path: root/emacsconf-pad.el
blob: afd734b425ffff47a33ae02f8e3b9071a6a7b6cf (plain) (tree)









































































;;; emacsconf-pad.el --- Working with Etherpad       -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2022  Sacha Chua

;; Author: Sacha Chua <>
;; Keywords: convenience

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Prepopulate the Etherpad

(defcustom emacsconf-pad-base ""
  "Base URL for the Etherpad. Include trailing slash.
Use \"wikimedia\" to use instead."
  :group 'emacsconf
  :type 'string)

(defcustom emacsconf-pad-api-key nil
  "API key for authenticating against the Etherpad.
You can find it in $ETHERPAD_PATH/APIKEY.txt"
  :group 'emacsconf
  :type 'string)

(defcustom emacsconf-pad-slug-base (concat emacsconf-year)
  "Base for the pad IDs"
  :group 'emacsconf
  :type 'string)

(defcustom emacsconf-pad-directory ""
  "Set to /p/ if you don't have friendly URLs set up in the proxy."
  :group 'emacsconf
  :type 'string)

;;; Code:
(defun emacsconf-pad-delete-pad (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (format "%sapi/1/deletePad?apikey=%s&padID=%s" emacsconf-pad-base emacsconf-pad-api-key pad-id))))

(defun emacsconf-pad-json-request (url &optional display-result)
  (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (re-search-forward "^$")
    (let ((result (json-read)))
      (when display-result (prin1 result))

(defun emacsconf-pad-create-pad (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/createPad?apikey=%s&padID=%s" emacsconf-pad-base
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-delete-pad (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/deletePad?apikey=%s&padID=%s" emacsconf-pad-base
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-get-text (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/getText?apikey=%s&padID=%s" emacsconf-pad-base
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-set-text (pad-id text)
  (interactive "MPad ID: \nMText: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/setText?apikey=%s&padID=%s&text=%s"
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id)
                                      (url-hexify-string text))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-append-text (pad-id text)
  (interactive "MPad ID: \nMText: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/appendText?apikey=%s&padID=%s&text=%s"
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id)
                                      (url-hexify-string text))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-get-html (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/getHTML?apikey=%s&padID=%s"
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-set-html (pad-id html)
  (interactive "MPad ID: \nMHTML: ")
  (let ((url-request-data (concat "html=" (url-hexify-string html)))
        (url-request-method "POST")
        (url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))))
    (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/setHTML?apikey=%s&padID=%s"
                                        (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                        (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                                (called-interactively-p 'any))))
;; (emacsconf-pad-append-text "emacsconf-2022-journalism" "Hello again")
;; (emacsconf-pad-get-html "emacsconf-2022-journalism")
;; (emacsconf-pad-set-html "emacsconf-2022-journalism" "<div><strong>Hello</strong> world</div>")

(defun emacsconf-pad-get-last-edited (pad-id)
  (interactive "MPad ID: ")
  (emacsconf-pad-json-request (format "%sapi/1/getLastEdited?apikey=%s&padID=%s"
                                      (url-hexify-string emacsconf-pad-api-key)
                                      (url-hexify-string pad-id))
                              (called-interactively-p 'any)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-id (o)
  (concat emacsconf-pad-slug-base "-" (plist-get o :slug)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-url (o)
  (if (string= emacsconf-pad-base "wikimedia")
      (format ""
              (plist-get o :slug))
    (concat emacsconf-pad-base emacsconf-pad-directory (emacsconf-pad-id o))))

(defvar emacsconf-pad-number-of-next-talks 3 "Integer limiting the number of next talks to link to from the pad.")

