path: root/emacsconf.el
diff options
authorSacha Chua <>2022-09-20 20:00:10 -0400
committerSacha Chua <>2022-09-20 20:00:10 -0400
commitf7cc8a984fa9cc6e33287ba53d604146a3f08150 (patch)
tree821dbac2ab61772757061b0c90fa7020e145893c /emacsconf.el
parentde4d2fca0ec34d0bae1b9bf0db66b4bd8f2fcd98 (diff)
Bring in more code from 2021
Diffstat (limited to 'emacsconf.el')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/emacsconf.el b/emacsconf.el
index b3a77c2..4771255 100644
--- a/emacsconf.el
+++ b/emacsconf.el
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
(defgroup emacsconf nil "EmacsConf" :group 'multimedia)
(defcustom emacsconf-name "EmacsConf"
- "Name of conference"
+ "Name of emacsconference"
:group 'emacsconf
:type 'string)
(defcustom emacsconf-year "2022"
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
(defcustom emacsconf-publishing-phase 'resources
"Controls what information to include.
'program - don't include times
-'schedule - include times; use this leading up to the conference
+'schedule - include times; use this leading up to the emacsconference
'resources - after the emacsconference, don't need status"
:group 'emacsconf
:type '(choice
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
(const :tag "Resources: Don't include status" resources)))
(defcustom emacsconf-org-file nil
- "Path to the Org file with conference information."
+ "Path to the Org file with emacsconference information."
:type 'file
:group 'emacsconf)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
(find-file (expand-file-name (concat search ".md")
(expand-file-name "talks" (expand-file-name emacsconf-year emacsconf-directory)))))
-(defun conf-find-caption-directives-from-slug (search)
+(defun emacsconf-find-caption-directives-from-slug (search)
(interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk)))
(setq search (emacsconf-get-slug-from-string search))
(find-file (expand-file-name (concat search ".md")
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
(browse-url (concat emacsconf-base-url "/" emacsconf-year "/talks/" search "/")))
(defun emacsconf-set-property-from-slug (search prop value)
- (interactive (list (conf-complete-talk) nil nil))
+ (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk) nil nil))
(emacsconf-with-talk-heading search
(setq prop (or prop (org-read-property-name)))
@@ -195,7 +195,8 @@
(:pronunciation "PRONUNCIATION")
(:pronouns "PRONOUNS")
(:buffer "BUFFER")
- (:time "MIN_TIME")
+ (:time "TIME")
+ (:time "MAX_TIME")
(:present "PRESENT")
(:speakers "NAME")
(:speakers-short "NAME_SHORT")
@@ -233,6 +234,22 @@
(lambda (o) (list (car o) (org-entry-get (point) (cadr o))))
+(defvar emacsconf-abstract-heading-regexp "abstract" "Regexp matching heading for talk abstract.")
+(defun emacsconf-get-talk-abstract-from-subtree (o)
+ "Add the abstract from a subheading with a title matching Abstract."
