[[!toc ]] Format: 46-min talk ; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room Etherpad: Status: TO_CAPTION_QA # Talk
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="blee-mainVideo" data=""" 00:00.000 Introduction 05:17.550 Blee: A Bigger and Different Vision for Emacs 08:02.817 The ``Nature of Polyexistentials'' Book 15:49.850 Governance of Polyexistentials 20:04.600 Proper Governance of Manner-of-Existence of Software 26:00.083 Blee Overview 26:25.083 Bootstrapping: From Fresh Debian to Raw-BISOS and Raw-Blee 33:27.667 Some Blee Concepts 35:14.050 Blee Org Dynamic Blocks --- Everywhere 35:59.150 COMEEGA -- Collaborative Org-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship 37:51.850 Blee Panels: Active Org-Mode Universal Self-Documentation 38:12.233 Some BISOS and Blee Capability Bundles 41:04.950 Next Steps (2024) 42:54.267 Economics and Business Dimmensions of ByStar Digital Ecosystem 43:38.433 Pointers for Digging Deeper """]]
Duration: 45:30 minutes
# Q&A
[[!template id="chapters" vidid="blee-qanda" data=""" 05:33.280 Q: I'm from Brazil, which edition would you recommend? 07:07.080 Q: Thank you for this talk! How does your perspective interface with works such as Yanis Varoufakis' Technofeudalism? 08:21.980 Q: To what extent do you agree that the introduction of proprietary systems in education creates an environment for exploitation while at the same time diluting the learning value of the curriculum? 09:40.053 Q: As a specific example of how "ownership is not clean" ... 15:05.278 Q: Do you have any recommended reading materials designed for such an audience? """]]
Listen to just the audio:
Duration: 18:11 minutes
# Description