#+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle playbook/emacsconf-playbook.el :eval no #+begin_export md [[!toc levels=4]] #+end_export - [[elisp:(progn (org-md-export-to-markdown) (org-babel-tangle))][Export and tangle]] * Roles/values | STREAM | main organizer | bandali | | CHECK | check-ins | sachac | | HOST | hosting, intros, reading, moving questions/answers around | zaeph | | ${protected} | [[/ssh:front:/var/www/media.emacsconf.org/2021/protected/]] | | ${stream-status} | [[/ssh:live:/var/www/html/index.html]] | | ${upcoming} | upcoming.org shared over CRDT | | ${conf} | conf.org shared over CRDT | | ${dump} | [[/ssh:live:/data/]] | | ${media} | [[/ssh:front:/var/www/media.emacsconf.org/2021/]] | * Pre-conference dry run - [ ] [[*Start streaming][Start streaming]] - [ ] [[*Check in a speaker][Check in a speaker]] - [ ] Try streaming the organizer room, HOST rehearses opening remarks - [ ] Play a prerec - [ ] Try switching to talk room and streaming pretend Q&A - [ ] Try playing another prerec - [ ] Try publication process - [ ] Start alternate stream and check (?) - [ ] Review the playbook * Thursday or Friday before the conference - STREAM: Download prerecorded videos from ${protected} * On the day of the conference ** Set up *** Arrange screens - CHECK: - Share ${upcoming} and ${conf} via CRDT: =conf-crdt-connect-and-share= - Current schedule, filenames/commands for playing, Q&A preference, IRC nick, pronunciation, intro notes, prerec duration, emergency contact information - Have #emacsconf-org and #emacsconf open - HOST: - Check OBS scenes for sharing windows/tabs as a virtual camera: - chat.emacsconf.org with #emacsconf - Etherpad - Schedule - next talk page - Clock with current time on screen: =watch TZ=America/Toronto date= - Set up backchannel for easy viewing - ${upcoming} - #emacsconf-org and #emacsconf channels - Join organizer room S - STREAM: - Set up MPV with the profile - Join organizer BBB room - Check OBS scenes - MPV and audio from MPV - Web browser with BBB - Browser window with organizer room, audio from organizer room - Browser window that will have talk room, audio from talk room - Backchannel for easy viewing - CHECK: - Start backup process for pad #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle playbook/backup-pad.sh while true; do curl https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/emacsconf-2021/export/html > emacsconf-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").html sleep 15m end #+end_src *** Start streaming :stream: - HOST: Display getting-ready message - STREAM: Set up BBB view in organizer room to have HOST's webcam maximized - STREAM: Start streaming from OBS to local Icecast, relay to live0 icecast - CHECK: Confirm that the stream is live at https://live.emacsconf.org/main.webm, update [[/ssh:live:/var/www/html/index.html]] - CHECK: Start low-resolution stream, confirm at https://live.emacsconf.org/main-480p.webm Call this on live0 with the password as the first parameter. The Icecast configuration is on =live0= at =/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml=. #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle "playbook/restream-lowres.sh" PASS=$1 while true; do ffmpeg -f webm -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -re -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -vf scale=854:480 -f webm -c:a copy -b:v 500k -maxrate 1M -bufsize 1M -content_type video/webm -c:v libvpx icecast://ec2020main480pmu:$PASS:8000/main-480p.webm; done #+end_src - CHECK: Start Youtube stream. Call this with the Youtube streaming key as the first parameter. #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle "playbook/restream-youtube.sh" KEY=$1 while true; do ffmpeg -f webm -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -re -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -f webm -c:a copy -c:v copy rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/$KEY; done #+end_src - CHECK: Try toobnix stream. Call this with the Toobnix streaming key as the first parameter. (key from https://toobnix.org/videos/upload#go-live) #+begin_src sh :eval no :tangle "playbook/restream-toobnix.sh" KEY=$1 while true; do ffmpeg -f webm -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -re -i http://localhost:8000/main.webm -f webm -c:a copy -c:v copy rtmp://toobnix.org:1935/live/$KEY; done #+end_src - CHECK: Verify the load on live0. - CHECK: Verify with #emacsconf that the stream is active ** Talk process *** Check in a speaker Exception: [[*CHECK is unavailable][CHECK is unavailable]] - Speaker checks in on #emacsconf-org via IRC or via e-mail ~30m before - CHECK notes IRC nick for speaker. - CHECK confirms Q&A preference: live/IRC/Etherpad, preferred way of getting questions - [? unknown] How would you like to handle questions today? Live video, #emacsconf, Etherpad? - [? IRC] You can keep an eye on #emacsconf for questions and discussions related to your talk. Feel free to answer, skip answering, tell people that you'll follow up afterwards, etc. We'll also copy questions from the Etherpad so that you can see them in one place. Let us know if you need help or if you want to get set up for live Q&A! (If the volume gets overwhelming, we can copy questions into #emacsconf-questions for you.) - [? Etherpad] The Etherpad is at ${etherpad-url} . Would you like to find the section for your talk and get comfortable? We'll copy questions from IRC over to the pad so that you can see them. Feel