This repository contains infrastructure-as-code ansible configurations
for various pieces of the EmacsConf infrastructure.
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
Production: needs prod-vars.yml, see prod-vars.yml.sample
Docker: needs docker-vars.yml, see docker-vars.yml.sample
* How to use this playbook
1. Install ansible on your local machine and check out this repo.
2. Copy the ansible_vars block from conf.org to prod-vars.yml in this repo (alongside inventory.yml), or set emacsconf-ansible-directory in Emacs and then use emacsconf-ansible-tangle-vars to tangle the file.
3. scp orga@res.emacsconf.org:~/authorized_keys . (if you're setting up any user accounts)
4. Find the ansible-playbook command you want to run and try it out.
Debugging: add -v or -vv to the =ansible-playbook= command.
* Setting up a vault
:CUSTOM_ID: vault
You can store passwords in vault files if you like. [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37297249/how-to-store-ansible-become-pass-in-a-vault-and-how-to-use-it][More info]]
Put this text into =host_vars/media/plain= and =host_vars/upload/plain=:
ansible_become_pass: "{{ vaulted_become_pass }}"
Use =ansible-vault create host_vars/media/crypted= and =ansible-vault create host_vars/upload/crypted= to create files with the contents:
vaulted_become_pass: "yourpasswordhere"
To set the password for this console session:
#+begin_src sh :eval no
* Processes
At the start of the conference preparation period, change
=emacsconf-year= in [[file:group_vars/all.yml]]
To start a local copy of the wiki for testing, see [[#wiki-docker][Ikiwiki - Docker]].
* Wiki
** Ikiwiki
*** Prod
When you update htmlscrubber.pm in wiki/templates:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags wiki-plugins
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-reuse-playbook.yml --tags wiki-plugins
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags wiki
*** Docker
:CUSTOM_ID: wiki-docker
- [X] Load the wiki at http://localhost:28080
- [X] Add SSH key
- [X] Add as remote
- [X] Push to the wiki
- [X] Have the changes show up automatically
- [X] Have ansible copy the SSH key
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-playbook.yml --tags wiki
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-reuse-playbook.yml --tags wiki
Restarting after a reboot:
docker restart emacsconf-front
Copying your SSH key:
set the docker_ssh_key Ansible variable to the path of your public key
docker cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub emacsconf-front:/home/ikiwiki/.ssh/authorized_keys2
docker exec emacsconf-front chown ikiwiki:ikiwiki /home/ikiwiki/.ssh/authorized_keys2
docker exec emacsconf-front chmod 600 /home/ikiwiki/.ssh/authorized_keys2
ssh localhost -p 2222
docker exec -it emacsconf-front /bin/bash
git remote add docker ssh://ikiwiki@
ssh wiki 'cd /var/www/wiki.git; git update-ref refs/heads/master HEAD^' && git push docker 2022-pages
Stuck wiki:
ssh ikiwiki@localhost -p 2222 ikiwiki --setup /home/ikiwiki/emacsconf.setup -v
* Processing prerecs
1. Update =group_vars/all.yml=: set =emacsconf_year=.
2. In the conf.org file, call =M-x emacsconf-set-file-prefixes= to set the file prefixes. Tweak as needed.
3. Export the talks.json with =M-x emacsconf-ansible-export-talks=.
4. ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags prerec
5. ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags caption
When you receive a file, create a directory for it named =~/current/files/$slug=. Copy the uploaded file as =$video_slug--original.$extension=, or use =rename-original.sh $slug $file=.
Then call =process-prerec.sh $file=. It will launch some screen sessions for reencoding the file and creating the VTT.
