[[!meta title="Pages that need chapter markers"]] Chapter markers make videos easier to navigate. You can see an example of chapter headings in the [Q&A for asmblox](https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/asmblox/). # Option A: Send us a text file To add chapter markers, make a rough note of the times the sections begin. You can make a text file with the hh:mm:ss or mm:ss timestamps and the chapter headings. 00:00 Introduction 01:12 Why did you choose an internal state versus many 'state buffers'? 02:10 Do you have plans to port shenzhen.io to Emacs? 02:29 Did this use WASM? 02:59 Why wasm rather than a more traditional Assembly dialect? It wouldn't be harder to implement, right? 05:08 Any next projects on your mind? 05:52 Does this work with any other paren-based editing packages? 06:46 What kind of tool could use this idea? 07:56 How did you go about designing the puzzles? 08:39 What are your favorite changes in the upcoming Emacs 29? 09:07 Are there tools to add more puzzles? If you're not sure how something is spelled, you can look at the list of questions asked during the Q&A sessions by going to the wiki page for the talk, or you can indicate it with `??`. You can e-mail this to and we'll update the page with the chapters. # Option B: Edit the wiki page Another way to add chapter markers is by editing the wiki page and adding markup like this (example from [[2021/info/native-schedule]]):
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="video-qanda" data="""
00:00 Thanks
01:16 Why is Elisp not a general-purpose programming language, at least not completely?
02:05 Is this activity related to the garbage collector?
02:37 Is the idea to eventually develop Emacs itself in Elisp?
03:42 How did you work on this?
Use the vidid from the help message. # Option C: Edit the VTT file Alternatively, you can edit the VTT file (Q&A: `--answers.vtt` if available) and add NOTE comments with the chapter headings before the subtitles that are part of that chapter. If you're using [subed](https://github.com/sachac/subed) to edit subtitles within Emacs, you can split the subtitle as needed with `M-.` (`subed-split-subtitle`) so that the subtitle starts with the question. You don't have to worry about getting the timestamps exact, as we can re-align them with `M-x subed-align`. Here's what that NOTE comment can look like: NOTE Why did you choose an internal state versus many 'state buffers'? 00:01:12.600 --> 00:01:16.039 Okay. So, the first question is why did you choose an internal state These can then be extracted with `emacsconf-subed-make-chapter-file-based-on-comments` from `emacsconf-subed.el` and included in our publishing workflow. # Reserving a task If you want to work on a task that might take you a while, you can reserve it by editing the page and setting the `help` template's `volunteer` attribute to `your-name date`, or by e-mailing . If you're not sure how to edit the wiki, you can e-mail your chapter notes to and we can add them for you. The following pages do not yet have chapter markers (usually for long Q&A sessions): [[!inline pages="tagged(help_with_chapter_markers) and !templates/*" archive="yes" limit="0" trail="yes"]] [[Check out other ways to help|help]]