[[!template id="chapters" vidid="qanda-julia" data="""
00:00.089 Q: Do you have any suggestions for interactive debugging of Julia code in Emacs?
01:08.286 Q: Can you call out something that Julia has that Emacs does not, and which could benefit Emacs?
02:36.797 Q: Is there a way to use lisp syntax with Julia, like hy for python or lisp flavoured erlang?
03:51.168 Q: Have you tried the Julia Snail package for Emacs? It tries to be like SLY/SLIME for Common Lisp.
04:22.940 Q: Is there a data inspector for a Julia REPL available that you can use in Emacs?
05:24.443 Q: Have you tried literate programming Julia (using Org babel or some other means) in Emacs?