(defun emacsconf-pad-initial-content (o)
   (append (list :base-url emacsconf-base-url
                 :channel (concat "emacsconf-" (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get o :track)) :id))
                  ((null (plist-get o :q-and-a))
                   "<div>Q&amp;A: none</div>")
                  ((string-match "live" (plist-get o :q-and-a))
                   (format "<div>Q&amp;A room: %s</div>" (plist-get o :bbb-redirect)))
                  (t "<div>Q&amp;A: IRC</div>"))
                 (if (plist-get o :next-talks)
                     (concat "<div>Next talks:\n<ul>"
                              (lambda (o)
                                (format "<li>%s: %s %s</li>"
                                        (plist-get o :track)
                                        (plist-get o :title)
                                        (emacsconf-pad-url o)))
                              (plist-get o :next-talks)
                 (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get o :track)) :id)
                 (concat emacsconf-base-url emacsconf-year "/watch/" (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get o :track)) :id) "/")
                 (concat emacsconf-base-url emacsconf-year "/talks/")
                 (string-join (make-list 6 "<li></li>"))
                 (string-join (make-list 6 "<li>Q: <ul><li>A: </li></ul></li>"))
                 (concat "" emacsconf-year)
                 (if (plist-get o :irc)
                     (concat "Speaker nick: " (plist-get o :irc) " - ")
                 :irc-url (concat "" ))
<div>All talks: ${talks}</div>
<div>${base-url}${url} - ${speakers} - Track: ${track}</div>
<div>Watch/participate: ${watch}</div>
<div>IRC: ${irc-nick-details},emacsconf-${track-id} or #emacsconf-${track-id} on network</div>
<div>Guidelines for conduct: ${base-url}conduct</div>
<div>See end of file for license (CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 + GPLv3 or later)</div>
<div>Notes, discussions, links, feedback:</div>
<div>Questions and answers go here:</div>
<div>Questions/comments related to EmacsConf ${year} as a whole? ${conf-pad-url}
<div>This pad will be archived at ${base-url}${url} after the conference.</div>
<div>Except where otherwise noted, the material on the EmacsConf pad are dual-licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License; and the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) an later version. Copies of these two licenses are included in the EmacsConf wiki repository, in the COPYING.GPL and COPYING.CC-BY-SA files (</div>

<div>By contributing to this pad, you agree to make your contributions available under the above licenses. You are also promising that you are the author of your changes, or that you copied them from a work in the public domain or a work released under a free license that is compatible with the above two licenses. DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION.</div></div>"))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-main-pad ()
  (let ((pad-id emacsconf-year))
    (emacsconf-pad-create-pad pad-id)
       :base-url emacsconf-base-url
       :notes (string-join (make-list 6 "<li></li>"))
       (string-join (make-list 6 "<li>Q: <ul><li>A: </li></ul></li>"))
       :year emacsconf-year)
      "<div><strong>EmacsConf ${year}</strong> - this pad is for general conference-related questions and feedback</div>
<div>All talks: ${base-url}${year}/talks - see specific talk pages for links to their Etherpads</div>
<div>Conference hallway IRC channel: or #emacsconf on network</div>
<div>Organizers channel:,emacsconf-org or #emacsconf-org on network</div>
<div>Guidelines for conduct: ${base-url}conduct</div>
<div>See end of file for license (CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 + GPLv3 or later)</div>
<div>Notes, discussions, links, feedback: </div>
<div>Questions and answers go here:</div>
<div>This pad will be archived at ${base-url}${url} after the conference.</div>
<div>Except where otherwise noted, the material on the EmacsConf pad are dual-licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License; and the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) an later version. Copies of these two licenses are included in the EmacsConf wiki repository, in the COPYING.GPL and COPYING.CC-BY-SA files (</div>

<div>By contributing to this pad, you agree to make your contributions available under the above licenses. You are also promising that you are the author of your changes, or that you copied them from a work in the public domain or a work released under a free license that is compatible with the above two licenses. DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION.</div></div>"))))

