WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:24.199 Search in daily workflows 00:01:24.200 --> 00:03:58.232 Problems with editor search tools 00:03:58.233 --> 00:04:34.295 Information retrieval 00:04:34.296 --> 00:06:21.756 Search engine in Emacs: the index 00:06:21.757 --> 00:06:43.552 Search engine in Emacs: Ranking 00:06:43.553 --> 00:07:41.159 tf-idf: term-frequency x inverse-document-frequency 00:07:41.160 --> 00:08:41.199 BM25 00:08:41.200 --> 00:10:41.456 Searching with p-search 00:10:41.457 --> 00:16:06.770 Flight AF 447 00:16:06.771 --> 00:20:40.404 Modifying priors 00:20:40.405 --> 00:21:38.559 Importance 00:21:38.560 --> 00:22:42.240 Complement or inverse