+ (org-map-entries
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (string-match "abstract" (org-entry-get (point) "ITEM"))
+ (plist-put o :abstract (org-get-entry))))
+ nil 'tree)
+ o)
+(defun emacsconf-add-timezone-conversions (o)
+ (plist-put o :scheduled-tzs
+ (concat (org-timestamp-format (plist-get o :start-time) "%a %b %e %l:%M%p Toronto time (")
+ (emacsconf-summarize-times (plist-get o :start-time) emacsconf-timezones)
+ ")")))
(defun emacsconf-get-abstract-from-wiki (o)
(plist-put o :markdown (emacsconf-talk-markdown-from-wiki (plist-get o :slug))))
@@ -241,7 +258,7 @@
(assoc-default (plist-get o :status)
(emacsconf-status-types) 'string= "")))
-(defvar emacsconf-talk-info-functions '(emacsconf-get-talk-info-from-properties emacsconf-add-talk-status))
+(defvar emacsconf-talk-info-functions '(emacsconf-get-talk-info-from-properties emacsconf-get-talk-abstract-from-subtree emacsconf-add-talk-status emacsconf-add-timezone-conversions))
(defun emacsconf-get-talk-info-for-subtree ()
(seq-reduce (lambda (prev val) (funcall val prev))
@@ -267,6 +284,18 @@
(lambda (talk) (eq (plist-get talk :type) 'talk))
+(defun emacsconf-collect-field-for-status (status field &optional info)
+ (seq-map
+ (lambda (o)
+ (plist-get o field))
+ (seq-filter
+ (lambda (o)
+ (if (listp status)
+ (member (plist-get o :status) status)
+ (string= status (plist-get o :status))))
+ (emacsconf-filter-talks (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))))
(defun emacsconf-get-talk-info-from-file (&optional filename)
(insert-file-contents (or filename ""))
@@ -289,9 +318,28 @@
+(defun emacsconf-combine-plist (list-of-talks separator)
+ (let (result entry)
+ (while list-of-talks
+ (setq entry (car list-of-talks))
+ (while entry
+ (unless (equal (plist-get result (car entry))
+ (cadr entry))
+ (setq result
+ (plist-put result
+ (car entry)
+ (cons (cadr entry)
+ (or (plist-get result (car entry)))))))
+ (setq entry (cddr entry)))
+ (setq list-of-talks (cdr list-of-talks)))
+ result))
(defun emacsconf-goto-talk-id (id)
(goto-char (org-find-property "TALK_ID" id)))
+(defun emacsconf-goto-slug (slug)
+ (goto-char (org-find-property "SLUG" id)))
(defun emacsconf-talk-markdown-from-wiki (slug)
"Return the markdown from SLUG."
(when (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (format "%s/talks/" emacsconf-year slug) emacsconf-directory))
@@ -321,7 +369,7 @@
(seq-filter (lambda (f) (plist-get f :public)) info))
;;; Schedule summary
-(defun emacsconf-update-schedules ()
+(defun emacsconf-update-schedules (&optional modify-func)
"Schedule the talks based on TIME and BUFFER.
Talks with a FIXED_TIME property are not moved."
@@ -338,6 +386,9 @@ Talks with a FIXED_TIME property are not moved."
end-time (time-add current-time (seconds-to-time duration)))
(org-set-property "SCHEDULED" (format "%s-%s" (org-format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" current-time)
(org-format-time-string "%H:%M" end-time)))
+ (when (functionp modify-func)
+ (funcall modify-func))
+ (setq end-time (time-add (org-get-scheduled-time (point)) (seconds-to-time duration)))
(setq current-time (time-add end-time (* (string-to-number (org-entry-get (point) "BUFFER")) 60))))))))))
(defun emacsconf-format-short-time (string &optional omit-end-time)
@@ -416,7 +467,7 @@ Talks with a FIXED_TIME property are not moved."
(with-eval-after-load 'embark
(add-to-list 'embark-target-finders 'emacsconf-embark-finder)
(embark-define-keymap embark-emacsconf-actions
- "Keymap for conference-related things"
+ "Keymap for emacsconference-related things"
("a" emacsconf-announce)
("c" emacsconf-find-captions-from-slug)
("d" emacsconf-find-caption-directives-from-slug)
@@ -432,5 +483,104 @@ Talks with a FIXED_TIME property are not moved."
("RET" emacsconf-go-to-talk))
(add-to-list 'embark-keymap-alist '(emacsconf . embark-emacsconf-actions)))
+;;; Mail merge
+(defun emacsconf-mail-speaker (&optional subject body)
+ "Compose a message to the speaker of the current talk."
+ (interactive)
+ (compose-mail (format "%s <%s>" (org-entry-get (point) "NAME") (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL")) subject)
+ (when body (message-goto-body) (insert body)))
+(defun emacsconf-mail-speaker-schedule (&optional subject body)
+ (interactive (list (read-string "Subject: ") nil))
+ (let ((info (emacsconf-get-talk-info-for-subtree)))
+ (emacsconf-mail-speaker subject body)
+ (when body (message-goto-body) (insert body))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (string-join (emacsconf-timezone-strings info) "\n"))))
+(defvar emacsconf-submit-email "" "E-mail address for submissions.")
+(defun emacsconf-mail-speaker-cc-submit (&optional subject body)
+ "Compose a message to the speaker of the current talk."