(defvar emacsconf-pad-force-all nil "Set to t to clear everything.")
(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-talk-pad (o)
  (interactive (list (let ((info (emacsconf-include-next-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info) emacsconf-pad-number-of-next-talks)))
                       (emacsconf-complete-talk-info info))))
  (let ((pad-id (emacsconf-pad-id o)))
    (emacsconf-pad-create-pad pad-id)
    (when (or emacsconf-pad-force-all
              (not (emacsconf-pad-modified-p pad-id))
                (browse-url (emacsconf-pad-url o))
                (y-or-n-p (format "%s might have been modified. Reset? " (plist-get o :slug)))))
       (emacsconf-pad-initial-content o))
        (emacsconf-with-talk-heading (plist-get o :slug)
          (let-alist (emacsconf-pad-get-last-edited pad-id)
            (org-entry-put (point) "PAD_RESET" (number-to-string .data.lastEdited))))))))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-all-talks (&optional info)
  (mapc #'emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-talk-pad
        (emacsconf-include-next-talks (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info)) emacsconf-pad-number-of-next-talks)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content (o file)
   (list (let ((info (emacsconf-include-next-talks (emacsconf-get-talk-info) emacsconf-pad-number-of-next-talks)))
           (emacsconf-complete-talk-info info))
         (read-file-name "Output file: ")))
  (when (file-directory-p file) (setq file (expand-file-name (concat (plist-get o :slug) ".html") file)))
  (with-temp-file file
    (insert (emacsconf-pad-initial-content o))))

(defun emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content-for-all-talks (dir &optional info)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "Output directory: " nil nil nil nil 'file-directory-p)))
  (setq info (emacsconf-include-next-talks (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info))
  (mapcar (lambda (o)
            (emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content o dir))
          (emacsconf-active-talks (emacsconf-filter-talks info))))

(defmacro emacsconf-pad-with-heading (pad-id &rest body)
  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
     (with-current-buffer (find-file emacsconf-org-file)
       (goto-char (org-find-property "CUSTOM_ID"
                                     (if (string-match "^[0-9]+-\\(.*\\)$" ,pad-id)
                                         (match-string 1 ,pad-id)

(defun emacsconf-pad-modified-p (pad-id)
      (let ((cached-last-modified (emacsconf-pad-with-heading pad-id (org-entry-get (point) "PAD_RESET")))
            (result (emacsconf-pad-get-last-edited pad-id)))
        (let-alist result
          (not (string= cached-last-modified
                        (number-to-string .data.lastEdited))))))))

;;; Hyperlists

(defun emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content-for-hyperlists (dir &optional info)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "Output directory: " nil nil nil nil 'file-directory-p)))
  (setq info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
  (unless (file-directory-p dir)
    (make-directory dir))
   (lambda (shift)
     (with-temp-file (expand-file-name (concat (plist-get shift :id) ".html") dir)
       (insert (emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist
                   (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get shift :track))
                shift info))))
;; (emacsconf-pad-export-initial-content-for-hyperlists "/ssh:media:~/backstage/hyperlists")

