[[!meta title="Contact information"]]

The EmacsConf community, including organizers, volunteers, and other
folks interested in EmacsConf and Emacs, communicate mainly via IRC
and mailing lists.

EmacsConf's official IRC channels are on the [Libera.Chat][libera]
network.  The main IRC channel is `#emacsconf`, and `#emacsconf-org`
is meant for discussing among EmacsConf organizers and/or discussions
pertaining to the organization of the conference.

EmacsConf's official mailing lists are hosted on the GNU Project's
lists server.  [emacsconf-discuss][emacsconf-discuss] is the main
EmacsConf mailing list, for general discussion and announcements about
the conference.  The public [emacsconf-org][emacsconf-org] list is
dedicated to discussions related to organizing the conference by the
EmacsConf organizers and volunteers.  There is also an
[emacsconf-org-private][emacsconf-org-private] list for discussion of
private matters with the EmacsConf organizers when need be, though the
list is rather low traffic, as almost all discussions about organizing
the conference are carried out publicly on the emacsconf-org list.

[libera]: https://libera.chat
[emacsconf-discuss]: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacsconf-discuss
[emacsconf-org]: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacsconf-org
[emacsconf-org-private]: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacsconf-org-private