* Setting up the backstage area
1. Doublecheck the host in [[file:inventory.yml]] and the variables in [[file:roles/media/defaults/main.yml]].
2. ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media --ask-become-pass
(or =ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media --ask-vault-pass= if you've [[#vault][stored it in a vault]])
3. Update the following variables in your Emacs configuration:
- emacsconf-backstage-dir
- emacsconf-backstage-phase
* Upload service
=ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags upload --ask-become-pass=
(or =ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags upload --ask-vault-pass= if you've [[#vault][stored it in a vault]])
sudo service upload start
Next step, check firewall
* Publishing
- [X] Set up Emacs 28.2 or a newer one
- [X] Check out the repositories
- [X] Load the configuration
- [X] Publish the backstage index
- [X] Publish the watchpages
- [X] Publish schedule to the wiki and push
- [ ] Have nice interactive setup
- [ ] Publish backstage index on a hook
- [ ] Connect to IRC and announce talks
- [ ] Push talk info the text files on the stream
- [ ] Start mpv in the right display
- [ ] Publish the prerec files
- [ ] Publish the prerec on the page
** Prod
To run the playbook and publish the main schedule:
#+begin_src sh
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags wiki-publish --extra-vars='{"force_publish": true}'
Update a specific talk's before/nav and the main schedule: (ex: wayland)
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e '{"slug": "wayland"}' -i inventory.yml --tags publish
Force-publish the schedule:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags publish -e force_publish=true
** Docker
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-playbook.yml --tags wiki,publish
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-reuse-playbook.yml --tags publish
With docker:
* Pad
** Production
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags pad,proxy
To fall back to wikimedia rewrite:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars='{"use_wikimedia": true}'
You can still access pads directly with direct/p like this:
To undo wikimedia rewrite:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags proxy
To prepare for a load test:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags pad --extra-vars='{"etherpad_load_test": true}'
** Docker
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-playbook.yml --tags pad
Reusing an existing container:
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-reuse-playbook.yml --tags pad
docker exec -it emacsconf-pad /bin/bash
Creating pads
ansible-playbook -i docker-inventory.yml docker-reuse-playbook.yml --tags create-pads
Getting the API key
#+NAME: pad-key
#+begin_src sh
docker exec emacsconf-pad cat /home/etherpad/etherpad/APIKEY.txt
#+RESULTS: pad-key
#+begin_src sh :var padkey=pad-key
echo curl "http://localhost:9001/api/1/createPad?apikey=$padkey&padID=emacsconf-2022"
curl "http://localhost:9001/api/1/createPad?apikey=$padkey&padID=emacsconf-2022"
curl http://localhost:9001/api/1/createPad?apikey=b7a15dc34cc7f6917cca6cd9a2b4b92145af7c7cd9b341af34869ab8cd3568be&padID=emacsconf-2022
** Useful
* Pad proxy
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars='{"use_wikimedia": false}'
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars='{"use_wikimedia": true}'
* Stream
** Prod
Setting up icecast:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags stream
** Testing
Runs the ffmpeg command on res
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags test -e icecast_test_file=/home/orga/test.webm -e icecast_test=file -e icecast_test_track=dev
Play the stream with MPV:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags test -e icecast_test_track=dev -e icecast_test=mpv
Use a test pattern (don't know if this works)
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags test -e icecast_test_track=dev -e icecast_test=pattern
** Creating the fallback files
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000 -loop 1 -r 20 -t 10 -i sorry.png -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -colorspace 1 -crf 30 -g 120 -minrate 1.5M -b:v 1500 -g 120 -maxrate 1.5M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -shortest sorry.webm
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000 -loop 1 -r 20 -t 10 -i sorry.png -vf scale=854:480 -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -colorspace 1 -crf 30 -g 120 -minrate 1.5M -b:v 1500 -g 120 -maxrate 1.5M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -shortest sorry-480p.webm
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags obs
Resizing VNC after connection
xrandr -s 1280x720
** Firefox
*** Firefox profiles like to be created in an X environment
firefox -no-remote -CreateProfile "{{ emacsconf_id }}-{{ item.item.id }}
*** Install Tampermonkey extension and scripts :manual:
For each track:
1. Install the Tampermonkey extension by going to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/ .
2. Install the script by clicking on the Tampermonkey extension, choosing *Install New Script*, and pasting in the following:
#+begin_src js :eval no
// ==UserScript==
// @name Emacsconf BBB setup
// @namespace https://emacsconf.org/
// @version 0.1
// @description Join BBB and set things up
// @author You
// @match https://bbb.emacsverse.org/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=emacsverse.org
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
async function() {
'use strict';
const NAME = 'emacsconf';
async function waitUntil(conditionFunc, interval=500, timeout=null) {
let initResult = conditionFunc();
if (initResult) return initResult;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let timeSoFar = 0;
let timer = setInterval(() => {
let result = conditionFunc();
if (result) {
timeSoFar += interval;
if (timeout && timeSoFar > timeout) {
}, interval);
if (document.querySelector('input.join-form')) {
document.querySelector('input.join-form').value = NAME;
await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('.icon-bbb-listen')).then((e) => e.closest('button').click());
await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('.icon-bbb-user')).then((e) => e.closest('button').click());
Press =Ctrl+s= to save.
Join an BBB meeting and switch out of full-screen with F11. Check the address bar to see if autoplay is disabled (crossed-out autoplay icon). If it is, click on it and change *Block audio* to *Allow audio and video*.
** How to update scenes from the gen copy
ssh emacsconf-gen@res.emacsconf.org -p 46668 "cat ~/.config/obs-studio/basic/scenes/emacsconf.json" | jq 'walk(if type == "string" then gsub("emacsconf"; "{{ emacsconf_id }}") else . end)' > roles/obs/templates/scenes.json
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags obs-scene
* Media
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags media
* Captioning
Set up whisper:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags caption
Update caption script:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags process-captions
ffmpeg -y -i handwritten/reencode.webm -t 60 -vcodec copy -acodec copy test.webm
* Other useful things
nodemon -w . -e yml -x 'ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prod-playbook.yml --tags vnc; true'