Total of USD 175.65 + tax, or USD 198.48 for 2024.
Thanks to people who donated through the [Working
Together]( program of the Free Software Foundation,
we are well-equipped to cover those costs for this
# Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following:
- Thank you to all the speakers, volunteers, and participants, and to all those other people in our lives who make it possible through time and support.
- Thanks to Leo Vivier and Corwin Brust for hosting the sessions, and to FlowyCoder for checking people in.
- Thanks to our proposal review volunteers James Howell, JC Helary, and others for helping with the early acceptance process.
- Thanks to our captioning volunteers: Mark Lewin, Rodrigo Morales, Anush, annona, and James Howell, and some speakers who captioned their own talks.
- Thanks to Leo Vivier for fiddling with the audio to get things nicely synced.
- Thanks to volunteers who kept the mailing lists free from spam.
- Thanks to Bhavin Gandhi, Christopher Howard, Joseph Turner, and screwlisp for quality-checking.
- Thanks to shoshin for the music.
- Thanks to Amin Bandali for help with infrastructure and communication.
- Thanks to Ry P for the server that we're using for OBS streaming and for processing videos.
- Thanks to the Free Software Foundation for Emacs itself, the mailing lists, the server, and handling donations on our behalf through the FSF Working Together program.
- Thanks to the many users and contributers and project teams that create all the awesome free software we use, especially: BigBlueButton, Etherpad, Icecast, OBS, TheLounge,, ffmpeg, OpenAI Whisper, WhisperX, the aeneas forced alignment tool, PsiTransfer, subed, and many, many other tools and services we used to prepare and host this years conference
- Thanks to everyone!
# Updates
If you would like to get updates and announcements, you can sign up at
Please keep an eye out for interesting things that
might be fun to present at next year's EmacsConf.
We'd love to get talks at all levels of experience
and about lots of different kinds of interests.
Previous speakers wrote:
- "I always got the feeling of being heard and
welcome in spite of the vast distances and
cultures separating us. This community always
feels like it is open to new members any time.
With regards to the conference process also, it
was a microcosm of the bigger community and
hence I got the same feeling. You didn't have to
be an expert or a person who's been using emacs
for a long time to talk about something useful
for the community. Even the struggles of a noob
may be useful for someone else in the
- "I can honestly say though that I had a great
time putting my talk together. I hope people
will have a good time listening to it. Now that
the work is over, I can say it was worth it. so
I recommend it warmly"
- "This has been an all-around fantastic
experience, both as a first-time attendee and
speaker. many thanks to the volunteers who make
emacsconf possible, and the other speakers for
their wonderful talks (many of which i'll be
reviewing now that i'm not so busy preparing)"
If you'd like to volunteer for EmacsConf, check
out to see if
anything resonates with you, and e-mail us at
. We'd love to have
you on board.
Hope to see you next year!
- Sacha Chua