## config ``` # -*- mode: perl -*- use utf8; # this file contains utf8 strings. do "$ENV{OMHOME}/omecp.pl"; $CookieName = 'ECwiki'; $SiteName = 'EmacsConf'; $HomePage = 'main'; $RCName = "recent_changes"; $FullUrl = 'https://emacsconf.org'; $ScriptName = "$FullUrl"; # $LogoUrl = '/s/emacsconf-logo1-64.png'; $StyleSheet = '/s/ecom.css'; $UploadAllowed = 1; #$SurgeProtectionTime = 10; #$SurgeProtectionViews = 50; # As we're now behind a caching proxy, the environment variable # REMOTE_ADDR is no longer what we want. We now want # HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} = $ENV{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR}; $HtmlHeaders .= '' . ''; $SmartTitlesBrowserTitle = '%s - %s - %s'; $SmartTitlesBrowserTitleWithoutSubtitle = '%s - %s'; $FooterNote = '

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.


'; $UrlProtocols .= "|data|xmpp"; @UserGotoBarPages = ($RCName); # $UserGotoBar = '2019'; $UserGotoBarPrev = 'EmacsConf'; sub GetGotoBar { my $id = shift; return $q->span({-class=>'gotobar bar'}, $UserGotoBarPrev, (map { GetPageLink($_) } @UserGotoBarPages), $UserGotoBar); } # Allow namespaces starting with a digit # From https://github.com/kensanata/oddmuse/issues/19#issuecomment-503984930 $InterSitePattern = '[\p{Uppercase}\d][\w_ ]*'; # Redefine these as well if you change $InterSitePattern since InitLinkPatterns is called before InitConfig! $InterLinkPattern = "($InterSitePattern:[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=!?#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/:;.,]*[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/])$QDelim"; $FreeInterLinkPattern = "($InterSitePattern:[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=!?#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/:;.,()' ]+)"; # Link to author page at the root namespace # From https://github.com/kensanata/oddmuse/issues/20#issuecomment-500402339 sub GetAuthorLink { my ($username, $host) = @_; $username = FreeToNormal($username); $username =~ s/^(?:$InterSitePattern:)?$FreeLinkPattern/$1/; my $name = NormalToFree($username); if (ValidId($username) ne '') { # ValidId() returns error string $username = ''; # Just pretend it isn't there. } if ($username) { local $ScriptName = $NamespacesRoot; return ScriptLink(UrlEncode($username), $name, 'author'); } return T('Anonymous') if $host eq 'Anonymous'; return ColorCode($host); } # Fix visiting Main:X if the page doesn't exist but namespace X does. # Redirect! # From https://github.com/kensanata/oddmuse/issues/19#issuecomment-513640039 push(@MyInitVariables, \&MyNamespacesFix); sub MyNamespacesFix { if (not GetParam('title', '') and GetParam('action', 'browse') eq 'browse') { my $id = FreeToNormal(GetId()); if (not $NamespaceCurrent and (not $IndexHash{$id} or OpenPage($id) and PageMarkedForDeletion()) and $Namespaces{$id}) { print GetRedirectPage("$id/", NormalToFree($id)); exit; } } }; @QuestionaskerQuestions = (['Please say HELLO.' => sub { shift =~ /^\s*(hello*|hewo*|hi*|h(i|e)ya*)!*\s*$/i }], ); # If enabling Markdown, to allow users to switch between Creole and Markdown # see https://oddmuse.org/wiki/Creole_or_Markdown $CommentsPrefix = 'comments_on_'; # Add 'Back to ' prefix to the link back to the article # with adaptation from https://oddmuse.org/wiki/Comments_on_Comment_Pages *MyOldGetFooterLinks = *GetFooterLinks; *GetFooterLinks = *MyNewGetFooterLinks; sub MyNewGetFooterLinks { my $html = MyOldGetFooterLinks(@_); my ($id, $rev) = @_; if ($id and $rev ne 'history' and $rev ne 'edit' and $CommentsPrefix) { if ($id =~ /^$CommentsPrefix(.*)/o) { my $from = NormalToFree($1); my $to = T('Back to ') . $from; $html =~ s/>$from$to! Colophon!; return $html; } # [[vid:addr]] rule for embedding videos push(@MyRules, \&VidRule); sub VidRule{ if (/\G\[\[vid:(\d+\/[a-z0-9-_\.]*)\]\]/cgi) { my $vid = $1; return qq{
Download}; } return; } # [[vidlink:addr]] rule for linking to videos push(@MyRules, \&VidLinkRule); sub VidLinkRule{ if (/\G\[\[vidlink:(\d+\/[a-z0-9-_\.]*)\|(.*)\]\]/cgi) { my ($vid, $cap) = ($1, $2); return qq{$cap}; } return; } ``` ## server.conf ```conf { hypnotoad => { listen => [''], workers => 10 } }; ``` ## server.pl ```perl #!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Alex Schroeder # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see . use Mojolicious::Lite; # This needs to be in a different section, sometimes? plugin CGI => { support_semicolon_in_query_string => 1, }; plugin CGI => { # route => '/wiki', route => '/', # We need this for older versions of Mojolicious::Plugin::CGI script => 'wiki.pl', run => \&OddMuse::DoWikiRequest, before => sub { no warnings; $OddMuse::RunCGI = 0; # The default data directory is determined by the environment variable # WikiDataDir and falls back to the following # $OddMuse::DataDir = '/tmp/oddmuse'; use warnings; require './build/wiki.pl' unless defined &OddMuse::DoWikiRequest; }, env => { "OMHOME" => "/home/omec" }, # path to where STDERR from cgi script goes errlog => ($ENV{WikiDataDir} || '/tmp/oddmuse') . "/wiki.log", }; #plugin SetUserGroup => {user => "omec", group => "omec"}; #get '/' => sub { # my $self = shift; # $self->redirect_to('/wiki'); #}; app->plugin('Config'); app->start; ``` ## ~/omecp.pl ```perl $AdminPass = 'redacted'; ```