(defun emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist (shift info)
  (let* ((prefixed (list
                    :start (plist-get shift :start)
                    :end (plist-get shift :end)
                    :year emacsconf-year
                    :host (emacsconf-surround "HOST-" (plist-get shift :host) "" "HOST")
                    :stream (emacsconf-surround "STREAM-" (plist-get shift :streamer) "" "STREAM")
                    :irc-volunteer (emacsconf-surround "IRC-" (plist-get shift :irc) "" "IRC")
                    :track-id (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get shift :track)) :id)
                    :checkin (emacsconf-surround "CHECKIN-" (plist-get shift :checkin) "" "CHECKIN")
                    :pad (emacsconf-surround "PAD-" (plist-get shift :pad) "" "PAD")
                    :coord (emacsconf-surround "COORD-" (plist-get shift :coord) "" "COORD")
                    :checkin-pad (concat emacsconf-pad-base "checkin-" (downcase (format-time-string "%a" (date-to-time (plist-get shift :start)))))))
          (mapcar (lambda (o) (append prefixed o))
                   (lambda (talk) (string= (plist-get talk :track) (plist-get shift :track)))
                   (emacsconf-filter-talks-by-time (plist-get shift :start) (plist-get shift :end) info)))))
      (append (list :index (concat emacsconf-pad-base
                                   "_" emacsconf-id))
       "Back to ${index}<br />In case of ...:<br />"
       "<h1><strong>" (plist-get shift :id) "</strong></h1>"
       "<p>Host: ${host}, Streamer: ${streamer}, IRC: ${irc}, Pad: ${pad}, Check-in: ${checkin}, Coord: ${coord}</p>"))
<li>[ ] <em>${checkin}:</em> Open ${checkin-pad}</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${irc-volunteer}:</em> Watch the #emacsconf-${track-id} channel</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${pad}:</em> Open the index:${year}/backstage/index-${track-id}.html</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${stream}:</em> Start streaming with OBS
<ul><li>[ ] Set up the local environment
<ul><li>[? gen] export TRACK=gen; export TRACK_PORT=5905; export SSH_PORT=46668</li>
<li>[? dev] export TRACK=dev; export TRACK_PORT=5906; export SSH_PORT=46668</li></ul></li>
<li>[ ] Copy the password file: scp emacsconf-$ vnc-passwd-$TRACK -p $SSH_PORT</li>
<li>[ ] Forward your local ports: ssh emacsconf-$ -N -L $TRACK_PORT:$TRACK_PORT -p $SSH_PORT &</li>
<li>[ ] Connect via VNC: xvncviewer$TRACK_PORT -shared -geometry 1280x720 -passwd vnc-passwd-$TRACK &
<li>[? Can't connect to VNC]: ssh emacsconf-$ -p $SSH_PORT /home/emacsconf-$TRACK/bin/track-vnc</li>
<li>[? Can't find OBS]: track-obs</li></ul></li>
<li>[ ] Start recording (not streaming). (Alt-2, switch to workspace 2; Alt-Shift-2, move something to workspace 2).</li>
<li>[ ] Watch the stream with MPV on your local system: mpv$TRACK.webm &</li>
<li>[ ] Check 480p: mpv$TRACK-480p.webm &</li>
<li>[ ] Confirm that the streaming user has connected to Mumble, is in the ${channel} channel, and can hear what we say on Mumble.</li>
<li>[ ] Test with a sample video or Q&A session: ssh emacsconf-$ -p 46668 \"~/bin/track-mpv meetups &\"</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> ssh -t 'screen -S restream-${track-id}-youtube /home/orga/restream-${track-id}' and then confirm</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> ssh -t 'screen -S restream-${track-id}-toobnix /home/orga/restream-${track-id}' and then confirm</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> update the status page on by changing emacsconf-tracks and calling emacsconf-stream-update-status-page</li>
        (lambda (talk)
           (append prefixed talk)))
        (emacsconf-include-next-talks shift-talks 1)
<li>[ ] <em>${stream}:</em> stop recording</li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> stop the restream-${track-id}-youtube screen on live0: <strong>screen -S restream-${track-id}-youtube -X quit</strong></li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> stop the restream-${track-id}-toobnix screen on live0: <strong>screen -S restream-${track-id}-toobnix -X quit</strong></li>
<li>[ ] <em>${coord}:</em> update the status page on by changing emacsconf-tracks and calling emacsconf-stream-update-status-page</li>

(defun emacsconf-pad-format-checkin-hyperlist (talk)
   (append (list :time
                 (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :checkin-time) emacsconf-timezone)
                 (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :start-time) emacsconf-timezone))
   (pcase (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "")
     ((rx "live")
      "<li>[ ] <strong>${time}</strong> <em>${checkin}:</em> ${speakers} should be checked into ${bbb-backstage} and set as moderator(s) for talk time of ${start}</li>")
     ((rx "IRC")
      "<li>[ ] <strong>${time}</strong> <em>${checkin}:</em> ${speakers} should be in #${channel} (${irc-nick}) for talk time of ${start}</li>")
     ((rx "Mumble")
      "<li>[ ] <strong>${time}</strong> <em>${checkin}:</em> ${speakers} should be Mumble for talk time of ${start}</li>")
     (_ ""))))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-checkins (&optional info)
  (setq info (or info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
   (lambda (day)
     (let ((pad-id (concat "checkin-" (downcase (format-time-string "%a" (plist-get (cadr day) :checkin-time))))))
       (emacsconf-pad-create-pad pad-id)
         "<em>${checkin}:</em> " ""
          (car day)
           (lambda (talk)
             (emacsconf-pad-format-checkin-hyperlist talk))
            (lambda (a b)
              (time-less-p (plist-get a :checkin-time)
                           (plist-get b :checkin-time)))
            (seq-filter (lambda (talk) (plist-get talk :checkin-time)) day))
   (seq-group-by (lambda (talk)
                   (format-time-string "%A, %b %-e, %Y" (plist-get talk :checkin-time)))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-shift-hyperlist (shift &optional info)
  (interactive (list (completing-read "Shift: "
                                      (mapcar (lambda (o) (plist-get o :id)) emacsconf-shifts))))
  (when (stringp shift)
    (setq shift (seq-find (lambda (o) (string= (plist-get o :id) shift)) emacsconf-shifts)))
  (unless info (setq info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
  (let ((info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
    (let ((pad-id (format "private_%s_%s"
                          (plist-get shift :id))))
      (emacsconf-pad-create-pad pad-id)
       (emacsconf-pad-format-shift-hyperlist shift info)))))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-hyperlists ()
  (let ((info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))
    (mapc (lambda (shift)
            (emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-shift-hyperlists info))

