[[!template id="chapters" vidid="papers-mainVideo" data="""
00:00.000 Introduction
00:20.130 What?
01:21.377 Why?
02:16.215 Challenges
03:35.320 Basic Org to PDF
04:08.061 How to LaTeX properly, though?
04:32.304 LaTeX-specific headers
04:54.625 Using a formatting class file
05:31.395 Using a different LaTeX command
06:13.138 References links for bibliography
07:09.720 Examples
07:41.240 Tags
"""]]Duration: 10:07 minutes
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="papers-qanda" data="""
01:23.160 Q: I'd be interested how to start this journey of writing academic papers in Org-Roam when not having used Emacs Org-Mode yet? Thanks!
02:35.840 Q: How about connecting Emacs Org-Roam to Zotero? Is that something you have experience with?
02:55.600 Q: Out of curiosity, how do you manage your bibliography? Do you do it from inside Emacs, or using a separate program like Zotero?
06:22.600 Q: How do you start a new document?
07:41.720 Q: What do you think of using citar with org-roam-bibtex?
09:26.320 Q: Most academic journals insist that papers are formatted in their own custom LaTeX documentclass. Does org-roam make it easy to do that?
14:21.160 Q: Are you using zotra or org-ref?
14:45.120 Q: How much of this is tied to org-roam specifically?