[[!template id="chapters" vidid="mainVideo-literate" data="""
00:00.000 Introduction
01:35.253 Do I still literate?
03:06.332 Advantages
04:28.720 Disadvantages
05:24.133 Ease of typing
06:24.720 Keep tangled code sync'd
07:22.501 Code evaluation
08:19.960 Has that block been eval'd?
09:05.239 Evaluating code in a subtree
09:26.872 Evaluating code from a distance
10:26.020 Navigating by headers
11:26.794 Navigating by function names
13:40.480 Why literate programming?
14:23.166 LP prose isn't comments
14:55.800 Summary
"""]]Duration: 15:51 minutes
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="qanda-literate" data="""
02:07.400 Q: What's the largest code base you've ever tackled with the literate approach (esp. Emacs + Org-mode)?
03:58.080 Q: Have you ever used org-transclusion?
04:08.440 Q: What is your usage of dynamic blocks in such workflows?
04:48.840 Q: Is the minibuffer being deliberately hidden in this video?
05:17.341 Q: What's your take on Emacs+Org vs. Jupyter notebooks (for interactive programming)?
07:07.800 Q: Do you think any programming language is more suited to literate programming than another?
08:21.560 Q: Do you use inline org function calls and org babel library and such?
09:36.970 Q: How do you handle the cases where org markup may sometimes interfere with some of the code?
11:06.220 Q: You said at the start that literate didn't catch on in corporate DevOps - why not?
11:29.421 Q: Why not that full stack on Markdown?
12:22.120 Corwin's aside on orgvm
14:49.520 Org and Markdown fragmentation
16:17.920 Q: How does your management of "TODOs" (projects/tasks) interact with this literate mindset, any insightful things you do on that front?
17:30.630 Q: Do you LP also on larger projects?
18:38.936 Q: Have you used Cucumber/Gherkin/BDD and do you think it has a strong overlap to what you talked about here?
19:54.600 Q: What granularity are you looking for re your org files and contents, with respect to a codebase that it tangles to, or in non-coding contexts?