+ (interactive)
+ (compose-mail (format "%s <%s>" (org-entry-get (point) "NAME") (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL"))
+ subject '(("Reply-To" . emacsconf-submit-email) ("Cc" . emacsconf-submit-email)))
+ (message-goto-body)
+ (when body (insert body))
+ (save-excursion (insert "Please keep " emacsconf-submit-email " in the To: or Cc: when replying. Thank you!")))
+(defun emacsconf-show-talk-info-for-mail ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((email (or (mail-fetch-field "reply-to") (mail-fetch-field "from"))))
+ (when (string-match "<\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\|\\s.\\)+@\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\|\\s.\\)+\\)>" email)
+ (setq email (match-string 1 email)))
+ (pop-to-buffer (find-file-noselect emacsconf-org-file))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (goto-char
+ (or (org-find-property "EMAIL" email)
+ (org-find-property "NAME"
+ (completing-read "Name: " (delq nil (org-map-entries (lambda () (org-entry-get "NAME"))))))))))
+(defun emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template (id)
+ "Return the information for the e-mail template with EMAIL_ID set to ID."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-find-property "EMAIL_ID" id))
+ (list :subject (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "SUBJECT")
+ :cc (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "CC")
+ :reply-to (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "REPLY_TO")
+ :mail-followup-to (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO")
+ :body (replace-regexp-in-string "\n *," "\n" (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (progn (org-end-of-meta-data) (point))
+ (org-end-of-subtree))))))
+(defun emacsconf-mail-merge-fill (string)
+ "Fill in the values for STRING using the properties at point.
+Include some other things, too, such as emacsconf-year, title, name, email, url, and duration."
+ (let (start (values `(("year" . ,emacsconf-year)
+ ("title" . ,(org-entry-get (point) "ITEM"))
+ ("name" . ,(org-entry-get (point) "NAME"))
+ ("email" . ,(org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL"))
+ ("url" . ,(format "%s%s/talks/%s" emacsconf-base-url emacsconf-year (org-entry-get (point) "SLUG")))
+ ("duration" . ,(org-entry-get (point) "TIME")))))
+ (while (string-match "\\${\\([-a-zA-Z_]+?\\)}" string start)
+ (if (assoc-default (match-string 1 string) values)
+ (setq string (replace-match (assoc-default (match-string 1 string) values) t t string))
+ (setq string (replace-match (save-match-data (org-entry-get (point) (match-string 1 string))) t t string)))
+ (setq start (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
+ string))
+(defun emacsconf-mail-merge-format-email-address-for-subtree ()
+ (if (string-match "," (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL"))
+ (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL")
+ (format "%s <%s>" (org-entry-get (point) "NAME") (org-entry-get (point) "EMAIL"))))
+(defun emacsconf-mail-merge-for-subtree (id note-field)
+ (let* ((template (emacsconf-mail-merge-get-template id))
+ (body (emacsconf-mail-merge-fill (plist-get template :body)))
+ (subject (emacsconf-mail-merge-fill (plist-get template :subject)))
+ (note (org-entry-get (point) note-field)))
+ (compose-mail (emacsconf-mail-merge-format-email-address-for-subtree)
+ subject
+ `(("Reply-To" . ,(plist-get template :reply-to))
+ ("Mail-Followup-To" . ,(plist-get template :mail-followup-to))
+ ("Cc" . ,(plist-get template :cc))))
+ (message-goto-body)
+ (save-excursion
+ (when note (insert "#+NOTE: " note "\n======== Delete above before sending =============\n\n"))
+ (insert body))))
+;;; Status updates
+(defun emacsconf-status-update ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((emacsconf-info (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
+ (kill-new
+ (format "%d captioned (%d minutes), %d received and waiting to be captioned (%d minutes)"
+ (length (emacsconf-collect-field-for-status "CAPTIONED" :title))
+ (apply '+ (seq-map 'string-to-number (conf-collect-field-for-status "CAPTIONED" :duration)))
+ (length (emacsconf-collect-field-for-status "PREREC_RECEIVED" :title))
+ (apply '+ (seq-map 'string-to-number (conf-collect-field-for-status "PREREC_RECEIVED" :duration)))))))
(provide 'emacsconf)
;;; emacsconf.el ends here