[[!meta title="Captioning tips"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2021 Sacha Chua"]] Captions are great for making videos (especially technical ones!) easier to understand and search. If you see a talk at (no longer protected now that the conference is done) that you'd like to caption, feel free to download it and start working on it with your favourite subtitle editor. Let me know what you pick by e-mailing me at so that I can update the index and try to avoid duplication of work. We've been using to caption things as VTT or SRT in Emacs, often starting with autogenerated captions from YouTube (the .vtt or .srt file), but you're welcome to make captions using your favourite tool. We'll be posting VTT files so that they can be included by the HTML5 video player (demo: to load the srv2 file (also attached), and then use `my-caption-split` to split using the word timing data if possible. You can bind this to a keystroke with something like `M-x local-set-key M-' my-caption-split`. # Starting from a script Some talks don't have autogenerated captions because YouTube didn't produce any. Whenever the speaker has provided a script, you can use that as a starting point. I generally start by making a VTT file with one subtitle spanning the whole video, like this: ```text WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 -> 00:39:07.000 If the speaker provided a script, I usually put the script under this heading. ``` I move to the point to a good stopping point for a phrase, toggle playing with `M-SPC`, and then `M-.` (`subed-split-subtitle`) when the player reaches that point. If it's too fast, I use `M-j` to repeat the current subtitle. # Starting from scratch Sometimes there are no autogenerated captions and there's no script. Then I guess we just have to type it by hand. I generally start by making a VTT file with one subtitle spanning the whole video, like this: ```text WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 -> 00:39:07.000 ``` Then I start playback and type, using `M-.` (`subed-split-subtitle`) to split after I've typed a reasonable length for a subtitle. If it's too fast, I use `M-j` to repeat the current subtitle. Please let me know if you need any help! Sacha