WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:35.252 Introduction 00:01:35.253 --> 00:03:06.331 Do I still literate? 00:03:06.332 --> 00:04:28.719 Advantages 00:04:28.720 --> 00:05:24.132 Disadvantages 00:05:24.133 --> 00:06:24.719 Ease of typing 00:06:24.720 --> 00:07:22.500 Keep tangled code sync'd 00:07:22.501 --> 00:08:19.959 Code evaluation 00:08:19.960 --> 00:09:05.238 Has that block been eval'd? 00:09:05.239 --> 00:09:26.871 Evaluating code in a subtree 00:09:26.872 --> 00:10:26.019 Evaluating code from a distance 00:10:26.020 --> 00:11:26.793 Navigating by headers 00:11:26.794 --> 00:13:40.479 Navigating by function names 00:13:40.480 --> 00:14:23.165 Why literate programming? 00:14:23.166 --> 00:14:55.799 LP prose isn't comments 00:14:55.800 --> 00:15:51.240 Summary