[[!meta title="Exploring shared philosophies in Julia and Emacs"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2024 Gabriele Bozzola"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/julia-nav)" raw="yes"]] # Exploring shared philosophies in Julia and Emacs Gabriele Bozzola (he/him/his) - GitHub: @sbozzolo Website: LinkedIn: gabrielebozzola [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/julia-before)" raw="yes"]] While seemingly disparate, the Julia programming language and Emacs share a surprising kinship. This talk delves into the common design principles and philosophies that unite these powerful tools, focusing on their shared emphasis on extensibility, customization, and interactive development. I'll explore how both Julia and Emacs empower users to tailor their experience through powerful metaprogramming and a rich ecosystem of extensions. I'll discuss the REPL-driven workflows that foster exploration and experimentation in both environments. Furthermore, I'll examine how their active and passionate communities drive innovation. [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/julia-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/julia-nav)" raw="yes"]]