#+todo: TODO(t) SOMEDAY STARTED INPROGRESS(i) WAITING(w) STANDBY(s) BLOCKED(b) | DONE(x) CANCELLED(c) #+OPTIONS: h:6 toc:nil num:nil ':t #+PROPERTY: header-args :results silent :exports code :tangle yes #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ../organizers-notebook.md #+PROPERTY: QUANTIFIED Emacs #+begin_export md [[!sidebar content=""]] This file is automatically exported from [/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org](/2022/organizers-notebook/index.org). You might prefer to navigate this as an Org file instead. To do so, [clone the wiki repository](https://emacsconf.org/edit/). #+end_export #+TOC: headlines 1 * Timeline Last year, these were the actual dates: - July 17: CFP sent - Sept 18: Original CFP deadline - Sept 30: CFP closed after extension - Oct 1: acceptances sent