;; Related: emacsconf-talk-hyperlist
(defun emacsconf-pad-talk-hyperlist (talk &optional do-insert)
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info) t))
  (let* ((track-id (plist-get (emacsconf-get-track talk) :id))
         (next-talk (car (plist-get talk :next-talks)))
            :year emacsconf-year
            :track-id track-id
            :media-base emacsconf-media-base-url
            :mumble (concat emacsconf-id "-" track-id)
            :next-talk-in-5 (if next-talk (format-time-string "%H:%M" (time-subtract (plist-get next-talk :start-time) (seconds-to-time 300)) emacsconf-timezone) "")
            :next-talk-in-1 (if next-talk (format-time-string "%H:%M" (time-subtract (plist-get next-talk :start-time) (seconds-to-time 60)) emacsconf-timezone) "")
            :ssh  "ssh -p 46668 "
            :ssh-track (format "ssh -p 46668 " emacsconf-id track-id)
            :ssh-audio (format "ex: ssh -p 46668 \"qa-vol 85%%\" (or qa-louder, qa-quieter, mum-vol, mum-louder, mum-quieter)" track-id))
           (mapcar (lambda (status)
                     (list (intern (concat ":ssh-" (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "" (downcase status))))
                           (format "<strong>ssh -p 46668 \"~/scripts/ %s . %s\"</strong>"
                                   (plist-get talk :slug)
                   '("PLAYING" "OPEN_Q" "CLOSED_Q"))))
    (setq result
           (format "<li><strong>%s %s (Talk: %s, Q&A: %s) %s <a href=\"%s\">%s</a></strong><ul>%s</ul>\n</li>"
                   (format-time-string "%H:%M" (plist-get talk :start-time) emacsconf-timezone)
                   (plist-get talk :slug)
                   (if (plist-get talk :video-file) "recorded" "live")                   
                   (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "none")
                   (plist-get talk :title)
                   (plist-get talk :absolute-url)
                   (plist-get talk :absolute-url)
                    (emacsconf-surround "<li><strong>" (plist-get talk :hyperlist-note) "</strong></li>" "")
                    "<li>[ ] ${stream}: Display the in-between slide: ${ssh-track} and run <em>firefox ${in-between-url} &</em></li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Connect to the ${mumble} channel in Mumble and introduce the talk: <strong>${intro-note}</strong></li>
                    (if (plist-get talk :video-file)
                        "<li>[ ] ${stream}: Mark the talk as playing: ${ssh-playing} and confirm that it plays. If it doesn't play, go to the ~/stream directory and use track-mpv to play the video file.</li>"
                      "<li>[ ] ${stream}: <strong>LIVE talk:</strong> Mark the talk as playing: ${ssh-playing} and arrange windows (backup URL for BBB if it doesn't open: ${bbb-backstage}). Adjust audio as needed</li>")
                    (pcase (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "")
                      ((rx "live")
                        "<li>[ ] ${host}: Join the Q&A room at <a href=\"${bbb-backstage}\">${bbb-backstage}</a> and open the pad at <a href=\"${pad-url}\">${pad-url}</a>; optionally open IRC for ${channel} (<a href=\"${webchat-url}\">${webchat-url}</a>)</li>
<li>[ ] [? speaker missing?] ${host}: Let #emacsconf-org know so that we can text or call the speaker</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: After the talk, open the Q&A window and the pad: ${ssh-closedq}
<li>Backup URL for BBB: ${bbb-backstage}</li>
<li>Backup URL for pad: ${pad-url}</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Give the host the go-ahead via Mumble or #emacsconf-org</li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Start recording and read questions</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Adjust the audio levels as needed: ${ssh-audio}</li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Decide when to open the Q&A and let ${coord} know privately</li>
