[[!meta title="Programming with steno]] [[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2023 Daniel Alejandro Tapia"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2023/info/steno-nav)" raw="yes"]] <!-- Initially generated with emacsconf-publish-talk-page and then left alone for manual editing --> <!-- You can manually edit this file to update the abstract, add links, etc. ---> # Programming with steno Daniel Alejandro Tapia (I like "thou" for the second person and "ou" for the third) - I'm also on emacs.ch @SequentialDesign, <mailto:z111.513.321@gmail.com> [[!inline pages="internal(2023/info/steno-before)" raw="yes"]] Talk about what stenotypy is and give a brief history. Then onto the challenges of using stenotypy in Emacs and how I overcame them. Also talk about the advantages of using stenotypy in Emacs and in general. This talk uses two pieces of media under a Creative Commons license: - <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Demonstratie_met_een_stenotypemachine_Weeknummer_28-28_-_Open_Beelden_-_22262.ogv?useskin=vector> - (a short video) Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoAcHCTDXio> (a pic from this) - Nathan Olivares, Creative Commons Attribution # Discussion ## Questions and answers - Q:I found your screen dimensions and battlestation picture interesting. Do you have any place where I can read more about it? - A: - Q:I missed the first part of the talk. This is Excalamus. How do you handle 1-up and repeat type issues? Suppose you need to move 5 characters to the right. Do you make 5 separate "right arrow" strokes? - A: - Q: How did you get into stenotypy, and was that before/during/after you started programming and using Emacs? - A: - Q:I recently switched to using my homerow index finger keys as shift on hold. It feels very nice from an ergonomic perspective, but I'm having trouble with consistent shift inputs. Did you have similar experiences when starting to use double function keys? - A: ## Notes - So much good stuff here, thanks for sharing! +1 - I appreciate the large text on this one - What a fantastic presentation. - Yes, ou's doing a great job and setting a good pace - I have not gone that far with keyboard but I have been using Keymouse (keymouse.com) for a few years and it is killer one for Emacs :). - Other than Daniel and myself, anyone else in the Emacs community using steno? - I played with it but haven't had the time to practice. I have a Georgi and some Elisp to help with things like defining chords, looking things up, etc. - I'm on a Georgi now. So good. - what is a georgi? - <http://plover.stenoknight.com/2019/12/georgi-review.html> - It's a Stenoboard that's (sadly) no longer available :( - I set a metronome and did typey type for 10-15 minutes until I had the basic lessons complete at 90% accuracy and 70wpm. Not that I write that fast now... - If gpg can perform notarization then maybe Emacs can do legal transcriptions? [[!inline pages="internal(2023/info/steno-after)" raw="yes"]] [[!inline pages="internal(2023/info/steno-nav)" raw="yes"]]