[[!meta title="New in hyperdrive.el: quick install, peer graph, transclusion!"]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2024 Joseph Turner"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/hyperdrive-nav)" raw="yes"]] # New in hyperdrive.el: quick install, peer graph, transclusion! Joseph Turner - xmpp:discuss@conference.ushin.org (XMPP MUC for USHIN discussion), [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/hyperdrive-before)" raw="yes"]] [hyperdrive.el](https://ushin.org/hyperdrive/hyperdrive-manual.html) is an Emacs interface to [hyperdrive](https://docs.holepunch.to/building-blocks/hyperdrive), a mutable, versioned, peer-to-peer shared filesystem. Among other things, hyperdrive.el has these features: Share unlimited files of unlimited size; Explore file history with built-in versioning; Stream video and audio; No signup or account creation; Free as in Freedom! Since [last year's EmacsConf talk](https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/hyperdrive), `hyperdrive.el` grew some new features, including: - Easily install the gateway program with `M-x hyperdrive-install`. - Visualize your network of sources as a graph or a list. - Transclude snippets of hyperdrive files with [hyperdrive-org-transclusion](https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/hyperdrive-org-transclusion.html). This talk will show off these new `hyperdrive.el` features in action! Feel free to join our public XMPP chat room! - xmpp:discuss@conference.ushin.org ([Join anonymously from your browser](https://anonymous.cheogram.com/discuss@conference.ushin.org)) - \#\_bifrost\_discuss\_conference.ushin.org:aria-net.org (Matrix bridge) Bugs can be submitted to the [ushin issue tracker](https://todo.sr.ht/~ushin/ushin). Patches, comments or questions can be submitted to the [ushin public inbox](https://lists.sr.ht/~ushin/ushin). About the speaker: I'm Joseph Turner. I enjoy fiddle, Aikido, peer-to-peer networks, Emacs, and swimming in cold water. I work with [USHIN](https://ushin.org/), a tiny educational US nonprofit whose mission is to promote personal, community, and global health through free and open universal shared information for everybody. See also: [EmacsConf - 2023 - talks - hyperdrive.el: Peer-to-peer filesystem in Emacs](https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/hyperdrive/) # Discussion ## Questions and answers - Q: Hi there, thank you for your talk - I enjoyed watching it! I tried this tool last year, and it seemed to work well - but I don't know anyone who actually uses it. Network effects are tricky - do you know of any public shares people can join to try this tool out properly? Thank you! - A:  Yes, network effects are indeed tricky.  Hopefully, the peer graph can help with this.  That said, here are some hyperdrives I know of: - [https://ushin.org](https://ushin.org) - hyper://aaj45d88g4eenu76rpmwzjiabsof1w8u6fufq6oogyhjk1ubygxy/ - [https://blog.mauve.moe](https://blog.mauve.moe) - hyper://1m51x54k3fwbuec5z4edbathiq3aj6bew8b556ezrszizskogo3o/ - [https://hypha.coop](https://hypha.coop) - hyper://zdouwaei9kc5zbk93w5dakbr8maayupojthf3eafo16s4d5pbsry/ - Q:One usecase for this is sharing and building upon second brains/zettelkastens"denote or org-roam" but a blocker from me wanting to make one public is wanting to use a blocklist or whitelist so I can make them containing useful information for only my while also being useful with in a public sense - A: Rephrasing: how to keep the content of a Zettelkasten private, and only have parts of it be public? - If the desire is only to share certain files in the Zettelkasten, M-x hypedrive-mirror can do this - Can specify either a regexp that matches some of the files that get uploaded to a directory of files on a machine (and only those files will be shared) - It can also be a lambda, i.e. anything that can be formulated as a function - E.g., with Karl Voit's filetags (or Prot's Denote filenaming scheme), you could share only those files which are tagged as "public". - Q: idea: try hyperdrive to distribute WORG (and EmacsWiki) - A: Great idea! - Q: Could you comment on the "visualization" thing, (org visualization), and your experience with this type of content in buffers and the various possibilities (svg, etc.)? - A:  We submited a patch which was merged in Emacs 30 to make image maps (the "overlay" which makes images clickable and have hover-over help-echo descriptions) transform along with the image, e.g., if you zoom in on an image, the clickable map still matches the zoomed-in image. - A: In hyperdrive-sbb-view.el, we build a Graphviz string based on the peer relations data, then call out to the external graphviz process twice, once for the svg and once for the cmapx.  Then we build an image map based on the cmapx string.  We put the image and image map together and render it in a buffer.  I also adapted some code from image-mode.el to make the image resize whenever the buffer's window resizes.  For details, see [https://git.sr.ht/\~ushin/hyperdrive.el/tree/master/item/hyperdrive-sbb-view.el](https://git.sr.ht/~ushin/hyperdrive.el/tree/master/item/hyperdrive-sbb-view.el) - A: This approach is directly inspired by org-graph-view.el, by Adam Porter (github alphapapa). - Q:What is something surprising about how you or somebody else that you didn't expect from using the hyperdrive network? - A:  - Q: You mentioned streaming audio and video - could you confirm that this is in reference to consumption of media, and not broadcasting of it - right? - A: Since the network is peer-to-peer, audio and video is streamed between peers. ## Notes - The "sources, blockers, blocked" idea was influenced by: - Alex Cobleigh : [https://cblgh.org/trustnet](https://cblgh.org/trustnet) - the safe hyperdrive feature was designed in part based on org-safe-remote-resources. I'd be curious to hear thoughts on how something like this could be improved or generalized. - ooo nice graph - Perhaps a function which accepts buffer-file-name and returns non-nil if it's safe to call set-auto-mode - also, there was off list discussion related to CVE: untrusted-content - untrusted-content is a variable - we also discussed generalization of this idea with trusted/untrusted files to define them based on file location - in a way it is similar to code blocks inside Org files - not sure if all this is relevant to hyperdrive - It definitely could be. It could be useful to enumerate the different potentially dangerous interactions we could have with files. - (1) enabling a major mode (2) enabling file-local variables (3) including remote content (4) evaluating code blocks - You might want a file to automatically set major mode but not evaluate code blocks, so more granular control would be useful. - I think that allowing the user to set these safety settings based on buffer-file-name would benefit hyperdrive.el, eww, and any other remote protocol. - nice! - impressive! - idea: try hyperdrive to distribute WORG - better yet, those EmacsWiki "packages" that are getting rediscovered every decade or so, if they're not going to end up on a git host (as per its opinionated author's non-interest to do so if I'm not mistaken) - putting EmacsWiki on hyperdrive would be useful too! [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/hyperdrive-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/hyperdrive-nav)" raw="yes"]]