[[!meta title="Graph mode - A major mode to create, edit and display discrete element graphs."]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2024 John Darrington"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/graph-nav)" raw="yes"]] <!-- Initially generated with emacsconf-publish-talk-page and then left alone for manual editing --> <!-- You can manually edit this file to update the abstract, add links, etc. ---> # Graph mode - A major mode to create, edit and display discrete element graphs. John Darrington (he/him) - IRC: jmd, <mailto:john@cellform.com> [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/graph-before)" raw="yes"]] This project is a major mode to assist creation and editing of SVG images depicting discrete element graphs, optionally with presentational properties. The creation of such images may be of interest to engineers, pure mathematicians with an interest in graph theory, computer scientists, data administrators and others. The user specifies the topology and simple presentational attributes of the system and emacs takes care of the rest. Interaction is via conventional M-x interactive commands, or by keybindings/mouse movement. If desired, the SVG output may be edited using an external tool or by hand. Keeping the generated SVG readable and easy to edit is a design goal of the project. Example uses may include the creation of flow charts, entity-relationship diagrams, UML, block diagrams, and abstract graphs. This talk will demonstrate use of the mode, describe how it works, and discuss possible future direction. [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/graph-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2024/info/graph-nav)" raw="yes"]]