[[!meta title="Writing academic papers in Org-Roam"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2024 Vincent Conus"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/papers-nav)" raw="yes"]] # Writing academic papers in Org-Roam Vincent Conus (he/him) - Pronunciation: vɪnsᵊnt koʊnᵊs, IRC: sunoc, Mastodon: @sunoc@social.linux.pizza, [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/papers-before)" raw="yes"]] Org-mode and more so org-roam are making for a fantastic note-taking system inside Emacs. Combining the note-taking of org-mode, the capability to export a note to LaTeX and PDF directly, the spectacular org-roam-bibtex package and the flexibility of the elisp configuration of Emacs, it become possible to use a org-roam note as the main document for write academic papers, even when exotic templates are provided. In this presentation, I want to talk about the way I am using org-roam to write LaTeX documents, the benefits of it but also the various pitfalls and difficulties encountered in this journey. The key benefits being: - The integration with other org-roam notes. - Bibliography integration and links directly to PDF. - Org-mode literate programming capabilities. - Direct export to PDF. The main challenges are: - Dealing with strangely formatted LaTeX templates. - Related, having to use other LaTeX compilers. - These two points can make citation of references, in particular, challenging. About the speaker: A PhD student in robotics at Nanzan University, Japan. I have been using Linux for around 10 years at that point, eventually moving many of my work and personal stuff to Emacs over the years, including academic writing. See also: [[!taglink CategoryOrgMode]] [[!taglink CategoryRoam]] # Discussion ## Questions and answers - Q: I'd be interested how to start this journey of writing academic papers in Org-Roam when not having used  Emacs Org-Mode yet? Thanks! - A: - Q: How about connecting Emacs Org-Roam to Zotero? Is that something you have experience with? - A: You could export your bibliography from Zotero to bibtex. - Tip: check out the Better Bibtex plugin and its handly \"Keep updated\" option - I do this selecting biblio.bib file in roam folder as target - Q: Out of curiosity, how do you manage your bibliography? Do you do it from inside Emacs, or using a separate program like Zotero? Because personally, I have struggled to do it from Emacs, although I have wanted to for sometime. I see, then I am just lazy and don\'t want to do it by hand -\_- - A: - Q: How do you start a new document? There are a lot of headers you have to setup! Do you use a template? I\'m curious if they use yasnippets to deal with all of those latex/org meta commands? (IRC: gringo) - A: At present, not using snippets (but considering).  Currently re-uses previous doc as template.  There\'s reconciling template received from the journal/publisher. - Q: What do you think of using citar with org-roam-bibtex? It seems that bibtex-completion is tied to org-roam-bibtex. - A: Has not explored citar. I am pretty sure org-roam-bibtex works with citar. - Q: Most academic journals insist that papers are formatted in their own custom LaTeX documentclass.  Does org-roam make it easy to do that? (jmd) - A: No.  Makes a custom org latex class, to the import the cls; then putting the template provided in the headers of the document, or as needed in the body block.  Then there\'s manual adaption.  When using LaTeX, you care much about the output of the document; each domain/field of research has its own flavour of expectations. - Q: Are you using zotra ([https://github.com/mpedramfar/zotra](https://github.com/mpedramfar/zotra){rel="noreferrer noopener"}) or org-ref ? - Q: How much of this is tied to org-roam specifically? - Not that much - Q: how do you convince your coauthors to use emacs? ## Notes - Presentation org notes formatted for org-present: [https://gitlab.com/sunoc/emacsconf-2024-presentation](https://gitlab.com/sunoc/emacsconf-2024-presentation){rel="noreferrer noopener"} - Thank you for this! I am using org to export my CV, and had to figure out a few of these things. Lots of new bits for me to explore. - Thanks, good presentation. - Those exports look awesome - I wonder how much LaTeX experience is wrapped up in that export process - The problem-solving aspect of tinkering with Emacs is a boon. - The reference management that Vincent demo\'d comes from org integration. You wouldn\'t have that functionality with bare LaTeX/Typst, etc.  - Org to typst converstion: [https://github.com/jmpunkt/ox-typst](https://github.com/jmpunkt/ox-typst){rel="noreferrer noopener"} - One way I\'ve seen to go about headers is having a template file: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qHloGTT8XE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qHloGTT8XE){rel="noreferrer noopener"} That you can import with a \"#+SETUPFILE:\" line - Maybe down the line we can make ties with LLMs to translate styles better. [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/papers-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/papers-nav)" raw="yes"]]