free to answer, skip answering, tell people that you'll follow up afterwards, etc. Let us know if you need help or if you want to get set up for live Q&A! - [? live] Are you thinking of handling questions over a web conference? I'll set you up in a BigBlueButton room so that you can get settled in. Let us know if you want to handle questions by IRC or Etherpad instead. - CHECK directs speaker to available room with =/checkin = - Speaker joins talk room - CHECK makes speaker presenter and moderator, does last-minute tech check - Hello, thanks - Speaker tries screen sharing and webcam (optional) - check screen readability - CHECK briefs speaker on process, including: - live Q&A: reading questions themselves (can do in any order, can skip) or asking HOST to read questions to them - encouragement of webcam, although it's optional - how STREAM will join shortly before the prerec ends and then give them the go-ahead - closing any tabs watching the stream as their talk starts (otherwise the audio is confusing) - If the speaker will be giving a live presentation, CHECK collects emergency contact information (in case of technical issues) and shares it with HOST in the CRDT buffer - Okay to do other things until the prerec ends - CHECK notifies STREAM and HOST with link to the talk room and preferences for Q&A-. *** Transition to talk - CHECK marks previous talk as done and notes the time finished: - ${conf} - ${upcoming} - remove finished one - wiki - [? next talk is prerec] - HOST introduces next talk. - STREAM switches OBS scene to MPV. - STREAM plays prerec in MPV. - [? next talk is live] - HOST and STREAM switch to the talk BBB room. - HOST starts recording or confirms that it's already on. - STREAM gives the go-ahead. - HOST introduces next talk. - PAD clears pad colours. - Exception: [[*Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in][Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in]] *** Present talk - [? prerec] - STREAM and HOST switch to the organizer room in BBB. - STREAM switches to MPV scene in OBS and plays the video (with captions if available). - Exception: [[*Last-minute prerecording submission][Last-minute prerecording submission]] - Exception: [[*Last-minute caption update][Last-minute caption update]] - [[*Publish information][CHECK publishes information]] - [[*Handle Q&A][HOST gets a head start on handling Q&A]] - When prerec finishes, [[*Handle Q&A][STREAM joins Q&A]] - [? live] - Exception: [[*Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in][Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in]] - HOST joins the BBB room and double-checks that recording is on - STREAM joins the BBB room and gives the go-ahead - CHECK notes that this is a live presentation and that the recording will be posted after the conference. - CHECK notes the time that the presentation started, recalculates schedule, and publishes it. - Speaker presents. - Exception: [[*Technical issues during a live presentation][Technical issues during a live presentation]] - [? talk needs to be wrapped up] - HOST nudges speaker verbally. *** Publish information - CHECK updates the schedule in: - ${conf} - ${upcoming} - wiki - CHECK publishes the video to media.emacsconf.org - CHECK updates the wiki page to include the video and any other published files. - CHECK publishes the video on YouTube. - Update description: #+begin_example This video is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. You can view it using free and open source software at ${url} ${description} #+end_example - Reupload subtitles. - Mark it as public. - Add it to EmacsConf 2021 playlist. - CHECK publishes the video on ToobNix. - Copy title and description. - Mark it as public. - Add it to the EmacsConf 2021 playlist. - [? live sections ] - CHECK does a rough-cut of the recording from ${dump} to get the last X minutes or by time range - When there's an opportunity to do so: - CHECK finetunes the rough-cut recording (trim start and end) and posts it to: - media.emacsconf.org/2021 - wiki page for talk *** Handle Q&A Exceptions: - [[*Speaker has not checked in][Speaker has not checked in]] - [? live] - HOST joins the BBB room - HOST starts recording in BBB or confirms that it's already recording - STREAM joins meeting and gives go-ahead - HOST describes how to ask questions - [? No questions yet] - HOST thanks speaker, says nice things about talk, and asks a couple of prepared questions - [? Awkward question] - HOST can try rephrasing the question. - HOST adds note to IRC/Etherpad that speakers can answer in any order, skip questions, answer afterwards, etc. - [? Q&A needs to be wrapped up] - HOST writes in Etherpad/IRC or nudges speaker verbally. - CHECK notes the time that the live Q&A finished. - [? IRC/pad] - HOST and STREAM switch to organizer BBB meeting (room S) - HOST describes Q&A method and shows it on the screen - While there's buffer time before the next talk, HOST can read out questions and answers - HOST: It's time for the next talk, but if you want to keep discussing the previous talk, please feel free to continue doing so on IRC or the pad. - [? speaker will answer after the conference] - HOST and STREAM switch to organizer BBB meeting (room S) - HOST says the speaker is not available right now, but we'll forward the questions to the speaker and we'll post the speaker's answers on the wiki page. Leave your contact information if you want to be notified, or subscribe to the emacsconf-org