[[!template id="chapters" vidid="mainVideo-transducers" data="""
00:00.000 Intro
00:41.520 What are transducers?
03:27.590 Common issues
05:47.280 Transducers
07:35.280 Using transducers
09:52.625 A more involved example with comp
11:49.333 In Emacs
14:29.469 Hash tables
14:58.040 Clarity
15:55.800 How do transducers work?
20:00.520 Transducers in the wild - CSV
26:03.240 Issues and next steps
"""]]Duration: 26:51 minutes
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="qanda-transducers" data="""
01:09.920 Q: When I tried comparing transducers.el to cl-lib and dash (benchmark-compiled), I got the following results
05:40.840 Q: Do you know of any theoretical texts on transducers?
07:04.720 Q: Did you think about [compiler features, macros] viz your cl, fennel, elisp, porting of your transducers?
08:16.579 Q: Does t-buffer-read provide a lazy stream that\'s linewise, or charwise, or do something else entirely?
09:09.424 Q: Can the Elisp library be combined with the stream.el API or seq in general?
11:47.543 Q: How does one debug a t-comp expression? Can you single step and see intermediate results of the different statements you declare?
14:42.495 Q: Is there a path for transducers to enable elisp processing of otherwise overly large datasets as if just normal Emacs \"buffers\" (i.e. just pulling one thing at a time so essentially stream-like under the hood but buffer-like in interface), with none of the usual perf issues with a traditional buffer structure?
16:51.200 Q: Is there an option to read a csv/json and produce an alist or plist instead of a hash table for an entry?
17:50.520 Q: Is the common lisp version ready for 'production' use? Is it complete enough and the API stable enough?
18:17.477 Q: Do we need a pre-written \"t-\" version for every already existing reducing function like + or is there a function to construct them from already defined reducer 2-arg functions?
20:26.320 Q: Is the compelling argument for transducers is that it's a better abstraction?