WEBVTT 00:00:00.300 --> 00:01:33.849 Introduction 00:01:35.350 --> 00:01:46.474 What is a skill? 00:01:47.424 --> 00:02:09.890 Why should you learn a new skill? 00:02:11.040 --> 00:02:35.174 What skills should you learn? 00:02:35.974 --> 00:03:15.424 What stops you from learning new skills? 00:03:16.274 --> 00:04:40.374 Empty your teacup 00:04:40.424 --> 00:06:33.274 Getting Things Done 00:06:33.724 --> 00:07:32.740 Archive 00:07:33.290 --> 00:10:02.524 Multiple steps 00:10:02.874 --> 00:10:37.674 Multiple projects 00:10:37.874 --> 00:11:20.274 What if the project stops before completion? 00:11:20.974 --> 00:12:16.990 What if you successfully complete the project? 00:12:18.140 --> 00:12:53.519 What if the project is ongoing and doesn't really end? 00:12:54.320 --> 00:16:01.640 What if you forget to visit the TODO files? 00:16:02.740 --> 00:18:36.007 Planning for the future 00:18:36.957 --> 00:19:02.859 Summary 00:19:03.210 --> 00:19:36.650 References