mailing list to get the announcement. Please feel free to continue discussing the talk on IRC or the pad. - [[*Transition to talk][Transition to next talk]] ** End of stream - CHECK stops ffmpeg process for Youtube - CHECK stops ffmpeg process for main-480p - STREAM stops streaming ** In case of... *** Last-minute prerecording submission - CHECK will copy it from the FTP upload server to ${protected} and name it appropriately. - CHECK will notify STREAM with the scp command and the mpv command so that STREAM can choose. *** Last-minute caption update - CHECK uploads the --main.vtt file to ${protected} - CHECK notifies STREAM via ${upcoming} - STREAM uses the provided commands to download the VTT file and load it into MPV with =--sub-file= *** Speaker has not checked in - Let the previous talk run a little longer for Q&A; end at least in time for the prerec - After the previous Q&A wraps up, play the prerec - [? still not around after prerec finishes] - HOST: Speaker might be having some difficulty connecting, but we'll collect your questions on the pad and send them afterwards. - Can play next prerec a few minutes early *** Speaker does not have a prerec and has not checked in - Let the previous talk do live Q&A/demo if ready - Close to the time of the missing talk: - See if any of the previous speakers want to be set up for an impromptu talk/extension in a BBB room, just in case - HOST: The next speaker might be having some difficulty connecting. In the meantime, let's... - OR: - highlight ongoing discussions - invite another speaker for an impromptu extension - replay a short prerec *** Speaker whose talk was reallocated shows up and has a prerec - CHECK copies it to ${protected} - Plan to play prerec at the end of the day, or in any gaps if a live talk falls through *** Speaker whose talk was reallocated shows up and wants to do it live - See if there's enough time if buffers are shuffled back; if so, set up for a live presentation - Check for alternate stream volunteers - [? not enough time] Offer to set up a BBB room for recording or to accept a prerecording afterwards, then include it on the site and in post-conference communication *** Alternate stream volunteer wants to stream - CHECK gives ALTERNATE the BBB room URL for the talk they are interest in - ALTERNATE starts streaming to assigned end point - CHECK confirms stream - CHECK updates ${stream-status} - CHECK notifies STREAM and HOST - After prerec plays: - HOST: This talk has an extended demo/Q&A. You can go to ${alternate-url} to watch it, and we'll post a recording afterwards. - HOST sends ${alternate-url} to IRC: Alternate stream for ${title}: ${alternate-url} - ALTERNATE notifies #emacsconf-org when the stream is done. - CHECK updates ${stream-status} to note that the alternate stream is finished. *** Pad malfunction or mess-up - PAD resets the pad using https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/emacsconf-2021/timeslider - [? still not recovered] - PAD reimports the pad from backup *** CRDT malfunctions - HOST notifies CHECK and tries reconnecting - [? still doesn't work] - Switch to backup Etherpad *** Conduct guidelines issue - HOST addresses it (on-camera if needed) with a reminder *** CHECK is unavailable - HOST does check-ins - HOST refers to conf.org for Q&A preference etc. - STREAM checks conf.org for prerec filenames etc. - Dropped goals: - Publishing recordings ASAP - Updating schedule/wiki on the fly *** HOST is unavailable - Either STREAM or CHECK does hosting *** Technical issues during a live presentation - HOST tries to contact the speaker - [? back on track] - [? can be squeezed into remaining time]: Continue - [? need extra time]: CHECK fiddles with buffer of following talks - [? need too much extra time (ex: 10min)]: HOST acknowledges technical issues and says we may be able to follow up after the conference - [? can't resume]: HOST acknowledges technical issues and says we may be able to follow up after the conference *** Big technical issues with streaming - CHECK notifies #emacsconf and #emacsconf-org - HOST updates the 2021.md wiki page - CHECK publishes prerecordings - media.emacsconf.org - wiki - Toobnix - Peertube - STREAM e-mails the mailing list *** live0 can't handle the load or is close to network transfer limit - OR: - Redirect some viewers via asking in #emacsconf: - watch via Toobnix - watch via main-480p - Consider dropping the restream to Toobnix (lower audience?) or to Youtube * Before the conference ** Help speakers with tech checks - Explain process - Test audio, webcam, screensharing, collaborative pad - Music demos and other things that use system audio will need to be prerecorded (or done through virtual loopback device, maybe? Technical risk.) - Multi-monitor setups might not be handled well by BBB; share window instead of desktop - Check if comfortable checking into IRC: chat.emacsconf.org/?join=emacsconf,emacsconf-org - Get IRC nick, phone number for emergency contact, store in private wiki - Try to record name pronunciation - Encourage webcam for Q&A, although make it clear that it's totally optional - Possible picture-in-picture approach to maximize screen real estate ** Set up the Etherpad ** Reallocate times for radio-silence talks ** E-mail missing prerecs ** Set up for alternate stream volunteers - username - password - endpoint - Test stream ** Review Youtube videos ** TODO STREAM: Scale up the server and doublecheck the setup SCHEDULED: <2021-11-26 Fri>