Obviously,
the stack is somewhat work in progress.
I just wanted to give a shout out to
crdt which was really fun, and Qiantan
was making bug fixes for that as we go.
Similarly, for firn and logseq, the
maintainers were really responsive, so
that was nice.

00:07:11.695 --> 00:07:27.120
We did try to get Emacs running in the
browser, thinking it would be really
nice for people who didn't want to
install it to get a chance to just try
it, but actually, browsers capture
things like C-n, so that was a bit

00:07:27.120 --> 00:07:33.759
But we did get lots of great feedback
and interaction with people, including
around this conference. Thank you to
those who we've had discussions with.

00:07:35.599 --> 00:08:19.120
So, future work. Okay, so... Maybe you
remember, I gave a talk a few years back
on Arxana. What might this have to do
with Org Mode? That's always the
question one asks about Arxana.
Arxana... One of the things it does is
transclusions, and so that could be
actually very helpful in connection with
this "combined notes and write-up"
workflow. So you might have an Org Mode.
Some of these results we got back as raw
results could go right into your
write-up in a convenient way, at a level
above-- transparently, a level above the
notebook. So you'd have the notebook
alongside the write-up in that case,
which is a variation on the literate
programming workflow. This is
speculative. Who knows?

00:08:19.120 --> 00:08:33.357
The other thought is,
it just relates to the idea of network
programming. So we can imagine these
networks of computational nodes
sitting inside of org-roam,
calling each other.
You would want to maintain some
kind of model of that process.

00:08:33.357 --> 00:09:11.680
A general question is: how do we have a
remote control for long-running
processes? You could do that in Lisp or
Clojure, but maybe we could have
something a little bit like that here.
Conclusions: what have we actually
addressed? Well, we addressed accessing
any long-running process with a simple
Org Mode interface. Obviously, we're not
the only people to think about
notebooks, but we think that Emacs has
some advantages related to reproducible
research and interdisciplinary
collaboration. Let's just say that we
think something is reproducible if it's
actually teachable to someone new and
they can do it. Org Mode seems very
useful for that. Many of the other talks
have touched on this.

00:09:11.680 --> 00:09:27.857
Interdisciplinary collaboration is
great. This was an interdisciplinary
collaboration on some level, but what
about future work for bringing in
scenario planners, simulation
scientists, and local farmers, and
building something that they can all use
that's more than the sum of the parts?

00:09:27.857 --> 00:09:38.135
So a little future work for everybody
else here. We think science should be
widely teachable, shareable,
semi-automated, transdisciplinary, and
real-time like EmacsConf.

00:09:38.135 --> 00:10:00.240
So you can get in touch via these
methods. The code--which is very much
early stage work in progress, as this
was meant to be an experience report,
not a "it's all done, here, it is
polished" report-- it's also online if
you'd like to have a look. That's the
end of the talk. I don't know if there's
time for questions or not, but um I'm at
your disposal now. Thank you.

00:10:00.240 --> 00:10:14.240
(Amin: Many thanks for the tough job.
Let's see. We have about I think four
minutes for questions, and we have a
couple of questions on the pad. Would
you like to read them yourself or should
I read them to you?)

00:10:14.240 --> 00:10:18.079
Just for the sake of easy management why
don't you read them out, if that's okay?

00:10:18.079 --> 00:10:33.760
(Amin: yeah, sure. They ask, "Have you
looked into trying Sage Math? I've long
wanted to use Sage Math in Org files.")

00:10:33.760 --> 00:10:44.839
Ray: Right. I wrote the answer that it
should be possible because one can call
it from a command.

00:10:44.839 --> 00:11:00.640
(Amin: okay, and I see there's another
Sage Math question that you seem to have
answered as well, so I guess I won't
repeat that. There's... "Let's not
forget about embedded Calc in Emacs.")

00:11:00.640 --> 00:11:08.240
Joe: So the first demos actually were
with Calc. That's useful. Although I
think it was a different--kind of a
different command line.

00:11:08.240 --> 00:11:11.839
Ray: Well, that was UNIX Calc.

00:11:11.839 --> 00:11:13.839
Joe: So, sure, there is calc, so that...

00:11:15.680 --> 00:11:19.120
Ray: Calc is already in Org Mode.

00:11:25.680 --> 00:11:57.290
(Amin: Still looking for questions.
Okay, I think that's about it. I don't
see any questions on the Etherpad. And
let's see... Anything on irc? Nothing
but praises and everyone thanking you.
Thank you.)

00:11:57.290 --> 00:11:59.120
Ray: all right, you're welcome.

00:11:59.120 --> 00:12:01.923
Joe: Thanks a lot!
We'll see you guys around then.

00:12:01.923 --> 00:12:06.800
Amin: Cheers, and see you around!