<li>[ ] ${coord}: Mark the Q&A as open: ${ssh-openq} and double-check the redirect at ${bbb-redirect}. If the redirect doesn't work, ssh media \"cp ~/${year}/backstage/assets/redirects/open/bbb-${slug}.html ~/${year}/current/\" . Confirm the redirect and let ${host} know.</li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that people can join using the URL on the talk page or ask questions on the pad or IRC channel</li>
<li>${next-talk-in-5} [? Open Q&A is still going on and it's about five minutes before the next talk]
  <ul><li>[ ] ${host}: Let the speaker know about the time and that the Q&A can continue off-stream if people want to join</li></ul></li>
<li>${next-talk-in-1} [? Open Q&A is still going on and it's about a minute before the next talk]
  <ul><li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that the Q&A will continue if people want to join the BBB room from the talk page, and the stream will now move to the next talk</li></ul></li>
<li>[? Q&A is done early]
  <li>[ ] ${stream}: Mark the talk as archived: ${ssh} \"~/current/scripts/ ${slug} . TO_ARCHIVE\"</li>
                      ((rx "irc")
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Update the task status: ${ssh-closedq} # this should open the pad and IRC; arrange the windows
<ul><li>Backup link to pad: ${pad-url}</li>
<li>Backup link to #${channel}: ${webchat-url}</li></ul></li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Update the task status: ${ssh-openq} # this should not make any visible changes, just update the task status</li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that people can ask questions in the ${channel} IRC channel.</li>
                      ((rx "Mumble")
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Bring the speaker's Mumble login over to the ${channel} channel in Mumble. Confirm that Mumble is audible and adjust audio as needed: ssh emacsconf-${track-id} -p 46668 \"mum-vol 85%%\" (or mum-louder, mum-quieter)</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Mark the Q&A as closed: ${ssh-closedq} . This should display the QA slide (backup: ${ssh-track} and run <em>firefox ${qa-slide-url} &</em>)</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Update the task status: ${ssh-openq} # this should not make any visible changes, just update the task status</li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that people can ask questions in the pad or on the ${channel} IRC channel.</li>
                      ((rx "after")
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Update the task status: ${ssh-closedq} # this should open the pad and IRC; arrange the windows
<ul><li>Backup link to pad: ${pad-url}</li>
<li>Backup link to #${channel}: ${webchat-url}</li></ul></li>
<li>[ ] ${host}: Announce that people can ask questions in the pad or on the ${channel} IRC channel, and that the speaker will follow up later.</li>
<li>[ ] ${stream}: Update the task status: ${ssh-openq} # this should not make any visible changes, just update the task status</li>"                      
                       "<li>[ ] ${stream}: Open the IRC channel (${channel}) and the pad, and arrange the windows: ${ssh-closedq}</li>
                    "<li>[ ] ${stream}: When it's time for the next talk, close the Q&A windows and move on to the next talk</li>"))))
    (if do-insert (insert result))

(defun emacsconf-pad-prepopulate-intros ()
  (emacsconf-pad-create-pad "intros")
   (concat "<p></p><ul>"
            (lambda (o)
               (append (list :full-url (concat emacsconf-base-url (plist-get o :url))) o)
               "<li>${slug} - ${track}: ${title} (${speakers-with-pronouns}, Q&amp;A: ${q-and-a})<ul><li>${full-url}</li><li>Intro: ${intro-note}</li></ul></li>"))
            (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
(provide 'emacsconf-pad)
;;; emacsconf-pad.el ends here